Prepositions Flashcards
без - Genitive
‘thanks to’
благодаря - Dative
‘in’ in idiomatic expressions meaning become a member of group
в (во) - Nominative
‘into, to, in’ when movement is involved
в (во) - Accusative
‘in, at’ to define location where sth is situated or hapenning, in expressions of time
в (во) - Prepositional
in view of’
ввиду - Genitive
вдоль - Genitive
‘instead of’
вместо - Genitive
вне - Genitive
‘inside’ to indicate the position
внутри - Genitive
‘inside’ to indicate movement
внутрь - Genitive
возле - Genitive
вокруг - Genitive
вопреки - Dative
‘in front of’
впереди - Genitive
‘because of’
вследствие - Genitive
для - Genitive
‘up to, until, before’
до - Genitive
‘for’ in questions Что (это) за …..? and exclamations Что за … !
за - Nominative
behind or beyond’ when movement into a position is involved:
за - Accusative
behind, beyond
за - Instrumental
‘out of’
из - Genitive
‘out from behind, because of’
из-за - Genitive
‘out from under’
из-под - Genitive
‘towards, up to’
к (ко) - Dative
‘besides, except’
кроме - Genitive
‘between’ used with the genitive only in a few phrases: читать между строк, между двух огней
между - Genitive
между - Instrumental
мимо - Genitive
‘on to, on’ when movement is involved
на - Accusative
‘on, in, at’ to define location
на - Prepositional
‘over, above’
над (надо) - Instrumental
напротив - Genitive
‘about, as regards’
насчет - Genitive
‘against’ in the sense of in contact with
о (об) - Accusative
‘about, concerning’
о (об) - Prepositional
‘at the side of, near, around’
около - Genitive
‘from, away from’
от (ото) - Genitive
относительно - Genitive
‘in front of, before’
перед (передо) - Instrumental
‘along, round, by means (communication), on (days)’
по - Dative
‘up to a certain point in space or time
по - Accusative
‘after, following’
по - Prepositional
‘under’ when movement into a position is involved
под - Accusative
‘alongside of’
подле - Genitive
‘under, below’
под - Instrumental
‘like, similar to’
подобно - Dative
позади - Genitive
‘besides, apart from’
помимо - Genitive
после - Genitive
‘in the middle of’
посреди - Genitive
‘by means of’
посредством - Genitive
‘at the time of, in the presence of, while’
при - Prepositional
‘about, concerning’
про - Accusative
против - Genitive
‘by means of’
путём - Genitive путём I предл. (рд.; посредством) by means of, by dint of путём II нареч. разг. properly он никогда путём не поест — he never sits down to a square meal
‘for the sake of’
ради - Genitive
‘approximately, about’ with nouns denoting measurement
с - Accusative
‘from, off, since’
с - Genitive
с - Instrumental
‘on top of, over and above’
сверх - Genitive
‘over, more than’
свыше - Genitive
сквозь - Accusative
‘in accordance with’
согласно - Dative
среди - Genitive
‘near, at, at the house of (possession)’
у - Genitive
‘across, through, over’
через - Accusative