Prepositional Case Flashcards
в городе
in the city
на работе
at work
в школе
at school
в университете
at the university
на улице
on the street
в квартире
in the apartment
в магазине
in the store
на почте
at the post office
в театре
at the theater
в кино
at the movies
о работе
about work
в библиотеке
in the library
на станции
at the station
в больнице
in the hospital
в гостинице
at the hotel
на кухне
in the kitchen
в ресторане
at the restaurant
на вокзале
at the train station
в парке
in the park
о погоде
about the weather
в лесу
in the forest
на ферме
on the farm
на море
at the sea
в офисе
in the office
на выставке
at the exhibition
в музее
in the museum
на площади
in the square
на концерте
at the concert
в школе
in school
о здоровье
about health
в деревне
in the village
на стадионе
at the stadium
в банке
at the bank
на собрании
at the meeting
на курсе
in the course
на уроке
in the lesson
на полу
on the floor
на стене
on the wall
в комнате
in the room
на севере
in the north
в кафе
in the cafe
на юге
in the south
о книге
about the book
в центре города
in the city center
о планах
about plans
в офисе
at the office
в метро
in the subway
в школе
at school
на концерте
at the concert
в зиме
in winter
на стадионе
at the stadium