preposición (a) + infinitivo Flashcards
comenzar a
to begin to
arriesgarse a
to take a risk
dedicarse a
to devote to
disponerse a
to get ready to
obligar a
abligate to
oponerse a
to oppose to
pasar a
to pass to, to start to
acercarse a
to come closer to
acertar a
to happen to
animar (se) a
to finally decide to
apresurarse a
to hurry up to
correr a
to run to
echarse a
to begin to
empezar a
to begin to
ir a
to be going to
comprometerse a
to commit to
venir a
to come to
quedarse a
to stay
resignarse a
to resign
regresar a
to go back, to return to
resistirse a
to resist
regresar a
to go back, to return to
resistirse a
to resist
retirarse a
to retire, to leave
volver a
to ( verb) again
limitarse a
to limit to, to restrict to
invitar a
to invite to
negarse a
to refuse to
sentarse a
to sit down to
salir a
to go out
aspirar a
to aspire to
salir a
to go out
atreverse a
to dare to
ayudar a
to help
ponerse a
to start doing