preply 2/26 Flashcards
Do you like him?
Te cae bien?
to be liked
caer bien
Yes, I like him
Si, me cae bien.
Amables, educados
To Smile
many ways
muchas formas
to stay
to sign
Every, each
to divide
to try
to align
I am (permanent)
Yo soy
You are (permanent)
Tú eres
He/She is (permanent)
Él/Ella es
We are (permanent)
Nosotros somos
You all are (permanent)
Vosotros sois
They are (permanent)
Ellos/Ellas son
I was (permanent)
Yo fui
You were (permanent)
Tú fuiste
He/She was (permanent)
Él/Ella fue
We were (permanent)
Nosotros fuimos
You all were (permanent)
Vosotros fuisteis
They were (permanent)
Ellos/Ellas fueron
I will be (permanent)
Yo seré
You will be (permanent)
Tú serás
He/She will be (permanent)
Él/Ella será
We will be (permanent)
Nosotros seremos
You all will be (permanent)
Vosotros seréis
They will be (permanent)
Ellos/Ellas serán
I am (temporary)
Yo estoy
You are (temporary)
Tú estás
He/She is (temporary)
Él/Ella está
We are (temporary)
Nosotros estamos
You all are (temporary)
Vosotros estáis
They are (temporary)
Ellos/Ellas están
I was (temporary)
Yo estuve
You were (temporary)
Tú estuviste
He/She was (temporary)
Él/Ella estuvo
We were (temporary)
Nosotros estuvimos
You all were (temporary)
Vosotros estuvisteis
They were (temporary)
Ellos/Ellas estuvieron
I will be (temporary)
Yo estaré
You will be (temporary)
Tú estarás
He/She will be (temporary)
Él/Ella estará
We will be (temporary)
Nosotros estaremos
You all will be (temporary)
Vosotros estaréis
They will be (temporary)
Ellos/Ellas estarán
I have
Yo tengo
You have
Tú tienes
He/She has
Él/Ella tiene
We have
Nosotros tenemos
You all have
Vosotros tenéis
They have
Ellos/Ellas tienen
I had
Yo tuve
You had
Tú tuviste
He/She had
Él/Ella tuvo
We had
Nosotros tuvimos
You all had
Vosotros tuvisteis
They had
Ellos/Ellas tuvieron
I will have
Yo tendré
You will have
Tú tendrás
He/She will have
Él/Ella tendrá
We will have
Nosotros tendremos
You all will have
Vosotros tendréis
They will have
Ellos/Ellas tendrán
I do
Yo hago
You do
Tú haces
He/She does
Él/Ella hace
We do
Nosotros hacemos
You all do
Vosotros hacéis
They do
Ellos/Ellas hacen
I did
Yo hice
You did
Tú hiciste
He/She did
Él/Ella hizo
We did
Nosotros hicimos
You all did
Vosotros hicisteis
They did
Ellos/Ellas hicieron
I will do
Yo haré
You will do
Tú harás
He/She will do
Él/Ella hará
We will do
Nosotros haremos
You all will do
Vosotros haréis
They will do
Ellos/Ellas harán
I go
Yo voy
You go
Tú vas
He/She goes
Él/Ella va
We go
Nosotros vamos
You all go
Vosotros vais
They go
Ellos/Ellas van
I went
Yo fui
You went
Tú fuiste
He/She went
Él/Ella fue
We went
Nosotros fuimos
You all went
Vosotros fuisteis
They went
Ellos/Ellas fueron
I will go
Yo iré
You will go
Tú irás
He/She will go
Él/Ella irá
We will go
Nosotros iremos
You all will go
Vosotros iréis
They will go
Ellos/Ellas irán
I speak
Yo hablo
You speak
Tú hablas
He/She speaks
Él/Ella habla
We speak
Nosotros hablamos
You all speak
Vosotros habláis
They speak
Ellos/Ellas hablan
I spoke
Yo hablé
You spoke
Tú hablaste
He/She spoke
Él/Ella habló
We spoke
Nosotros hablamos
You all spoke
Vosotros hablasteis
They spoke
Ellos/Ellas hablaron
I will speak
Yo hablaré
You will speak
Tú hablarás
He/She will speak
Él/Ella hablará
We will speak
Nosotros hablaremos
You all will speak
Vosotros hablaréis
They will speak
Ellos/Ellas hablarán
I eat
Yo como
You eat
Tú comes
He/She eats
Él/Ella come
We eat
Nosotros comemos
You all eat
Vosotros coméis
They eat
Ellos/Ellas comen
I ate
Yo comí
You ate
Tú comiste
He/She ate
Él/Ella comió
We ate
Nosotros comimos
You all ate
Vosotros comisteis
They ate
Ellos/Ellas comieron
I will eat
Yo comeré
You will eat
Tú comerás
He/She will eat
Él/Ella comerá
We will eat
Nosotros comeremos
You all will eat
Vosotros comeréis
They will eat
Ellos/Ellas comerán
I live
Yo vivo
You live
Tú vives
He/She lives
Él/Ella vive
We live
Nosotros vivimos
You all live
Vosotros vivís
They live
Ellos/Ellas viven
I lived
Yo viví
You lived
Tú viviste
He/She lived
Él/Ella vivió
We lived
Nosotros vivimos
You all lived
Vosotros vivisteis
They lived
Ellos/Ellas vivieron
I will live
Yo viviré
You will live
Tú vivirás
He/She will live
Él/Ella vivirá
We will live
Nosotros viviremos
You all will live
Vosotros viviréis
They will live
Ellos/Ellas vivirán