Preparing and Cooking Poultry (Poultry, Steps in Slaughtering Chicken) Flashcards
One of the most popular food items all over the world is poultry, specifically chicken prepared in various ways according to ___, as dictated by the culture and history of a country.
National Preferences or Taste
The group domesticated fowls used as food. It includes chicken, turkey, duck, pigeon, and quails. (Birds that are hunted and used as foods are called “games”.)
The most consumed of all poultry. The most domesticated and easier to raise. Like meat, it is an excellent source of protein.
Chicken has ___, ___, and traces of fats, vitamins, and minerals.
22.6% protein, 76.3% water
One of the most profitable business just like livestock.
Poultry farming
Chicken consists of:
Dark Muscles and White Muscles
It is found in the parts which are always used. It includes legs, thighs, wings, neck, and ribcage. It is richer in fat, have more connective tissues, and have higher riboflavin and myoglobin content.
Dark Muscles
It is mainly found in the breast.
White Muscles
Why do most people prefer dark meat than white meat?
Dark meat is tastier and juicier.
Variety meats on the other hand include internal organs like:
gizzard, liver, kidney, heart
The first step in slaughtering chicken.
Slaughtering and bleeding
Why should the chicken starve one day before slaughtering?
To allow easier removal of entrails and improve the flavor and tenderness of the meat.
How is slaughtering performed at home and in the community process?
Slaughtering is performed by slitting the jugular vein in the chicken’s throat with a sharp knife.
The chicken lies on its side with its feet firmly pressed down.
The blood that flows from the vein is caught in a bowl for about 2 to 3 minutes.
How is slaughtering performed in factories selling dressed chicken?
The live chickens are shackled and electrically hanged on hooks with their feet bound.
A monorail moves the chicken as workers remove the feather on the part of the neck where the slit of the jugular vein is made.
The blood is caught on a large stainless receptacle immediately below the hanging chickens.
What is the second step in slaughtering chicken?