Prepare the Data (Get Data) Flashcards
What is a Flat file?
A flat file is a type of file that has only one data table and every row of data is in the same structure.
What are the most common type of flat files?
Comma-separated values (.csv) files, delimited text (.txt) files, and fixed width files.
Another type of file would be the output files from different applications, like Microsoft Excel workbooks (.xlsx).
What locations might you file your flat or Excel files?
Local - You can import data from a local file into Power BI. The file isn’t moved into Power BI, and a link doesn’t remain to it. Instead, a new dataset is created in Power BI, and data from the Excel file is loaded into it. Accordingly, changes to the original Excel file are not reflected in your Power BI dataset. You can use local data import for data that doesn’t change.
OneDrive for Business - You can pull data from OneDrive for Business into Power BI. This method is effective in keeping an Excel file and your dataset, reports, and dashboards in Power BI synchronized. Power BI connects regularly to your file on OneDrive. If any changes are found, your dataset, reports, and dashboards are automatically updated in Power BI.
OneDrive - Personal - You can use data from files on a personal OneDrive account, and get many of the same benefits that you would with OneDrive for Business. However, you’ll need to sign in with your personal OneDrive account, and select the Keep me signed in option. Check with your system administrator to determine whether this type of connection is allowed in your organization.
SharePoint - Team Sites - Saving your Power BI Desktop files to SharePoint Team Sites is similar to saving to OneDrive for Business. The main difference is how you connect to the file from Power BI. You can specify a URL or connect to the root folder.
How do you connect Power BI to data in a file?
In Power BI, on the Home tab, select Get data. In the list that displays, select the option that you require, such as Text/CSV or XML.
What options are available in Navigator after connecting data?
Transform and Load
What does the Load option in the navigator window do?
Load - Automatically load your data into a Power BI model in its current state.
Transform Data - Open your data in Microsoft Power Query, where you can perform actions such as deleting unnecessary rows or columns, grouping your data, removing errors, and many other data quality tasks.
What does the Transform option in the navigator window do?
Allows you to review and clean your data before loading it into the Power BI Model
Where can you change the data source settings in Power BI?
Data source settings on the home tab
Query Settings
Advanced Editor
How do you connect to data in a relational database
Use the Get data feature in Power BI Desktop and select the applicable option for your relational database.
For relational databases, after you’ve added your server and database names, you will be prompted to sign in with a username and password. What 3 sign-in options will you have?
Windows - Use your Windows account (Azure Active Directory credentials).
Database - Use your database credentials. For instance, SQL Server has its own sign-in and authentication system that is sometimes used. If the database administrator gave you a unique sign-in to the database, you might need to enter those credentials on the Database tab.
Microsoft account - Use your Microsoft account credentials. This option is often used for Azure services.
Select a sign-in option, enter your username and password, and then select Connect.
How do you Import data by writing an SQL query?
On the SQL Server database window, enter your server and database names, and then select the arrow next to Advanced options to expand this section and view your options. In the SQL statement box, write your query statement, and then select OK.
How do you change data source settings?
On the Home tab, select Transform data, and then select the Data source settings option. From the list of data sources that display, select the data source that you want to update. Then, you can right-click that data source to view the available update options or you can use the update option buttons on the lower left of the window. Select the update option that you need, change the settings as required, and then apply your changes.
Power Query - Select the table, and then select the Data source settings option on the Home ribbon. Alternatively, you can go to the Query Settings panel on the right side of the screen and select the settings icon next to Source (or double Select Source). In the window that displays, update the server and database details, and then select OK.
What does an SQL query start with?
a Select statement
What does the select statement do?
Allows you to choose the specific fields that you want to pull from your database
In the select statement, how do you specify where to get the fields from?
“FROM” specifies the name of the table that you want to pull the data from.
What is a wildcard character (*) in SLQ?
When used it imports all columns that you don’t need from the specified table.
Why is it recommended not to use the wildcard character?
This method is not recommended because it will lead to redundant data in your data model, which will cause performance issues and require additional steps to normalize your data for reporting.
What SLQ clause filters the rows to pick only filtered records that you want
The “WHERE” clause
What is a NoSQL database?
A NoSQL database (also referred to as non-SQL, not only SQL or non-relational) is a flexible type of database that does not use tables to store data.
How do you connect a NoSQL database to Power BI?
Use the Get data feature in Power BI Desktop & select the More option to locate and connect to the type of database that you use.
How do you import a JSON file?
JSON type records must be extracted and normalized before you can report on them, so you need to transform the data before loading it into Power BI Desktop.
How do you connect to data in an application?
By selecting the Get data feature in Power BI Desktop. Then, select the option that you need from the Online Services category. (Example: SharePoint Online List).
After you select the Online Services Category using the get data feature and are connected, what is required to log in?
You will enter the URL used to log in (the site URL)
After you have provided the site URL to connect and get data from an Online Service, how do you sign in?
Power BI needs to authorize the connection to the online service account (SharePoint), so sign in with your Microsoft account and then select Connect.
What is the most popular way to get data into Power BI?
The most popular way to use data in Power BI is to import it into a Power BI dataset.
What is Import mode?
The Import mode allows you to create a local Power BI copy of your datasets from your data source. You can use all Power BI service features with this storage mode, including Q&A and Quick Insights. Data refreshes can be scheduled or on-demand. Import mode is the default for creating new Power BI reports.
What is DirectQuery mode?
DirectQuery storage mode allows you to query the data in the data source directly and not import a copy into Power BI. DirectQuery is useful because it ensures you are always viewing the most recent version of the data.
What is Dual (Composite mode)?
Allows you to identify some data to be directly imported and other data that must be queried. Any table that is brought in to your report is a product of both Import and DirectQuery modes. Using the Dual mode allows Power BI to choose the most efficient form of data retrieval.
What modeling capabilities aren’t available with DirectQuery?
No built-in date hierarchy: When importing data, every date/datetime column will also have a built-in date hierarchy available by default. For example, if importing a table of sales orders including a column OrderDate, then upon using OrderDate in a visual, it will be possible to choose the appropriate level (year, month, day) to use. This built-in date hierarchy isn’t available when using DirectQuery. If there’s a Date table available in the underlying source, as is common in many data warehouses, then the DAX Time Intelligence functions can be used as normal.
Date/time support only to second accuracy: When using time columns in your dataset, Power BI only issues queries to the underlying source to a level of detail of seconds. Queries aren’t sent to the DirectQuery source for milliseconds. Remove this part of the times from your source columns.
Limitations in calculated columns: Calculated columns are limited to being intra-row, as in, they can only refer to values of other columns of the same table, without the use of any aggregate functions. Additionally, the DAX scalar functions, such as LEFT(), that are allowed, are limited to those functions that can be pushed to the underlying source. The functions vary depending upon the exact capabilities of the source. Functions that aren’t supported aren’t listed in autocomplete when authoring the DAX for a calculated column, and would result in an error if used.
No support for parent-child DAX functions: When in DirectQuery mode, it’s not possible to use the family of DAX PATH() functions that generally handle Parent-Child structures, such as chart of accounts, or employee hierarchies.
Calculated tables: You can use calculated tables in DirectQuery when using composite models.
Relationship filtering: For information about bi-directional filtering, see Bidirectional cross-filtering. This whitepaper presents examples in the context of SQL Server Analysis Services. The fundamental points apply equally to Power BI.
No Clustering: When using DirectQuery, it’s not possible to use the Clustering capability, to automatically find groups.
What REPORTING limitations are there when using DirectQuery?
Quick Insights isn’t supported: Power BI Quick Insights searches different subsets of your dataset while applying a set of sophisticated algorithms to discover potentially interesting insights. Given the need for very high-performance queries, this capability isn’t available on datasets using DirectQuery.
Using Explore in Excel will likely result in poorer performance: You can explore your data by using the Explore in Excel capability on a dataset. This approach allows Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to be created in Excel. While this capability is supported on datasets using DirectQuery, the performance is generally slower than creating visuals in Power BI, and therefore if the use of Excel is important for your scenarios, this fact should be accounted for in your decision to use DirectQuery.
Hierarchies are not shown in Excel: When connecting using DirectQuery from Excel to an Azure Analysis Services model or Power BI dataset, for example using Analyze in Excel, any hierarchies defined in the model or dataset are not shown.
Maximum length for text columns: The maximum length of the data in a text column for datasets using DirectQuery is 32,764 characters. Reporting on longer texts than that will result in an error.
Dashboards connected with DirectQuery can be scheduled to refresh how often?
By default, datasets refresh every hour but can be configured as part of dataset settings to be between weekly and every 15 minutes.
What is the time out that is applied to individual queries in the Power BI service?
A time-out of four minutes is applied. Queries taking longer than that will fail
What is Azure Analysis Services?
Azure Analysis Services is an Azure product that allows you to ingest data from multiple data sources, build relationships between the data, and creates calculations on the data.
How are the calculations built-in Azure Analysis Services?
The calculations are built using data analysis expressions (DAX). Azure Analysis Services is similar to the data modeling and storage technology in Power BI.
What are the Notable differences between Azure Analysis Services cubes and SQL Server?
Analysis Services cubes have calculations already in the cube, which will be discussed in more detail later.
If you don’t need an entire table, you can query the data directly. Instead of using Transact-SQL (T-SQL) to query the data, like you would in SQL Server, you can use multi-dimensional expressions (MDX) or data analysis expressions (DAX).
How is Azure Analysis Services cubes is similar to getting data from SQL Server?
You can:
Authenticate to the server.
Pick the cube you want to use.
Select which tables you need.
How do you connect to data in Azure Analysis Services ?
You use the Get data feature in Power BI Desktop.
What is Connect live?
Connect Live is a new option in Azure Analysis Services that helps you keep the data and DAX calculations in their original location, without having to import them all into Power BI.
How do refresh schedules work with Azure Analysis Services?
Azure Analysis Services can have a fast refresh schedule, which means that when data is refreshed in the service, Power BI reports will immediately be updated, without the need to initiate a Power BI refresh schedule.
This process can improve the timeliness of the data in your report.
What is Microsoft Dataverse?
Dataverse lets you securely store and manage data that’s used by business applications. Data within Dataverse is stored within a set of tables.
What does Dataverse include?
Dataverse includes a base set of standard tables that cover typical scenarios, but you can also create custom tables specific to your organization and populate them with data by using Power Query.
What tool is used to fix Performance issues?
The Performance Analyzer tool helps fix problems and streamline the process.
Performance Analyzer can help you identify visuals that are impacting the performance of your reports, and identify the reason for the impact.
How do you use the Performance Analyzer tool?
In Power BI Desktop select the View ribbon, and then select Performance Analyzer to display the Performance Analyzer pane.
Once selected, the Performance Analyzer is displayed in its own pane, to the right of the report canvas.
To have Performance Analyzer begin recording, simply select Start recording.
Any actions you take in the report are displayed and logged in the Performance Analyzer pane, in the order that the visual is loaded by Power BI.
After you’ve interacted with elements of the report you want to measure with Performance Analyzer, you can select the Stop button.
How do you clear out information in the Performance Analyzer?
To clear out the information in the Performance Analyzer pane, select Clear. All information is erased and is not saved when you select Clear.
What is Query Folding?
Query folding is the process by which the transformations and edits that you make in Power Query Editor are simultaneously tracked as native queries, or simple Select SQL statements, while you are actively making transformations.
What does query folding help with?
The query folding within Power Query Editor helps you increase the performance of your Power BI reports
What’s a good reason to implement Query Folding?
The reason for implementing this process is to ensure that these transformations can take place in the original data source server and do not overwhelm Power BI computing resources.
What are the benefits of query folding?
More efficiency in data refreshes and incremental refreshes. When you import data tables by using query folding, Power BI is better able to allocate resources and refresh the data faster because Power BI does not have to run through each transformation locally.
Automatic compatibility with DirectQuery and Dual storage modes. All DirectQuery and Dual storage mode data sources must have the back-end server processing abilities to create a direct connection, which means that query folding is an automatic capability that you can use. If all transformations can be reduced to a single Select statement, then query folding can occur.
How do you see if your query folding was completed?
In Power Query Editor, you go to the Query Settings pane and right-click the last applied and If the View Native Query option is available you can select it to see the native language.
If the View Native Query option is not available (not displayed in bold type), then query folding is not possible for this step, and you will have to work backward in the Applied Steps area until you reach the step in which View Native Query is available (displays in bold type). This process will reveal the native query that is used to transform the dataset.
What transformations are Native queries not possible for?
Adding an index column
Merging and appending columns of different tables with two different sources
Changing the data type of a column
What is an index column?
Created to show the number of a row in a query
What is a good guideline to remember for query folding?
If you can translate a transformation into a Select SQL statement, which includes operators and clauses such as GROUP BY, SORT BY, WHERE, UNION ALL, and JOIN, you can use query folding.
What other tool outside of Performance ANalyze helps you diagnose performance issues?
Query diagnostics
What is the benefit of using query diagnostics?
It allows you to determine what bottlenecks (if any) exist while loading and transforming your data, refreshing your data in Power Query, running SQL statements in Query Editor, and so on.
How do you access Query Diagnostics?
To access query diagnostics in Power Query Editor, go to Tools in the Home ribbon. When you are ready to begin transforming your data or making other edits in Power Query Editor, select Start Diagnostics on the Session Diagnostics tab. When you are finished, make sure that you select Stop Diagnostics.
What other ways can you optimize query performance in Power BI outside of Performance ANalyzer and Query Diagnostics?
Process as much data as possible in the original data source. Power Query and Power Query Editor allow you to process the data; however, the processing power that is required to complete this task might lower performance in other areas of your reports. Generally, a good practice is to process, as much as possible, in the native data source.
Use native SQL queries. When using DirectQuery for SQL databases, such as the case for our scenario, make sure that you are not pulling data from stored procedures or common table expressions (CTEs).
Separate date and time, if bound together. If any of your tables have columns that combine date and time, make sure that you separate them into distinct columns before importing them into Power BI. This approach will increase compression abilities.
What does the “Query timeout expired” import error mean?
Relational source systems often have many people who are concurrently using the same data in the same database. Some relational systems and their administrators seek to limit a user from monopolizing all hardware resources by setting a query timeout. These timeouts can be configured for any time span, from as little as five seconds to as much as 30 minutes or more.
What does the “Power BI Query Error: Timeout expired” import error mean and how can you resolve it?
This error indicates that you’ve pulled too much data according to your organization’s policies. Administrators incorporate this policy to avoid slowing down a different application or suite of applications that might also be using that database.
You can resolve this error by pulling fewer columns or rows from a single table.
What does the “We couldn’t find any data formatted as a table” import error mean?
This error is self-explanatory. Power BI expects to find data formatted as a table from Excel. The error event tells you the resolution. Perform the following steps to resolve the issue:
Open your Excel workbook, and highlight the data that you want to import.
Press the Ctrl-T keyboard shortcut. The first row will likely be your column headers.
Verify that the column headers reflect how you want to name your columns. Then, try to import data from Excel again. This time, it should work.
What does the “Could not find file” import error mean?
usually, this error is caused by the file moving locations or the permissions to the file changing. If the cause is the former, you need to find the file and change the source settings.
Why do you receive data type errors in Power BI?
This situation happens because of an error in interpreting the data type in Power BI.
The resolution to this error is unique to the data source.
For instance, if you are importing data from SQL Server and see blank columns, you could try to convert to the correct data type in the query.
What’s the purpose of parameters?
Serves as a way to easily store and manage a value that can be reused
What are dataflows?
Dataflows are stored in a centralized location (Power BI Service) and are useful when you want your power query queries to be used across your organizations. They can be used in multiple files.
How many rows does Power Query examine by default? How do you increase?
By default, Power Query examines the first 1000 rows of your data set. To change this, select the profiling status in the status bar and select Column profiling based on entire data set.
What does Column Distribution show?
# of distinct and unique values - distinct # referes to how many different values are in the column
-unique # referes to the values that occur only once
Distinct and unique values will be the same if all values are unique
What does Column Profile show?
Column statistics - Count, # of errors, # of empty, distinct, unique, min, max, average, even, odd
How does Power BI determine data anomalies in Power Query Editor?
Power Query Editor determines data anomalies by using the Column Distribution feature.
When would you want to null values?
Occasionally, you might find that your data sources contain null values. For example, a freight amount on a sales order might have a null value if it’s synonymous with zero. If the value stays null, the averages will not calculate correctly. One solution would be to change the nulls to zero, which will produce the more accurate freight average. In this instance, using the same steps that you followed previously will help you replace the null values with zero.
Why would you need to replace values?
If you have undesirable values
What two advanced options are there with replace values?
Match entire cell contents - if this option is checked, Power Query won’t’ replace values where the “replace with” value is only part of the value to find value
- IReplace using special characters - this is used to insert special character codes, such as carriage return or nonbreaking space, in the replace with or value to find box
What are null values considered as in Power Query?
Special characters
What is a shared data set?
A dataset that has already been prepared and publised to Power BI Service
What are the benefits of a shared dataset?
- Ensures consistent data across multiple reports
- You aren’t copying data needlessly
- You can create a copy of an existing report and modify it (this takes less effort than starting from scratch)
What are the 2 ways to promote headers?
Select the Use First Row as Headers option on the Home tab
Select the drop-down button next to Column1 and then selecting Use First Row as Headers.
What are the 2 ways to rename column headers?
Right-click the header, select Rename, edit the name, and then press Enter.
Alternatively, you can double-click the column header and overwrite the name with the correct name.
You can also work around this issue by removing (skipping) the first two rows and then renaming the columns to the correct name.
What are the 2 ways to remove columns?
The first method is to select the columns that you want to remove and then, on the Home tab, select Remove Columns.
Select the columns that you want to keep and then, on the Home tab, select Remove Columns > Remove Other Columns.
When is the Unpivot feature used the most?
When importing data from Excel
How do you use the Pivot Column feature?
Change rows into columns
If the data that you are shaping is flat (in other words, it has lot of detail but is not organized or grouped in any way), the lack of structure can complicate your ability to identify patterns in the data.
You can use the Pivot Column feature to convert your flat data into a table that contains an aggregate value for each unique value in a column. For example, you might want to use this feature to summarize data by using different math functions such as Count, Minimum, Maximum, Median, Average, or Sum.
When would you use unpivoting?
Change columns into rows
Unpivoting is a useful feature of Power BI. You can use this feature with data from any data source, but you would most often use it when importing data from Excel.
How do you remove top rows?
select Remove Rows > Remove Top Rows on the Home tab.
How do you connect a dataflow in Power BI?
In Power BI Desktop, you can connect to data created by Power Platform dataflows just like any other data source in Power BI Desktop. Select Power Platform > Dataflows.
How do you rename queries in Power Query Editor?
In Power Query Editor, in the Queries pane to the left of your data, select the query that you want to rename. Right-click the query and select Rename. Edit the current name or type a new name, and then press Enter.
You can also double click the query to rename it.
How do you replace values in power query editor?
Select the column that contains the value that you want to replace (Attribute in this case), and then select Replace Values on the Transform tab.
In the Value to Find box, enter the name of the value that you want to replace, and then in the Replace With box, enter the correct value name and then select OK.
In Power Query, you can’t select one cell and change one value, like you might have done in Excel.
Averages will not calculate correctly with what type of values in your data?
Null Values
What is one solution to removing null values from your data?
One solution would be to change the nulls to zero
How can you remove duplicates from a column?
You can achieve this action by selecting a column, right-clicking on the header of the column, and then selecting the Remove Duplicates option.
What is recommended to do before removing duplicates?
copying the table before removing the duplicates.
Copying the table before removing duplicates will give you a comparison of the tables and will let you use both tables, if needed.
What does Incorrect data types will prevent you from creating?
Certain calculations, deriving hierarchies, or creating proper relationships with other tables.
How do you change the column data type?
in Power Query Editor
in the Power BI Desktop Report view by using the column tools.
It is best to change the data type in the Power Query Editor before you load the data.
Another method is to select the data type icon next to the column header and then select the correct data type from the list.
Under what circumstances can you combine tables into a single table?
You can combine tables into a single table in the following circumstances:
- Too many tables exist, making it difficult to navigate an overly- complicated data model.
- Several tables have a similar role.
- A table has only a column or two that can fit into a different table. -You want to use several columns from different tables in a custom column
In what two ways can you combine tables?
Merge & append
What does append do?
Adds rows when you have the same columns
*column headers are the same)
What does merge do?
Adds columns when you have the same rows
What are the “join kinds” you can choose from when merging?
You can also choose how to join the two tables together, a process that is also similar to JOIN statements in SQL.
These join options include:
-Left Outer - Displays all rows from the first table (left) and only the matching rows from the second.
-Full Outer - Displays all rows from both tables.
-Inner - Displays the matched rows between the two tables.
What does the value distribution graph tell you?
The Value distribution graph tells you the counts for each distinct value in that specific column
What feature do you use to modify M Code?
Use Advanced Editor to modify M code
How can work with Power Query M Code?
- you can do more by writing M queries yourself
- M is case sensitive language
- you can view & edit full M queries in the advanced editor
- the query starts with “let” & ends with “in”
What does incremental refresh do?
When working with large datasets, it may be a good idea to implement incremental refresh which keeps the bulk of your data static and only refreshes the most recent data that has changed/.