Prepare of Supplies Flashcards
The surgeon has noticed accumulation of fluid in a wound and decides to place a simple drainage system with a reservoir. Which of the following drains are acceptable for this procedure
Hemovac, Jackson-Pratt
Hemovac and Jackson-Pratt are drains that are used when moderate amounts of fluid are expected
passive drains
Which of the following is an active drain that attaches to a suction device
Jackson Pratt drain is attached to a negative pressure suction device that actively draws out fluid.
what is a T-tube and A Malecot
passive drain that is place into the common bile duct
A Malecot is type pf urinary catheter
Which of the following drains will be activated manually?
Active drains, like the Jackson-Pratt, must be manually activated by connecting the drain to a collection device.
What type of drainage system is used for postop thoracic wounds?
Closed suction
closed suction drainage system is used when moderate amounts of fluid are expected after thoracic surgery (for example a Pleur-Evac)
Suction drains (e.g., Jackson-Pratt or Hemovac) and negative-pressure drains
Class 1 clean wound
Class II
wound is clean-contaminated including entering the GU tract or mouth
Class III
contaminated including a contaminated wound, major breaks in sterile technique, or open fractures.
Class IV
wound is dirty/ infected including perforated viscera or an incision and drainage of an abscess.
GIA Staplers
linear stapler that staples two parallel lines of staples in tissue that will be transected ( Cut across)
stapler cuts and places staples to join tissue together.
thoracoabdominal stapler
EEA, or end-to-end anastomosis stapler
requires one end of the stapling device to be placed through the rectum and into the lumen of the lower colon for anastomosis
two hollow structures being surgically joined
Which of the following stapling devices cuts and places one or more rows of staples to seal the tissue?
stapler cuts and places staples to join tissue together
A colorectal surgeon has resected part of the colon while the patient was in lithotomy position and now wants to perform an anastomosis from below. Which of the following stapling devices should the surgical technologist have available?
End-to-end anastomosis (EEA) staplers are used for anastomosis of the colon.
describes the procedure of two hollow structures being surgically joined.
Which of the following devices is used on bowel resections, considered an intraluminal stapler, creates an anastomosis, and is size specific?
stapler is an end-to-end-anastamosis stapler used in reanastamosis of the distal colon.
The Penrose drain is a passive drain**
used to remove fluid into a dressing by capillary action