Prep Questions Flashcards


Business man owns land– farmer takes over part of the land for 30 years and then gives part of land to son (deed to son not good). Businessman then tries to give land to friend.

Who has possession?



Adverse possession= Actual + exclusive + open and notorious + hostile + continuous
• Actual= must occupy the land
• Exclusive= not sharing with the true owner
• Open & Notorious= same kind of use that the owner would have
• Hostile= possession must be adverse
Continuous= must be continuous throughout the entire statutory period

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Woman borrows 100K from the bank (promissory note). Woman’s brother gave the bank a mortgage on his land as security for Woman’s loan. Woman defaults– can bank take brother’s land?



Mortgage is the transfer of interest in land and is a secures a promise to repay a loan.

Debtor and mortgagor can be different people.

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Company sells land to buyer– buyer doesn’t record deed. Company gets judgment entered against them by man. Buyer tries to sell land to developer. Developer does not complete contract.

Who will court rule for?


Court will rule for developer to complete contract bc buyer received the deed before the man filed judgment.

Judgment will only attach to land the defendant owns and previously sold land (recorded or not) is not included.

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1960: owner gave company an easement to install, inspet, repair, maintain and replace pipes. Company recorded deed.
2006: owner sells home to buyer. Company tells buyer of plans to replace pipes. Buyer says no.

What does the attorney tell buyer?


Attorney tells buyer they will not win because company is within their rights.

Owner can only sue for injunctive relief when acting outside of the easement.

Express easement– involves one plot of land and holder of the easement is allowed to reasonable use of the land so long as it is within the scope of the easement.

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Man took his deed to his farm to his attorney and told him to the give the deed to his nephew when he died but if he asked for it back, then the attorney needs to give him the deed back.

Nephew dies and leaves everything in his will to his daughter
Man dies and leaves everything to his son

Does the attorney give the deed to the nephew’s daughter?


No bc the man never placed the deed beyond his control

Death escrow= grantor can give deed to an agent to give to grantee when they die

Effect if (1) only condition is the grantor’s death + (2) the grantor does not retain the legal right to take the deed back out of escrow

They are gifts in place of wills

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Owner of left building wants to make it taller but owner of right building sues because it blocks the sunlight coming into their building (right building).

Should the Court grant the injunction?


No because owner of right building has no legal right to have sunshine.

landowners have rights to things above and below it but have NO RIGHTS to sunlight, fresh air or view.

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Map of 10 lot subdivision also included a unnumbered lot. Developer wanted to sell unnumbered lot.

Can developer sell lot?


No. Title is not marketable because the map leaves it uncertain if it is subject to the building restrictions.

Warranty of marketable title is implied in all land sales contracts
- Seller must provide marketable title to the buyer on closing date

Title is marketable if free of encumbrances

- Mortgages 
- Restrictions 
- Covenants 
- Easements
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Owner conveys land “to church for the purpose of erecting a church building”. Owner dies and leaves son as heir; owner’s will leaves everything to his friend. Church conveys land to developer.

Who owns land?


Developer owns the land

Owner created a fee simple with church in the land.

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Student rents from landlord. Student subleases to friend. Landlord says sublease is okay. Friend stops paying rent and landlord goes after student for remaining rent.

Why would the landlord lose?


If landlord loses that’s because there was a novation

Novation is an agreement that serves to substitute a new party for an original party to the contract.
Completely releases the substituted party but requires assent from all parties.

Attornment is when a landlord is being substituted by someone new.

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Man’s son hits woman and woman is in hospital. Father tells woman and doctor that he will pay for her expenses. Doctor stops treatment. Woman sues Doctor

What is doctor’s best defense?


Best defense: Man stopped paying.

If contract is materially breached– nonbreaching party can (1) treat the contract as if its no longer in effect (2) will have immediate right to the remedies

Third party is someone who has legal right to enforce a contract and this depends on the intent of the parties involved.

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Innkeeper and laundry service enter into a contract for $500 for “daily service”. Laundry service new that Innkeeper wanted service on Sunday but they refused– industry standard showed that Sunday was not included.

Who wins?



When parties to a contract disagree about the meaning of. term, extrinsic evidence may be used to interpret the term.

BUT if one party knows that the other party has a different meaning then the innocent party’s definition stands.

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Landowner and builder enter into 1 contract for 3 separate pieces of land. Building completes job 1 but says will not complete job 2 and 3. Landowner refused to pay.


Builder will win because the contract is divisible, but the landowner will be able to deduct any recoverable damages caused by the builder’s failure to complete the contract.

If a party performs part of the contract they are able to recover for the part they completed but they will still be subject to liability for part-performance.

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Landowner: “to church so long as used for religious reasons”. landowner dies with 1 heir; church demolished. Heir and attorney general sue for possession.

Who gets possession?



Fee simple determinable with possibility of reverter

once church stopped using the land the heir inherited the possibility of reverter.

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Cigarette smoker on the right side of the restaurant; non-smoker on the left. Non-smoker has reaction to smoke and sues smoker.

What question would not be asked by the Court?


“Was smoker’s conduct unreasonable?”

Conduct being reasonable for battery claim is IRRELEVANT

Need intent to cause harmful or offensive contact.

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Circus buys add on city owned bus; Animal rights org wants to buy ad space; Bus denies org ad. Org sues for violation of 1st amend.

Who wins?


Org wins because a public official can not refuse message in public forum on basis of content UNLESS serving compelling government interest.

Denial based on content is strict scrutiny.

Denial must serve compelling government interest.

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Landowner told photographer can not take photos on land.

Photographer climbed barbed wired fence.

Photographer sues- who wins?


Photographer does not win because the danger of the barbed wire was apparent.

Landowner did not conceal barbed wire and photographer took the risk.

Plaintiff denies recovery if assumed the risk.

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Defendant is arrested for bank robbery.

Defendant was not read Miranda rights but put in line up and told to say “give me all your money”.

Defendant says was in violation of privilege of self-incrimination.

how should the judge rule?


Not rule in favor of the Defendant because not testimonial.

Privilege against self-incrimination is only testimonial.

Can be compelled to make recording of voice.

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Husband and wife are die in plane crash.

Distribution of their will is based on who died first.

Witness says heard wife speak.

Is their testimony allowed?


Yes because relevant and not otherwise prohibited.

Evidence is relevant if (1) makes fact more or less probable AND (2) is of consequence in determining the action.

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accident victims complain of harassing phone calls from medical providers to legislature.

Legislature creates new law that medical providers can not call victims within 30 days.

What would be helpful for the state?


State has substantial interest in protecting privacy of victims and law is narrowly tailored to achieve their objectives.

Regulation of commercial speech is okay if:

  1. does it concern a lawful activity?
  2. serve substantial government interest
  3. directly advance that interest
  4. narrowly tailored to serve the substantial interest
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Senate released list of 3 citizens who were terrorists that were park rangers.

Congress statute says 3 people can not hold position in federal government.

What provision best challenges the statute?


the bill of attainder clause

Bill of attainder clause inflicts punishment without a judicial trial.

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Congress statute says people of certain race must have more strict airport security.

Best ground to challenge constitutionality?


the due process clause of the 5th amendment

discriminatory practice by fed = violation of due process clause of the 5th amend.

discriminatory practice by state= equal protection clause of the 14th amend.

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City council ordinance “any sign or visual display” must be black and white.

political party sued city council.

most useful argument for the political party?


The ordinance is not narrowly tailored to an important government interest and does not leave open alternative channels of communication.

Government can regulate speech depending on the forum

intermediate scrutiny review

  • content-neutral
  • narrowly tailored to serve important government interest
  • leaves open alternative forms of expression.
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Group of doctors want to open diagnostic center. Legislature creates law saying no. Doctors sue.

What action should the court take?


uphold the law because the legislature could rationally believe that the diagnostic center is less reliable.

Rational basis scrutiny is applied when there is no impairment of any foundational right.

Law is upheld if rationally related to legitimate government interest.

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owner “to my neighbor and his heirs as long as it is used for residential purpose but if it is ever used for anything other than residential purposes, to the American Red Cross”.

Owner dies leaving all real estate to his brother by will.

Neighbor tries to sell land to buyer and buyer says no.

Prayer for Specific Performance will be…


denied because the brother has a valid interest in the land.

An executory interest that follows a defeasible fee with no limit on when to vest violates RAP and is stricken.

RAP= must vest within 21 years plus a life in being.

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Woman purchased owner’s policy of title insurance for land. Title insurance company does not list county tax lien.

Woman conveys land by quitclaim deed to a friend. Friend liable for tax lien.

friend sues title insurance company.


Title insurance company will not pay claim because the friend is not a named insured on the title insurance policy.

Title insurance policy insures that good record of title of the property exists.

  • can be taken by owner or lender
  • if taken by lender only protects named party
  • does not run with land.
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Owner to Landlord- life estate

landlord leased land to tenant for 15 years.

Landlord dies and leaves everything to son. Tenant pays son rent for 11 years.

The court should hold that title in fee simple is in…


son because the the tenants occupation was attributable to the son and the landlord died 11 years ago.

Owner’s interest was transferred to landlord in life estate. Landlord died and rights go back to owner BUT son occupied land via tenant (was collecting rent) for 11 years.

Son takes possession of land in fee simple via adverse possession.

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Man writes to Friend saying will sell land to him for 20K so long as he has the money within 1 month. Man signs doc saying “will sell land for 20K”

Man gets offer for land for 40K and sells to 3rd party.

Friend sues.

What points are relevant to the decision in favor of the friend?


contruction of the contract as to the time of performance, ability to perform, and parol evidence rule.

SOF requires contract have signature of the party to be charged.

Parol evidence will allow outside evidence other than the signed doc to come in

Friends ability to perform in 1 month time

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Mom gives daughter quitclaim deed to the home.

Mom changes her mind and tells daughter to destroy the deed.

Daughter destroys the deed.

Who does the home belong to?


Daughter because the deed was merely evidence of there title and its destruction was insufficient to cause title to pass back to her mom.

transferring legal title in land = execution + delivery

execution= grantor signs the deed

delivery= proving intent to pass title EVEN if never physically give deed

Grantee can return the deed bye executing and delivering a new deed back to the grantor.

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Civil Trial: P introduced evidence that he gave D notice at their office in the city of Capitan.

P didnt offer proof that Capitan is the capital.

What is true about possible judicial notice of Captian being the Capital?


The court may take judicial notice even if the P doesnt request it.

Civil Cases: the judge can take judicial notice of something and instruct the jury to accept the fact

BUT if the fact is not up for dispute they can take judicial notice without either party asking.

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Man was charged with felony child abuse from beating woman’s daughter. Man was indicted.

Man and woman run away together. Woman comes back and is charged with accessory after the fact to child abuse.

The court should?


submit the case to the jury on an instruction to convict only if her purpose in moving was to prevent the mans conviction.

Accessory after the fact:

  • assists someone who committed a crime
  • after they committed the crime
  • and knows they committed the crime
  • with the intent to help them avoid punishment

REMEMBER: can be convicted even if the person wasnt convicted.

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Man is on trial for falsifying tax returns. State uses evidence to show the Man was involved in a similar case with someone else.

Is this evidence allowed?


Yes to show absence of mistake.

Rule 404(b) evidence of other crimes are not admissible to show character but can be used to show:

  • intent
  • motive
  • opportunity
  • preparation
  • plan
  • knowledge
  • identity
  • absence of mistake
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D was indicted for committing fraud. State called a witness who was involved in the criminal act.

Investor brings a civil action against D and wants to introduce witness’s testimony.

Can she?


Yes, because it is prior testimony of an unavailable declarant.

Former testimony is an exception to the hearsay rule (under oath + cross examination)


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P sues D for breach of contract. P calls expert witness. D cross examines and asks expert witness about him lying in divorce case.

Should the evidence be admitted?


Yes, because the evidence was elicited from the expert witness on cross-examination.

A witness may be interrogated during cross about any immoral or criminal act that can affect their character.
- act of misconduct is probative of truthfulness.

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D robbed a bank, P wants court to take notice of bank being federally insured.

D objects.

How does the court proceed?


The court must take notice and instruct the jury that it may accept the notice as fact.

Judicial notice- judge takes as true even with no evidence to prove.

  • party doesnt have to ask
  • party can be heard on if the court should take judicial notice
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P sues clothing store for injuries from when shopping at the store.

Store Clerk testified that P fell on their own and says they created an accident report.

Is the reported admitted?


No, because it is hearsay not within any exception.

Hearsay- out of court room statement used to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

Business exception= record of any act used in the regular course of business.

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Business sued D for not paying for their deliveries. D says they never received their deliveries.

Office manager says they are the keeper of the business records that show they did deliver the goods.

Can the office manager’s testimony be admitted?


No, because the records must be produces in order to prove their contents.

Best evidence rule “OG doc rule”= prove the writing, need the writing.
- don’t have the writing must show why and can testify to it.

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Witness on stand forgets who she said was in the room during the meeting.

Attorney offers their personal notes from pretrial hearing to client.

Is the court going to allow this??


Yes, because it is a proper attempt to refresh the witness’s recollection.

It is allowed that a witness can view any item (even if hearsay) to jog their memory.

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Store owner lived on top of gas station. refused to sell beer to a customer. customer drove car into gas pump.

Explosion, store owner died in fire.

If customer is charged of murder and arson should he be charged?


Yes, convicted of both.

murder= unlawful killing of another with malice aforethought.

arson= malicious burning of the dwelling of another.

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owner of warehouse tries to burn down his own warehouse. thinks he is committing arson.

Statute in that state says, arson= if intentionally burning someone elses’ property.

is the owner guilty of attempted arson?m


No, because even if his actions had every consequence he intended, they would not have constituted arson.


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P sues boss for sex discrimination. P was told by janitor that they heard the boss saying “make it hard for her”

Is P’s testimony admissible?


No, because the janitor’s statement is hearsay not within any exception.

hearsay= out of court statement used to prove the truth of the matter.

a statement made by an opposing party is NOT hearsay.

Since the janitor’s statement is hearsay– it cancels out the admission of the boss’s statement.

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Witness testifies that heard the defendant’s wife the night before say “you killed him”

The witness’s testimony is:


admissible as a report of an excited utterance.

hearsay= out of court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted.

Exception: excited utterance- when the statement related to a startling event or condition made

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Babysitter tells 11yo to go to neighbor’s house and steal tv.

Neighbor catches 11yo and calls cops.

How should the babysitter be charged?


Guilty of larceny by the use of an innocent child.

when someone else is used to commit the crime of another they are an innocent agent.

innocent agent= complete the act but not have the proper mens rea.

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P sued D for injuries from car accident.

D asks bystander to testify that they heard the dead witness say “that car doesnt have any lights on”.

The bystander’s testimony is:


admissible as a statement of present sense impression.

hearsay= out of court statement to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

exception: statement of present sense impression
- describing the condition as they were perceiving it.

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Cops had arrest warrant for woman. woman’s home was boarded up. Cops asked neighbor’s if the woman had been home, they said no. Cops forcibly entered and found illegal gun.

Woman wants to suppress the gun.


Court should suppress because the officers had no reason to believe that the woman was in the house.

Forced entry into a home with a valid search warrant IS ALLOWED IF BELIEVED that the person is inside.

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D was charged with robbery– teller and witness both died.

what kind of evidence may be admitted against D because does not vioalte the confrontation clause?


computerized records.

confrontation clause= hearsay not admitted when offererd against the accused, declarant is unavailable and the statement is testimonial. and the defendant had no chance to cross examine.

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Woman refuses to give Man the engagement ring back.

Man enters Woman’s home in the middle of the night to get the ring back.

Man charged with Burglary.

What is Man’s best defense?


He incorrectly and unreasonably believed that he was legally entitled to the ring.

Burglary= breaking and entering of the dwelling have been done at night with the intent to commit an underlying felony.

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Boss and employee get into fight– employee stabs boss. Employee charged with both assault and attempted murder.

employee wants to admit into evidence that he was intoxicated.

the evidence should:


be admitted without limitation

Common law: voluntary intoxication can be the basis for a defense to a specific intent crime if the intoxication negated the mens rea of the offense.

Assault: intent to commit a battery or the intent to create a reasonable apprehension of imminent bodily harm.

attempted murder: intent to kill another and took substantial steps toward the commission of the offense.

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Actor sues Company for breach of contract.

Company files MSJ along with affidavits and contract. Actor files opposing brief with allegations based on complaint.

Should the court grant MSJ?


Yes, because there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the company is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.

MSJ- the court may consider evidence beyond the pleadings to determine whether there is genuine dispute as to any material fact.

Actor did not refute the company’s facts stated in the MSJ.

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business man filed lawsuit against landscaper.

count 1: landscaper lied about their business and business man relied on their lies.

count 2: landscaper didnt lie but they do owe businessman money.

will court find business man’s complaint plead in good faith?


No, bc has inconsistent statements as to whether or not he relied on their statements and he must know which allegation is true.

- give notice
- when file pleadings- it is best to your knowledge
- not plead for improper purpose.

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Buyer contracts to buy car for 15K on a certain date. Contract states that time is of the essence.

Seller sells car to someone else for 18K before specified date.

if the buyer sues the seller will he win?


Yes, because the seller anticipatorily repudiated the contract when he sold the car to the 3rd party.

Anticipatorily repudiate: when a party makes it clear before performance that they do not intend on performing.
- can be express or implied

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farmer leases land from owner for 5 years with an option to purchase 5 acres of the land for 10K cash.

Farmer decides at 5th year that he wants to buy the 5 acres. Owner says no.

What is the owner’s best defense against the farmer?


the description of the property to be sold in the parties written agreement is to indefinite to permit the remedy sought.

a proposed agreement that has terms too vague form a contract is said to be void for indefiniteness.

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student (state a) filed a law suit against landlord (state b) in state a.

landlord said signature on the contract was not his.

case goes to trial.

what can the judge do?


depending on what other evidence there is, judge could grant a motion for judgment as a matter of law on behalf of the student.

JML= directed verdict

  • takes the case away from the jury
  • determines the outcome of the law


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Man owns Blackacre, signs contract with neighbor to sell land.

Man allows neighbor to park on land.

Neighbor wants to get out of contract and tells man doesnt want to move forward with agreement.

Man sues neighbor for specific performance. If man wins its because…


general contract rules regarding consideration apply to real estate contracts.

the exchange of two promises is valid consideration to create an enforceable contract.

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renowned architect signed a contract to design and supervise the building of. sculptors home.

Architect signs over job to a new architect. Sculptor sues Architect to complete performance.

Will the sculptor win?


No, because the architect-sculptor contract is one for personal services by the renowned architect.

Specific performance is not available remedy in a dispute involving a contract for personal services bc court must be able to enforce a remedy.

  • can be enforced on things
  • violation of the 13th amendment.
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Woman buys land from owner

deed says that the land is only to be used to build homes and the 10 acre tract of land is for a school to be built.

owner sells 10 acre tract and most of land to developer who wants to build mcdonalds.

if woman wins it will be because


the woman has an equitable servitude concerning the use of the tract.

equitable servitude= only enforceable in a deed if:
- intent for it to be enforced
- subsequent grantee had notice
- restriction touches and concerns the land

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Fisherman brought action against company.

Company files JMOL after Fisherman’s case in chief. Court denies JMOL.

Companies files Renewed JMOL and motion for a new trial. Court grants JMOL and conditionally granted a new trial to take effect after the court appeqls reverses the JMOL.

What may the court of appeals do?


reverse the court’s judgment as a matter of law and allow a new trial to proceed.

JMOL- if a party has been fully heard on an issue during a jury trial and the court finds that a jury would not have a sufficient basis to find for a party, the court may grant JMOL
- judge can also reserve JMOL and submit the case to the jury.
THEN the movant must file a RJMOL

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owner enters into contract with painter for $1k to complete job by end of the weekend.

Painter completes 1/2 of the job and the building burns down.

what is the outcome?


both contractual duties are discharged, but the painter can recover in quasi-contract from the owner.

if the existence of one thing is needed for the performance of a contractual obligation, the destruction of that thing discharges both parties
- any benefit under contract prior to the event can be recovered i restitution.

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owner conveyed blackacre “to my brother for life and remainder to my sister”

Bank had unpaid balance of 1k annual payment and 6% interest.

how should the burden of the unpaid balance be paid?


the sister must pay the principal balance and the brother must pay the interest.

life tenant: duty to not commit voluntary or permissive waste relevant to the property during life tenancy.

permissive waste= failure to pay taxes, pay interest, pay taxes

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Mechanic agreed in writing to repair a landscaper’s truck for $12k.

Mechanic refuses to deliver truck unless landscaper pays another $2K.

Landscaper needed truck bc had contracts to complete– says yes.

Can the mechanic enforce the landscaper’s promise to pay?


No, because the landscaper had no reasonable alternative but to yield to the mechanic’s wrongful threat.

if contract is unconscionable at the time created, court will refuse to enforce.

invalid contract if: in-equal bargaining power and terms are unfavorable to one party

REMEMBER: undue influence is based on the relationship between the parties- one exerts unfair pressure over the other.

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zookeeper filed a breach of contract suit against a seller in federal court, State A seeking 80K in damages.

Seller filed an answer and did not show up for trial.

zookeeper had evidence that showed damages in 200K

the court should enter a judgment for…


a judgment for the zookeeper for 200K

defendant can not fall into default if they responded to the pleading filed.

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city offered to pay 10k for anyone who figured out who was guilty of burning down the store the year before. they announced this via tv ad.

the store hired a detective.

city made their revocation of the contract known by radio.

detective went to collect earnings from city.

revocation could be effectively accomplished only by…


in the same manner as made or by a comparable medium and frequency of publicity.

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buyer and seller agree to sell land.

buyer agrees to pay 25K of seller’s debt and pay remaining amount to seller.

Before creditor becomes aware of the agreement, buyer and seller decide not to pay any amount to the creditor.

Creditor sues buyer for $25K. Best defense for the buyer


the seller agreed with the buyer not to pay any part of the purchase price to the creditor.

3rd party has standing to enforce a promise only if that party is an intended beneficiary.
- contracting parties have the power to modify or discharge

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Car owner sued manufacturer and the car dealer.

sued the manufacturer for negligent design of the exhaust system

sued the dealer for failure to fix ignition.

manufacturer and dealer move for dismissal or severance on the ground of misjoinder.

how should the court rule?


deny the motion to dismiss, sever the claims and determine if the court has subject matter jurisdiction over the severed suits.

joinder= can include multiple defendants if
- their claims arise from a single transaction/occurance
- question of law or fact common to all defendants.

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City ordinance had a 3 member zoning board. Minister was appointed to the board to rep local churches.

The board denied the opening of a night club.

night club sued the city

is the night club going to win?


Yes, because the requirement that the zoning board include a representative of the local council of churches violates the first and 14th amendments.

violation of Establishment clause to allow important, discretionary government powers, to be shared with religious institutions.

Establishment clause= government to pursue a course of neutrality toward religion.


  • secular purpose
  • primary effect doesnt advance religion
  • no excessive government entanglement with regilion.

REMEMBER: Rational basis test!!!

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state provides medical funds to its residents but if you have lived there less than a year they do not provide funding.

woman moves to state 2 months ago and is denied state funding.

will the woman win?


Yes because the law burdens the woman’s fundamental right to travel.

fundamental right to travel from state to state

  • to leave and enter another state
  • to be treated equally and enjoy the same privileges if become residents.

- tailored to promote a compelling interest.

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state: “can not park out of country made cars in any parking lots only side street”

what is the strongest argument to challenge the constitutionality of the statue?


the statute imposes an undue burden on foreign commerce

congress has the power to regulate foreign commerce

state regulate local aspect of commerce is invalid if:

  • discriminates against out of state parties to benefit local interests
  • unduly burdensome on commerce
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City requiring all rental properties to update property- more bathrooms, washer/dryer hookups, covered parking

owners say will affect their low-income property

who has the burden of persuasion?


the owners must demonstrate that there is no rational relationship between the ordinance and any legitimate state interest, because the ordinance regulates economic activity of a type normally presumed to be within the state regulatory authority


  • strict scrutiny= suspect class + fundamental rights
    • burden= state
  • intermediate = gender + legitimacy
    • burden= state
  • rational = everything else
    • burden= challenger
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P sued insurance comapny for the proceeds from his policy claiming that his boat was destroyed in an accidental fire.

the company says Plaintiff hired his friend to set the fire.

Friend while dying tells wife in front of nurse that he set the fire.

can the wife’s testimony be used over Plaintiff’s objection?


yes because it is a statement against interest

statement made by a person not available to testify may be admissible if it was against their interest.

statement against interest =

  • against: pecuniary, penal, proprietary interest
  • only made if they believed it it be true
  • they had reason to believe it was true
  • was aware that the statement was against their interest
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priest of a small cult killed a cat as a sacrifice for their religion.

Priest was arrested.

On appeal the conviction of the priest will probably be….


sustained on the grounds that sincere religious belief is not an adequate defense on these facts.

A statute that is neutral on religion and that is generally applied needs to only be RATIONALLY related to a legitimate government.

DOESNT MATTER IF impairs religious practice.

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state constitution: “the accused shall have the right to confront all witnesses face to face”

Man on trial for child abuse; child testified behind a 1 way glass.

Man is convicted and appeals saying violated US and state constitution.

State petitions the US Supreme Court

On which ground should the US Supreme Court DENY the state’s petition?


the decision of the state’s highest court was based on an adequate and independent state ground.

The US Supreme Court may not review a judgment by the highest court if that judgment is supported entirely by state law.

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Defendant on trial for burglary. During cross examination, prosecutor wants to ask about the Defendant’s earlier charge of falsifying a credit application.

why would the court refuse to to allow the examination?


The D was released from prison 12 years ago.

a prior conviction of a crime of dishonesty is proper impeachment UNLESS it is more than 10 years ago!

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Federal statute authorizes federal agency to issue rules requiring that state legislatures adopt laws of limited duration to reduce water pollution.

States sue for constitutionality.

Should the court uphold the statute?


No, because the federal government may not compel a state legislature to enact into state law a federally mandated regulatory program.

10th Amend= Fed gov CAN NOT force a state to take specific legislative actions.

Congress can ENCOURAGE state to pass certain laws BUT can NOT impose limitations or attach strings

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D has been charged with selling cocaine to an informant.

Coke is no longer available and informant wants to testify that it tasted like cocaine.

Informant has no formal training.

Should court allow testimony?


Yes, if the court determines that the informant has enough knowledge and experience to ID coke.

If the testimony is rationally related to the informant’s perception, helpful to determine a fact in issue and NOT based on technical knowledge but on sensory impressions.

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the witness says that she received a threatening phone call from the defendant

this is most likely to be admitted against the defendant if…..


the witness had given his unlisted number only to the defendant.

Statement made during a phone call may be authenticated if they testify that the speaker has knowledge of certain facts that only they would have.

Self-identification by the CALLER is insufficient

MUST be someone calls a number that they know belongs to them and they answer the phone saying itts them.

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P and D get into an accident in a contributory negligence jurisdiction.

At trial jury determines D was more at fault and had the last clear chance to avoid the accident. P was legally negligent.

Is the P likely to prevail?


Yes because the D had the last clear chance.


Contributory negligence— if P is 1% negligent then they will not win!!!

Doctrine of last clear chance— if D had a last clear chance they are liable for negligence

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D was on trial for assault. The jury was selected and when judge was in chambers discussing an evidentiary hearing with the attorneys he got a call his mom died and ruled it was a mistrial.

Case was in front of another judge the next day. D files for motion to dismiss for double jeopardy.

Will the D prevail?


Yes bc there was no manifest necessity for a mistrial.

5th amendment— can’t be tried 2x for the same offense. Jeopardy attaches at the empaneling and swearing in of a jury.

An exception if there is manifest necessity.
Manifest necessity is if there is a mistrial for a hung jury or misconduct of the D.

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Statute passes both houses of Congress and signed by the President allowing a fed org to create a monument and also pick the location.

statute: funds cant be used until both houses agree but no need for president approval.

Is this constitutional?


No, because the provision amounts to an unconstitutional legislative interference with an executive function.

Congress passes legislation to monitor federal org, this must be voted on by both houses and presented to the president for his approval.

Art 1= bicameral requirement that both houses must pass bill and presented to president

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the president has ordered all offices of federal executive agencies to be open only 4 days per week.

When congress enacted the statute they assumed the agencies would be open 5 days per week.

Is the president’s order constitutional?


Yes, because the order relates to the management of the executive branch and is not prohibited by any statute.

the president can direct federal executive agencies as long:

  • congress is silent
  • does not interfere with other branches
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Psychotherapists send mailings to people who were in car accidents saying PTSD is a possibility after their car accident.

NEW state law: psychologists can not send mailings to anyone in a car accident until 30 days after the accident.

is the law constitutional?


Yes bc the law protects the privacy of accident victims and the public regard for psychotherapy without being substantially more restrictive than necessary.

commercial speech= intermediate scrutiny

gov must show that the restriction directly advances an important government interest

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Man had sign on land: “no salesman. trespassers will be prosecuted. proceed at your own risk.”

Salesman saw the sign and continued to enter the driveway. explosive buried in the driveway and salesman was injured.

Can the seller recover damages from the homeowner for his injuries?


Yes, because the homeowner was responsible for the explosive charge under the driveway.

The homeowner is liable for battery:

  • committed the act by placing the explosives
  • caused harm to the salesman
  • contact does not need to be direct


  • an act by D that brings HARMFUL or OFFENSIVE contact
  • intent to bring harmful or offensive contact
    • only need to show that harmful or offensive contact
  • causation
    • just need to set the force in motion
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D was charged with assault and battery in a state that follows the “retreat” doctrine.

Man tells D “get out o here or I will break your nose”
D said “dont come any closer or I’ll hurt you”. Man tried to punch D and D sprayed pepper spray in Man’s face.

Should the D be convicted?


No because he had no obligation to retreat before resorting to nondeadly force

retreat doctrine: a non-aggressor may use deadly force ONLY after making a proper retreat.

  • no retreat if cant be done safely
  • no need to retreat if dont plan on using deadly force
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A patient with a broken leg extended straight in front of him was being pushed in a wheelchair by the nurse.

While the nurse was pushing the patient his leg was stuck in the door.

patient sued the hospital.

patient cant provide evident of wrongdoing by hospital- hospital moves for SJ

Should the court grant the motion?


no becasue a jury could find the hospital liable for negligence based on res ipsa loquitur.

Res ipsa loquitur:

  • inference of negligence
  • negligence attributable from the defendant
  • P is free from negligence
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14yo girl of low intelligence was driving her parents car.

she lost control of the car and hit someone crossing the street.

is the pedestrian likely to prevail?


Yes, because the girl was engaging in an adult activity.

children engaging in a dangerous activity undertaken by adults, will be held to the adult standard.

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Woman bought soda with a dead snail in it. Sued the store where she bought the soda.

Parties agreed that the snail was in the bottle before it got to the store.

Will the woman win against the store?


Yes, because the consumer was injured by a defective product sold to her by the store.

seller of a product with a manufacturing defect is strictly liable for the injuries caused by the defect.


  • commercial supplier
  • producing or selling a defective product
  • actual or proximate cause
  • damages
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D was charged with felony murder because of his involvement in a bank robbery.

Friend invited D to come with to rob the store. Friend asked D to drive the car and to wait outside. Friend killed store clerk.

Jurisdiction applies the death penalty to all felony murders.

the jury may convict the defendant of…


felony murder but not impose the death penalty.

Felony murder= a killing during the course of a violent felony.

if the killing is foreseeable from the illegal acts then the accomplice is convicted of felony murder.

8th amend= NO penalties that are disproportionate to the crime.

death penality can be imposed if did not kill BUT was involved in a MAJOR WAY

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Pedestrian walking across the street was hit by 81yo man.

Pedestrian has a rare bone disease and because of the disease broke her leg during the accident.

Should the pedestrian’s recovery include damages for a broken leg?


Yes, even though the exteent of the injury was not a foreseeable consequence of the impact.

eggshell-plaintiff rule= D is liable for damages the victim suffered even if because of rare disease/condition.


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cops got a tip that Rival weed farmer had killed and buried weed farmer in hillside 200 yards from Rivals home.

cops found weed farmer’s clothes, chased down rival weed farmer and rival weed farmer admitted to killing weed farmer.

if rival weed farmer moves to exclude the intro of the weed farmer’s clothing into evidence, the court should…..


deny the motion becasue the rival had no expectation of privacy in the fields around his house.

no reasonable expectation of privacy in objects held out to the public.

open fields doctrine= areas outside the curtilage are subject to entry and NOT protected by the 4th amendment.

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cop had a hunch that the driver was a drug dealer.

saw the drug dealer driving 3mph over the speed limit and stopped drug dealer.

Cop asked drug dealer and friend to get out of the car. When they did, saw a bag of weed in the car.

Man and friend at trial say that the cop had no right to pull them over or ask them to get out of the car.

Are they correct?


No as to both the stop of the car and the officer’s order that the passenger step out of the car.

if a cop has probable case to believe that a traffic law has been violated, they can stop the car– even if their motive is to check for another crime.

when the cop lawfully stopped a car, they can ask for the occupants to step out of the car.

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A man, brother and cousin are charged with conspiracy to steal from their neighbor

brother testifies that he suspected the man and cousin were going to steal so he went along with it but called the cops to alert them.

if the jury believes the brother, they should find him….


not guilty, because he did not intend to steal.

conspiracy= 2 parties enter into an agreement to commit a crime with the intent to achieve a crime.

REMEMBER: this is punishing the agreement– saying you changed your mind is not a defense.

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Pedestrian was crossing the street and was hit by 81yo driver whose drivers license expired 2 years ago.

the failure of the driver to have a valid licesense has which of the following effects?


it would not furnish a basis for liability

violation of a licensing suit does not constitute negligence per se

negligence per se=

  • law was broken
  • defendant violated that law
  • harm caused is the type of harm protected against
  • P was in the class of people protected by that law
  • the violation caused harm to P
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D built a garage on the P’s land and didnt know he was building on her land.

P sues D for trespass.

will P prevail?


Yes because the defendant knew where the garage was located whether or not he knew where the property line was.

trespass to land=

  • physical invasion
  • intent to bring physical invasion
  • causation


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Old man let reckless teen drive car.

teen hits driver.

jury finds in favor of the driver total of 100K.

driver sues old man and teen. jury finds teen 60%, old man 30% and driver 10% liable.

what is the max that the driver can get from the old man?



pure comparative negligence with joint and several liability=

  • P can recover all of damages after discounting their own negligence from either of the defendants
  • its D’s job to get the other D’s portion.

100K- 10%= 90K

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8 yo child was pushing cart in the grocery store. Woman gets hit in the knee by the kid pushing the cart.

woman sues the store

based on negligence, what is the store’s best defense?


a supervised child pushing a cart does not pose an unreasonable risk to other customers.

there is no affirmative duty to act to protect others from harm or to control the behavior of 3rd parties.

businesses owe their customers a limited duty top protect them from harm
- harm caused by other customers.

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Patient was under the care of a cardiologist for 3 years. Patient had elective surgery.

Patient had stroke, was in a coma caused by a blood clot,, entered vegetative state.

Family pulled plug.

Family sued surgeon. Family expert witness said it is common for patients with similar health history to have seen a cardiologist prior to the surgery.

in this lawsuit the family should….


not prevail, because there is no evidence that a cardiologist would have provided advice that would have changed the outcome if one had examined the patient before the operation.

medical malpractice (negligence) = P must prove the elements of:

  • duty
  • breach
  • causation
  • damages
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unmarried woman who is a prominant protester for the women’s movement announced publically that she was having a baby and not marrying the father.

The local news wrote an artiicle on the woman

article talked about her mother cheating on her father and her father not being her bio dad.

if the woman asserts a claim of invasion of privacy agaisnt the paper– the woman will….


not prevail because of her announcment concerning the birth of her own child.

defamation of a public figure: 
- actual malice by D 
- D knew: 
    - statement was false 
    - reckless disregard for the truth 

defamation of a private person:

  • was done by D
  • was about P
  • publication by D to 3rd person
  • damage to P’s rep
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Owner had property in fee simple.

Son executed warranty deed that said he was the proper owner to his girlfriend.

Girlfriend recorded deed.

THEN the owner gave warranty deed to son.

Then Son conveyed land to buyer. Buyer paid FMV for the land.

buyer and girlfriend contest the title. who should the judgment be for?


the girlfriend or the buyer depending on whether he girlfriend’s deed is deemed recorded in the buyer’s chain of title.

Doctrine of estoppel by deed:

  • if grantor tries to give title to land they DO NOT have rights to
  • giving the land to another brings into effect he benefit given to person 1


if person 1 properly recorded then he SBFP would have been put on notice.

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Man tells woman he will sell his car to her for 3K and will hold the offer open until March 14.

March 12, the man calls and tells the woman he sold the car to someone else.

March 14, woman finds out the man still owns the car. man told woman dont waste your time i am not selling the car.

If the woman sues the man for breach of contract, the woman will….


not succeed because on March 12, the man told her that he sold the car.

the offeror retains power to revoke an offer at any time prior to acceptance.

option contract: offerer must manifest an intent not to revoke he offer during the time stated and the promise must be supported by consideration.

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Insurance company files lawsuit against pharmacy for fraud.

Pharmacy moves to dismiss case because insurance company did not provide

  • pharmacy’s state of mind
  • particulars of fraudulent claims

should the court grant the motion to dismiss?


Yes, complaints of fraud must be pleaded with particularity and the insurance company has failed to meet this requirement


  • short and plain statement of the court’s jurisdiction
  • factual allegations
  • ID of the relief sought

special matters require more– fraud
- statement of the circumstances

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Jan 2: the woman and the builder enter into a contract to build the woman’s home.

home was to be completed by Oct 1.

liquidated damages clause: the builder will pay the owner $500 per day for each day they are late in building the home.

woman moves into home on Nov 1 and finds out the home was not completed until Oct 15.

If the woman sues the builder what will the court probably decide?


the woman will recover her actual damages, if any caused by the delay.

damages: put the non-breaching party in the position they would have been if the contract had been performed properly.

expectancy damages: 
- loss in the value
- any other loss 
- any other cost that the non-breaching party has avoided
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A car manufacturer that sold a car nationwide was sued by 2 different people– one was in federal court in State A and the other was filed in state B state court.

the parties in federal court reached a settlement and dismissed the case with prejudice.

manufacturer’s attorney moved to dismiss the state court action on the basis of claim preclusion.

should the court look to federal or state law to decide he effect of the judgmentt?


federal law, because the judgment was entered in federal court.

Once a final judgment on the merits the claimant is barred by claim preclusion (res judicata).

  • same parties
  • final judgment

IDEA: merged into the judgment

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buyer and seller go into contract for the sale of a house.

buyer gives 1K as earnest money.

buyer backs out of deal because she lost her job and asks for $1k back≥

should the buyer get the money back?


No because the seller’s actual losses exceeded the amount of the earnest money.

Liquidated damages= a reasonable amount of money (agreed on) that would be awarded to the seller if the breached.

real estate= earnest money paid before closing.

if the buyer breaches the seller may retain as liquidated damages

IF the deposit was so large then the court may deem it unreasonable.

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police are given information from an undercover copy with a description of the car and the people driving the car and are told they were seen selling weed.

cops search person of the driver, glove compartment and back of truck.

if the driver moves to suppress the use of the weed and cocaine found in the car what should the court do?


deny the motion as to both the weed and the coke

automobile exception to the the warrant requirement of the 4th amendment=

police may search a car if they have probable cause to believe that it contains instruments of a crime

they may search the entire car and containers that might contain the evidence

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farmer and painter contract for the painter tot paint 3 of the farmer’s barns for $2K each and the painter will be paid after all 3 barns have been painted.

the painter is demanding $4K paid after he paints the first 2 barns.

will the court rule in favor of the painter?


no because the farmer has no duty under the contract to pay anything to the painter until all 3 barns have been painted.

doctrine of constructive conditions

party’s contractual obligation is conditioned on the other party’s substantial performance.

if one party’s performance requires a period of time, that performance is due before the other party is obligated to perform unless the contract says otherwise

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FBI arrested woman in Mexico without an arrest warrant for involvement in a kidnapping.

FBI arrested (without a warrant) a woman in texas who was involved in the kidnapping.

the 2 women filed a motion to dismiss the case stating that their 4th amendment rights were violated.

should the court grant the motion?


No, they should deny the motion for both women.

an unlawful arrest is not a good reason to dismiss an indictment or criminal prosecution.

PROPER remedy= not including any evidence collected as a fruit of the unlawful arrest

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president wants to create a advisory committee for vaccinations that will be in charge of creating a nation wide campaign to encourage vaccination.

there is no statue that prohibits the president doig this AND congress has set aside funds for the president to use.

can the president constitutionally do this?


yes because this action is within the scope of executive authority vested in the president by the constitution and no federal statute prohibits it.

president can not make laws– he can only carry them out.

president power over US issues as the chief executive is unclear

if the president act where congress is silent, his actions will be upheld as long as long as they do not take over another branch’s power.

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an expert signed a contract with a builder to replace certain air-conditioning equipment atop of the builder’s building.

the contract had:

  • exculpatory clause= expert would not be liable for any physical damage
  • per-diem damages= if the expert did not complete performance by a certain date
  • time is of the essence
  • subsequent agreement for extra work under the contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.

expert tells builder that the is giving his contract to another expert.

if the builder refuses to accept the new expert’s services, which clause will best support the builder?


the exculpatory clause

a party who wishes to perform their duties delegates them.

the obligee (builder) mustt expressly agree to accept the delegate’s (expert 2) performance instead of the delegators (expert 1).

all contractual duties may be delegated BUT the following are not:

the other prty has a substantial interest in having his original promisor perform he acts required by contract

the contract involves special judgment

the delegatee is a competitor of the obligee or there is a special trust

there is a contractual restriction

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June 1: manufacturer of mens’ neckties received order “ ship 500 2 inch ties by july 1”

June 1: manufacturer shipped 500 3 inch ties

retailer responded “reject your shipment. order was for 2 inch ties”

manufacturer responded “will deliver proper ties before july 1” ties got to retailer on june 30

did the retailer properly reject ties tendered on june 30


no, because the manufacturer cured the june 1 defective delivery by his ender of conforming goods on June 30


if agreed time not past, if the other party acted in good faith and notified the other side of their intent can do so as long as within reasonable time!

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Pharmacist files lawsuit against hospital in federal court in state A.

jury awards pharmacist $2 million.

federal law: judge can offer the plaintiff choice between motion for remittitur or new trial if damages “shock the conscience”

state law: judge can offer motion for remittitur if “excessive”

which should the court do?


the hospital should submit both a motion for a new rial and in the alternative, a motion for remittiture on the ground that the jury’s damage award “shocks the conscience”


federal courts sitting in diversity must apply:
-substantive issues: state substantive law

-procedural issues–must apply federal rules

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baker’s bakery was set on fire. insurance company sent an employee out to evaluate the damage.

employee took photos and drafted a memo based on their opinion what happened in preparation of litigation

baker sued roofer for not properly securing his roof prior to the fire.

roofer asks for the work product from the insurance company

by what means, does the roofer have a right to obtain access to the photos and the memo?


only by court order

work product immunity can be overcome by the opposing party showing a substantial need for the materials and their equivalents not available any other way

the court could rule in favor of opposing counsel but would consider:

  • the cost of obtaining the info on their own
  • finances of opposing party
  • if they are looking for the transcript of witness statement and the witness’ importance
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landlord (state a) sues corporation (state b) in federal court in state b.

landlord demanded a jury trial under the 7th amendment and asked for the court for a writ of ejectment

corporation argues landlord not entitled to jury.

how should the judge rule?


the landlord is entitled to a jury because the 7th amendment applies only to suits at common law and this is a lawsuit at common law.

7th amendment= suits at common law, the right to a trial by jury shall be guaranteed.

FRCP= as provided by 7th amendment
- must file demand within 14 days after service of the last pleading directed to that issue

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business man rents out home to a scientist.

adds in lease agreement that the scientist can add whatever items are necessary and useful and she can remove them when she leaves.

scientist installed:
new windows
stove and oven 

businessman sells home to new owner.

scientist removes all of items.

court should decide that he scientist may remove….


all of the items

a fixture is chattel that has become affixed to the land that it has ceased being personal property.


an agreement between the landlord and the tenant is controlling and can determine if the fixture can be removed

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condo downtown has lots of young residents who party on the rooftop deck.

condo board imposes a strict curfew for the rooftop deck after complaints of the parties being disruptive.

what is the proper standard of review to determine the validity of the rule?


the regulation is valid if it is reasonably related to furthering a legitimate purpose of the association

PRIMARY TEST: is the regulation reasonably related to furthering a legitimate purpose of the association?

the community has the power to adopt rules to govern the use of the common and individually owned property to protect the common property

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woman filed case in state a federal court against the insurance company for proceeds for her husband’s death.

husband was last seen 5 years agao and they have not found his body.

state a law: the party seeking recovery has the burden of proof.

insurance company files MSJ and woman files affidavit saying “i think my husband is dead”

how should the court decide the MSJ”?


grant the motion because the woman’s affidavit is not made with personal knowledge.

MSJ may be granted if there is no dispute of material fact.

affidavits must:
be based on personal knowledge

provides facts that would be admissible at trial

show that person signing can testify

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March 31: seller and buyer entered a contract

buyer pay 1/2
seller deliver 1/2 on may 31
buyer pay 1/2 june 15
seller deliver 1/2 june 30

may 10 seller says “not sure if i can perform”

may 15: seller “yes i can perform”

may 31: buyer pays
seller does not deliver first 1/2
june 10: seller says “cant do it”

what rights does the buyer have right after receipt of the seller’s notice on may 10?


the buyer has no cause of action for breach of contract but can suspect its performance and demand assurances that the seller will perform.

repudiation may be treated as total breach


statement must be clear that will not perform– CAN NOT BE suggestion

if buyer is worried then send writing for confirmation if seller doesnt respond then breach

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landowner held 500 acres in fee simple

2010 the owner platted and obtained all required governmental approvals of 2 subdivisions of 200 acres.

Royal Center was constructed according to plan to be commercial area

Royal Oaks was constructed to be a residential subdivision.

owner wants to open remaining 100 acres and wants restrictions to be similar to Royal Oaks

how can the landowner be successful in doing this?


any chance depends upon the 100 acres being considered by the courts as part of a common development scheme which also includes the 200 acres of Royal Oaks

equitable servitude: 
deed only enforceable when can establish-- 
touches and concerns the land 

for an equitable servitude o bind an ENIRE subdivision, it must be found in the common building plan
- if it is then all owners are bound by the restrictions

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victim hired attorney to sue driver who him them during a car accident

attorney drafted contract that they would pay for a doctor out of the victim’s damages from the lawsuit.

victim went to doctor for treatment.

victim got award and didnt pay doctor.

if doctor sues victim, the doctor’s best theory of recovery is….


the doctor had a claim based on implied-in-fact contract with the victim

implied in fact contract is a type of enforceable contract based on a tacit promise


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Federal Family Film Enhancement Act applies a 10% tax on the tickets to movies with sex scenes.

what is the strongest argument against this act?


the act imposes a tax solely on the basis of the content of speech without adequate justification and therefore it is prohibited by the Freedom of Speech Clause of the 1st amendment


Obscenity= depiction of sexual conduct that a reasonable person would

  • think appeals to the excessive interest in sex
  • protrays sex in an offensive way
  • no serious literary, artistic political or scientific value
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real estate company wrote a restriction in he deed:
ownership and occupancy restricted to people 21yrs and older, one family per lot”

man lives on his lot with his wife and 2 kids (under 21).

neighbors bring action against the man.

if judgment is entered for the man, the issue that most likely will determine the case will be whether….


enforcement of the restriction is considered a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment of the US constitution.

Equal protection clause will apply to private conduct if the government facilitates unconstitutional activity

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D is on trial for obstructing justice by concealing records.

Government calls attorney to testify that D asked him how to comply with regulations regarding the transfer of records to a safe deposit box.

the testimony of the attorney is….


not privileged, whether or not the attorney knew of the concededly illegal purpose for which the advice was sought.

when a client seeks his attorney’s advice in a plan to commit a crime, the attorney-client privilege does not exist (even if the attorney knew of the crime)

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state statue: state records of arrest of all people acquited of a crime are to be sealed.

paper said violated their rights to access records.

what argument is the most helpful for the state?


the fact that the statute only prohibits public access tot these official state records and does not prohibiti the pubicatiton of informaion they contain that is in the possession of private persons

there is no 1st amendment right of access to records kept by the executive branch.

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psychiatrist does not diagnose patient’s suicidal state.

patient kills himself.

dad finds out and has a stroke.

dad sues psychiatrist for sever emotional distress.

will the father win?


no because the psychiatrist’s professional duty did not extend to the harms suffered by the patient’s father.

negligent infliction of emotional distress=
close relationship
there at the time of the injury
saw the injury

doctor or social worker must inform 3rd party if patient is a threat to the 3rd party.

BUT if concern of patient causing self-harm then no duty to warn a 3rd person

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actress was hit by defendant.

actress’s injury caused her show to cancel and for supporting actor to lose their job.

supporting actor sued defendant to recover for his loss of income.

will the actor win?


no because he defendant’s liability does not extend to economic loss to the supporting actor that arises solely from physical harm to the lead actress.

pure economic loss may not be recovered by a 3rd party

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woman was walking down the sidewalk and was hit by timber.

the man was having a repairman fix his roof.

repairman is an indepedent contractor and the law states that a homeowneer is liable to keep their sidewalks safe for passerbys

will the woman win against the man?


Yes, because the repairmans act was a breach of a nondelegable duty owed by the homeowner to the pedestrian.

vicarious liability= the act of one person can be imputed onto another because of their special relationship

EXCEPT: if there is an independent contractor engaged in dangerous activity and when there is a nondelegable duty

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woman drove in drive-through lane at a fast food restaurant.

tells teller “there is a snipper across the street, give me everything in our register or hell shoot”

what crime can the woman be charged of


robbery or larceny

the taking
without consent
intent to permanently deprive

robbery =
the wrongful taking
of another’s property
intent to permanently deprive

robbery= assault + larceny and requires force or threat

larceny is a lesser offense of robbery

a D can not be convicted of both a target crime and a lesser-included crime.

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supervising manager of a mill was giving all responsibility to hire employees.

labor laws in the jurisdiction : it is illegal to hire people under 17 to work full time.

supervising manager hired 3 people who are 15-16 yo.

if the statute is interpreted to create strict liability and the supervising manage is charged with violating it he will be found…..


guilty because he hired he children.

strict liability= NO MENSREA requirement in order to be found guilty of the offense

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a woman and a sister were found in the airport with coke sewed into their luggage.

the woman when arrested told the cop that she told her sister that “she knew there were too many cops in the airport”

at trial, the attorney files a motion for acquittal on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

should the court grant the motion:?


No, because the evidence shows that both the woman and her sister agreed to import cocaine.


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Entrepreneur from state A decided to sell hot sauce calling it “Best Hot Sauce”.

Company incorporated in State B and headquartered in State C sued Entrepreneur in federal court in State C.

Complaint: 50K in damages for infringement on company’s federal trademark.

Entrepreneur filed answer denying the allegations and 6 months later moved to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.

Should the court grant the motion?


No because the company’s claim arises under federal law.

subject matter jurisdiction= the court’s ability to hear certain types of cases

the claim asserted was for federal trademark infringement and arises under federal law

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Bakery offered chef a permanent full-time job as a pastry chef. chef agreed to take the position and agreed to start work in the next 2 weeks.

chef was offered a job at a hotel. chef accepted and began to work at the hotel. Chef notified the bakery that she would not be working at the bakery.

is the bakery likely to prevail against the chef?


No because a contract for permanent employment would be interpreted to mean the chef could leave at any time.

employment at will= employment may be terminated at any time for any reason by either party.

this is NOT a breach of contract

permanent position= employment at will

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costumers who used a gasoline credit card filed a class action lawsuit against the company alleging they masked the wrong numbers on the card and were in violation of a federal act.

district certified its order that the controlling matter involved the proper interpretation of the federal act.

stated: issue is complex and novel not yet settled by controlling authority, immediate appellate review would advance the termination of the case.

company filed interlocutory appeal.

is the court of appeals likely to accept?


Yes, because the district court properly applied the statutory requirements for an interlocutory appeal, the court may accept the case.

interlocutory appeal=

trial judge certifies the order involves a controlling question of law

  • difference of opinion
  • immediate appeal may advance termination of case

the court of appeals agrees

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lender said that the borrower owed him 6K. the borrower denied that he did. tired of arguing over the money, the borrower promised to pay 5K in order to settle.

if the lender sues the borrower, what is the best defense for the borrower?


although the lender knew that the debt was not owed the borrower honestly was in doubt that it was owed.

unilateral modifications of contractual obligations lack consideration under the pre-existing duty rule and therefore may be unenforceable.

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a landholder entered into a contract with a logger in order for the logger to have timber rights to his land.

if the logger is sued for breach of contract by the landholder’s next-door neighbor whose view of a nearby lake is obscured by the timber, the neighbor will probably…


lose, as only an incidental benefeciary, if any of the logger-landholder contract.

3rd party must have standing.

if a party is an intended beneficiary (the parties entered into the contract knowing that the 3rd party would benefit) then they would have standing.

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owner of land in fee simple absolute gave land to church

” to church for the life of my son and from and after the death of my son to all of my grandchildren and their heirs and assigns in equal shares; provided the church shall use the premises for church purposes only”

2005: church gave neighbor rights to remove sand from land

grandchildren sue church seeking damages for the removal of the sand.

what is the outcome?


the church and the neighbor enjoined, and damages should be recovered but impounded for future distribution.

a life tenant has the duty to not commit waste during their life tenancy.

life tenant is held liable to the remainder men for any waste.

voluntary waste= damage to the land 
permissive waste= 
- keep property in repair
- pay taxes
-pay interest
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blackacre is owned by a religious group. they created a building where the residents reside.

a business woman granted the religious group an easement giving the religious group access to a public way– granted by deed.

the relgious group then built a nursing home. on sundays it would get packed and visitors would then park on the easement.

the business woman put a barrier across the driveway preventing visitors.

the businesswoman sued the religious group.

what is the result?


the religious group wins, because expanded use of the easement does not terminate the easement.

if the holder of the easement misuses the easement by excessive use, the owner’s proper remedy would be an injunction against further misuse not forfeiture.

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man was hit by a car while walking in the crosswalk.

Man brought federal diversity action against driver of the truck.

complaint “on Jan 15, 2016, on Broad Street in City A, State B, defendant negligently drive their car and hit plaintiff. As a result, the plaintiff was physically injured, lost wages, income, suffered physical and mental pain and incurred medical expenses of 4100K”

Driver has moved to dismiss case for failure to state a claim arguing the complaint lacks sufficient detail.

is the court going to grant the motion?


No, because the complaint alleges facts showing plausible entitlement to relief.

complaints must contain:

  • sufficient facts
  • to state a claim
  • plausible on its face

courts must be able to do more than infer the “possibility” of recovery

REMEMBER: probable entitlement to relief= higher standard and is used in situates where preliminary injunctions are sought

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woman domiciled in a foreign country sues the company she worked for, for wrongful termination. woman worked for the company’s location in the foreign country.

employer is incorporated in state A and headquartered in state b.

employer filed a motion to dismiss for insufficient service of process. employer then moved to dismiss for forum non conveniens.

is the court going to grant the employer’s motion?


Yes, because the foreign country is the more appropriate forum given that the discharge occured there and the evidence is located there.

FORUM NON CONVENIENS: a court must weigh public and private interests

where did it take place?
where would the evidence and witnesses be?
where is the most convenient?


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buyer sues seller in federal court State A

court enters default judgment in favor of the buyer

one month after, seller files a motion to set aside the default judgment

seller shows that had a valid defense and the buyer would not be unfairly prejuiced

record showed that the seller was served properly and just didnt do anything.

should the court grant the seller’s motion?


No because the seller’s failure to appear plead or otherwise defend against the lawsuit does not constitute a form of excusable neglect

default judgment is set aside for good cause shown

FRCP 60- a court can relieve a party from final judgment if:

  • mistake, excusable neglect
  • newly discovered evidence that could not have been discovered in time
  • fraud
  • judgment is void
  • judgment has been satisfied
  • any other reason justified by the court
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man owned land

took out a loan that was secured by the mortgage.

the man sold his land to a purchaser who assumed the mortgage debt. the purchaser failed to make 2 installment payments. the man paid the overdue charges.

the man sued the purchaser for reimbursement.

will the man win?


Yes, because the law of suretyship permits the man to seek reimbursement.

assumed mortgage= the buyer is agreeing to pay off the seller’s debt

subject to= the buyer is NOT agreeing to pay off the seller’s debt and the seller is still liable

suretyship= express promise by 3rd party to a creditor to be primarily responsible for the debtor’s obligation to the creditor.

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buyer bought new car from dealer with a written contract that provided the price for the new car was 20K and the buyer would receive a trade in allowance of 7K for the old car.

the old car was in a rec and the seller said that the insurance compay payment for the damage to the old car was owed to the seller. buyer disagreed

the dealer sued the buyer the recover the insurance payment. dealer offered evidence that the parties agreed during negotiations that the seller is owed the insurance money.

should the court allow the evidence?


Yes, because the merger clause does not bar evidence to explain what the parties meant by “trade-in allowance”

PAROL EVIDENCE RULE: merger clause does not establish that an agreement is complete.

  • can still use extrinsic evidence to further explain something that is inconclusive in a contract
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Teacher (state A) sues librarian (state b) in state court of state A.

teacher is suing for 100K in state A court.

librarian files notice of removal to district court of State B. teacher files timely motion to remand.

how should the judge rule on the motion


remand because the original suit was filed in state A

removal statute ONLY allows for removal to the district where the original action is pending.

federal court must have subject matter (diversity or federal question) jurisdiction

defendant seeking to remove must file within 30 days of initial pleading

a notice of removal in the district court where the state action is pending.

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father owned 2 lots (lot 1 and lot 2)

father gave lot 1 to son 5 years ago and lot 2 to his daughter 8 years ago.

son had been using a piece of land on lot 2 for 13 years as a driveway.

last week, daughter started construction and blocked driveway access of the son.

son sued

if the son losses its because…


the father owned both lot 1 and lot 2 until 8 years ago

easement appurtenant= one that benefits the dominant estate and “runs with the land”
- transfers automatically when dominate estate is transferred

REQUIRES: 2 pieces of property– dominate and servient

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buyer asks seller of a car if the car has ever been in any accidents

seller says “its a fine car and it comes with a certificate of assured quality. feel free to have the car inspected”

the seller had the car repaired and repainted to cover an evidence that it was in a major accident.

if the buyer sues to rescind the contract, will the buyer win?


yes because the dealer’s statement was intentionally misleading and the dealer had concealed evidence of the accident.

when a seller induces a buyer into consenting to a contract by means of material misrepresentation the resulting contract is voidable at the election of the buyer

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driver driving in a neigborhood almost hits child who ran out into the middle of the street.

driver swerves and misses the kid but almost hits the mom.

mom sues the driver for negligence but doesn’t establish a claim. will the mom still win?


no because the mom failed to show that the driver was negligent.

A claim for damages based solely on emotional distress requires at least negligence by the defendant in order to win.

negligent infliction of emotional distress

  • result of the D’s negligence
  • caused the P intense mental suffering as a bystander

P must show

  • close relationship
  • present at the time
  • observed what happened
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man and woman were drag racing in the street and going over the speed limit.

tire blew out on the woman’s car and hit a pedestrian.

pedestrian tries to sue the woman but she had no assets or insurance.

can the pedestrian prevail in a lawsuit against the man?


Yes because the man and the woman were acting in concert in a dangerous activity.

when 2 or more people act in concert and injure someone, then they will be jointly and severally liable for the entire injury.

anyone acting in a abnormally dangerous activity will be strictly liable for any injures resulting from that injury


  • concert= together and by agreement
  • P can recover full amount from the other D
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owner of a meatpacking company was charged under a state criminal code prohibiting the sale of contaminated meat.

this code imposes strict ad vicarious liability.

the evidence at trial established that the owner’s company had sold the contaminated meat and made 100s of people sick. Owner was out of the country and no clue that the meat was contaminated.

jury convicted the owner.

owner challenges evidence on appeal

should the appellate court uphold the conviction?


Yes, because the evidence was sufficient to support the jury’s verdict.




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cops stopped a car for exceeding the speed limit.

one cop walked up to the car to give the driver a warning and the other stayed in the car to run the plates and found there was an outstanding arrest warrant.

cops arrest the driver and search him and find heroine.

driver’s attorney wants to suppress heroin.

should the court rule in favor of the driver?


No, because the troopers could reasonably rely on the computer report and the search was incident to an arrest.

REMEMBER: if a search warrant is invalid for any reason the search= BAD!

fruit of the poisonous tree!!!

a search incident to a lawful arrest is valid exception to the warrant requirement.

IF NO WARRANT= restrained to the D’s wingspan and done after the arrest.

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man and woman are partners.

man was embezzling money from the company. woman tells man she wants tot hire an audit company.

man hires someone to kill woman– pays him 10K.

The woman then dies in the car crash arranged by the killer.

other than embezzlement, what crimes can the man be convicted?


conspiracy and murder.

conspiracy= agreement, intent to enter into the agreement and intent to achieve the objective.

REMEMBER: solicitation MERGES with the crime it was solicited.

one member of a conspiracy is liable for the crimes of their co-conspirators if those crimes are foreseeable and committed in furtherance of the objective.

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P took his ring to the pawnshop and borrowed $20 on it. He was told he needed to repay the loan within 60 days.

A week before P was to come back for the ring, D sold it.

D told P that his shop was robbed and that he was not liable for the loss.

What crime has D committed?



embezzlement= the fraudulent conversion of another person’s property by someone who had lawful possession of that property.

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mom takes child to hospital. mom leaves child with doctor in the room by themselves.

doctor rapes child.

2 weeks later, child tells mother what happened and mom has severe emotional reaction.

mom sues doctor for IIED, will she win?


no because she was not the direct victim of the doctor’s conduct or a witness

D's extreme conduct
intended by D 
damages (severe) 
D is liable to 3rd party if: 
P is in a close relationship with the victim 
was present 
observed it
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storekeeper sold reconditioned saw with a new blade to purchaser.

purchaser’s employee used he saw and cut his arm off.

purchaser sues storekeeper for economic damages bc had to close store down.

will the purchaser prevail?


No, because economic loss from injury to an employee is not within he scope of the storekeeper’s duty.

strict liability claims for economic loss are generally prohibited unless contracted for because they are beyond the scope of a seller’s duty to a purchaser

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a bike company manufactured a bike that was sold to a retail bike dealer that then sold the bike to a bicyclist.

the bicyclist was riding the bike down a crowded street and hit a woman on the side walk because their brakes failed to work.

brake failure was from a manufacturing defect that could have been discovered with an inspection.

the bike rider is asserting a claim of negligence against the bike company, will he win?


Yes because the defect could have been discovered through the exercise of reasonable care by the bike company

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driver drove his car into the plaintiff and broke her leg

plaintiff while walking on crutches in a supermarket, slips on a banana peal and breaks her arm.

if P slipped on a banana peal when she was NOT on crutches she would not have lost her balance and fallen

P sues both driver and supermarket

who will P recover from?


the driver for both of her injuries.

subsequent ordinary actions that may add to the plaintiff’s injuries are FORESEEABLE of the original action and will not break the chain of causation.

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why is the defendant’s mistake in the below example most likely going to constitute a defense to the crime charged?

mistaking the D for a narcotics suspect, a undercover cop attempts to arrest him. the D unaware that the person who grabbed him is a cop his him and knocks him unconscious. D is charged with assault.


D’s mistake of the identity of the person grabbing him would negate the intent for assault (no intent to place another in fear). D thought he was defending himself.

assault= D attempts to commit a battery and fails
D intentionally places another in fear

mistake of law is NEVER a defense

mistake of fact = defense IF negates the required intent

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woman and man are business rivals.

man asks woman if she wants to go in business with him. she says no bc he is an idiot.

a 3rd party overheard their conversation.

man sues woman for defamation.

will the man win?


No because the woman did not foresee that her statement would be overheard by another person.

- D uses defamatory language
- Language is about P
- D publishes language to 3rd party
- damages

Publication can be intentionally or negligently.

IF D HAS NO REASON TO FORESEE publication then not defamation

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computer store and customer sign a contract for the sale of a computer for $3K.

the customer was to pay for the computer and pick it up month after the agreement.

the customer never came for the computer.

the store then sold the computer to another buyer.

if the store sues the customer for breach of contract, the store will probably recover….


their anticipated profit on the sale to the customer PLUS incidental damages, if any, because the store lost that sale.

if a buyer repudiated a contract the seller may recover the difference between the contract price and the resale price PLUS any incidental damages.

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man from state A sues company for valid diversity suit in state a.

computer company’s defense is that the man suit already has a final judgment entered from a class action he was apart of from state B.

if the man’s lawsuit goes forward it is because….


he established that the class did not receive adequate representation in the class action lawsuit.

any person has the right to exclude themselves from the class if they notify the court prior.

to get relief from the ruling from the class action, they need to attack one of the 4 requirements certifying a class.

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wallpaper hanger sent a message to a general contractor:

“will do all paperhanging for $14K if you accept within reasonable time after main contract awarded”

General contractor used the wallerpaper hanger’s bid in preparing and submitting bid for job BUT then used another wallpaper hanger (charging $18K) for the job.

contractor is now suing wallpaper hanger for $4K in damages.

what would be the best support for the wallpaper hanger’s defense?


before submitting her own bid, the contractor had reason to suspect that the wallpaper hanger had made a computational mistake figuring his sub-bid.

contract can be rescinded bc of unilateral mistake if:
-mistake relates to a fundamental assumption of the contract (material)
-the party asserting mistake should not bear the risk of mistake
-the non-mistaken party has reason to know of the mistake
-the effect of the mistake would make enforcement of the contract unconscionable

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landlord and tenant agreed to a commercial tenancy for 6 months.

when the tenant arrived at the property, the previous tenant still had not vacated.

tenant sued previous tenant.

tenant then sued landlord claiming damages.

if the court finds for the landlord, what will be the most likely reason?


the landlord had delivered the legal right of possession to the tenant.

American view: the landlord only needs to provide legal right to possess.

English view: the landlord has to deliver actual possession to the tenant at the start of the lease
- lesee has the right to terminate and recover damages for breach f the lease if failed to deliver possession.

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Personal assistant from State A sues actor from State B in Federal Court in State B for $125K.

The personal assistant has never been present in State B and has no other contacts with State B.

Actor filed motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction

Should the court grant the actor’s motion to dismiss?


No, because the personal assistant has consented to the court’s personal jurisdiction.

lack of personal jurisdiction can be waived through consent
- P filed case in State B so consented

REMEMBER: the court has general jurisdiction since the D resides there.

REMEMBER: if P files case in their home state THEN D needs contacts; if P files case in D’s home state= consent

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Purchaser filed a federal diversity action against seller for breach of contract

seller answered complaint and included in his defense that the purchaser has a pattern of filing these types of claims.

what is the purchasers best response?


move to strike the separate defense as irrelevant.

A party can file a motion to strike an insufficient and irrelevant defense within 21 days of service of the pleading

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a flour wholesaler contracted to deliver to a producer of fine baked goods for a one year period.

before the first delivery– he flour wholesaler sold their business to a miller.

miller tendered the first installment to the producer and the producer refused to accept the goods.

can the backed goods producer legally reject the goods?


No, requirements contracts are assignable as long as the assignee does not disproportionately alter the contemplated quantity.


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manufacturer sues reporter for review of their speakers.

the court rules that manufacturer would have to prove that the reporter made a false and disparaging statement with actual malice.

the reporter moved for summary judgment and provided an affidavit stating they did not know their statements were malicious.

manufacturer did not respond.

should the court grant the reporter’s motion for summary judgment?


yes, because the reporter has shown that a reasonable jury could find for him on the issue of actual malice and the manufacturer has not shown that a jury could find in their favor.

An affidavit must contain matters the affiant

  • has personal knowledge
  • state only matters that would be admissible at trial
  • is competent to testify.

REMEMBER: summary judgment may be granted if one party can show there is NO GENUINE DISPUTE to any material fact in the lawsuit
- party who filed the MSJ must show no dispute of fact

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P sued a defendant for personal injuries arising out of an automobile accident

Judge despite the D’s request for exclusion of witnesses, allows the plaintiff’s eyewitnesses to remain in the courtroom after testifying, even though the eyewitness is expected to be recalled for further cross-examination.

was this in error?



Yes at the request of a party, the court shall order witnesses excluded so that they cannot hear the testimony of other witnesses. Failure to grant such a request would result in an error.

REMEMBER: if a witness was allowed to observe testimony of other witnesses they may be able to tailor their testimony

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federal law provides that all motor vehicle tires discarded must be disposed of in facilities licensed by the federal environmental protection agency.

State A has a very large fleet of cards, including trucks used to support state-owned commercial activities and police cars.

The state disposes of used tires in a state operated and owned facility that is unlicensed.

may the state continue to dispose of its used tires in this manner?


No, because a state must comply with valid federal laws that regulate matters affecting interstate commerce.

A state is treated as a person for purposes of federal law and must comply with validity enacted federal laws.

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employee files a lawsuit against their employee in federal court.

during trial– the employee made a motion for a judgment as a matter of law before the case was submitted to the jury.

trial court denied the motion

jury returned a verdict for the employees for an amount less than what was asked for.

employee filed a renewed judgment as a matter of law as to the damages and in the alternative a motion for a new trial.

the employer then cross-moved for a judgment as a matter of law.

how should the court rule?


the court should deny the employee’s motion for judgment as a matter of law as to damages as also deny the employee’s alternative motion for new trial if the verdict was not against the weight of the evidence.

JML and a RJML may be granted if a reasonable jury would not have a legally sufficient basis to find for the nonmoving party.

a new trial may be granted if the verdict was against the MANIFEST WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE
the verdict was excessive or inadequate

REMEMBER: a motion for a new trial should not be granted if the verdict was not against the weight of the evidence

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State law requires any lawn mower sold in the state to meet a specific min level of fuel efficiency.

federal law requires that all power equipment be labeled with energy efficiency stickers.

what is the best argument for the state to mkae for thecontinued validy of their law?


the purpose of the law is consistent with the purpose of the federal statute, enforcement of the law would not interfere with the full execution of the statute and there is no evidence that congress intended to preclude the states from enacting supplemental laws on this subject.

REMEMBER: when state and federal gov have a law on the same subject matter, the supremacy law applies.

even if federal law does not expressly prohibit state action, state laws will be held impliedly preempted if they conflict with federal requirements

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Can the senate appoint a commision to adjudicate finally a boundary dispute between 2 states?


No, that is a matter primarily handled by the USC

USC has the explicit power to resolve conflicts between 2 states.

USC handles cases arising under: 
constitutional questions
laws of the US 
treaties made 
cases affecting ambassadors 
marine jurisdiction
Cases where the US is a party 
controversies between 2 or more states 
state and citizens of another state 
different states 
citizens of the same state claiming land
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P sued a utility company that owns a reservoir that is open to the public for recreation use.

P was injured when his boat hit an undisclosed island.

P alleges that the company was negligent in not marking the island.

P has called an engineer and qualified him as an expert in managing reservoirs.

which of the opinions by P’s expert is the most likely to admit?


the company could have marked the island in a day and at a cost of $300.

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D was charged with attempted murder of a victim when he allegeldy shot the victim from a bush as the victim drove his car.

Prosecutor offers evidence that 7 years earlier D had fired a shotgun into a woman’s home and that D had once pointed a gun at another driver while driving on the street.

this evidence should be


excluded because it is improper character evidence

prior bad acts is inadmissible against a D when offered to prove that he is more likely to have committed the instant crime based on criminal propensity

cannot show accused bad character to imply criminal disposition

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owner and driver are being sued by P for a car accident caused while driver was driving company car.

owner and driver go to see an attorney and while there the attorney has investigator on the phone.

owner files cross claim against driver.

P calls driver to stand and asks about meeting with attorney and investigator.

should the court allow the driver’s testimony?


No, because of the attorney-client privilege

attorney-client privigle covers confidential communications between an attorney and client made during the legal consultation and are inadmissible with 3rd party claimants.

REMEMBER: if 2 parties, does not waive attorney client privilege!!!!

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P sued D for alleging he hit her in a speeding car.

P was unconconscious after the injury and was with her husband at the time of the accident.

when P and husband were at the hospital– husband told doctor that P was run over 2 hours ago by D who drove through the intersection.

P calls doctor as witness.

Is doctor’s testimony admissible?


No because it is hearsay not within any exception

hearsay is a statement offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

excited utterance must be made during or soon after the event– hours later will not be admissible

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P sued D for an assault that occured on March 5 in Cali.

to support his defense, D wants to admit a letter that he wrote to his sister that he would be in Utah on March 5.

is the letter admissible?


Yes, within the state of mind exception to the hearsay rule

state of mind exception= to show the then existing mental condition/state of mind

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a federal statute established a national lottery and created a new federal agency to administer it.

in order to sell the tickets, the agency established outlets throughout the country

the state taxes gaming operations within the state

state wants to tax the sales of the federal lottery tickets sold within the state

does the federal agency have to pay the state gross receipts?


No because a state may not impose a tax directly on the federal government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities.

states have no power to regulate the activities of the federal government unless Congress consents to the regulation

a state tax levied directly against the property or operation of the federal government without consent of congress is invalid
- discriminatory or indirect taxes are permissible if they do not unreasonably burden the federal gov

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congress enacted a statute establishgin a program to protect areas in the US that are rich in bio diversity.

this program is consistent with the terms of a treaty that the president objected to and did not sign.

statute created an executive branch and authorized it to take control based on the criteria outlined.

why is this statute unconstitutional?


it authorizes a committee of congress to overturn an executive decision.

congress must pass a bill before it can become law and then it must be presented to the president for his signature.

  • INCLUDES: when they monitor federal agencies
  • NEED: approval from both houses AND signature of president
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federal statute prohibits the sale or resale of any product intended for human consumption that contains chemicals known to cause cancer unless the product is labeled as dangerous.

the constitutionality of this federal statute may most easily be justified on the basis of the power of congress to….


regulate commerce among the states

REMEMBER: congress power to regulate commerce has been interpreted pretty broadly!!

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construction company sued development company for money owed on a contract.

construction company calls a witness (general manager) to testify that its their routine practice to sent out notices as required by contract.

manager offers a photocopy of the notice that was mailed to the defendant that was taken from their regular business files.

is the copy of the notice admissible?


yes because of the routine practices of the company.

hearsay= out of court statement made used to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

Best Evidence Rule (BER)= original document rule– original must be produced, if cant then can use a secondary option and a copy is allowed

routine practice= that in the moment discussed , they followed those practices

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state statute requires without exception that a woman under the age of 18 notify one of their parents at least 48 hours before having an abortion.

should the court uphold the constitutionality of the statute?


No because the state law does not provide a bypass procedure that would allow a court to authorize a minor to obtain an abortion without prior parental notification under appropriate circumstances.

parental notification requirements violate a minor’s right to an abortion unless there is a satisfactory judicial bypass procedure.
- procedure allows:
- a court to approve of an abortion for a minor without parental notification if the court finds:
- the minor is mature and informed
- abortion would be in the minor’s best interest

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D is charged with armed robbery of a store and denied that he did it.

P wants to introduce evidence that D had robbed 2 other stores in the past year.

the evidence is….


inadmissible because its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice.

when a person is charged with a crime, extrinsic evidence of their other crimes or misconduct is inadmissible if that evidence is offered to show they did it.

ADMISSIBLE IF: used to show

  1. motive
  2. opportunity
  3. intent
  4. preparation
  5. plan
  6. knowledge
  7. identity
  8. ansence of mistake
  9. lack of accident
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driver hits a pedestrian. driver was in the car with his wife and passenger. the passerby calls the cops and the cops question everyone at the accident.

at the trial, the pedestrian wants to call the sheriff to testify that the passenger told him “we were all at a party and everyone was drinking”

All of the parties involved in the accident were at court.

should the trial judge allow the testimony?


no because it is hearsay not within an exception

Hearsay is an out of court statement used to prove to the truth of the matter asserted.

REMEMBER: declaration against interest exception requires the party not be present

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congressional legislation authorizing marriages and divorces as a matter of federal law on prescribed terms and conditions could most easily be upheld if….


only applied to marriages and divorces in DC

congress has the power to make all the laws for DC under the constitution

REMEMBER: the executive branch does not have the power to define basic human rights

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P sued D for injuries from an accient.

A bystander (P’s witness) testified that D was wearing a green sweater.

D’s attorney called another witness that testified D’s sweater was D that day.

D’s witness testimony was…


inadmissible because it is extrinsic evidence of a collateral matter

A collateral matter is evidence solely affecting the credibility of a witness.

it precludes the cross examiner from calling other witnesses or producing evidence to contradict the witness

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in a civil case– D calls an expert witness and asked him a number of questions about his education and experience in chemistry.

court stated that the witness qualified as an expert.

on cross– P asked the witness if he had failed 2 chemistry classes while doing his graduate work.

the answer should be..


admitted because it is relevant to the weight to be given to the witness’s testimony.

Either party is permitted to challenge the witness’s qualifications because the challenge is relevant to the weight of the witness’s opinion.

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woman was appointed to a tribunal created by congress. congress then abolished the tribunal.

woman was then offered another position as a federal administrator. woman then sues the federal government on that ground that congress may not remove a federal judge from office during good behavior nor reduce her pay.

government attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the action. the court should….

the court


grant the motion because the woman was not a judge under Art III and is not entitled to life tenure.

Congress has the power to create special courts under Art I. and those judges do not have the same protections of Art III judges.


which of the following items of evidence is least likely to be admitted without a supporting witness?

libel action- copy of newspaper published by the D

contaminated food- can label purporting to ID the canner as D

Defamation case: document purporting to be a memo from D stating “to all personnel”

injury case: a pamphlet on stopping distances issued by the state highway department


defamation case, document purporting to be a memo from D stating “to all personnel”

before evidence may be admitted it must be authenticated by proof showing that the writing is what the person claims it to be. USUALLY needs a testimonial witness

documents that prove themselves are: 
printed materials (newspaper) 
trade inspection (sign, tags, labels) indicating ownership/control
official publications (pamphlets)

P sues industrial facility for injuries to her health by air pollution.

At trial, P was asked how long the condition lasted.

P could not rememver the sepcific times but she maintained a diary she had accurately used to record on a daily basis.

when P’s attorney attempted to show P the diary to refresh her recollection she still could not remember.

P wants to have the diary admitted at trial.

is the information admissible?


Yes and P should be allowed to read the diary into evidence.

an out of court statement can be admitted as a recorded recollection exception IF witness:
made a record
based on first hand knowledge
when the matter was fresh in their memory
witness has insufficient recollection at trial

REMEMBER: can only be read into evidence UNLESS opposing side admits it into evidence


police suspected that a 16yo committed a series of burglaries.

2 cops went to his school and asked the principal to call the student out of class and to search his backpack.

principal opened student’s backpack even after student said no and found jewlery that the cops believed to be from the burglary.

the student wants to suppress the jewlery

should the court allow it?


the court should grant the motion on the ground that the search was conducted without probable cause or warrant.

if a private 3rd person acts under the direction or control of the cops, then the state has taken sufficient action for the 4th amendment to apply.

THINK: cops cant avoid the 4th amendment by having someone else do their dirty work for them!


woman was charged with murder and has entered a plea of not guilty.

at her trial, the experts indicated that she knew killing was illegal and wrong but that she suffered from a mental illness that left her in a powerful compulsion to kill the victim.

if the jury believes the testimony of the experts, under what circumstances could the jury properly acquit the woman of murder?


only if the jurisdiction follows the MPC test for insanity

MPC= D is NOT guilty by reason of insanity if she is diagnosed with a relevant mental disorder and at the time of the incident was unable to either:
appreciate the criminality of her conduct
conform her conduct to the requirements of the law


student asked his girlfriend to pull the fire alarm while he was taking his test because he was unprepared.

the girlfriend pulled the alarm and several students were injured in the panic.

student and girlfriend were charged with battery and conspiracy to commit battery

the student and the girlfriend can be convicted of…


guilty of battery but not of conspiracy

battery is a general intent crime and is defined as the unlawful offensive touching of another.

conspiracy is a specific intent crime and requires an agreement to commit the crime of battery.


customer bought a can of corn. when they opened the can to eat it for dinner they cut themselves from a piece of glass that was in the can of corn.

the customer presented evidence that neither they or a 3rd party did anything with can of corn after it was open.

without any other evidence, is the customer likely to prevail?


Yes because a jury may reasonably infer that the canning company acted negligently.

REs ipsa loquitor= courts can infer negligence from the very nature of an accident or injury in the absence of direct evidence on how the defendant behaved.


photographer took pic of famous basketball player in front of a shoe store.

photographer then sold that photo to the shoe store and told them that the player knew of the photo and sponsored the store.

the player lost his scholarship and is now suing the store.

will the player win?


yes because the store was reckless in accepting the photographers statement that the photographer had the athlete’s approval

a picture can be considered defamation if it adversely affects the athlete’s reputation

defamatory language 
concerning the P 
damage to P's rep 

if P is famous need to show that the D made the statement knowing it was false or with a reckless disregard to the truth


D was charged with battery.

at trial an expert witness testified that D was under the influence of a performance enhancing drug at the itme he committed the battery and he would not have done so if he was not influenced.

what would aid D’s argument in favor that if he was not under the influence of performance enhancers he would not be guilty of battery?


evidence that the defendants coach, who gave him the drug, told him it was only aspirin.

battery is an unlawful application of force to the person of another resulting in either an offensive touching or bodily injury– general intent crime

general intent is an awareness of all the factors

voluntary intoxication is NOT a defense to a general intent crime


student was riding on a bus owned and operated by a travel company when the bus was in an accident in state b– the student was injured.

the student sued the travel company in state A.

court found for the travel company.

teacher who was also on the bus brings a lawsuit against travel company in state B.

will the travel company be able to benefit from the finding of non-liability from the student’s lawsuit?


No because the teacher was not a party in the first lawsuit

non-mutual collateral estoppel (issue preclusion) is the exercise of collateral estoppel by a person who was not a party to the prior litigation.

BUT cannot be used against a party UNLESS they had their day in court on that issue in a prior litigation.


jeweler sued designer in federal court in state A for patent infringement.

case went to jury trial. jury ruled for designer.

jeweler then filed a motion for a new trial that was granted by the court.

designer then filed an appear from the grant of the new trial motion.

jeweler then moved to dismiss the appeal.

should the appellate court grant the jeweler’s motion to dismiss the appeal?


yes because no final judgment exists and there is no other basis for appellate jurisdiction

an order for a new trial is NOT considered a final judgment

an appeal is ONLY allowed after all the issues involved in the suit have been finally determined by the trial court.

final order= one that disposes of the entire case!!


land owner owned in fee simple lot 1 and lot 2

the lots were vacant and unproductive.

the owner died and probated his will and devised his estate to his sister for life with remainder in fee simple to his niece.

the sister failed to pay the real estate taxes due for lots 1 and lot 2. to prevent a tax sale of the fee simple, the niece paid the taxes and demanded that the sister reimburse her.

niece is suing sister– what should the niece recover?


nothing because the sister never received any income from the lots

general rule: a life tenant is responsible for the real estate taxes on the property and the interest on the principal to the extent of income from the property.

if the life tenant is not occupying the property and NOT renting out the property, then the future interest holder is unable to sue for unpaid taxes on the property.


12/1 broker contracted with collector to sell a rare coin for payment and pick up on 3/1.

collector didnt know that broker had to buy coin from hoarder on 2/1. hoarder raised price on 2/1 so broker didnt buy the coin.

on 3/1 broker cxl’d contract with collector bc didnt have the coin.

can collector sue broker for breach of his broker-hoarder contract– what will be the outcome?


the broker will win because the collector, if a beneficiary at all of the broker-hoarder contract was only an incidental beneficiary.

incidental 3rd party beneficiaries are those who may benefit from the contract, but that is not the primary purpose of the contract

have no STANDING to sue to enforce the contract

ONLY assignment and intended beneficiaries


owner of land contracted to sell land to a buyer for 100K but changed their mind after the FMV went up by 50K.

wishing to avoid a lawsuit, the buyer assigned their contract to buy the land to an investor.

owner refuses to sell the land to the investor.

investor has sued the owner.

who will win?


the investor because as an assignee of the OG party purchaser in a real estate contract is entitled to specific performance under these circumstances.


in 2006 in the city, there were a lot of arsons.

the city reported over tv that they would pay $10K for the arrest and conviction of anyone guilty of any of the ‘06 arsons.

the store that was burned down also hired a detective and in a memo wrote “ will offer you $200 for every day you work on the investigation”

what best characterizes the relationship between the store and the detective?


a series of daily unilateral contracts, the store exchanging an express promise to pay the daily rate for the detective’s daily activity of investigating the store’s arson.

unilateral contracts= call for performance

bilateral contract= calls for a promise


widow sues a railroad company for negligence claim causing wrongful death.

at the close of evidence, the railroad moved for judgment as a matter of law which was denied, the case was then submitted to the jury, jury found or the widow.

railroad filed renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law

what standard should the court apply to determine how to rule?


whether there is substantial evidence in the record to support the verdict

motion will be granted if the evidence is viewed in the light most favorable to the non-moving party was such that a reasonable jury would have a legally sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the non-moving party.


Man (from State A) is a class rep of a valid class action in State B fed court against State B corporation.

the man and the corporation agreed to settle the case with $250 coupons toward future purchases.

what must the court do next with the settlement?


the court must hold a settlement hearing.

Class Action Fairness Act
- any class member is of diverse citizenship
- the amount in controversy exceeds $5 mill
- there are at least 100 members

a court must approve the settlement offers to ensure that they are fair.


seller owned blackacre. on blackacre was a warehouse.

the seller used the side street where the loading docks were to back in his semi-trailers.

after a few years the city gave the seller 90 days to stop backing up the trailer on the side street.

during the 90 days, the seller sold and conveyed blackacre to the buyer.

seller did not talk about the side street issue with the buyer.

90 days passed, the city required the seller to stop backing up the trailers on the side street.

buyer brought an action against the seller for cancelation of the deed and return of the money.

what should the action be based on?


failure to disclose

general rule: seller does not have liability for failing to disclose to a buyer defects in the property or facts that reduce the property’s value

EXCEPTION: if the seller knows of any defects

seller will have liability if she makes an affirmative misrepresentations about the property that is relied upon the buyer

the seller will be liable in fraud if she takes affirmative action to conceal or cover over the defect.


owner had a subdivision of 325 lots on 150 acres of land.

owner sold 140 homes between ‘98-‘00 and included in the deed “property is only for single family homes”

owner had problems selling the remainder of the lots so advertised that the remainder lots would be for “wide range of uses”

owner sold a lot to a businessman to build a gas station.

woman who owns one of the original 140 lots sues the businessman.

what is the best defense if the court rules in favor of the businessman?


the facts do not establish a common building or development scheme for the entire subdivision

equitable servitude=
touch and concern the land

if an equitable servitude is to bind and entire subdivision it MUST be included in the common building plan for that subdivision


businesswoman sold her business to a company for $25 mill in cash pursuant to a written contract.

the contract included that the company would keep the businesswoman on as VP for 2 years– she was fired after 6 months.

what best describes the woman’s rights after being fired?


she can recover the promised salary for the remainder of the 2 years if no comparable job is reasonably available and she does not take another job.

wrongfully discharged employee is expected to mitigate damages by making reasonable efforts to seek comparable employment.


scientist sued engineer in fed court in state A stating that the engineer failed to pay a debt.

engineer doesnt dispute that there was a valid contract

engineer says she paid the debt

scientist says the engineer paid him for a car

trial begins next week

assuming this is all of the evidence, which of the following is true at this point?


the scientist would likely prevail on a motion for summary judgment

MSJ= when there is no genuine dispute as to the material fact as to the claim being presented.


an agent signed a contract with an actress to do a role on braodway for $200 a week.

actress was then sick and couldn’t work for a week.

when actress was better, she found out that the agent had found another actress to file the position.

actress sues agent.

what would adversly affect the actress’s rights in her action against the agent?


the agent could only find one replacement, who demanded a contract from a min of 6 months if she was to perform at all.

a party’s material breach of an obligation, may have the effect of discharging the other party’s obligation under the contract

D’s obligation may only be discharged if P’s breach was found to be material.

material if:
prospect of the other party curing the breach

availability of damages

degree failure to perform substantially deprived the other party expected benefit.


man sues insurance company for not paying for his medical expenses after his bike accident.

at the trial– the man presented evidence that the insurance company was supposed to pay for his injuries.

the company brought evidence that they do not pay for injuries resulting from “unduly risky behavior” and called a witness to testify that P ignored the signs saying “do not enter”.

the company filed a MJML.

should the court grant the motion?


no because whether the man’s behavior was unduly risky is a question of fact for the jury to resolve.

MJML= the court finds that a reasonable jury would not have sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the party at issue.



designer sues fabric company in federal court for internet smear campaign via anonymous postings.

the district court ordered the fabric company to disclose the ID of the people responbsible for the smear campaign.

fabric company said this would violate the 1st amendment and would cause substantial amount of harm.

should the court of appeals grant the requested writ of mandamus?


yes, the appellate court should grant the fabric company’s writ of mandamus if the court finds that an appeal of the issue would be an insufficient remedy to correct the effects of the disclosure and the review of the record indicates the district court’s actions constitute a serious abuse of power that needs immediate rectification.

writ of mandamus= commanding a trial judge to act.

reviewing the record to determine that an appeal would be insufficient to correct the problem
trial court’s actions constitute a serious abuse of power in need of immediate rectification


owner executed a deed to her property to her nephew and informed him that he will give him the deed when he turns 21 and has received his undergrad degree.

nephew took the deed anyway and provided his fiancee with a warranty deed conveying the land to her. He informed her that she had to pay $1.00 as consideration.

fiancee recorded the deed.

2 years later, owner learns what the nephew does and sues the nephew.

who will the court decide for?


for the owner because her deed to the nephew was not delivered.

even if the party has physical possession of the deed also NEED INTENT!!!

each deed must be validly delivered to the person taking ownership of the property– some action taken INTENDING for the deed to take effect presently.


State copied the federal law on the interstate sale of electronic information but made it more generalized.

resident sues a non-diverse company that runs an internet search engine for alleging they violated the state law.

resident files the claim in federal court.

the company moves to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction.

should the court grant the company’s motion to dismiss?


yes, the court should grant the motion to dismiss

the resident’s claim is created by state law and does not concern a federal question.



for 22 years man owned 80 acre farm.

19 years ago, the woman entered the farm.

3 years ago, a neighbor took over possession of the farm while the woman was gone.

the woman went to the man and apologized for taking his land and told him about the neighbor and told him he could have his land back.

woman then executed a deed to her son conveying the land to him.

who owns the farm?


the son, becasue he succeeded to the woman’s adverse possession title by privity of conveyance.

REMEMBER: conveyance of a land MUST be in writing!!! SOF!!!!

adverse possession= 
open & notorious 

man delivered note mortgage to a mortgage company naming them as payee to the mortgage.

mortgage company then sold their assignment to the bank.

bank recorded their rights in the note and the mortgage.

mortgage company then sold the note and mortgage to a woman. woman had no knowledge of the previous assignment.

if the issue of ownership arises– who should the court say owns the note and the mortgage?


the bank owns both the note and the mortgage.

the bank’s recording of the assignment secured their ownership of the assignment.

all parties to a mortgage or deed of trust can transfer their interests.



a corporation through its president requested a loan from a financing company for $100K

the financing company and the president orally agreed that the loan will be given at a 15% interest rate, and that the president would personally guarantee repayment.

the loan was never repaid.

there was no contract but a memo that only stated that the company will repay the loan.

finance company sues the company.

at trial, can the financing company prove the president’s oral promise guarantee the loan?


no, because such proof is barred by the SOF

SOF, promises to act as a surety or to guarantee the debt of another must meet the writing and signing requirements of the statute to be enforceable.



in written contract– seller agreed to deliver to a uyer 500 chairs at $20 each FOB seller’s place of business.

contract stated: neither party will assign the contract without written consent.

seller wrote to buyer that he was assigning contract to his friend.

in an action against the buyer, the friend will probably recover


$10K- the contract price

assignment of contractual rights, is effective even if the contract says no!



landowner entered into a written contract to sell her house and 6 acres of her land to a purchaser for $75K

Delivery of the deed and and contract was signed– contract stated “ subject to easements, covenants, and restrictions of record”

after the contract was signed but before the deed was delivered, the landowner agreed and accepted payment from a powerline company and created an easement.

purchaser did a title search and found the powerline easement and refused to accept the deed.

owner sues for specific performance.

in this action, the landowner should….


lose because the purchaser did not contract to take subject to the easement to the electric company.

seller is required to provide marketable title on the closing date.

marketable title= free of encumbrances

  • mortgages
  • restrictive covenants
  • easements

a contract stating “subject to easements”= at the time of contracting


buyer sent a signed letter to a seller that stated: “ ship 100 boxes of nails at $3 per box, the price quoted in your circular”;

seller mailed form acknowledging the sale and included “disputes regarding quality shall be arbitrated”

buyer did not reply. buyer did not like the quality of the nails.

seller asks attorney if the contract requires arbitration

what is the best advice the attorney can provide?


a contract was formed when the seller mailed its acknowledgement and the court must decide whether the arbitration term should be excluded as a material alteration of the contract.

if a deal is between 2 merchants– once an offer is made any new or additional terms included become part of the final agreement


  • offer limits acceptance to its own terms
  • responding party objects
  • additional/different terms materially alter the offer

author filed a lawsuit against several different companies for injuries he sustained.

author provided all of the required discovery on time.

author found out from a dentist that the proper D was east coast dental.

author doesnt provide new information to the case.

east coast dental files MSJ. author then opposes the MSJ and tries to submit his affidavit from the dentist that east coast dental was the proper party.

should the court grant the east coast manufacturer’s motion for summary judgment?


Yes, the court should grant the east coast manufacturer’s motion for summary judgment because the record does not indicate a dispute of material fact.

the author cannot use his dentist’s affidavit to support his opposition to the east coast manufacturer’s motion because he failed to supplement his initial discovery disclosures.

failure to supplement earlier disclosures precludes the party from then using those items to oppose a motion for summary judgment


man, brother, cousin are charged in a common law jurisdiction with conspiracy to commit larceny.

man testified that he thought they were going to their neighbor’s home to get back the cousin’s property.

brother testified that he knew that the man and the cousin were going to steal so he called the cops and went with them.

if the jury believes the man, it should find him….


not guilty because he did not intend to steal.

conspiracy requires:

  • agreement
  • intent for the crime to be committed

if didnt think they were going to be committing a crime= no intent


re-direct examination of a witness must be permitted in which of the following circumstances?


only to reply to significant new matters raised in cross-examination

court is only required to permit re-direct on matters that were not discussed on direct.

a court may limit re-direct examination at its discretion, but must allow it to reply to new and significant matters raised on cross-examination


a city filed eminent domain proceedings in order to obtain 40 beach houses fronting a shoreline.

city planned to sell the beach houses to a company that would demolish the houses and build a luxury hotel.

the owners of the home have challenged the city’s exercise of eminent domain.

will the owners of the beach house prevail?


no because the planned sale to the private developer to increase the tourist trade qualifies as a public use.

gov must demonstrate that “taking” is for public use.

gov may take private property and turn it over to another private party so long as use is public.


employee liked supervisors watch and talked about how much he wished he had one like it.

one day, the supervisor takes his watch off before playing touch football.

employee sees the watch and decides to steal it. employee picks up the watch and before he can put it in his pocket, the supervisor walks over and tells the employee he can have it for his birthday.

the employee committed?



taking (control or possession– slightest movement is OKAY)
without consent
with the intent permanently deprive (need specific intent)


private university that owns and is operated by a religious organization, that receives 25% of state funding and is accredited by the state.

university fires professor who wrote a column saying “religion is a negative force in society”.

professor sues university claiming her discharge violated her constitutional right to freedom of speech.

university filed a motion to dismiss.

should the court grant the university’s motion to dismiss?


Yes because the action of the university in discharging the professor is not attributable to the state for purposes of the 14th amendment.

state accreditation, regulation and partial funding by the state does not render equal state action.

REMEMBER: state must have significant involvement in a private entity to be state action


A city’s reapportionment board re-drew the state legislative districts into 3 equally populated districts.

this resulted in the 3 districts as follows:
district 1: 40 % black population
district 2: 45 % black population
district 3: 15% black population.

black resident of the city files a suit against the city for violating the 15th amendment and diluting the voting power of blacks in the city.

if no federal statute is applicable, which of the following facts, if proven would most strongly support the validity of the action of the state apportionment board?


in drawing the current district lines, the reapportionment board precisely complied with state constitutional requirements that state legislative districts be compact and follow political subdivision boundaries to the maximum extent feasible.

15th amendment= limitation on both the state and federal government. it prohibits them from denying any citizen the right to vote on account or race or color

REMEMBER: look for an answer that would not bring race to light– that raises the level of review to strict scrutiny.


D is on trial for attempted fraud.

State alleges that she switched the tag on a cheap coat and put it on an expensive coat.

D testified that it must have been someone else who switched the tags because she didnt do it.

cross- examination- the sate asks if D was convicted on 2 prior occasions of misdemeanor fraud in the defrauding of a retailer by the same means of switching the price tag on a fur-trimmed coat.

is the question about the prior convictions proper either to impeach D or to prove that D committed the crime?


it is proper for both purposes

convictions are admissible for:
establishing ID
impeachment bc they are crimes involving dishonesty

evidence of prior bad acts are allowed if show: 
absence of mistake 
lack of accident

federal statute authorizes interstate commerce commision (ICC) to permit interstate carriers to discontinue entirely any unprofitable route.

interstate bus company company applied to the ICC for permission to stop driving an unprofitable route.

man sues interstate bus company in state court for violation of state statute that prohibits common carriers from abandoning service to communities having no alternative form of public transportation.

the state court should…


hear the case on its merits and decide for the interstate company because a valid federal law preempts the state statute on which the man relies.

supremacy clause invalidates any state action that is contrary to validly-enacted federal law.


college student let his roommate use his NO-FLAKE shampoo.

college student told roommate, “be careful, do not use too much”. roommate used 3 cap fulls and developed dermatitis.

jurisdiction: contributory negligence and assumption of risk.

if the roommate asserts a claim agasint the college student for his dermatitis injuries, the college student’s best defense will be that…


the roommate was contributorily negligent.

contributory negligence= P may be denied recovery if he assumed the risk of any damage caused by the D’s acts.

implied assumption of risk= P must have known of the risk.

assumption of risk MUST be voluntary


meadowview is a large tract of undeveloped land.

Man (owner of meadowview) prepared a development plan creating 200 house lots in Meadowview with the necessary streets and public areas.

construction of the streets has not yet begun.

a parcel that is adjacent to Meadowview has no access to any public way except a poorly devloped road that is inconvenient and cannot be used.

Pharmacist (owner of parcel) sold his land to a friend and conveyed in the deed that the friend has access to the new street College Ave.

Friend now seeks a building permit and intends to use College Age for access to parcel.

man objects to the granting of a building permit.

the best argument for the man in this action is….


the friend’s right must await the action of appropriate public authorities to open College Ave as a public street, since no private easements arose by implication.

easement by necessity will be implied where a party is “landlocked” (no way to access the property without crossing another party’s land)

BUT if any means of access does exist (even if inconvenience) then there is no necessity and no easement will be implied.


art collector living in state A had a painting from his home appraised for $50K.

The art collector believes that the the painting belongs to him.

2 of the art collector’s cousins, also believe that the painting belongs to them.

cousin 1 lives in state B; cousin 2 lives in state C. neither of the cousins have travelled outside of their states.

which of the following is true regarding the art collector’s ability to bring suit against both cousins in federal court under the federal interpleader statute?


the art collector can bring an interpleader action against both cousins in state A federal court, even if state A’s state court would not have personal jurisdiction over either cousin in state A’s long arm statute.

federal interpleader statute= there is jurisdiction so long as at least $500 is in dispute and there is minimal diversity among the claimants.


brother and sister owned blackacre as joint tenants– there was a 2 family house on the property.

the brother lived in one of the 2 apartments and rented the other apartment to the tenant.

the tenant obtained and filed a judgment for $10K against the brother.

statute: any judgment properly filed shall for 10 years from filing, be a lien on the real property then owned or subsequently acquired by any person agaisnt whom the judgment is rendered.

the sister lived in a distant city and knew nothing of the judgment.

the sister then learned of the facts and brought a separate action against the tenant to quiet title to blackacre.

the court should hold that the tenant has….


no lien because the brother’s death terminated the interest to which the tenant’s lien attached.

when an estate is owned by 2 or more parties at once, a joint tenant or a tenant in common may encumber his or her own interest in the property but may not encumber the other co-tenant’s interest.


a mother and her adult son contracted with a tutor to help him prep for the bar.

the mother told the tutor “if my son passes the bar a law firm will hire him and pay him $55K”

the tutor agreed to do the work for $5K although the going rate was $6K

before the instruction began and any payment was received by the tutor, the tutor repudiated.

the mother and son could have employed another tutor for $6K.

the son failed the bar but if he received tutoring, then he would have passed the bar.

if the mother and son sue the tutor for breach of contract, how much if anything are they entitled to recover?


$1K because all other damages could have been avoided by employing another equally qualified instructor.

when one party breaches a contract, the other party has a duty to mitigate.

MUST not aggravate the damage caused by the breach and expect the breaching party to be held liable.


driver from state A brought a negligence suit in State A federal court, against a car manufacturer in State B.

the driver sought $100K as compensation for personal injuries the driver suffered after the ignition of his car was faulty.

jury returned a verdict for the driver.

3 months after the judgment, the driver then brought suit against the car manufacturer in state B federal court. Driver sought injunctive relief to prohibit the car manufacturer from continuing to produce the same type of ignition

Car manufacturer filed a motion claiming that claim preclusion precluded the driver’s 2nd suit.

should the court grant the cart manufacturer’s motion?


yes the court should grant the car manufacturer’s motion because the driver’s claim for injunctive relief is merged into the final judgment from the driver’s first suit.

once a final judgment on the merits has been rendered on a particular cause of action, the claimant is barred by claim preclusion.

the rules of merger and bar apply to equitable remedies.


owner had land inn fee simple.

obtained all the governmental approvals of 2 subdivisions– royal oaks and royal center.

royal center was used for commercial purposes.

the deeds for royal oaks stated that the property was to only be used for single family residential purposes until 2035 and was enforceable by the owner of any lot in the royal oaks subdivision.

royal center was zoned for a shopping center
royal oaks was zoned for residential use for both single and mult family use.

in an appropriate attack upon the limitation to residential use by single families, the most probable judicial resolution would be that…


the restriction in use set forth in the deeds will be enforced at the suit of any present owner of a lot in Royal Oaks residential subdivision.

equitable servitude to bind an entire subdivision, it must be found in the common building plan for that subdivision. If it is then anyone who owns a plot of land within the subdivision is bound by the restrictions and may file suit to enforce those restrictions.

zoning compliance is IRRELEVANT to determine if a common scheme is found that binds an entire neighborhood to an equitable servitude.


farmer and rancher owned greenacre in fee simple as tenants in common each owning 1/2 interest each.

the farmer occupied greenacre and conducted farming operations.

farmer paid all of the real estate taxes when the taxes were due and kept the buildings located on greenacre insured.

farmer died and left greenacre to his heir.

the sole heir failed to pa real estate taxes for 2 years.

gov held tax sale. rancher bid and obtained conveyacnce of Greenacre upond payment.

rancher sued sole heir to quiet title in and to recover possession of Greenacre. Heir refused to pay the rancher any money.

the rancher is entitled to a decree quieting title so that the rancher is the sole owner in fee simple of greenacre.


because the farmer’s sole heir refused to pay the rancher one-half of the amount the rancher paid for the tax deed.

co-tenants have a right to contribution from each other for certain expenditures such as taxes, mortgage payments, and necessary repairs.


buyer and seller entered into a valid contract for the sale of a parcel of real property.

the contract contained no contingencies. seller died but the closing still took place.

seller had a will that said leave all of his real property to his son and leave the residue to his daughter.

what will determine who receives the proceeds?


whether the jurisdiction has adopted the doctrine of equitable conversion.

if the seller dies and leaves a will that devises the real estate to one person and the personal property to another, and if the contract contained no contingencies or all contingencies have been satisfied at the time of the death, the doctrine of equitable conversion applies.


Which of the following would be LEAST likely for a charge of robbery?

  1. D forced his way into the woman’s home, bound her and threatened her to tell him where she kept the jewelry
  2. D pushed the man in order to have him fall and drop the brief case- D ran off with the briefcase
  3. Having induced the woman to call her maid to bring all of her jewelry to his hotel, D locked the woman in the bathroom while he took the jewelry from the maid.
  4. D unbuttoned Ps vest while P was too drunk to notice. P realized his wallet was missing and accused D of taking it. D acted insulted and slapped P.


Robbery= the taking of property by force with the intent to deprive.


D is charged with possession of heroine. P calls a witness who is a dog trainer who was at the airport with the drug sniffing dog when D walked by, the dog sniffed the brief case and began to bark. P wants the witness to testify that the dogs reaction alerted him that D was in possession of drugs.

The witnesses testimony is….


Admissible, as evidence of Ds guilt.

Hearsay is an out of court statement used to prove the truth of the matter asserted.

A witness may testify to the actions of a drug sniffing if there is foundation that the dog was properly trained and is reliable in identifying drugs


A labor leader in a city was divorced 10 years ago– both him and his wife have remarried.

a journalist wrote an article about the leader and his ex wife using giving sexual favors in the past in order to negotiate what they wanted.

the journalist believed the story to be true since he got this information from 2 sources that he believed to both be reliable.

after publication, the story turned out to be false.

the labor leader’s wife suffered emotional distress and became very depressed. if she asserts a claim based on defamation against the newspaper, she will…


no win, because the newspaper exercised ordinary care in determining the story was true or false.

if a defamation case is of public concern and the P is a private citizen, the P only has to prove fault by negligence as to the truth or falsity of the information.


free lance photographer takes a picture of basketball player without his knowledge and sells the photo to a shoe store. shoe store hangs photo on their store to help sales.

school cancels the basketball player’s scholarship.

if the basketball player asserts a claim based on invasion of privacy against the shoe store will he win?


Yes because the shoe store without the athlete’s permission used the athletes picture for a profit.

the tort of invasion of privacy= 
intrusion into seclusion
public disclosure of private facts
false light publicity 
appropriation of another's name or likeness 

P must show that D made unauthorized use of the P’s picture or name for commercial advantage.


a witness testified against a D.

D then called a friend to the stand, who testified that the witness had a bad reputation for veracity. D then called a second friend to testify that the witness once perpetrated a hoax on the police.

the second friend’s testimony is….


inadmissible because it is extrinsic evidence of a specific instance of misconduct.

specific instances of a witness’s conduct may not be proven by extrinsic evidence when they are being used to impeach the credibility of the witness.


in a contract suit, P testifies that he recalls his first conversation with D being 7-3. When asked how P recalls that date, he answers “in conversation, D referred to a story in that day’s newspaper announcing my daughters engagement”.

D’s counsel moves to strike the reference to the newspaper story.

the judge should…


deny the motion on the ground that a witness may refer to collateral documents without providing the documents themselves.

A witness may refer to collateral documents that have no probative value for the issues in the trial- without providing the documents themselves.


the driver of a car and 3 passengers were injured when their car was struck by a truck owned by a shipping company.

the truck was being driven by one of the corporations employees (truck driver), the supervisor was also riding as a passenger in the truck.

the issues: negligence of the truck driver driving too fast and not wearing his glasses and the negligence of the driver of the car failing to yield the right of way.

attorney for the driver wants to admit a written statement that the truck driver left his glasses at the truck stop when they had left 5 minutes before the accident.

the judge should rule the statement admissible if….


the driver of the car first proves that the supervisor is an agent of the corporation and that the statement concerned a matter within the scope of his agency.


city ordinance makes it unlawful to park a car on the street within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.

Man parked his car on the side of the street in front of the fire hydrant, leaving his neighbor in the car.

another driver lost control of his car and hit the mans car while the neighbor was still in the car.

the mans car was damages and the neighbor was badly injured.

if the neighbor asserts a claim against the man, the most likely result is that the neighbor will….


not recover, because a reasonably prudent person could not foresee injury to the neighbor as a result of the mans action.

proximate or legal cause= was it reasonably foreseeable that the type of injury would result from the D’s actions?


congress enacted a statute prohibiting discrimination in the rental or residential property anywhere in the US on the basis of sexual orientation or preference by any person or entity, public or private.

which of the following provisions provides the strongest basis for congress’s authority to enact this statute?


the commerce clause

federal law must regulate:

  1. channels of interstate commerce
  2. instrumentalities of interstate commerce
  3. articles moving in interstate commerce
  4. activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce.

REMEMBER: courts will uphold a regulation of intrastate activities if it is an economic or commercial activity and if it can conceive of a rational basis on which congress can conclude that the activity substantially affects interstate commerce.


police officer submitted an application for a warrant to search a particular address for cocaine.

in the application, the officer stated under oath that he believed there was cocaine in D’s home because of the information he received from an informant.

warrant was issued and D’s home was searched. the cops found no cocaine and only bags of weed.

at trial, D filed a motion to suppress the evidence received because the informant lied about being at D’s home and knowing he had possession of coke.

judge concluded that the informant lied and that the cop knew that the informant was lying.

based on the conclusions, the judge should grant the motion to suppress because…..


because the police officer knew the statement was false.

even if the information included in a search warrant is INCORRECT, the evidence seized pursuant to the search warrant will NOT be excluded from evidence unless there is evidence that the officer knew the information was false.

exclusionary rule: prevent police from acting improperly, but if the officer acted in good faith, the evidence would not be suppressed!


D was charged with aggravated assault. At trial D did not testify; however, he sought to offer opinion evidence of his good character for truth and veracity.

this testimony should be….


excluded because it is evidence of a trait not pertinent to the case.

evidence of a person’s character or a trait of character is not admissible for the purpose of proving action in conformity therewith on a particular occasion

EXCEPT when the trait of character offered by an accused is pertinent to the charge the accused is facing.


a doctor who was called as a witness by D, was asked to testify to statements made to the physician by her patient for the purposes of obtaining treatment.

which of the following is the best for excluding evidence of the patient’s statements in a jurisdiction with a physician-patient privilege?


the assertion of a privilege by the patient’s attorney, present at the trial asa spectator at the patient’s request, and allowed by the trial judge to speak.

the doctor-patient privilege is held by the patient NOT the doctor.

ONLY a patient or a lawyer acting on the patient’s behalf has the right to invoke and waive the privilege.


D is on trial for kidnapping.

victim testified that one of the kidnappers referred to the other as “speed”.

the prosecutor calls a jail employee to testify that, while D was in jail awaiting trial, other inmates addressing D called him “speed”

is the jail employee’s testimony admissible?


YES, as circumstantial evidence that D was one of the kidnappers.

hearsay= a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the current trial or hearing, offered into evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.


at trial in a criminal prosecution for theft, D calls a witness to testify that he formerly knew D as an army supply sergeant and that D had turned down many opportunties for black marketeering.

is the witness’s testimony admissible?


No because D may not prove his good character by specific instances of good conduct.

criminal D may introduce evidence of his own character of a pertinent trait.
- can only do reputation and opinion evidence

specific instances of conduct may not be used by the witness to prove the pertinent trait at issue.
- may be used when character is an essential element of the crime


at trial in a civil case arising out of a car accident, P has called the investigating cop to testify regarding a statement that the officer overheard D make at the scene admitting that he had failed to see the stop sign.

while on the stand, the cop cannot recall the exact words that D used. P proposed to refresh officers recollection with the police report written by his partner who was at the scene and wrote down D ‘s statement.

D has objected to the use of the report.

should the court permit the use of the report?


yes, because the report may be used to refresh recollection without regard to its admissibility.

when a witness has trouble remembering an event, he may be given ANYTHING to aid his recollection.

the item does not have to be something written or created directly from the witness.


motorist arranged to borrow his friends car.

friend knew that his brakes on the car were faulty so he called the motorist and told the motorist’s wife about the brakes.

the motorist was driving the friend’s car when a woman ran a red light and cut in front of the motorist who was driving the friends car.

the two cars crashed.

if the motorist asserts a claim against the woman, the motorist will…


recover the full amount of damages because the motorist himself was not at fault.

REMEMBER: for causation must be foreseeable!

foreseeable that the woman cutting the motorist off and running a red light would cause an accident.


city operates a cemetery pursuant to a city ordinance.

the ordinance requires the operation of the city cemetery to be supported primarily by revenues derived from the sale of cemetery lots to individuals.

the ordinance further provides that the purchase of a cemetery lot entitles the owner to perpetual care of the lot and entitles the owner to erect on the lot at the owner’s expense a marker of the owner’s choice.

the ordinance requires the city to maintain the cemetery (lawn service) and requires the expenditure of city tax funds for that maintenance if revenues from the sale of the lots is low.

small amount of city taxes have paid to maintain the cemetery.

group of city taxpayers bring suit against the city challenging the constitutionality as it allows the owner of the cemetery lot to use religious memorial monument or marker on their lot.

is this suit likely to be successful?


No, because the purpose of the ordinance is entirely secular, its primary effect neither advances nor inhibits religion, and it does not foster an excessive entanglement with religion.

a taxpayer does not have standing to challenge governmental spending.

EXCEPTION: when the spending violates the establishment clause of the 1st amendment.

1. purpose is secular
2. primary effect advances or inhibits religion
3. it fosters an excessive entanglement with religion.


D was charged in federal court with selling a heroin in interstate commerce.

at trial, prosecutor introduced evidence that D obtained the substance from a supplier in KC and had it delivered to CHI.

D denied that the substance was heroine but introduced no contrary evidence on the issue of transportation.

which of the following instructions regarding judicial notice may the judge legitimately give the jury?


if you find D obtained the substance in KC and delivered them to CHI, then you may, but you are not required to, find that the transaction was interstate in nature.

an instruction on a judicial noticed fact amount to no more than a permissible inference.


bus passenger sued transit company for injuries to his back from an accident caused by the company’s negligence.

passenger’s counsel seeks to introduce an affidavit he obtained in preparation for trial from the doctor (now dead). the affidavit discloses that the physician examined the passengeer 2 days after ther company’s accidnet and found him suffering from a recently incurred back injury.

the judge should rule that the affidavit…


is inadmissible because it is hearsay not within an exception.

a statement describing medical history or past or present symptoms is an exception to the hearsay rule if it is made for medical diagnosis or treatment.

HERE: the affidavit is being used to prove that P sustained these injuries bc of the bus accident AND are the passenger’s statements to the doctor of present bodily condition.


a woman goes to an art gallery and tells them that she works for a museum as an art buyer.

the gallery sells the painting to the woman– when they do not receive payment for the art, they call the cops.

woman tells cops that she took the painting because she believed the painting was hers and was stolen from her.

if the woman is charged with obtaining property through false pretenses she will….


not be charged because she believed the art to be hers.

obtaining property through false pretenses:

  1. obtaining title
  2. by false misrepresentations
  3. past or existing fact
  4. with the intent to defraud

specific intent crime!!!

any mistake by D no matter how unreasonable is a defense to the crime


the farmer kept antiques in an uninhabited farmhouse on his property.

the farmhoouse had been broken into several times in the past and some of his goods have been stolen.

the farmer was installing a security system and heard a window creep open in the other room.

farmer opened the door and immediately struck the intruder.

in an action behalf of the intruder against the farmer to recover for the injury to their nose, is the intruder likely to prevail?


yes, because the farmer used excessive force.

privilege to protect one’s property does not extend to the use of force likely to cause serious bodily harm when there is no threat of such harm to oneself.


a mother and her 6 year old son were on a walk when the mother stopped to talk to the neighbor.

bc the child did not like the neighbor, he angrily threw himself against the neighbor and knocked her to the ground.

the neighbor suffered a broken wrist as a result of the fall.

in an action of battery by the neighbor against the child. what is the strongest argument for liability?


the child was old enough to appreciate that causing a fall could inflict serious injury.

a child can be liable for intentional torts if they formed the requisite intent.


in a signed writing by both the architect and the sculptor.

the architect and the sculptor agreed that the architect would design and supervise construction of the sculptor.

the architect and the sculptor did not get along very well and the architect got a newly licensed architect (without the sculptors knowledge) and assigned “all of my rights and duties under my deisgn and construction superision contract with the sculptor”

assume the sculptor allowed the new architect to proceed with the design but the new architect abandoned the project shortly after construction began

what is the legal conclusion?


both the renowned architect and the newly-licensed architect are liable to the sculptor for any legal damages by the newly-licensed architect’s default.

a delegee in a delegated contract, has the primary responsibility to preform.

the original party to a contract is liable because a delegator will remain liable under the contract even if the delegatee expressly assumes the duties.

Delegator can not unilaterally release himself from his obligation to the sculptor and remains secondarily liable for the delegatee’s failure to perform or defective performance


A man’s wife filed a diversity action in state A against an insurance company to recover insurance proceeds for the death of her husband.

the evidence shows that a the man was last seen on a business trip 5 years ago and his body has not been found.

under state A the partying seeking recovery has to prove the burden of proof.

wife and insurance company both file SMJ

how should the court rule on the motions for summary judgment?


the court should grant the insurance company’s motion because the wife has failed to provide sufficient evidence to meet her burden.

the court should grant summary judgment if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.


novelist filed a lawsuit against the editor for an alleged violation of copyright law.

novelist’s attorney was a recent law school grad and filed the petition without stating a claim for relief.

the editor moved to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim.

the editor made a motion for sanctions claiming that the novelist complaint was filed in bad faith becasue the legal contentions contained in the complaint could not be warranted by existing law.

the court held that the novelists’ complaint was made in bad faith.

what is the most appropriate form of sanctions?


the court should lecture the lawyer on the need to do careful legal research before filing a complaint or any other legal document with the court and require her to take a courts in copyright law but should impose no other sanction because no more is needed to deter repetition of the conduct at issue.

court can impose a number of sanctions on lawyers or parties who violate the rule.

Sanctions can include non-monetary measures such as censuring the offending lawyer or striking the offending pleading.


father and contractor contracted to work on the daughter’s home.

their oral agreement indicated that the father was to pay the contractor every 1st of the month and the contractor was to show certification of the work meeting certain standards prior to payment.

for 3 months, the father did not require certification and for 4 months (winter) the father did not pay the contractor.

what is the probable legal effect of the father not paying the contractor for 4 months and the contractor not supplying the certificates for 3 months?


waiver of delay in payment as to the contractor’s failure to object and revocable waiver as to the father’s payments without requiring a certificate.

Waiver of Contract= giving up contract rights by one party.

can be by failure to to take action or by positive act.

party can revoke the waiver and reinstate the right if allowing the party reasonable time to respond.


retailer filed a suit in state A federal court for a diversity action against a manufacturer.

retailer was asking for $195K in damages and jury returned a verdict of $2.25.

Federal court, if judge believes the damages are excessive can offer P the choice between a new trial or remittiture of the excessive damages.

State A, judges can offer plaintiffs the choice of new trial or remittitur if the court believes damages are excessive and offer D a choice beween a new trial or additur if the court thinks damages are inadequate.

what is the retailers option?


the retailer’s only option is to make a motion for a new trial on the ground that the verdict is inadequate

REMEMBER: if a case is in federal court bc of diversity– USE FEDERAL PROCEDURAL AND STATE SUBSTANTIVE LAW

additur is NOT allowed in federal court ONLY state court.


engineer sued company in federal court in state A.

during the trial, the engineer’s attorney referred to a witness as a bottom-feeder. judge warned the attorney not to make statements like that any further and issues an instruction ot the jury.

during closing statements, the engineer’s attorney made the comments again and the company’s attorney objected and filed a motion for new trial.

how should the court rule?


grant the motion for a new trial because it is likely that the jury was biased by the inflammatory remarks and manifest injustice would result from allowing the jury’s verdict to stand.

when there has been a jury trial, the judge may order a new trial for any reason.

a new trial may NOT be granted for harmless error.

if a party/witness/counsel conduct themselves improperly to the level of substantial risk that an unfair verdict has resulted the judge may grant a new trial.


woman met with a heart surgeon about a blockage in her artery.

the woman had the surgery one week later.

the surgery went badly and on the last day before the SOL ran, the woman filed a complaint alleging the surgeon failed to get informed consent for the surgery and did not tell her of alternative means.

4 weeks after the initial pleading, the woman’s attorney sought to amend the complaint to add a negligence claim.

can the woman amend her complaint?


No, becasue the negligence claim does not relate back to the original complaint.

relation back ONLY applies when the original pleading and the amended pleading fall under the same conduct, transaction or occurence.

ASK: did D have notice upon reading the og complaint that an amended pleading would include the allegations in the amended pleading??

IF NO then attorney has to file a leave of the court in order to do so.


man owned blueacre and in his will wrote “ to my surviving wife for life with remainder in fee simple to my niece, daughter and my son.

there was a mortgage on the property. at the man’s death- there remained $40K in unpaid principal payable in installments of $4K a year for the next 10 years and interest due at the rate of 10% payable with the principal.

the son and niece wanted all 3 parties to contribute 1/3 amount of the amount needed to pay the mortgage payments.

if the daughter obtained sound advice relating to her rights, she was told that….


she could not be held personally liable for any amount, but her share in remainder could be lost if the mortgage installments were not paid.

life estate holder only has responsibility to pay interest on the mortgage BUT if included in the principal then they are responsible for the payment.

remaindermen is NOT liable BUT also not entitled to bid on the property in a foreclosure sale.


residents of a Country A sue American energy company in federal district court.

the district court found for the residents of Country A.

On appeal, the energy corporation argued for the 1st time that under the federal act, a corporation cannot be held liable.

residents of country A argued that the court of appeals should not address this new argument.

may the federal court of appeals consider the newly raised argument from the energy corporation?


Yes, despite the general reluctance of the federal court of appeals to consider issues that were not presented to the district court, the appellate courts do have discretion to hear such issues.

GENERAL RULE: new issues may not be raised for the first time on appeal

BUT if an issue is purely legal in nature is raised for the first time on appeal, that is okay!


painter brought a suit against an art gallery in federal court.

during the trial the district court held that the art gallery had waived its attorney-client privilege and ordered the art gallery to produce documents as to which it claimed the privilege.

the art gallery timely filed a notice of appeal arguing that the production order was immediately appealable under the collateral order doctrine.

should the court of appeals entertain the appeal pursuant to that doctrine?


no because the issue may be dealt with an appeal after the final judgment.

only final orders are reviewable on appeal.

collateral order doctrine- a claim or issue may be immediately appealable if it is too important to wait.

3 requirements:

the lower court must have conclusively determine the disputed question

the issue must be separate from and collateral to the merits of the main issue of the case


the issue must be effectively unreviewable on an appeal from the final judgment



valet brought suit against a bus driver for negligent driving that caused the valet injury.

the bus driver denied negligence.

in the course of discovery, the valet learned that in the past 10 years, the bus driver had been sued 5x for negligent driving.

an expert hired by the valet told the valet that psychiatrists had recently identified a syndrome where people suffer from an uncontrollable impulse to “bump” cars with the vehicle.

if the valet asks the judge to order the bus driver to submit to a mental exam, should the judge grant the valet’s motion?


Yes, there appears to be a good cause for the exam and the bus driver’s mental state is in controversy.

when a physical or mental condition of a party is in controversy, the court may order order the party to submit to a physical or mental examination by a physician or other examiner

may be made only upon a motion showing good cause for the exam.


a builder specializing in large scale construction projects contracted with a property owner to design and build on the property owner’s commerical plot a 15-story building.

local statute- the building’s foundation required a minimum excavation of 25 feet.

when excavating the land, encountered a massive layer of granit at a depht of 15 feet.

removal of the granite would cost an additional $3 mill and net loss of $2 mill.

the builder refused to proceed with the work unless the property owner would promise to pay an additional $2.5 million.

if the property owner refuses and sues the builder for breach of contract, what will the court decide?


the property owner prevails because the builder assumed the risk of encountering subsurface granite that was unknown to the property owner.

mutual mistake-
concern a basic assumption on which the contract was made

the mistake must have a material effect on the agreed exchange of performances

the adversely-affected party must not have assumed the risk of the mistake.

if the party is engaged in that business and had the chance to investigate the condition THEN assumed the risk of the mistake


buyer purchased 100 bolts of standard blue wool, no. 1 quality.

the sales contract provided that the buyer would make payment prior to inspection.

the 100 bolts were shipped and the buyer paid the seller.

at inspection, the buyer discovered that the wool was No.2 quality.

Buyer tendered back the wool to the seller and demanded the return of his payment.

seller refused saying there is no difference between No.1 and No. 2 wool.

what is the buyer’s remedy because the wool was non-conforming?


damages measured by. the price paid plus the difference between the contract price and the cost of buying substitute goods.

buyer is entitled to reject nonconforming goods and to obtain damages in the amount of the difference between the cost of cover for substitute goods and the contract price.


an investor sued a stockbroker in federal court on a federal statutory claim for security fraud.

the stockbroker’s attorney is trying to decide whether to file a pre-answer motion or to merely file an answer to the complaint that includes the stockbroker’s FRCP 12(b) defenses.

which of the following is NOT a valid consideration in making this decision?

filing a pre-answer motion will extend the time that the stockbroker has to answer the complaint

if the stockbroker simply files an answer, for a limited time the stockbroker will have the right to amend her answer as a matter of course

the stockbroker will not need to certify a pre-answer motion under rule 11

the stockbroker cannot request a more definite statement in her answer, but can include such a request in her pre-answer motion.


the stockbroker will not need to certify a pre-answer motion under Rule 11

Rule 11: the attorney by presenting to the court a pleading, motion or other paper, certifies that the based of her knowledge, information and belief formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances:

the paper is not presented for any improper purpose

the legal contentions therein are warranted by existing law or a non-frivolous argument for the modification of existing law or the establishment of a new law

the allegations and factual contentions either have or upon further investigation or discovery are likely to have, evidentiary support

denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence or where specified are reasonably based n a lack of information and belief.


seller brought an action against a buyer for breach of a stock purchase agreement after the buyer failed to deliver the full purchase price.

the judge entered a judgment in the buyers favor.

seller then filed a motion for a new trial that was then denied by the court.

the seller appealed the judgment and from the denial of the seller’s motion for a new trial.

what action may the appellate court take?


may affirm the denial of the seller’s post-judgment motion if it believes that the verdict was not against the clear weight of the evidence.

motion for a new trial must be filed 28 days after the judgment is entered.

court may grant a new trial IF:
error during the trial

the verdict is against the weight of the evidence

juror misconduct

verdict is excessive or inadequate

trial judge to set aside a verdict as against the weight of the evidence


jeweler brought a diversity action against an importer in federal court in state A.

jeweler is seeking damages from injuries sustained in a car accident in state B.

the jeweler does not have a viable claim under state B but does have one under state a tort law.

which is true?


the jeweler can win, but only if State A choice of law rules determine that State A tort law applies in this case.

Erie- federal courts sitting in diversity must apply state substantive law on the substantive issues of the case and federal procedural law.

Klaxon- a court must look to the choice-of-law rules of the state in which it sits to determine which of two competing states’ laws should be applied to the action before it.


construction worker sued an insulated manufacturer in federal court claiming he developed a chronic health condition.

both parties were deposed and the manufacturer’s attorney moved for summary judgment on the ground that the worker had no evidence showing that the worker did not have valid evidence.

what would be the workers best response to the motion for summary judgment?


argue that more time is needed for additional discovery to show the manufacturer’s liability and attach a declaration describing the desired discovery.

an opposition to a motion for summary judgment should be supported by affidavits, declaration made under oath, and other materials in the record.


teacher (state A) sues a student (state B) for slander in State A federal district court.

the student was not responsible for the slander and knows that the slanderous statement was actually made by a friend.

what should the student do in response to the teachers complaint?


file an answer denying the allegation


cyclist (state A) sued a state B corporation with its principal place of business ini state C.

the complaint filed in state C federal court.

the corporation purchased its rear axles from a state A manufacturer.

corporation wants the manufacturer to be part of the lawsuit.

what is the best course for the corporations attorney to follow?


serve a summons and complaint on the manufacturer as a 3rd party defendant

D alleging that a 3rd person is liable to hiim for all or part of P’s claim against him may implead such a person as a 3rd party D


a 25yr son was driving his fathers car and got into an accident with a woman.

the father thought he was liable for the accident so he paid for the woman’s medical bills and car repairs.

the son died and the creditor told the father that he needed to pay his son’s bill of $200 or he will be suing the estate.

the father paid the creditor $150 instead of $200.

will the creditor success in an action against the father for the remaining $50?


No, because the father honestly believed that the creditor did not have a legal right against him for the $200

OG contract is discharfged through accord and satisfaction.

partial payment of an original debt will satisfy as an accord and satisfaction if there is a bona fide dispute about the validity of the claim


brother and sister have title in fee simple to balckacre as equal tenants in common.

during the last 15 years the brother has lived on the property, paid the real estate taxes, and rented out another portion of the property to a tenant.

The sister lives in a different city and until recently had nothing to do with the land.

the sister demands that the brother sell the property.

the sister brought a suit against the brother for partition.

what should the court do?


grant the partition and require as an adjustment, an accounting to determine if either the sister or brother is indebted to the other on account of the rental payments, taxes, insurance premiums and maintenance costs.

a tenant has the right to judicial partition.

if partition by sale, the court will order the sale of the property and make adjustments as to the rent, repairs, taxes, improvements, etc.


a former executive brought suit against a corporation alleging that they fired him bc of his age.

the executive had the corporations president served the notice of the depo.

the corporations president informed the attorney that he had no personal knowledge of the executives employment or termination.

which course of action should the corporation’s counsel take?


the corporations counsel should object to the executives deposition notice and move for a protective order excusing the corporation’s president from appearing for her deposition.

in notice/subpoena a party may name as the deponent a public or private corporation, a partnership, an association a governmental agency and must describe with reasonable particularity the matters of examination

the company then designates someone with the proper knowledge.

if someone in particular is sent notice and they have no knowledge the attorney can object or seek protective order to prohibit an entire line of questioning or the examination of the witness


a cartoonist owns a small store. One of his previous employees filed a lawsuit against the cartoonist in State A federal court.

the animator is seeking damages of $185K for the cartoonist’s alleged violation of federal employment.

the animator is concerned that the cartoonist may not have assets to satisfy the eventual recovery.

what is the best plan for the animator’s attorney?


move the court to attach $185K worth of the cartoonist’s assets.

attachment is a process by which another’s property is seized in accordance with a writ or judicial order for the purpose of securing a judgment yet to be entered.


a homeowner’s association of a small real estate development recently issued new landscaping guidelines and restrictions for every one of the individually owned lots within the community.

the governing documents of the community are silent as to the board’s ability to impose restrictions on the structures or landscaping that owners may place on individually owned property.

is the regulation enforceable against the owner?


No because the governing documents do not authorize the board to impose landscaping restrictions.

unless authorized by statute or the governing documents a community may not impose restrictions on the structures or landscaping that it places on individually owned property or on design, materials, colors or plants that may be used.


woman sued her employer for sex and age discrimination under both state and federal law.

woman’s attorney had recently been embarrassed in court by the judge in state court who the case was assigned to.

the woman’s attorney removed the case to federal court on the basis of federal question.

employer’s attorney has timely removed.

how is the federal court likely to proceed?


remand the entire case.

to remove a case:

federal court must have subject matter jurisdiction

  • diversity
  • federal question

D seeks to remove to federal court within 30 days of service

REMEMBER: P may not remove to federal court


man filed suit against a captain in state court for negligence and for allegedly violating federal employment law.

man’s suit was removed to federal court under federal question and supplemental jurisdiction.

federal court held the man in civil contempt for violating a protective order.

federal court dismissed the federal claim and remanded down to state court.

man filed notice of appeal from the district court’s civil contempt order.

captain then moved to dismiss the appeal for lack of appellate jurisdiction.

should the appellate court grant the captains motion to dismiss?


no because the remand is a final order.

appellate review of remand orders is generally barred.

Remand is considered a final order because it puts the litigants out of court.

discretionary choice of a district court not to exercise supplemental jurisdiction is not a remand based on lack of jurisdiction but rather a reman based on discretion.


a man, sister and cousin became equal owners as tenants in common of a house.

the sister and cousin live in different states of the house.

the man was the only one living in the home and then moved out and rented the property out to a tenant.

the sister and the cousin demanded that the lease be declared void and to have the tenant evicted.

what will the court decide?


the least is valid, and the tenant is not evicted but must share possession with the sister and the cousin.

if a co-tenant rents out their portion of the property, they transferred their rights to the land via lease and the tenant share the right of possession with the other co-tenants.


seller contracted to manufacture 1,000 toasters for a buyer for a specified price.

contract provision “this contract may not be assigned, and any violation of his prohibition voids the contract”

after the contract was signed, the seller informed the buyer that the toasters would be manufactured by someone else.

buyer says no longer bound by the contract.

is the buyer bound by the contract?


No, because “this contract may not be assigned means that duties may not be delegated and the seller delegated a duty.

courts will construe a clause barring assignment of the contract as prohibiting the assignor from delegating his duties.


a client had her attorney draw up a deed conveying the property to her son.

once the son was told that the deed exists he told the client “i want no part of the property; take the deed right back”.

the son died.

the client brought a suit against the son’s heirs.

if the client wins, it will be because….


there was no effective acceptance of delivery of the deed.

conveyance of a deed:


acceptance is assumed unless grantee explicitly rejects it.


an owner of 100 acre tract prepared and duly recorded a subdivision plan called Happy Acres.

the plan shows 90 one acre lots and a 10-acre tract in the center that was designated “future public school”

the owner published and distributed a brochure promoting Happy Acres as being close to a school.

the owner sold property to the man who then conveyed the property to a woman.

in an appropriate action between the school board and the woman to determine title, the result will be in favor of….


the school board because there was dedication and acceptance of the tract.

No consideration is needed to support dedication of land for public use.

when the. land was dedicated for public purposes, the promisee is unilaterally entitled to accept the dedication without affording any compensation to the developer.


P was walking down the street peacefully when he encountered D for the very first time.

Without provocation or warning, D picked up a rock and hit P with it.

It was later established that D was mentally ill and suffered from recurrent hallucinations.

If P asserts a claim against D based on battery, what will be D’s best defense?


D did not know that he was striking a person.

P must prove that D intentionally inflicted harmful or offensive bodily contract with P’s person.

Intent can be established by showing D’s intent to cause either (1) a harmful or offensive bodily contact OR (2) an imminent apprehension by P of a harmful or offensive bodily contact.


man kidnapped a victim in state A and transported the victim across the state border into State B.

these actions violated the kidnapping laws of both states.

a jury in state A convicted the man in state A court. the prosecutor in state B then commenced a kidnapping case against the man for violating State B’s kidnapping statute.

man’s lawyer filed a motion in state b to dimiss the charge based on double jeopardy against a second prosecution for the man’s single act of kidnapping.

should the court grant the motion to dismiss?


No because the man’s conduct violated the laws of 2 different states, and each has the right to enforce its laws.

5th amendment – the right to be free of double jeopardy for the same offense.



in a contract suit by the P against D each of the following is an accepted method of authenticating D’s signature on a document offered by P EXCEPT:

A. a non-expert who, in preparation for trail, has familiarized himself with D’s usual signature testifies that, in his opinion, the questioned signature is genuine.

B. the jury without the assistance of an expert, compares the questioned signature with an admittedly authentic sample of D’s handwriting

C. A witness offers proof that the signature is on a document that has been in existence for 20 years that was in a place where it would be if it was authentic, and that has o suspicious circumstances surrounding it.

D. a witness testifies that D admitted that the signature is his.


a non-expert who, in preparation for trail, has familiarized himself with D’s usual signature testifies that, in his opinion, the questioned signature is genuine.

a non-expert who familiarized himself with D’s signature in PREPARATION for trial is NOT ALLOWED to authenticate the signature.


D was prosecuted for armed robbery. At trial, D testified that he did not commit the robbery.

On cross-examination, the prosecutor intends to ask D whether he had been convicted of burglary 6 years earlier.

assume that the court has already determined that the probative value of the answer outweighs the prejudicial effect to D.

the question concerning the burglary conviction is….


proper, because the probative value for impeachment outweighs the prejudice to D.

prior felony convictions of D who takes the stand can be used to impeach his testimony if the probative value of the impeachment outweighs the prejudicial effect to D.

a conviction can be used to impeach D’s testimony because it occurred within the last 10 years.


an assistant professor was hired by a college to teach math and he is now in his 3rd consecutive 1-year contract.

under state law, he cannot acquire tenure until after 5 consecutive annual contracts.

the professor is fired and not provided a statement of reasons or a hearing.

what most strongly supports the college in refusing to five the assistant professor a statement of reasons or an opportunity for a hearing.


He worked at the college for less than 5 years.

a person is only entitled to due process if that person is deprived of a liberty, or property right by the government.

Property rights are created by state law


passenger departed on an ocean liner knowing that it would be a rough voyage due to predicted storms.

the ocean liner was not equipped with the type of lifeboats required by statute.

the passenger felt overboard and drowned– a lifeboat that conformed to the statute could not have been launched.

in an action against the operator of the ocean liner brought by the passenger’s representative, will the passenger’s rep win?


No because the storm was so severe that it would have been impossible to launch a statutorily required lifeboat.

negligence= duty + breach + causation + damages

actual causation AKA factual causation- but for D’s actions or omissions would P still have suffered the harm?

proximate causation- foreseeability and is a legal limit on actual causation to address unforeseeable harms.


for 5 years, a rancher kept his horse contained in an enclosed field.

the gate to the field was latched and the rancher never had any issues with the horse escaping.

one day, the horse got out darted in front of oncoming traffic.

when the driver attempted to avoid hitting the horse he crashed into a tree. driver was injured.

driver sues rancher to recover damages for his injuries and the rancher moved for summary judgment.

if the facts are undisputed, the judge should….


deny the motion because pursuant to the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, a jury could infer that the rancher was negligent.

grant the motion because there is no evidence of negligence.

horse is considered a domesticated animal and negligence must be proven to recover damages

res ipsa loquitur- D had exclusive control of the instrumentality of the time AND P shows that he was not responsible for the injury


P sued D over title to land on a riverbank. Changes in the water level over time were important to P’s case.

for 15 years, a commercial fisherman had kept a daily log of the water level at his dock on the riverbank opposite the land in order to forecast fishing conditions.

P hired a draftsman to graph the data from the fisherman’s logs for use as a trial exhibit.

are the graphs admissible?


yes as summaries of voluminous business records.

the voluminous records exception- a party may use a summary chart or calculation to prove the content of voluminous writings, recordings, photographs that cannot be conveniently examined in court.

summary must be sponsored by a witness who has reviewed the underlying writings and the summary and can testify that eh summary is an accurate reflection

witness= person who prepared docs and may be an expert.


a photographer and a customer entered into a contract on Nov 1.

Contract read: the photographer to supply the customer with 200 personalized Christmas cards on or before December 15 bearing a photo of the customer and his family and the customer to pay $100 30 days thereafter. Photograph to be taken by the photographer at the customer’s house. Cards guaranteed to be fully satisfactory and on time.”

which of the following statements is most accurate?

A. payment by the customer of the $100 was a condition precedent to the photographer’s duty of performance

B. the performances of the photographer and the customer under the contract were concurrently conditional.

C. payment by the customer of the $100 was a condition subsequent to the photographer’s duty of performance.

D. performance by the photographer under the contract was a condition precedent to the customer’s duty of payment of the $100.


performance by the photographer under the contract was a condition precedent to the customer’s duty of payment of the $100.

condition precedent: must occur before an absolute duty of immediate performance arises in the other party.

condition subsequent: cuts off an existing duty of performance when it occurs.


an unmarried couple purchased a condo as tenants in common and lived in the condo for 3 years. They made a verbal agreement that on the death of one of them, the survivor would own the entire condo.

2 years later, the couple died in a car accident– both died immediately.

the woman’s sole heir was the brother and the sole heir of the man was his mother.

brother believed he took 1/2 and the mother believed she took all of the condo.

in an appropriate action by the mother claiming the entire ownership of the condo, the court will find that….


the brother and the mother each own an undivided 1/2 interest because the statute of frauds applies.

SOF an contract with regard to the sale or conveyance of land must be in writing signed by the party to be charged.

the unmarried couple owned their condo as tenants in common– although they made oral agreement, the agreement is void as a violation of the SOF


Patient suffered from type 1 diabetes sought treatment at a local hospital.

at the same time, a doctor was employed by the hospital and was doing lab research into diabetes and its effects on the human body.

patient died.

patients estate brought suit against the hospital for negligence.

hospital asked that the doctor help develop the case.

hospital determined that they didn’t want to use the doctor anymore.

patient’s estate subpoenaed the doctor for a depo.

the hospital objected and moved to quash the subpoena.

should the court grant the motion to quash?


yes unless the patients estate can show exceptional circumstances under which it would be impracticable to obtain facts or opinions by other means.

parties may depose testifying experts who are expected to be called at trial

party is not entitled to depose consulting experts

disclosures from consulting experts are ONLY discoverable upon a showing of exceptional circumstance under which it would be impracticable for the other party to obtain facts or opinions by other means.

REMEMBER: consulting experts are retained in anticipation of litigation but who are not expected at trial


A new business enterprise entered into a written agreement to purchase all of its monthly requirements of a certain elasticized fabric for a period of 3 years.

the agreement:
the parties covenant not to assign this contract

payments coming from hereunder for the first two months shall be made directly by the new business enterprise to the creditor of the fabric company.

fabric company made “an assignment for contract” to a finance company as security for a $100K loan.

the new enterprise subsequently ordered, took delivery of and paid the fabric company the agreed price.

assume the assignment from the fabric company to the finance company was effective and that the creditor did not become aware of the OG agreement until after they received payment.

which is correct?


the creditor was not an incidental beneficiary of the new business enterprise-fabric company agreement and does not have a prior right to the new business enterprise’s $5K payment as against either the fabric company or the finance company.

incidental beneficiary is one who fortuitously and incidentally anticipates a benefit resulting from a transaction between others.

an intended beneficiary must have knowledge or there can be justifiable reliance or assent, so the right to payment under the contract had not vested.


july 18 a shovel manufacturer recieved an order for the purchase of 500 snow shovels from wholesaler.

the wholesaler mailed the purchase order on july 15.

order required shipment no earlier than 9/15 and no later than 10/15.

wholesaler wrote reserves the right to cancel this order at any time before 9/1.

manufacturer mailed response saying “ we accept your order” was received by the wholesaler on july 21.

as of july 22, which of the following is an accurate statement as to whether a contract was formed?


no contract was formed, because of the wholesaler’s reservation of the right to cancel.

illusory promise is a statement that appears to be promising something but does not actually commit the promisor to anything.


grantor conveyed a farm “to my daughter her heirs and assigns, so long as the premises are used for residential and farm purposes then to her son and his heirs and assigns.”

as a consequence of the conveyance, the grantor’s interest in the farm is…


a possibility of reverter.

a future interest retained by the grantor following a fee simple determinable is always a “possibility of reverter”


Carpenter purchased Goldacre financing a large part of the purchase price by a loan from a bank that was secured by a mortgage.

carpenter made installment payments on the mortgage regularly until lst year.

then the carpenter persuaded a friend to buy goldacre, subject to the mortgage to the bank.

they expressly agreed that the freind would not assume and agree to pay the carpenters debt to the bank.

friend took possession of goldacre and made several mortgage payments, which the bank accepted.

neither the friend nor the carpenter has made the last three mortgage payments.

the bank has brought suit agasint the friend for the amount of the delinquent payments.

in this action, judgment should be for….


the friend, because she did not assume and agree to pay the carpenter’s mortgage debt.

the mortgagor of a property is generally free to transfer title to that property BUT:

  1. the mortgagor remains personally liable on the mortgage
  2. all subsequent grantees take the property “subject to” the mortgage.

subsequent grantees DO NOT become personally liable on the mortgage unless they explicitly assume the mortgage.


2 neighbors are equal tenants in common of a strip of land 10 feet wide and 100 feet deep which lies between the lots on which their respective homes re situated.

both neighbors need the use of the land as a driveway; and each fears that a new neighbor might seek partition and leave him with an unusable 5 foot strip.

the best advice about how to solve their problem is…


partition into two separate 5 foot strips and an indenture granting cross easements.

easements are created in order to give their holder the right of access across a tract of land.

an affirmative easement entitled the holders to enter upon the servient tenement and make an affirmative use of it.

privileges the holder of the benefit to make sue of the servient estate that absent the easement would be an unlawful trespass or nuisance.

REMEMBER: the right of partition cannot be covenanted away by either party, unless the partition is meant to last only for a reasonable period of time.


brother and sister acquired as joint tenants a 20 acre parcel of land called Greenacre.

they contributed equally to the purchase price.

Several years later, the brother proposed that they build an apartment development on Greenacre.

the sister rejected the proposal but orally agreed that the brother could go ahead on his own on the North side of Greenacre and she could do what she wanted with the southern half.

brother died and left his entire estate to his son.

in an action to determine the respective interests of the sister and the brother’s son in greenacre, if the son is adjudged to be the owner of the northerly 10 acres of greenacre the most likely reason for the judgment will be that…


the sister’s conduct during the brother’s lifetime estops her from asserting title to the northerly half of greenacre.

Joint tenancy cannot be created without the 4 unities (time, title, possession and interest)

can be terminated by:
sale or transfer
mortgage in title theory states


patient (state A) filed a diverity action against a doctor from State B in federal court in state A.

patient sought $175K to a contract dispute.

after the patient’s lawyer completed presenting evidence to the jury but BEFORE the doctor’s lawyer has presented evidence, the doctor’s lawyer submitted a motion for judgment as a matter of law– the court denied the motion.

after jury deliberated, the doctor submitted a renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law and an alternative motion for new trial.

what should the judge do?


consider the merits of the doctor’s renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law; if it is granted, the judge should then conditionally rule on the doctor’s motion for new trial.

a party may only make a motion for a directed verdict when the other party has been fully heard on an issue.

if the judge grants the judgment as a matter of law motion, the judge must also rule conditionally on the new trial motion.


Police received information from an undercover police officer that she had just seen 2 men (who she described) in a red pickup truck selling weed to school kids near the city’s largest high school.

A few minutes later, the cops saw a pick up truck fitting the description– the driver of the truck matched the description of one of the men.

the only passenger was a young woman who was in the back of the truck. The woman got out of the truck and stood by a bus stop.

the cops searched the car and the driver. he cops then walked over to the woman and searched her purse and found heroine.

if the woman moves to suppress the use of the evidence of the heroin, the court should…


grant the motion, because she did not fit the description given by the informant and her presence does not justify the search.

automobile exception to the warrant requirement- police may search a car if they have probable cause to believe that it contains contraband, fruits or instrumentalities of a crime.

an automobile stop constitutes a seizure not only of the automobile’s driver, but also of any current passengers.

IF the passenger REMAINED in the car then the cops could search her person IF the passenger EXITED the car the cops are then required to get a warrant.


inventor believing that a woman suffered from arthritis, told her that for $100 he could cure her with a device he had invented.

the device was a large box with light bulbs along the side.

the woman after examining the device, agreed to the treatment.

the woman gave the inventor $100.

the inventor is charged with obtaining money by false pretenses.

each of the following, if true, will absolve the inventor of guilt for obtaining money by false pretenses EXCEPT:

A. The inventor honestly believed that the device would cure arthritis but his belief was unreasonable.

B. the woman honestly believed that the device would cure arthritis, but her belief was unreasonable

C. the inventor was playing a practice joke on the woman and intended to return the money

D. the woman was undercover police officer and did not beleive tha thte device would cure arthritis.


the woman honestly believed that the device would cure arthritis, but her belief was unreasonable

the victim must actually be deceived by, or act in reliance on, the misrepresentation

as long as the victim is honestly deceived it does not matter if her belief is reasonable or unreasonable.


a member of state legislature is being prosecuted in federal court for a violation of the federal securities act arising out of the activities of a state-owned corporation.

a legislator’s defense includes a claim that the alleged wrongful acts were committed in the courts of legislative business and are immune from scrutiny.

which of the following is the strongest argument against the legislator’s constitutional defense?


congress does not significantly interfere with state government by applying this law to state legislators.

10th amendment= all powers not delegated to the federal government by the US constitution are reserved to the states.

congress’ power to commandeer the legislative processes of the states is limited.

state legislators have limited imm unity against claims arising from a federal law when engaging in the course of their official legislative duties.


D was indicted for the murder of the victim by poison.

At trial, the prosecutor calls the county coroner who is a board certified pathologist to testify that in accord with good practice in her specialty, she has studied slides of tissue taken from the victim’s corpse and that in her opinion the victim died of poisoning.

the coroner’s opinion should be…


admitted because the coroner followed accepted medical practice in arriving at her opinion.

Expert testimony is specialized knowledge that will assist the trier of fact and was the product of reliable principles and methods.


2 lawyers are partners in a small town.

their client was in a car accident– the client had 6 weeks left before the SOL ran.

each partner thought the other partner would file the complaint.

the client filed suit against the partners for negligence.

the case is on a trial with a jury in a court of general jurisdiction.

in order to establish a breach of the standard of care owed to her by the partners, the client….


can rely on the application of the juror’s common knowledge as to whether there was a breach.

generally expert testimony is not required when the fact finder can use common sense and experience to analyze the matter at hand.


there is a high unemployment in State G.

State G’s legislature enacted a statute requiring every business with annual sales of over $1 million to purchase goods and or services equal in value to at least half of its sales in State G each year.

which of the following parties most clearly has standing to contest the constitutionality of this statute in federal court?

A. a business in another state that supplies from that other state 95% of the goods and services bought by a corporation that has annual sales in State G of $20 Mill

B. a corporation selling $300K worth of goods in State G but presently purchasing only $10K in goods and services.

C. the governor of an adjacent state on the behalf of the state and its residents.

D. the owner of high-grade, secured bonds issued by a corporation with sales in state G of $10 million that currently purchases only $1 million in goods and services in State G.


a business in another state that supplies from that other state 95% of the goods and services bought by a corporation that has annual sales in State G of $20 Mill.



federal statute enacted pursuant to the powers of congress to enforce the 14th amendment and to regulate commerce among the states prohibits any state from requiring any of its employees to retire from state employment solely because of their age.

the statute expressly authorizes employees required by a state to retire from state employment solely because of their age to sue the state government in federal district court for any damages resulting from the state action.

retiree sues state X

State X moves to dismiss the suit on the ground that Congress lacks authority to authorize such suits against a state.

which of the following is the strongest argument that the retiree can offer in opposition to the state’s motion to dismiss this suit?


when congress exercises power vested in it by the 14th amendment, congress may enact appropriate remedial legislation expressly subjecting the state to private suits for damages in federal court.

the 14th amendment allows congress to enact remedial legislation to combat age discrimination.

this allows congress to subject a state to private suits in federal court for damages.


congress enacts a statute punishing “each and every conspiracy entered into by any two or more persons for the purpose of denying black persons housing, employment, or education, solely because of their race”

what constitutional provision is the authority of Congress to pass such a statute most clearly and easily justifiable?


the 13th amendment

13th amendment prohibits slavery and the badges of servitude.


surgeon performed a sterilization operation on a patient.

After the surgery the surgeon discovered that the procedure was not successful and the patient could still get pregnant.

the patient then got pregnant and the baby had a rare genetic defect that was unknown to the surgeon.

the patient brought an action on her own behalf against the surgeon seeking to recover the cost of her medical care for the delivery of the baby and the baby’s future medical expenses.

what question is relevant to the lawsuit and currently most difficult to answer?


is the patient entitled to recover damages for the baby’s extraordinary future medical expenses?

courts have required that the surgeon at least be on notice that genetic defects are possible before the extraordinary medical/child-rearing expenses are recoverable

wrongful birth cases– if the reason for preventing the pregnancy was not due to thee risk of genetic defects, the surgeon may not be regarded as the legal (proximate) cause of any damages resulting from baby’s genetic problems.


when D heard that his neighbor was planned on selling his home to a minority purchaser, D told his neighbor that the neighbor and his wife and children would meet “accidents” if he did so.

the neighbor then called the purcahser and told him that he was taking the home off the market.

if the neighbor asserts a claim against D for assault, the neighbor will…


NOT recover because the D took no action that threatened immediate physical harm to the neighbor.

words alone are NEVER enough!

act by D created a reasonable apprehension in P of immediate harmful or offensive contact to P’s person.

there was intent on the part of D to bring about an apprehension of immediate or harmful or offensive contact with the P’s person




Grant jury indicted the defendant on a charge of arson and a valid warrant was issued for her arrest.

A police officer arrested D and informed her of what the warrant stated.

he placed her in the back seat and was driving her to the police station when she said “look I didnt mean to burn the bilding; it was an accident. IU was just burning some papers in a wastebasket”

at the station, D was given miranda warnings and she stated that she wished to not say anything.

D moved to suppress the use of her statement to the police officer as evidence on 2 grounds:

  1. statement was acquired without giving miranda warnings
  2. police officer had deliberately elicited her incriminating statement after she was in custody.

as to D’s motion to suppress, the court should?


deny the motion.

Miranda warnings are required when there is custodial interrogation.

D is in custody if:
1. a reasonable person under the circumstances would feel free to terminate the interrogation and leave
2. the environment offers “the same inherently coercive pressures” as were present at the station house.

interrogation= any words or actions on the part of the police that they should know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response.


an ordinance of a particular city requires that if someone wants to run for mayor they must have lived in the city for 5 consecutive years.

a candidate who is thinking about running sues the chairman of his political party and asking that the state find the city residence requirement invalid.

in this case the court should…


refuse to determine the merits of this suit because there is no case or controversy.


there is no standing bc the issue is not ripe and the candidate did not have any injury.


homeowner contracted in writing with a kitchen contractor to renovate her kitchen for $25,000 “subject to the homeowner’s complete personal satisfaction”

The contractor replaced the cabinets, flooring and countertops and then sought payment from the homeowner.

the homeowner paid the contractor only $20k, truthfully saying that she did not like the finish on the cabinets and was therefore not satisfied.

if the contractor sues the homeowner for the balance of the contract price, will the contractor be likely top prevail?


no because a condition to the homeowner’s obligation to pay was not satisfied.

if a party’s promise is subject to a condition there can be no breach of contract by that party until the condition has been fulfilled.


a new gang member, pointed a gun at a pedestrian and ordered her to give him her expensive watch.

the gang member then tossed the watch to the gang leader. Although the gang member was surprised of the act, he put the watch in his pocket.

what crime did the gang leader commit?


receiving stolen property.

receiving stolen property requires:

the property received was actually stolen

D had knowledge that the property was stolen

the intent to permanently deprive the owner of the property


A seller contracted to sell land to a buyer for $300K.

the contract provided that the closing would be 60 days after the contract was signed and that the seller would convey to the buyer “marketable title” by a quitclaim deed at closing.

a title search revealed that the land was subject to an unsatisfied $50K mortgage and a right of way easement over a portion of the land.

the buyer now claims that the title is unmarketable and refuses to close.

is the buyer correct?


yes because the right of way easement makes the title unmarketable.

an easement may render title unmarketable.

quitclaim deeds do not negate the implied covenant to provide marketable title. EVERY LAND SALE contract has an implied covenant of marketable title.


general contractor bid on a construction job for an office building invited a carpenter and several others to bid on the carpentry work.

the carpenter agreed to bid if the general contractor would agree to give the carpenter the job provided his bid was lowest and the general contractor was awarded the main contract.

carpenter submitted the lowest bid and the general contractor used his bid in calculating its own bid.

what best supports the carpenters position that the general contractor is obligated to award the carpentry subcontract to the carpenter?


the carpenter gave consideration for the general contractor’s conditional promise to award the carpentry subcontract to the carpenter.

promise is supported by consideration if 2 things are true:

the promisee is giving up something of value or circumscribes his liberty in some way to suffer a legal detriment
the promisor makes his promise as part of a bargained-for exchange for the promisee’s legal detriment.


D, 14yo male, was tried as an adul for an armed robberty and was convicted.

no one had been physically harmed during the robbery.

D lengthy juvenile criminal history of violent offenses

D was sentenced to mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole.

did the life-without-parole violate the 8th amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment?


Yes, because a manadory life-without-parole sentence is not permissible for a juvenile defendant.

8th amendment prohibits punishment that is disproportionately excessive in relation to the committed crime.

it is a violation of the 8th amendment to impose mandatory life in prison without the possibility of parole on a person who was a minor when the crime was committed.


a small commercial airplane crashed in State A.

the passengers and pilot, all citizens of State B were killed in the crash.

the airline was incorporated and has principal place of business in state C.

one day before the SOL ran the estates of the pilot and passengers filed a wrongful death action against the airline in federal court in State A.

airline wants to prevent State A from hearing the action.

which of the following motions is most likely to accomplish the airline’s goals?


a motion to transfer the action to federal court in state C.

when a case is originally filed in a proper venue, the court has the discretion to transfer the case if allowed under the rules governing both jurisdiction and venue.


a federal grand jury was investigating a corporation whose tanker ship had spilled crude oil into the water.

the grand jury issued a subpoena requiring the corporation to produce all emails and internal documents regarding the corporation’s knowledge of the risks of an oil spill.

the corporation has objected citing its 5th amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

can the subpoena be enforced?


Yes, because a corporation has no 5th amendment privilege.

5th amendment protects persons from being compelled to give self-incriminating testimony by the government.

this privilege is personal and individual; it does not apply to corporations.


man who owned a business believed that one of his employees was stealing computer equipment from the business.

he decided to break into the employee’s house when he knew the employee would be away.

the man found out that the door was unlocked– he heard sounds and ran away.

what is the man’s strongest defense to a burglary charge?


the man did not intend to commit a crime inside the house.

Burglary consists of: 
and entry 
of the dwelling 
of another 
at nighttime 
with the intent to commit a felony therein. 

REMEMBER: an actual breaking requires minimum force to gain entry.


a security guard, dressed in plain clothes, was working for a discount store when a customer got into a heated argument with a cashier.

without ID’ing himself as a security guard, he suddenly grabbed the customer’s arm.

the customer attempted to push the security guard away and the security guard knocked the customer to the floor, causing injuries.

the store filed an answer to the customer’s complaint, asserting the affirmative defense of contributroy negligence. customer has moved to strike the affirmative defense.

should the trial court grant the customer’s motion?


Yes because contributory negligence is not a defense to battery.

contributory negligence is a defense to negligence not an INTENTIONAL TORT.


a railroad worker’s widow brought a wrongful death action in federal court against thee railroad, claiming that its negligence had caused her husband’s death.

at the close of the evidence, the railroad moved for judgment as a matter of law, which was denied, and the case was submitted to the jury.

the jury returned a verdict for the widow.

the railroad made a renewed motion for judgment as matter of law.

what standard should the court apply to determine how to rule on the motion?


whether there is substantial evidence in the record to support the verdict resolving all disputed issues in the widow’s favor.

the standard for a renewed motion as a judgment or judgment as a matter of law is that no reasonable jury would have a legally sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the non-moving party.


a buyer contracted with a seller to purchase 10,000 bushels of soybeans at market price.

two days after the soybean contract was made, the buyer and the seller entered into another contract which the buyer agreed to purchase 10,000 bushels of wheat from the seller at market price.

before the time for delivery of the soybeans, he seller notified the buyer that it would not deliver the wheat because the seller’s wheat supplier had refused to extend additional credit to the seller and therefore the seller had no wheat available for the buyer.

what best describes the effect of the seller’s repudiation of the what contract on the buyer’s rights under the soybean contract?


it gives the buyer the right to demand assurances that the seller will perform the soybean contract.

A seller’s inability to perform its duties under one contract gives the buyer reasonable grounds for insecurity regarding the seller’s performance under the other contract. the buyer may demand reasonable assurance of that performance.


a state law imposes penalties for “any public statement containing false or misleading information about a service or product.”

an airline falsely claimed in an advertisement that its competitor had an inferior safety record.

the claim was based on erroneous information, found on the website of a nonprofit consumer advocacy group, that the airline assumed to be true.

the airline was charged under the state law for making a false statement.

which of the following best supports the airline in a defense based on the first amendment?


the state law is overbroad.

false advertising is not protected by the 1st amendment, although commercial speech generally does have some 1st amendment protection.

commercial speech that is misleading may be outlawed.

if speech is not misleading, illegal or fraudulent, the regulation of it will be valid if it:
serves a substantial government interest

directly advances the substantial interest


is narrowly tailored to serve that interest.


man was charged with 1st degree murder.

2 lawyers were appointed to represent him because the prosecution planned to seek the death penalty.

the judge directed that the selection of the jurors take place in his chambers.

judge directed only one attorney from the prosecutor and the defense participate in the jury selection process.

Defendant remained in the courtroom during the questioning of the jurors.

did the court’s jury selection process violate the D’s federal constitutional rights?


Yes, because jury selection is a critical stage at which a D’s entitled to be present.

a non-misdemeanor offense, D must be present at every trial stage after formal proceedings have begun, including jury selection.


15 years ago, 2 men were fishing buddies and moved onto a vacant rural land owned by a woman they didn’t know and built a small fishing shack on it.

12 years ago, the men replaced the shack with a fish processing plant and a commercial fishing boat dock.

one of the men died last year leaving a sole heir.

adverse possession in the jurisdiction is 10 years

the woman has now become aware of the changes hat have occurred on the land.

in an action to determine title, who should the court decide for?


for the man who is still alive and the deceased man’s heir, because the men acquired title as tenants in common.

adverse possession= 
Open and Notorious 

if 2 people then would create a tenants in common.


the attorney for a plaintiff in an action filed in federal district court served D with the summons, a complaint, and the 25 interrogatories asking questions about D’s contentions in the case. the interrogatories stated that they were to be answered within 30 days after service.

D. is likely to succeed in obtaining a protective order on which of the following grounds?


interrogatories may not be served until the parties have conferred to arrange for initial disclosures and prepare a discovery plan.

within 14 days of the initial scheduling conference required at the start of any federal lawsuit, parties must submit their initial disclosures and proposed discovery plan.


2 days before his home was to be sold at a foreclosure sale, a homeowner obtained a temporary restraining order in federal court that prevented his lender from proceeding with the sale for 14 days or until a preliminary injunction hearing could take place.

preliminary injunction hearing could not be scheduled within the 14 day period the court extended the TRO for another 30 days.

the lender appealed the court’s order extending the TRO. the homeowner moved to dismiss the appeal.

is the appellate court likely to dismiss the appeal?


No because the 30 day extension makes the TRO equivalent to a preliminary injunction and therefore appealable.

an extension of the TRO for an additional 30 days gives it the effect of a preliminary injunction, making it appealable immediately.

an appeal can be granted for an immediate appeal for a fed court order granting, continuing, modifying, refusing or dissolving injunctions, refusing to dissolve or modify injunctions.


federal statute provides states with funds for child welfare programs, subject to the condition that those programs be administered in accordance with federal standards.

the US sued a state in federal court for injunctive relief, arguing that the state’s schild welfare programs, which were funded in part by federal funds disbursed under this staue, failed to comply with federal standards.

the state has moved to dismiss the action.

is the court likely to dismiss the action?


No, because the 11th amendment does not bar actions brought by the US.

11th amendment prohibits federal court from hearing a private party or foreign government’s claims against a state government.

DOES NOT bar actions by the US government


husband died in a hospital

widow directed the hospital to send her husband’s body to a funral home for burial.

the hospital negligently misidentified the husband’s body and sent it to be cremated.

when the wife was notified she suffered serious emotional distress.

she has sued the hospital

is the hospital likely to be held liable to the widow?


Yes because the negligent handling of the husband’s body was especially likely to cause his widow serious emotional distress.

P must have been within the zone of danger
P must suffer physical symptoms from the distress.

EXCEPTIONS: D’s negligence creates a great likelihood of emotional distress.
- mishandling of a relative’s corpse


a hot-air balloon touring company operated near a gold course. the company’s property was separated from the gold course by a fence on which the company had posted signs warning people not to enter the property because of the dangers of balloons landing.

a golfer hopped the fence and the hot-air balloon crashed and struck the golfer.

in an action by the golfer against the company, does the company have any affirmative defenses?


Yes, because the golfer assumed the risk by coming onto the company’s property.

when the plaintiff reasonably or unreasonably subjects herself to a known danger voluntarily, especially when explicitly warned, she will not be able to recover even when strict liability applies.


P has sued D in a court of the state in which both parties reside.

P alleges only a cause of action arishing under a federal statute, although state law provides a similar cause of action.

federal statute provides that claims under the statute can be brought in any court of competnt jurisdiction.

the statute has not been decided in federal court.

should the state court hear the case?


Yes, because state courts may not discriminate against cases arising under federal law.

state courts have broad jurisdiction

INCLUDING: the power to hear cases involving federal causes of action.

a state court may not discriminate against a case solely because it arises under federal law.


a pedestrian was injured when hit by a chair that was thrown from an upper story hotel window.

the pedestrian sued the occupants of all the rooms from which the chair might have been thrown

the pedestrian has been unable to offer any evidence as to the exact room from which the chair was thrown.

Ds have filed a motion for a directed verdict.

should the court grant the motion?


Yes, because the pedestrian has failed to offer evidence that the defendant’s jointly engaged in tortious conduct

when 2 or more tortious actions combine to cause an indivisible injury to a plaintiff, each tortfeasor is jointly and severally liable for that injury.

Ds can only be held jointly and severally liable ONLY if their concurrent acts brought about the harm to that plaintiff.


an individual investor purchased stock through a company’s stock offering.

when the price of the stock plummeted the investor sued the company in a state court in state A claiming that the company’s offering materials had fraudulently induced him to purchase the stock and seeking $25K.

a university had purchased the company’s stock through the same offering sued the company in federal court in state b, claiming that the offering materials violated federal securities law and seeking $1 million in damages.

state court ruled that the materials contained false information and awarded the investor $25K

university moved for partial summary judgment in its federal action.

neither state A or state B permit nonmutual issue preclusion.

should the court grant the university’s motion?


no, because state a does not permit nonmutual issue preclusion

courts will apply the preclusion law of the forum whose court rendered the earlier judgment


federal statute authorizes a federal agency to issue rules requiring that state legislatures adopt laws of limited duration to reduce water pollution from gas-powered boat motors.

the purpose of these rules is to assist the agency in attaining the clean water standards required by the statute.

several states filed an action challenging the rules on the sole ground that they are unconstitutional.

should the court uphold the constitutionality of the agency’s rules?


No, because the federal government may not compel a state legislature to enact into state law a federally mandated regulatory program.

federal government cannot force a state government to take specific legislative actions!

includes: requiring state legislatures to pass specific laws


a man allowed his friend to borrow a debit card to buy a computer. when the man refused to return the card during a later conversation in a bar, the man pointed a handgun at the friend, held his finger on the trigger and said “give it back!”

a bystander screamed and threw a beer bottle at the man.

the bottle struck the man’s hand and caused the gun to discharge, killing the friend instantly.

the man was convicted of murder in a jurisdiction that follows the common law of homicide.

man appeals his conviction.

should the man’s conviction be reversed?


No because the evidence was sufficient to support a verdict of depraved heart-murder.

Murder is the unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought.

the element of malice aforethought for a depraved-heart murder can be satisfied with extreme recklessness or reckless indifference to the human life.


mechanic sued his former employer in federal court claiming the employer had discharged him because of his age in violation of federal law.

the employer answered, denying the claims and promptly moving for summary judgment.

in support of the motion, the employer attached the mechanic’s employment evaluations for the past 3 years, which rated his skills and performance as poor and culminated in a recommendation for his discharged.

what is the mechanic’s best argument to defeat the summary judgment motion?


the essential facts are unavailable to the mechanic and therefore discovery is required.

a party opposing summary judgment may show by declaration or affidavit that he cannot present certain facts and state the reasons for their unavailability.

the court may then order a continuance to permit further discovery or make other orders as it sees fit.


an attorney received a document at his office with an attached note from the client saying: do you think this contract of sale for my boat complies with state law?”

the attorney reviewed the document and wrote a one-page letter to the client stating that the document complied with state law. the lawyer then included a bill for $500.

the client refused to pay anything arguing that she had never agreed to retain the attorney and that she didn’t receive anything of value.

if the attorney sues the client for the $500, will the attorney be likely to prevail?


Yes because the client’s note and the attorney’s performance created an implied-in-fact contract.

implied-in-fact contracts are formed by manifestations of assent through conduct.


P sued. Din connection with the dissolution of a partnership they had formed to run a parcel delivery service.

they relied on a business attorney in establishing business.

after the business failed, P and D disagreed about their respective obligations.

At trial, both have hired new counsel.

P calls the business attorney to testify to representations D made in meetings she had with P and the business attorney.

D objects to the business attorneys testimony, invoking the attorney-client privilege.

should the court uphold D’s privilege claim?


No because P and D consulted the business attorney jointly.

when the attorney-client privilege is invoked by a client who was jointly represented along with another client originally and the clients enter into a subsequent dispute, the privilege no longer applies.


a woman owned land that abutted a public highway to the south.

a neighbor owned the land immediately to the north.

the neighbor’s predecessor had received an easement from the woman’s predecessor in title to cross the woman’s land for access to the public highway.

this access was desired even though the neighbor and his predecessor had other access to public roads.

the woman erected a large solar collector on a portion of her land subject to the easement, even though the woman has other power resources.

the location was essential to acquire the max sunlight.

by erected the collector, the woman cut off the neighbors ability to use the easement.

the neighbor immediately sued to compel the woman to remove the solar collector.

must the solar collector be removed?


Yes because the easement remains valid.

an appurtenant easement passes with a dominate estate

easements are terminated by release or abandonment.


paper mill and a logging company signed a written contrqcat in which the mill agreed to buy from the comapny all thelogs the mill would need for one year.

the company was unable to keep up with the mills needs, and its log delieries fell short by 10%.

mill paid an attorney $2K for advice concerning its options in enforcing the contract.

  • paid broker a reasonable fee of $5K to find additional logs to make up for the company’s shortfall.
  • incurred reasonable costs of $25K to transport the additional logs to its facility
  • $200K in losses because of the company’s failure to timely deliver

if the court finds for the mill, how much should it award in damages?



the point of expectation damages is to put the non-breaching party in a position as if the breach had not occurred.



a valid treaty between the US and a foreign country provides for the elimination of all tariff barriers between the 2 countries.

it allows the president of either country to issue a proclamation nullifying any state or local laws in that country that have the effect of impeding imports from the other country.

foreign country uses the metric system of measurement and all goods produced there and exported to the US are packaged in metric sizes.

a law of a state in the US requires all goods sold in that state to be packaged in traditional American sizes.

the president of the US has issued a proclamation nullifying the state law pursuant to the treaty.

is the president’s proclamation valid?


yes, because it is authorized by a valid treaty of the Us and is not prohibited by any provision of the constitution and therefore is the supreme law of the land.

treaties are the supreme law of the law since they are validly-enacted federal law.

any state action in conflict with a US treaty is invalid.


a homeowner and a contractor entered into a contract under which the homeowner agreed to pay the contractor $50K for remodeling the homeowner’s basement according to a set of plans.

the work was completed, the homeowner honestly believed that there were defects in the contractor’s work as well as departures from the plans.

contractor fully performed.

homeowner offered to pay $35K in full settlement in exchange for the contractor’s promise.

contractor accepted $35K.

is the contractor likely to succeed in an action challenging the validity of the settlement agreement?


No because the homeowner honestly disputed the amount he owed the contractor.

an account stated is when the parties agree to an amount as a final balance due that discharged all claims and mutual duties.


7 years ago, a man conveyed vaant land by warranty deed to a woman, a bona fide purchaser for value.

the woman did not record the warranty deed and did not enter into possession of the land.

5 years ago, the man conveyed the same land to a nieghbor, also a bona fide purchaser for vlaue, by a quitclaim deed.

the neighbor immediately recorded the quitclaim deed and went into possession of the land.

2 years later, the neighbor conveyed the land to a friend who had notice of the prior conveyance from the man to the woman.

the friend never recorded but went into possession.

notice recording statute.

if the woman sues to eject the friend, will the woman be likely to succeed?


No because the neighbor’s title was superior to the woman’s title.

notice statute: subsequent bona fide purchaser prevails over a prior grantee who failed to record.

IMPORTANT: subsequent purhcaser had no actual or constructive notice at the time of the conveyance.

shelter rule: a person who takes from a BFP will prevail against any interest that transferor- BFP would have prevailed against.


A man filed a federal diversity action against a bus company, seeking damages for injuries he had sustained in an accident while riding a bus owned by the company.

the man demanded a jury trial.

after the attorneys examined the prospective jurors and exercised their challenges, 6 jurors and 2 alternates jurors were chose.

the parties stipulated to the return of a verdict from a 5 person jury.

the jury then deliberated and returned a verdict for the company.

the man timely filed a motion for a new trial, arguing the 5 person jury was not large enough to return a verdict.

should the court grant the motion?


no because the parties stipulated to a verdict from a jury of fewer than 6.

when a jury has suffered depletions past its alternates, the parties may agree to be bound by a verdict rendered by fewer than 6 jurors.


a landlord leased a commercial building to a tenant for 5 years.

rent was payable on the 1st of each month.

the lease term end 18 months ago.

tenant stayed in possession of the building and has continued to pay rent on time.

the landlord has continued to accept the rent.

the FMV for the building has increased and the landlord gave notice to the tenant– tenant is still in possession of the building and has informed the landlord that she does not want to move and is willing to pay the FMV.

who should the landlords lawyer say is entitled to possession?


the landlord because he gave proper notice to terminate the tenancy.

a tenant who remains in possession of a leased property wrongfully past the expiration date of a lease creates a tenancy at sufferance.

tenancy at sufferance because of a hold-over- landlord has the right to:
evict the tenant
holding the tenant to another term.

commercial lease- if the original lease term was for one year or more a year-to-year tenancy results from holding over.

year-to-year lease all conditions and terms of the tenancy are carried over from one period to the next.


a woman owned land in fee simple absolute.

the woman conveyed the land to a friend “for life” and when the friend died the land was to go to the woman’s neighbor “and her heirs”

neighbor died and in her will gave her entire estate to a local charity.

one year after the neighbor died, her daughter executed a quitclaim deed conveying any interest she might have.

who has what interest in the land?


the friend has a life estate and the charity has a vested remainder, because the neighbor’s interest was devisable.

REMEMBER: a decedent’s estate includes all their property, including vested remainders because there are no restrictions on the alienability of vested remainders.

if G conveys a life estate to F with a remainder to N and his heirs and N leaves estate to C– then the vested remainder belongs to C.


a seller sold his boat to a buyer.

buyer said that he planned to sail the boat on the open seas.

seller told the buyer that theboat never sustained any damage BUT boat had been badly damaged when the seller had run the boat aground.

buyer relied on seller’s representations and paid a fair price for a boat in good repair and discovered later the boat was damaged.

seller has refused to refund any of the buyers money.

what theory would the buyer be most likely to recover?



a misrepresentation made by D.

D made the representation knowing it was false

D had the intent to induce P’s reliance on the misrep

P relied on the misrep

reliance was justifiable


there must be damages


10 years ago a couple bought a building and moved into its 2nd floor apartment with their teenage daughter.

the couple operated a shoe store on the 1st floor. when the couple purchased the building, the area was predominately rural and was zoned for nonresidential use.

5 years ago, the city rezoned the area to single-family residential use.

the daughter inherited the building. the daughter asked the attorney if she can continue operating the shoe store.

should the lawyer advise the daughter that she cann continue to operate her shoe store?


Yes because the shoe store is a nonconforming use.

nonconforming uses may not be eliminated immediately.

nonconforming use may continue if there are no changes in the use.


a homeowner was injured when he slipped and fell in a puddle of water on his sunroom floor. the water accumulated on the floor during a rainstorm because of leaks in the roof.

the roof’s manufacturer had supplied nondefective materials to the installer, who was a franchisee.

the leaks were a result of the carelessness o the installer during the installation of the roof.

the installer’s truck had the manufacturer’s logo. the manufacturer was aware that the truck and the literature supplied by the installer displayed their logo.

is there any basis for a claim by the homeowner against the manufacturer?


Yes under the rule of apparent agency.

apparent agency is the power of an agent to act on behalf of a principal.

this can arise if a 3rd party reasonably infers from the principals conduct that the principal granted this power to the agent.


a national distributor of windows selected a retailer to sell its windows in a specified geographic area.

the parties negotiated a written distribution agreement, that stated any order for windows placed by the retailer would be binding by the distributor “only when expressly accepted by the distributor”.

for 2 years the retailer forwarded orders to the distributor and the distributor always filled the orders.

3rd year the distributor accused the retailer of overcharging customers to install the distributor’s windows.

retailer: you have no control over the retailers installation prices.

distributor refused to fill the order.

if the retailer sues the distributor or breach of contract, will it be likely to prevail?


No, because the retailer’s forwarding of orders to the distributor did not give rise to an obligation on the distributor’s part to fill the orders.

if a party’s duty under a contract is conditional, there is no duty to perform unless the condition occurs.

REMEMBER: although a parties course of dealing is sometimes used to interpret terms of a contract, express terms are given greater weight!!


a chemical companys plant was located in a residential community.

the manufacturing process used at the plant generated a toxic chemical as a by-product.

the chemical was stored in a state of the art tank on the site before being moved to an off-site disposal facility.

the storage of the toxic chemical created a foreseeable and highly significant risk of physical harm even when reasonable care was exercised.

toxic fumes escaped from the tank and made residents of the area seriously ill.

in an action by one of the affected residents against the chemical company, will the resident be likely to prevail?


yes, because the storage of toxic chemicals in a residential community created a highly significant risk of physical harm even when reasonable care was exercised.

an activity may be characterized as abnormally dangerous if it involves a substantial risk of serious harm to a person or property even when reasonable care is exercised.

abnormally dangerous activity:
1. the activity must create a foreseeable risk of serious harm even when reasonable care is exercised by all actors.

  1. the activity must not be a matter of common usage in the community.

REMEMBER: only foreseeable plaintiffs


purchaser files a federal diversity action against a seller, alleging breach of contract.

seller answered the complaint and included s a separate defense an allegation that the purchaser had brought and lost a similar contract claim against a different seller 3 years earlier and that this reflected a patter of filing frivolous suits.

what is the purchasers best response to the sellers answer?


move to strike the separate defense as irrelevant.

Rule 12(f): 
the court may strike from a pleading an: 
insufficient defense 
any redundant 
scandalous matter 

by acting on its own or via a motion made by a party either BEFORE responding to the pleading or if a response is allowed within 21 days after being served.

IF THE MOTION IS DENIED: the party can then file a reply


seller and buyer signed a contract for sale of real property. contract contained a financing contingency for a certain percentage of the purchase price.

the buyer obtained the requisite financing from a bank.

at closing the buyer executed a note to the seller for a portion of the purchase price, which was not secured by a mortgage.

buyer then executed a second note, secured by a mortgage to the bank, applying the bank loan proceeds to the purchase price of the property.

bank had knowledge of the note to the seller.

bank records.

the buyer is now in default on both notes. who has priority?


the bank, because its note is secured by a purchase money mortgage.

purchase money mortgages have priority over claims against a mortgagor that arise prior to the mortgagor’s acquisition of title.


a man conveyed land by quitclaim deed as a gift to his cousin who did not record the deed or take possession.

the man was still in possession 6 months later- he conveyed the land by quitclaim deed as a gift to a friend who knew nothing of the deed to the cousin.

the friend did not record his deed. man vacated the land and friend took the land.

statute: no unrecorded conveyance or mortgage of real property shall be good against subsequent purchasers for value without notice, who shall first record.

cousin recorded her deed and sued the friend for possession and to quiet title.

who is the court likely to decide?


for the cousin, because she was first in time and the friend was not a purchaser.

race-notice statute- subsequent BFP is protected only if they record before the prior grantee, without notice of the prior instrument.


a man conveyed the eastern half of a tract of vacant land to a woman by a warranty deed.

the woman promptly recorded the deed.

the land conveyed to the woman fronted a public highway. the man’s land was landlocked.

man dies intestate leaving cousin as his only heir.

cousin visited the land and realized that it had no access to public highway.

neighbor offered to sell the cousin a right to cross the neighbor’s land, cousin declined.

woman refused to allow the cousin to cross her land for access to the public highway.

the cousin has sued the woman, seeking access across the woman’s land to the public highway.

who will win?


the cousin based on necessity.

easement by necessity is created when the owner of a tract of land sells a part of the tract and by this division deprives one lot of access to a pubic road or utility line.

a right of way absolute necessity is created by implied grant over the lot with access to the public road or utility line.


when a buyer and a seller executed a valid contract for the sale of a house, the buyer gave the seller $1K as earnest money.

the contract noted that the earnest money tendered would be applied to the purchase price at the time of sale but was silent as to remedies in the event of any default.

just before closing the buyer lost her job, the buyer told the seller that she could no longer purchase the house and asked him to return the earnest money.

seller told the buyer that his losses exceeded the amount of the earnest money and that if he sued the buyer he would receive at least $5K.

should the buyer get the earnest money back?


no because the sellers actual losses exceeded the amount of the earnest money.

when a contract for the sale of land calls for a buyer to deposit earnest money, the seller may retain that earnest money as liquidated damages in the case of a breach.


a woman owned a 4 unit apartment building and lived in one of the units.

when one of her tenants vacated his apartment, the woman placed an advertisment in the local paper that read as follows: large 2-bedroom apartment available for rent. white male preferred”

the woman wanted a mix of tenants.

based upon these facts, which of the following statements is true?


under the federal fair housing act, the woman was not permitted to state a racial or gender preference in the advertisement.

fair housing act protects tenants against housing discrimination. includes: advertisement

exception: religious organizations, private clubs, and building owners who have no more than 4 apartments if one is occupied by the owner.


while visiting his son’s home, a grandfather tripped on a toy left on the floor by his 4 year old grandson.

the grandfather fell and was injured.

the grandpa regularly visited the home and was aware that the grandson left his toys scattered all over the house.

grandfather brought an action against his son. at trial after the close of evidence, both the grandfather and the son have moved for judgment as a matter of law as to liability.

what action should the court take?


grant the son’s motion because the son had no duty to warn that the grandson might leave toys on the floor.

an owner owes a duty to warn or make safe dangerous known conditions that creates an unreasonable risk of harm to the licensee and that the licensee is unlikely to discover.


a man decided to give a cabin he owned to his daughter at death.

to accomplish this goal, he delivered to his attorney a deed that fully complied with the applicable statute of frauds and told his attorney to record the deed when he died unless he later gave the attorney instructions to the contrary.

3 weeks after dropping off the deed, the man drafted and executed his own will which left all of his property to his son.

the man died and the attorney immediately recorded the deed.

the daughter and son disagree as to who is entitled to ownership.

who is entitled to ownership of the cabin?


the son, because the deed was not was not delivered to the daughter during the man’s lifetime.

physical delivery is not always needed but can be satisfied by words or conduct that evidence an intent that the deed has some present operating effect.

delivery must show an intent that title passes immediately and irrevocably, even though the right of possession may be postponed.


a man borrowed money from a lender and mortgaged land that he owned to secure repayment of the loan. before he had completely repaid the loan, the man conveyed the land to an investor, who expressly assumed the loan.

after the investor made several payments on the loan, she defaulted on 2 payments.

neither the man or the investor made the required payments, the lender initiated foreclosure naming both the man and the investor as party defendants.

the lender sought judgment against only the man.

will the court likely find the man liable for the deficiency?


yes, because even after the assumption, the man remains liable as a surety of the investor in the absence of a release from the lender.

if a buyer ASSUMES the mortgage, both the original debtor-mortgagor and the buyer are personally liable for the mortgage debt.

the buyer is primarily liable and the original debtor-mortgager remains secondarily liable.


a state owned and operated an electric power system which included a nuclear power plant.

in order to ensure the availability of sites for the disposal of spent fuel from the nuclear power plant, the state refused to supply electric power to out-of-state purchasers residing in states that would not accept spent fuel from the plant for storage or disposal.

what is the strongest argument that the state’s action is constitutional?


the state itself owns and operates the power system, and therefore its refusal to supply power to out-of-state purchasers is not subject to the negative implications of the commerce clause.

if an activity is purely intrastate or not commercial or economic in nature, then the court will uphold the law.

if a state is acting as a market participant then court will uphold.


to preserve the appearance and accessibility of its capital building, a state enacted a law prohibiting “the display of any sign on any portion of the public sidewalk surrounding” the building.

a group of 5 demonstrators who wanted to protest inadequate state funding for children’s services applied for a permit to march single file on the sidewalk.

they applied for a permit to march single file on the sidewalk surround the capital building.

the permit was denied and the group filed a suit.

should the court uphold the law’s constitutionality?


Nom because the sidewalk at issue is a public forum, and the prohibition against the display of sings is not narrowly tailored to serve a substantial government interest.

a ban on all signs on any part of a public sidewalk must be narrowly tailored to serve the state’s interest as is required for time, place and manner regulations on speech.


Defendant was indicted and arrested for bank robbery.

D had an initial appearance before a magistrate juge in which he was notified of the chrages and told that counsel would be appointed for him the next day.

police then required D to participate with other prisoners in a lineup. at the lineup, witnesses to the bank robbery ID’d D as the bank robbery.

D argues that his 6th amendment right to counsel was violated when he was denied counsel at 2 critical stages of the proceeding: initial appearance, lineup ID.

was D’s 6th amendment right to counsel violated?


Yes because on the denial of counsel at the lineup.

right attaches when adversarial judicial proceedings have begun.

if D claims that his right to counsel was violated under the 6th amendment, the prosecution must show that there was a valid waiver of the right.

right to counsel at the initial appearance does not exist!


a buyer sent a signed letter to a seller that stated: “ship 100 boxes of nails at $3 per box, the price quoted in your circular”

seller mailed the buyer a signed form agreeing to the buyers terms and stated on the reverse side “disputes regarding quality shall be arbitrated”

buyer did not reply and the seller shipped nails.

buyer received nails, did not like quality and sued seller for breach of warranty.

seller asked an attorney whether the parties contract required arbitration.

what is the best advice the attorney can provide?


a contract was formed when the seller mailed its acknowledgement and the court must decide whether the arbitration term should be excluded as a material alteration of the contract.

a response to an offer that adds additional terms but does not make these terms a condition of acceptance is treated as an acceptance, creating a contract.

if the additional terms are not part of the contract if the additional terms are material, that is a question of fact for the court to determine.


A man was angry at a coworker who had received a promotion.

the man believed that the co-worker had taken credit for the man’s work and had bad-mouthed him to their boss.

thee man saw the coworker walking through the lot and pushed the accelerator pedal hard and veered toward the coworker with the intention of scaring him.

the coworker tried to jump out of the way but slipped and fell and was run over.

could the man properly be convicted of attempted murder?


no because. the man lacked the requisite intent.

attempted is a specific intent crime.

D must take a substantial step that is more than mere preparation toward the perpetration of a crime, with the intent that the target crime takes place.


a woman acquired land by a deed that contained the following language in the grantee section: “to woman, her heirs and assigns, provided that said grantee may not transfer any interest in the land for 10 years from the date of this instrument.”

2 years later, the woman contracted to sell the land to an investor for a price based on a recent appraisal.

the investor refused to close the transaction once he learned of the deed.

the woman sued for specific performance.

who is likely to prevail?


the woman, because the deed’s restraint on transfer is void as a matter of law.

absolute restraints on alienation are void.

restraints on the alienation of a fee simple are generally void.

direct restraints upon the grantee’s right to dispose


P filed an action in federal court and served D with the summons and complaint.

D moved to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim.

P voluntarily dismissed the action and filed a new action alleging the same claims but also addressing the pleading defects outlined in D’s motion to dismiss.

D then moved to dismiss the action and P again voluntarily dismissed the second action.

P then filed a 3rd action D has moved to dismiss the 3rd action; P opposes the motion.

is the court likely to grant D’s motion?


Yes, because P’s previously dismissed actions asserting the same claims operate as an adjudication on the merits.

A notice of dismissal operates as an adjudication upon the merits when filed by a plaintiff who has once dismissed in any federal court in an action based on or including the same claim.

Once the case has been voluntarily dismissed, if it is brought to court again, a dismissal in this second case will mean the case can never again be brought back to court.


D has been charged with making a false statement to a federally insured financial institution to secure a loan.

At trial, the prosecutor calls D’s wife as a willing witness to testify that D told her in confidence that he had misrepresented his assets on the loan application.

D objects to his wife’s testimony.

should the testimony be admitted?


no because even though the wife is a willing witness, D has the right to exclude confidential marital communications in federal court.

civil or criminal case: either spouse has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another from disclosing, a confidential communication made between the spouses while they are married.


P has sued. the government for injuries she received when her car was allegedly forced off the road by a military convoy.

at trial, an eyewitness testifies for P and then is asked on cross-examination whether he belongs to a religious group that refuses on principle to file federal tax returns, because the revenues are used to build weapons of war.

is the question proper?


Yes, because the witness’s beliefs are relevant to the possibility of bias.

a witness’s bias, interest, partiality, or possible corruption is always relevant for impeachment because the jury or fact finder is entitled to all evidence that will help in its determination of accuracy and truth in na witness’s testimony.

Bias may exist where there is a special relationship between the parties (favorable or hostile).


a brick mason was hired by a builder under a written one-year contract at an annual salary of $45K with employment to begin on march 1.

builder was not able to secure enough work for the brick mason he notified him on feb 15.

builder offered to employ the mason as a night guard for $25K

mason declined employment and didnt obtain any employment anywhere else but he could have obtained employment as a day laborer for $25K a year.

at the end of the year, the mason used the builder for breach of contract, how much is he entitled to recover?


$45K contract price

measure of damages owed to a wrongfully discharged employee is the amount of salary agreed upon for the period of employment reduced by the amount the employer proves the employee has earned or with reasonable effort may have earned from other similar employment.

REMEMBER: purpose of compensatory damages is to put the non-breaching party in the position she would have been in but for the breach!


a man sued a cop alleging that the officer violated his civil rights by using excessive force while arresting him.

at trial, he officer admits having hit the man in the head with the butt of his gun, but contends that the force was necessary because the man was resisting arrest.

officer wants to introduce evidence that the man resisted arrest on 3 other occasions during the last 10 years.

is the testimony regarding the man’s conduct during the 3 prior arrest admissible?


No because evidence of the prior incidents constitutes impermissible character evidence.

civil case: use of prior conduct is not permissible as evidence that the actor likely acted in accord with those past actions.


construction contractor brought a breach of contract claim in federal court against a homeowner who had hired the contractor to build an apartment over an existing garage.

contractor and homeowner were the only witnesses at the bench trial, and they disagreed about the work.

judge stated findings of fact on the record but never issues a written opinion.

neither party objected to the findings. the judge found in favor of the homeowner and the contractor appealed.

is the appellate court likely to overturn the findings?


no because the appellate court must give due regard to the trials judge’s opportunity to determine witness credibility.

if a judge made findings of fact based on the witness’s testimony, the appellate court will not overturn these findings unless clearly erroneous (very high standard).


june 1 a widget manufacture entered into a written agreement with a tool maker in which the tool maker agreed to produce and sell to the manufacturer 12 sets of newly designed dies to be delivered on August 1 for the price of 50K payable 10 days after delivery.

tool maker encounters unexpected expenses and they sign a new contract for 60K on july 1

after receipt, widget manufacturer only pays $50K.

what concept under the UCC best supports an action by the tool maker to recover 10K for breach of the manufacturer’s July 1 promise?


modification of contracts without consideration

modification to a contract under the UCC for the sale of goods needs no additional consideration to be binding if the modification was made in good faith


a record label brought suit against 10 DJ in a single suit in fed court alleging that, in violation of federal law, the disc jockeys “pirated” music that the record label sought to distribute in exchange for payment.

the DJ’s did not know one another.

the Djs moved to sever the record label’s suit for improper joinder as well as dismiss for failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted

should the court grant the disc jockey’s motion to sever for improper joinder?


Yes. the court should grant the motion to sever because the record label failed to assert, against the DJs a right to relief arising out of the same transaction or occurrence or a series of transactions or occurrences

permissive joinder requires that multiple parties can only be joined together if the claims against them come from the same transaction or occurrence and that there is a question of fact or law common to all the parties.


A financier was the owner of Greenacre, entered into a binding written contract with buyer.

buyer decided to protect his interest and promptly and properly recorded the contract.

An old customer obtained and filed a final judgment against the financier in the amount of $1 mill.

“any judgment properly filed shall, for 10 years from filing, be a lien on the real property then owned or subsequently acquired by any person against whom the judgment is rendered.”

the recording act: “no conveyance or mortgage of real property shall be good against subsequent purchasers for value and without notice unless the same be recorded according to law”

At closing the buyer declined to accept the title.

financier sues.

the judgment should be for?


the financier, because the contract had been recorded.

the customer is not a BFP and will not prevail over the buyer’s interest.

buyer recorded first, customer had constructive notice of the prior instrument.


Federal trial in which the jury awarded the plaintiff $100K in compensatory damages and $7 million in punitive damages, the defendant moved for a new trial on the ground that the verdict was not supported by the evidence and also that has punitive damages award was unconstitutionally excessive.

court denied the motion on the condition that the plaintiff accept a reduced punitive damages award of $1 mill which the plaintiff did.

D wants to appeal.

which of the following principles govern the appellate courts review?


the trail court’s decision to reduce the punitive damages award is reviewed de novo.

when a trial court reduces a punitive damages award on the ground that tit is unconstitutionally excessive, the appellate court reviews that determination de novo.


woman owned woodsedge in fee simple an thereafter mortgaged it to a bank.

she signed a promissory note secured by a duly executed and recorded mortgage.

the woman conveyed the property to a friend “subject to a mortgage to the bank, which the grantee assumes and agrees to pay”

the friend conveyed woodsedge to his son “subject to an existing mortgage to the bank”. a copy of the note and the mortgage that secured it had been exhibited to each grantee.

son made 3 payments and then no further payments were made by any party.

the bank sued the woman, friend and son.

the bank is entitled to collect a deficiency judgment against?


the woman and the friend only.

a mortgagor is free to transfer the title of property BUT
the mortgagor remains personally liable on the mortgage
all subsequent grantees take the property subject to the mortgage.

subsequent grantees to not become personally liable on the mortgage unless they explicitly. assume the mortgage.

subsequent grantees can lose the land through foreclosure if the mortgage is not paid

if buyer assumed the mortgage then bank must release the old mortgagor and substitutes the buyer as the new debtor.


an ecologist, citizen of state A, brings suit agaisnt a cab driver, a citizen of state B, in the federal district court in state c seeking compensation of $77K.

the accident happened in state D.

the cab driver was served in state C while on vacation.

what would be a valid argument for the cab drivers attorney to make?


the court should dismiss the lawsuit because state c is an improper venue.

venue is proper in any district where:
any defendant resides IF ALL defendants are residents of the state in which the district is located OR
a substantial portion of the events giving rise to the claim occured.
if there is no district in which an. action may otherwise be brought as provided in this section any district where any defendant is subject to the court’s personal jurisdiction.

when a case originally filed in an improper venue, the court may either transfer the claim to a proper venue where the case could have been originally filed or dismiss the claim.


a writer brought suit against a film director in federal district court alleging that, without giving credit to the writer, the director intentionally copied the screenplay for his new hit movie from the writer’s unpublished manuscript.

the director moved to dismiss the writers complaint for failing to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.

the director claimed that the writer failed to allege any facts from which the court could infer that the director ever received the writer’s manuscript.

is the court likely to grant the director’s motion?


no the court will likely deny the motion and allow the writer to utilize discovery to find what the director received and when.

a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted is that if every fact asserted is taken as true and the plaintiff still has no plausible recovery under any legal theory the claim should be dismissed.


an electrician from state A filed a diversity action in State A federal court against an actress from State B.

the electrician alleged that the actress failed to pay the their 150K due on a valid service contract to install a kitchen in the actress’ home.

The actress disputed the contract’s validity. testifying before the jury that the electrician installed the kitchen as a gift and that exchanged emails to a contract had been in jest.

during the trial the electricians attorney became increasingly concerned that the jury did not like his client.

what if anything should the electrician attorney do after the close of evidence?


file a motion for judgment as a matter of law.

once a party has been fully heard on an issue, that party may move for judgment as a matter of law at any time before the case is submitted to the jury.

this has the effect of taking the case away from the jury and determining the outcome as a matter of law.


Hispanic accountant, currently employed by a corporation, brought a purported class action lawsuit on behalf of a class of hispanic employees at the corporation.

employee had been victimized by discriminatory policies and practices of the corporation in both hiring and promotion.

hispanic accountant sought back pay, money damages, and injunctive relief.

potential class amounted to 500 people.

in deciding whether the prerequisites for class actions have ben met, what would most concern the court?


whether there would be conflicts-of-interest among the class members that would undermine the adequacy of the representation that the named hispanic accountant and her attorney could provide.

named representatives will be able to sue on behalf of the class if: 
the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable 

there are question of law or fact common to the class

the named parties interests are typical of the class

the named reps will ensure the fair and adequate representation of the interests of absent members of the class

the action meets the definition of class action
- separate actions would create risk of inconsistent results
- A D has acted or refused to act or refused to act and injunctive relief is appropriate
- there are questions of fact or law common to members of the class that predominate over individual issues


May 1 a lot owner telegraphed a buyer “will sell you any or all of the lots in the grover subdivision at $5k each. details will follow later. this offer remains open until June 1.”

May 2, the buyer responded “ accept your offer with respect to lot 101”

assume that on Mya 6 the buyer telegraphed the owner “ will take the rest of the lots: and that on may 8 the owner discovered that he did not have good title to the remaining lots.

what would provide the best legal support to the owner’s contention that he was not liable for breach of contract as to the remaining 49 lots.

A. impossibility of performance
B. unilateral mistake as to basic assumption
C. Termination of the offer by the buyers having first contracted to buy lot 101
D. Excuse by failure of an implied condition precedent


Termination of the offer by the buyers having first contracted to buy lot 101

when the buyer accepted the owners offer to buy lot 101 on may 2, he implicitly rejected the offer to purchase the remaining lots, and his rejection terminated his power of acceptance as to the remaining lots.


an injured man brought a products liability case in state court in state A against a manufacturer of a drug that the man believes caused him injuries and against the retailer from whom the man brought the drug.

injuried man is a citizen of stateA. the manufacturer is incorporated in state b, ha sits sole manufacturing plant in state c, and holds the meetings of its board of directors in state A.

the retailer is a LLC that has its principal place of business in state A but its owner-members are citizens of state E.

the man is seeking 100K in damages.

both D’s timely removed the case to federal court in state A.

the injured man timely moved to remand the case back to state court.

should the district court uphold the removal and retain the case or remand the case to state court?


the district court should remand the case to state court because the injured man is not diverse from both the manufacturer and the retailer and the court lacks any other basis of subject-matter jurisdiction.

a corporation is domiciled in: 
state of incorporation 
state of its principal place of business 
- this is where it is headquartered 

an LLC is domiciled in: every state where its citizens are domiciled


man and woman owned Blackacre as joint tenants with the right of survivorship. The man executed a mortgage on Blackacre to a lender to secure a loan.

the man died intestate with his son as his only heir at law.

this jurisdiction recognizes title theory of mortgages

the court should determine that title to brownacre is vested in….


1/2 the woman, free of the mortgage, 1/2 in the son subject to the mortgage


a widow and a car dealer negotiated unsuccessfully over the purchase price of a new sports car.

on april 27, the car dealer sent the widow a signed, dated memo saying “if we can arrive at the same price within the next week, do we have a deal?”

the widow responded “yes”

may 1 the widow wrote the car dealers a signed letter offering to buy “one sportscar with all available equipment for $180K”

the car dealer wrote the widow a letter that read: “one sportscar with all available equipment for $180K”

these letters crossed in the mail and were received on May 2.

in an action brought by the widow, if the car dealer denies that the parties had a binding contract on may 3, which of the following most persuasively supports the widow’s position?


a sale of goods contract may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, even though the moment of its making is undetermined.

the exchange of correspondence between the car dealer and the widow proposing the same terms shows the condition was met and their conduct manifested their agreement.

appropriate conduct between the parties may be sufficient to show agreement to a contract for the sale of goods, even if an exchange of correspondence between the parties makes the exact moment of contract formation indeterminate.


A tenant rented a commercial building from a landlord. the building’s large front window was smashed by vandals 6 months before expiration of the tenant-landlord lease.

the tenant was obligated to effect and pay for repair in such cases, promptly contracted with a window company to replace the window for $2K due 30 days after satisfactory completion of work.

the landlord was then unaware of the tenant-window company contract. The window company was aware that the building was under lease.

Assuming that the window company has no remedy quasi in rem under the relevant state mechanic’s lien statute, what would provide the window company’s best chance of an effective remedy in personam against the landlord?


an action in quasi contract for the reasonable value of a benefit unofficiously and non-gratuitously conferred on the landlord.

a party that has made a contract with another cannot later disregard the contract and bring suit in restitution against a 3rd person, even if that 3rd person has received a benefit from the contract.


a former employee sued a corporation in state A state court alleging that she was wrongfully fired.

the employee was a citizen of State B
the corporation was incorporated in State C, had its principal manufacturing plant in state B and its second largest plant in State A and run by its board of directors in state D.

plaintiff sought damages in 75K

the claim was brought under state A workmans compensation law.

the corporation removed the case to the federal district court sitting in state A, invoking diversity jurisdiction.

within 30 days after the filing of the notice of removal, the employee moved to remand.

how should the court rule?


the court should grant the motion to remand because the workman’s compensation suits arising under the laws of the state in which the action was filed cannot be removed.

Cases that arise under the violence against women act of 1994, certain actions against railroads, claims that arise under the state workers’ compensation laws for the state in which the action was brought.


the owner of greenacre owned the land in fee simple.

he conveyed Greenacre to a friend for life “and from and after the death of my friend to my uncle, his heirs and assigns.

uncle died, devising all of his estate to the hospital.

the uncle was survived by his daughter.

the friend died

title to greenacre now is in….


the hospital because the vested remainder in the uncle was terminated by his will.

a vested remainder subject to open occurs when there is a vested remainder created in a class of persons, but it is subject to diminution by reason of other persons becoming entitled to the share.


a man filed a diversity action against the woman in federal court in state a.

the complaint alleging that she failed to pay an unconditional debt on a valid contract.

the woman filed an answer that stated that she did not pay the debt because she had to pay her son’s tuition.

what should the man’s attorney do?


for a motion for judgment on the pleadings.

motion for judgment on the pleadings= after D files an answer and the pleadings have been completed, either party can then challenge the sufficiency of the pleadings by motion for judgment on the pleadings.

this is filed after the D files their answer.


a student at a private university sued the university in fed court for negligence after he fell from scaffolding in a university theater building.

at trial, the court allowed the testimony that there had been several previous accidents in the same building.

the jury found for the student and the university appealed.

the university’s argument was that the testimony about the previous accident should have been excluded as irrelevant.

which standard of review applies to this argument?


abuse of discretion

when the court of appeals reviews discretionary rulings by the trial court, such evidentiary or discovery rulings, appellate courts will use the abuse of discretion


P sued D for nonpayment of a personal loan.

P called a witness to testify that he knows D’s handwriting and that the signature on the note is D’s.

on direct, to identify himself, the witness gave his name and his address and tesfied that he hd been employed with the roofing company for 7 years.

D called a witness to testify that she is the roofing company’s personal manager and that she had determined he was only employed for 3 years.

the trial judge should rule that the testimony of the D’s witness is…..


inadmissible because it is impeachment on a collateral question.

the testimony of D’s witness which would only amount to impeachment of P’s witness on a non-important, collateral issue would be providing extrinsic evidence on a purely collateral matter and should be ruled inadmissible.


owner of a milk container manufacturing firm sought to focus public attention on the milk packaging law of a certain state in order to have it repealed.

on a weekday at 12pm, he delibered an excited, animated and loud harangue on the steps of the state capital in front of the main entryway.

An audience of 200 people gathered.

Owner said “ the g-damned milk packaging law is stupid” and that “ i will strangle every one of those damn lgeislators I can get ahold of because this law they created proves they are all 2 too dumb to live”

state statute: all speach making, picketing and public gatherings of every sort on the capital steps in front of the main entryway between 7:45-8:15AM, 11:45Am-12:15PM, 12:45PM= 1:15PM, and 4:45PM-5:15PM on capital working days.”

the capital steps statute is probably


constitutional both on its face and as applied to the owner of the milk container manufacturing firm.

the content-based regulation of speech is subject to strict scrutiny.

where a statute regulates conduct incidental to speech, the court has allowed the government to adopt content-neutral, time, place and manner regulations.

if the regulation involves a public forum, it will be upheld if it is narrowly tailored to achieve an important government interest.


a former US ambassador is cited for contempt of the house of reps after she refused to answer certain questions posed by the house committee concerning he acts while serving as an ambassador.

fed statute authorizes the attorney general to prosecute contempts of congress.

federal grand jury indicts the former ambassador but the attorney general refuses to sign the indictment.

what best described the constitutionality of the attorney general’s action?


legal, because the decision to prosecute is an exclusively executive act.

the decision to prosecute is reserved solely to the executive branch under Art. 2, Sec. 3 of the constitution.

it is within the attorney general to decide whether to prosecute.


at a civil trial for slander, P showed that D had called P a thief.

in defense, D called a witness to testify “ i have been Ps neighbor for many years, and people in our community generally have said that he was a thief.

is the testimony concerning P’s reputation in the community admissible?


Yes, to prove that P is a thief, and to reduce or refute the damages claimed.

in slander cases, character evidence is relevant to both whether P has certain character trait and to the extent of damages.

when the character is at issue, it can be proved by evidence of reputation, opinion or specific acts.


P’s action against D for causing P’s back injury was whether P’s condition had resulted principally from a similar occurrence 5 years before.

P called his treating physician who offered to testify that when she saw P after the latest occurrence, P had told her that before the accident he had been working full time, without pain or limitation of motion, in a job that involved lifting heavy boxes.

the physician’s testimony should be:


admitted because it is statement made for purposes for medical diagnosis.

statements made for the purposes of medical diagnosis or treatment, and statements describing medical history, or past or present symptoms, pain, or sensations, or the inception or general character of the cause or external source thereof insofar as reasonably pertinent to diagnosis or treatment, are an exception to the hearsay rule and are admissible.


a state college instructor was discharged because of her refusal to comply with a state statute requiring public employees to swear or affirm that they will (1) uphold and defend the state and federal constitutions and (2) oppose the overthrow of the state or federal governments by force, violence or by any improper method”

instructor filed a complaint.

what is the state’s best argument for sustaining the validity of the statute?


the oath as a whole is only a commitment to abide by constitutional processes.

the government may generally not require an applicant to sign a loyalty oath.

BUT an oath is valid if its contents require the applicant to refrain from conduct that would be grounds for punishing him or denying him the job.

loyalty oaths are OKAY if they support both the state and US constitution.


in a drug case, the prosecutor offers in evidence a tape recording of a phone call made by the defendant.

a lay witness is called to testify that the voice on the recording belongs to the defendant.

what would be the least sufficient basis for admitting the recording?


she had heard the same voice on a similar tape recording identified to her by the defendant’s brother.

the recording can be authenticated by the testimony of a witness who through FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE is familiar with the defendant’s voice.


a leading question is least likely to be permitted over objection when:

asked on cross of an expert witness

asked on direct of a child

asked on direct of a disinterested eyewitness

related to prelim matters such as the name or occupation of the witness.


asked on direct of a disinterested eyewitness


D has denied that the signature on the letter which has become critical in a breach of contract suit between D and P.

At trial, P’s counsel calls D’s teacher from 10 years ago that says that she knows D’s signature and handwriting and thats his handwriting.

D objects. the trial judge should?


overrule the objection on the ground that a layman may identify handwriting if she has seen the person in question write, and has an opinion concerning the writing in question.

A non-expert who is familiar with a handwriting in question is permitted to give an opinion as to the ID of the handwriting.

handwriting is one of the areas din which courts will accept testimony regarding a lay person’s opinion.

if the opinion is based on the perception of the witness and the opinion would be helpful to the trier of fact.


P sues D for breach of a promise made in a letter written by D to P.

D denies writing the letter.

what would not be a sufficient basis for admitting the letter into evidence?


opinion testimony of a non-expert witness based on a familiarity acquired in order to authenticate the signature.

a lay witness may express an opinion that handwriting is genuine based on a familiarity with it that was not acquired for the current litigation.


state statute requires permanent removal from parental custody of any kid who suffered child abuse– this includes corporal punishment of any sort.

a father who gently spanks his 6yo 1x a month and only does it when he believes it is necessary.

the state files suit to terminate the father’s parental rights.

what is the most probable burden of persuasion on this constitutional use?


the state has the burden of persuading the court that the application of this statute to the father is necessary to accomplish a compelling state interest.

parents have a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care and control of their kids.

strict scrutiny:

burden: government
test: necessary to accomplish a compelling state interest


D was charged with using a forged prescription from a doctor to obtain percodan from a drug store on May 1.

At trial, the drugstore owner ID’d D as the customer but D says that wasn’t him.

Prosecutor calls 2 additional drugstore owners to testify that on May 1, a man they ID’d as D had presented prescriptions for Percodan from a doctor at their drugstores.

the additional drug store owner’s testimony is?


admissible to ID the man who presented the prescription at the original drugstore.

Evidence of other crimes, wrongs or acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in conformity therewithin.

other crimes evidence can be admitted to show ID, intent, preparation or plan.


A fatal virus recently infected polutry in several nations.

scientific evidence shows that the virus can be transmitted from poultry to humans.

one state has enacted a law imposing a fee of 2 cents per bird on all poultry farming and processing operations in the state.

the fee helps pay for the inspection system to ensure the poultry raised or processed in the state is not infected with the virus.

a company that has a processing plant in the state and in other states has sued to challenge the fee.

is the fee constitutional?


Yes, because it applies only to activities that take place wholly within the state and it does not unduly burden interstate commerce.

when a state regulation does not discriminate but merely burdens interstate commerce, it may be upheld based on a case by case balancing of the legitimate state interest versus the burden on interstate commerce.


the ownerr of a milk container manufactoring firm went on a weekday at 12PM and delivered an excited, animated, and lout speach on the steps on the capitol.

state statute: all speech making, picketing and public gatherings of every sort on the capital steps in front of the main entryway between 7:45-8:15, 11:45-12:15p, 12:45-1:15p, and 4:45-5:15 on capital working days.

if the owner of the milk container firm is prosecuted under the capital steps statute and defends on constitutional grounds, what best describes the proper burden on proof?


the state would have to prove that it had an important government interest for enacting this statute and that the means by which the statute satisfied that interest were narrowly tailored.

content-based regulation of speech is subject to strict scrutiny.

where a statute regulates conduct incident to speech, the court has allowed the government to adopt content-neutral, time, place and manner regulations.

if the regulation involves a public forum, it will be upheld if it is narrowly tailored to achieve an important government interest.


D decided to hold up a local convenience store.

he took a toy gun that resembled a real gun.

a customer saw the robbery taking place and then tried to shoot D but shot the store clerk.

D was charged with felony murder.

what is D’s best argument for being not found guilty?


he is not responsible for the acts of the customer.

proximate cause theory– D can be liable for the death of an innocent party caused by a 3rd party because D stated the series of events that caused the death.

Agency theory– D will only be found liable for felony murder of an innocent party when the killing was committed by D or an accomplice.


D is tried for armed robbery of a bank.

at the request of police the teller who was robbed prepared a sketch bearing a strong likeliness to D.

the teller died in a car crash.

at trial, the prosecution offers the sketch.

the sketch is…


inadmissible as hearsay not within an exception

hearsay is a statement other than one made by the declarant made during trial proceeding to prove the truth of the matter asserted.


congress enacted a statute directing US ambassadors to send letters to the government of their host countires protesting any violations by those governments of international treaties on weapons sales.

president told ambassords not to do that.

is the president’s action constitutional?


Yes becasue hte president and his subordinates are the exclusive official representatives of the US in foreign affairs.

commander in chief
treaty-making authority
right to appoint ambassadors

ROLE: implementing US foreign policy

SC: president alone has the authority to represent the US in foreign affairs.


P sued D for breach of contract.

court admitted testimony by P that D and his wife fought often a fact that was irrelevant to the case.

D seeks to testify in response that he and his wife never fought.

the court….


may permit D to answer, whether or not he had objected to P’s testimony.

a court may admit irrelevant evidence if the evidence is curative and rebuts the previously admitted irrelevant evidence and the curative evidence is not prejudicial.

HERE: D’s testimony would normally be considered irrelevant it is admissible as curative evidence to respond to the previously admitted irrelevant evidence about his fighting with his wife.


man and a woman planned to hold up a bank.

the man entered the bank and the woman remained outside as a lookout.

woman panicked and drove off.

the man whispered to the teller “just hand over the case and or its your life”. the teller laughed and told him “go on beat it”

the man left.

the woman was stopped for speeding. the police asked the woman if they could search the car and she said yes. search turned up heroin.

the woman’s best defesne to the charge of robbery is?


the teller was not placed in fear by the man.

the wrongful taking of another’s property

from his person or presence

by force or threat of injury

with the intent to permanently deprive


a committee wants you to draft legislation to make all restrictions on land use imposed by deeds unenforceable in the future so that public land use planning through zoning will have exclusive control in matters of land use.

which one is LEAST likely to be consideration in the drafting of such legislation?

compensation for property rights taken by public authority

impairment of contract

sovereign immunity

police power


sovereign immunity

sovereign immunity= state or federal government cannot be sued for damages


cops asked one of D’s employees to remove a drinking glass from D’s office so that it can be used for fingerprint comparison of the knife used to kill D’s wife.

Prosecutor announced that he would present comparisons and evidence to the grand jury.

D’s lawyer immediately filed a motion to suppress the evidence of the fingerprint comparison.

the motion should be….


denied because motions based on the exclusionary rule are premature in grant jury proceedings.

a motion to exclude illegally obtained evidence is premature during grand jury proceedings and it should be denied.


during a hearing, P had the burden of proving that D received a notice.

P relied on the presumption of receipt by offering evidence that the notice was addressed, stamped and mailed.

D testified that she never received it.

which of the following is true?

the jury must find that the notice was received

the jury may find that thee notice was received

the burden shifts to D to persuade the jury of non-receipt

the jury must find that the notice was not received because the presumption has been rebutted and there is uncontradicted evidence of non-receipt.


the jury may find that thee notice was received

once P establishes the presumption, D has the option to rebut it. It is then for the jury to decide whether the presumption or the rebuttal is credible.


D was charged for armed robbery.

state introduced evidence that a man ID’d by the witness as D entered a convenience store at 11P on March 5, threatened the clerk with a gun and took $75 from the cash register.

D’s sister testified that she was with D and 300 miles away from the store on March 5. On cross, P asked why she told the cops that she was not with her brother on March 5 and she said she was mistaken.

the court instructed the jury that in order to convict D they had to find all the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.

what are the proper instructions for the D’s claim of alibi?


if you have reasonable doubt as to whether D was present at the convenience store about 11P on March 5, you must not find him guilty.

due process requires the burden to remain with the state bc D has a right to present defensive evidence that raises a reasonable doubt as to an element of the crime.


an employee sued her employer in state court n a federal age discrimination claim and a state law claim for breach of contract that arose out of the same set of facts.

the employee also brought a wholly independent state law claim for negligent maintenance of the workplace.

the employee and employer are citizens of the same state.

the employer removed the case.

the employee then moved to remand the entire removed set.

should the federal court grant the employee’s motion to remand the entire set of claims back to state court?


No, the court should retain jurisdiction over the federal age discrimination claim and the breach of contract claim but should sever the negligence claim because it does not arise out of the same nucleus of facts.

Federal court jurisdiction is diversity OR federal question.

the court will only have jurisdiction over the federal question and the claim that arose out of the common nucleus of operative fact.

the negligence claim arises from a different set of facts so the federal court will not have proper jurisdiction over the case.


25 yo son crashed his fathers car into the woman. both the son and the woman were injured.

the father thought he was liable because he owned the car said to the woman “ i will see to it that you are reimbursed for any losses you incur as a result of the accident”

in an action by the woman against the father for wages lost while she was incapacitated as a result of the accident, which of the following would be the father’s best defense?


lack of consideration.

valuable consideration on both sides of the bargain is required for an enforceable contract.
- this includes detrimental reliance on the promise.


patient sues surgoen and hospital in federal court for medical malpractice seeking $750K.

during discovery (3 months later) the patient learned that the hospital was owned by a national health-care company and moved to amend the complaint to substitute the company for the hospital.

company moved to dismiss, arguing that the forum state had enacted a1 yr statute of limits for medical malpractice actions and that the company had been served after the limitations period has expired. company also noted that the state’s highest court has interpreted the limitations statute as forbidding any relation back of amendments adding parties in medical malpractice actions.

patient says FRCP controls.

which law governs whether relation back will be permitted under these circumstances?


federal law because. theFRCP govern over conflicting state rules that deny relation back.

Sc has held that the FRCP govern over conflicting state rules unless it can be found that the Federal Rule at issue was promulgated in violation of the rules enabling act.

Rules Enabling Act: prescribe federal procedural rules so long as they so not “abridge, enlarge or modify any substantive right”


A businessman had title to Brownacre in fee simple.

a nearby farmer entered Brownacre in 1980 and constructed a damn across a watercourse.

After 12 years of possession of Brownacre the farmer gave possession of brownacre to his oldest son by document that was sufficient as a bill of sale to transfer personal property.

1 year later the son entered into a leas3e ewith the businessman to lease brownacre for a period of 5 years.

After the 5 year term on the lease, the son reamined on Brownacre for another 3 years.

At that time, the businessman conveyed brownacre by a quitclaim deed to a freind.

After the businessmans conveyance to his friend, title to the damn was held by….


person who then held title to brownacre in fee simple.

adverse possession: 
open and notorious possession 

owner must eject within the SOL time to take legal action


an engineer filed a diversity action against a doctor in federal court in state A seeking $125K in a contract dispute.

During trial, the doctors attorney submitted a motion for judgment as a matte of law.

the court denied.

Doctors attorney objected during trial to evidence the engineer offered to establish the contract’s validity and the attorney still believes (2 weeks after trial) that it was improperly admitted.

what is the doctors best option now?


file a motion for a new trial, arguing that the evidence was mistakenly admitted.

a party may make a motion for a new trial no later than 28 days after the judgment if the party believes there was an error during the trial.


an artist brought a breach of contract claim against a museum in federal court.

after the suit was filed the artist did nothing on the case.

court dismissed the case for failure to prosecute.

what effects will the dismissal order have?


the dismissal will operate as an adjudication on the merits that precludes the artist from re-asserting the same claim in a newly filed action.

if P fails to prosecute their own claim, the court may dismiss it involuntarily, sua sponte.

an involuntary dismissal for failure to prosecute will serve as an adjudication on the merits under FRCP 41(b), and P will not be able to re-assert the same claim in a newly-filed action.


a supermarket is in a part of town where there are street fights and victims of pickpockets and muggers.

the supermarket posted signs that said:
“warning: there are pickpockets and muggers at work in this part of the city. the supermarket is not responsible for the acts of criminals”

other than posting the signs, the supermarket took no other precautions to prevent criminal activity.

a customer drove to the supermarket, on her way back to her car, she was attacked by an unknown man who raped her and then ran away.

if the customer sues the supermarket, the result should be for the…


plaintiff, because the supermarket failed to take reasonable steps to protect customers against criminal attack in its parking lot.

a landowner owes an invitee a general duty to use reasonable and ordinary care in keeping the property reasonably safe for the invitee.

INCLUDES: the duty to warn of or make safe non-obvious, dangerous conditions known to the landowner and to use ordinary care in active operations on the property

PLUS a duty to make reasonable inspections to discover dangerous conditions.


a commercial landlord sued his former tenant in federal court, asserting that the tenant did substantial damage to the property resulting in $80K.

landlord asserted a claim for slander due to allegedly defamatory remarks that the tenant made to prospective tenants.

the tenant counterclaimed for slander.

court granted summary judgment for the landlord on both claims

parties were set for trial on the slander claims.

landlord asked court to enter partial judgment so the landlord could immediately collect the money due.

tenant opposed providing evidence of the hardship she would suffer if she had paid the full amount now when it might be reduced by the decisions on the respective claims for slander.

should the court grant the landlod’s motion for a partial final judgment?


No because the tenant made a showing of hardship coupled with the potential of the undue burden the appellate court would face if it had to hear the case twice.

a court can enter a final judgment on fewer than all the claims when the court determines there is no justifiable reason to delay entering the judgment.

ALTHOUGH the court can enter a partial final judgment when there have been sufficient facts, it is within the judge’s discretion to do so.


march 1, a computer programming company orally agreed with a department store to write a set of programs for the department store’s computer and to coordinate the programs with the department stores billing methods.

a signed memo by both parties stated: the store will pay the computer programming company $20K in 2 equal installments within 1 month of completion if the computer programming company is successful in shortening by 1/2 the processing time for the financial transactions now handled on the department stores computer the computer programming company to complete by July 1. this agreement may be amended only by a signed writing”

June 6, programming company demanded $10K saying job was 1/2 done. 9store denied liability the parties agreed that the store should deposit $20K in escrow pending completion to the satisfaction of the manager.

store computer system manager refused in good faith to certify satisfactory completion.

was the escrow agreement a valid modification?


Yes because it was the compromise of an honest dispute.

under common law: a provision that all future modifications must be made in writing is not an effective bar to subsequent oral modification.

the performance of a preexisting legal duty is not valid consideration.

An honest dispute would be exempt from the consideration requirement.


a written contract was entered into between a financier and a winery.

the contract provided that the financier would invest $1 mill in the winery for its capital expansion and in return the winery would produce and market at least $500K bottles of wine each year for 5 years under a label with the financier’s name on it.

after making the contract, the winery without the financier’s knowledge sold its vineyards but not its winery to a large agricultural corporation.

corporation agreed to sell to the winery all grapes grown on the land for 5 years.

agricultural corporation agreed to sell to the winery all grapes grown on the land for 5 years.

agricultural corporation’s has no reputation in the wine industry as a grape producer.

the investor-winery contract was silent on the matter of the winery selling any or all of its business assets.

if the financier seeks an appropriate judicial remedy against the winery for entering into the winery-agricultural corporation transaction, is the financier likely to prevail?


Yes because the winery-agricultural corporation transaction created a significant risk of diminishing the profits in which the financier-investor would share under his contract with the winery.

An obligor can properly delegate the performance of his duty to another unless the delegation is contrary to the public policy of his duty to another unless the delegation is contrary to public policy or the terms of his promise.

If the other party’s experience was relied upon by the other contracting party then the party at fault is not free to delegate their duty.


A widow established with a bank a passbook savings account by an initial deposit of $10K for her stepson.

the passbook was issued in the widows name.

the widow handed the passbook to her stepson and said “as a token of my love and affection for you, I give you this $10K savings account.”

the widow changed her mind and wrote a letter to the stepson saying she revoked the gift and wanted it returned immediately and signed her name.

Stepson ignored it and the widow died unexpectedly.

In litigation between the stepson and the widow’s estate, which of the following is a correct statement of the parties’ rights with respect to the money on deposit with the bank?


the stepson prevails because he took the widow’s claim to the savings account by a gratuitous but effective and irrevocable assignment from the widow.

A transfer of rights under a contract is called an assignment. A writing is not required to have an effective assignment, so an oral assignment is generally effective.


An assistant to a famous writer watched the writer input his private password.

when the writer wasnt looking, the assistant would go into the writers email and copy sections of the emails.

the assistant quit his job and then published the writers information from the emails.

at trial, the writer wants to sue the assistant for damages for reading her emails.

can the writer recover damages from the assistant?


Yes because the assistant invaded the writer’s privacy.

invasion upon affairs or seclusion- P must prove:

there was an act of prying or intruding by the defendant on the affairs or seclusion of the plaintiff

that the intrusion would be highly offensive to a reasonable person


that the thing to which there was an invasion or prying is private.


a man owned goldacre.

at a time when goldacre was in adverse possession of a stranger, the man’s neighbor obtained the oral permission of the man to use as a road or driveway a portion of goldacre to reach adjoining lots.

the stranger quit possession of goldacre before acquiring title by adverse possession.

without further communication between the man and the neighbor, the neighbor continued to use the road for a total period, from the time he first began to use it, sufficient to acquire an easement by prescription.

the man then blocked the road and refused to permit its continued use.

the neighbor brought suit to determine his right to continue use of the road. the neighbor should….


lose because his use was with permission.

easement by prescription a party must show:
unpermitted use of the area for the lenght of the statutory time period.


A seller and a buyer execute an agreement for the sale of real property on 9/1/01.

The jurisdiction recognizes the principle of equitable conversion and has no statute pertinent to the problem.

Assume that the buyer dies before closing, there being no breach of the agreement by either party.

which of the following is appropriate in most jurisdictions?


the buyer’s heir may specifically enforce the agreement.

doctrine of equitable conversion- if a buyer dies after a contract has been formed but before it has been completed, the taker of the buyer’s real property can demand a conveyance of the real property.


owners of a trademark brought suit in federal district court, alleging that an electronic company was infringing its trademark and engaging in unfair competition.

owners sought a preliminary injunction and a permanent injunction against the electronic company to preclude it from continuing to infringe the owner’s trademark.

the electronic compnay denied the allegations in the complaint.

the owners moved for summary judgment requesting a permanent injunction on the electronic company and money damages.

the district court denied the owner’s motion.

the owners timely appealed, contending that the denial of summary judgment constituted an interlocutory order refusing an injunction.

does the appellate court have jurisdiction over the appeal?


No, because the denial of the summary judgment did not refuse the owner’s request for an injunction on the merits; the denial could not yet decide whether the requested injunction should issue.

Motion for summary judgment is strictly a pre-trial order–

Orders that in no way touch on the merits of the claim but only relate to pretrial procedures are not interlocutory.


the owner of a tax cab company contracted with. petroleum company for the purchase and sale of the tax fleet owner’s total requirements of gas and oil for one year.

as part of the agreement the petroleum dealer also agreed with the taxi company that for 1 year he would place his advertising with the wife.

once the wife learned of the advertising contract with the petroleum contract she turned down the soap company.

the wife was an intended beneficiary.

the wife and tax cab owner divorced and the taxi cab driver told the petroleum company to no longer do business with the wife.

if the wife sues the petroleum dealer for breach of contract, the wife will probably….


succeed because on the facts of the case, the petroleum dealer and the taxi fleet owner could not, without the wife’s consent modify their contract so as to discharge the petroleum dealer’s duties to the wife.

the rights of a 3rd party beneficiary to a contract may not be modified or discharged after the beneficiary’s rights vest.

the beneficiary’s rights will vest if she relies on the promise or manifests assent to the promise at the request of the promisor or promisee.


March 3, a seller and a buyer entered into a written agreement in which the seller agreed to create and sell the buyer 10K specially designed brake linings.

the contract provided that the buyer would pay 1/ of the purchase price on May 15 in order to give the seller funds to took up for the work, that the seller would deliver 5K linings on may 31, that the buyer would pay the balance on June 15 and that the seller would deliver the balance of the brake linings on June 30.

May 10, the seller notified the buyer that it was doubtful whether the seller could perform because of problems encountered in modifying its production machines.

May 15, the seller assured the buyer that they will get the job done and the buyer paid the first installment.

the seller did not deliver the first 5K linings. On june 10 the seller notified that he would not perform the contract.

which of the following is NOT a correct statement of the parties’ legal status immediately after the seller’s notice on June 10?


the buyer has a cause of action for breach of contract that it can successfully assert only after it has given the seller a commercially reasonable time to perform.

UCC: when either party repudiates a contract for the sale of goods with respect to a performance for a commercially reasonable time or immediately resort to remedies for breach of contract.

the non-repudiating party, may not recover damages that he might have mitigated with reasonable effort.

the repudiating party is still free to retract it’s repudiation unless the non-repudiating party has relied on it or otherwise indicated that he considers the repudiation final.


storekeeper who owns a large hardware store sells power saws that he reconditions.

a purchaser buys a reconditioned saw with a blade specific for plywood.

the employee uses the saw and was severely cut when he was using the saw to cut hard plastic.

if the employee was cutting a hard plastic and while he was doing so, the saw blade flew to pieces and severely cut the employee’s arm, and if the employee asserts a claim based on strict liability in tort against saw-blade company, the defense most likely to prevail is?


the blade was being put to an improper use.

strict liability: 
commercial supplier of a product
producing or selling a defective product 
actual and proximate cause 

P must prove that the defect existed when the product left the defendant’s control.

the product must also reach the plaintiff without substantial alteration.

privity between parties is irrelevant.


A plainitff obtained an ex parte TRO in a federal civil action and posted a bond the same day.

one day later, P served D with copies of the summons and complaint, the TRO and support documents.

court scheduled a hearing 14 days after the issuance of the TRO.

2 days before the hearing, P moved to extend the TRO and postpone the hearing for one week because its witness would be unavailable due to a planned vacation.

the defendant opoosed the motion and moved to dissolve the TRO.

is the court likely to grant the D’s motion to dissolve the TRO?


Yes becasue the plainitff’s prinicpal witness vacation is not good cause to extend the TRO.

FRCP a TRO expires after 14 days. An extension of the TRO before the hearing is dependent on a showing of good cause.

a TRO can be extended for another 14 days– can be done if opposing party consents and if there is good cause.


homeowner owns a house in the city and hired a contractor to repair his sidewalk.

the homeowner looked to the contractor in how to best accomplish that.

the contractor cut back the roots of the tree and then repaired the sidewalk. the tree then fell and damaged the driver’s car.

the driver asserts claims against the homeowner and the contractor.

in the claim of the driver against the contractor, the best defense of the contractor is that?


he could not reasonably foresee that the tree would fall.

how to best defend against a claim of negligence:

if it was foreseeable that the D’s actions would cause the incident, then D would have breached their duty to P.


a seller and a purchaser signed a contract for the sale of a 60yo house. the contract required a warranty deed to be given at closing.

the contract was silent regarding the condition of the house.

one week after the purchaser moved in, the furance stopped working, the basement flooded, and the roof leaked so badly that the second floor could not be occupied.

the seller was surpised when they learned of the issues.

the purchaser has sued the seller for damages.

will the purchaser likely be successful?


no because the seller gave no warranty regarding the condition of the house.

the seller made no representations about the condition of the house and there is no duty to disclose unknown facts.


A man owned a shotgun that he used for hunting.

the man knew that his old friend became involved with a violent gang that recently had a shoot out with a rival gang.

the man placed his loaded gun in the backseat of his car and picke dup his old friend to give him a ride.

the man realized his gun was missing– the friend took the gun and used it to injure a rival gang member.

the gang member recovered judgment for his damages from the man and his old friend on the ground that the man was negligent in allowing his old friend to obtain possession and was jointly and severally lialbe.

the jurisdiction has a statute that allows contribution based upon proportionate fault and adheres to the traditional common-law rules on indemnity.

if the man fully satisfies the judgment he then will have a right to recover from the old friend….


indemnity for the full amount of the judgment because the old friend was an intentional tortfeasor.

contribution is not allowed in favor of those who have committed intentional torts, even if both tortfeasors were culpable.

an intentional tortfeasor is liable for all the consequences of his wrongful action, intended, unintended and unforeseeable, including the negligent action of one who was affected by the wrongful act.


A hockey fan had a season ticket for her home team’s hockey games.

during the intermission between the first and second periods of the game, the hockey fan solicited signatures for a petition urging that the coach of the hockey team be fired.

the private company that owned the area and team displayed signs that they prohibit all solicitations anywhere within the arena at any time and in any manner.

the company notified the fan to stop she informed them that she did not plan on stopping.

the company mailed her a letter telling ehr that she revoked her season ticket holder status and provided a refund of the unused portion of her season tickets.

the hockey fan sued to establish her right to attend all home games.

the court will decide for?


the privately owned company because the hockey fans ticket to hockey games created only a licensee

a ticket is a mere license rahter than a property interest.

it gives the ticket holder a contractual right to use some portion of the issuer’s property for a fixed period of time but does not afford that ticket holder any interest in the property.

while the license may be revoked by the issuer, that issuer will be liable for damages if it does so wrongfully.


in 1975 the owner of blackacre and whiteacre executed and delivered 2 separate deeds.

blackacre: to my neighbor and his heirs as long as it is used exclusively for residential purposes but if it is ever used for other than residential purposes to the american red cross.
whiteacre: to my girlfriend and her heirs as long as it is used exclusively for residential purposes, but if it is used for other than residential purposes prior to 1995, then to the salvation army”

in 1980, the owner dies and he is survived by his borther and daughter.

jurisdiction applies RAP and “all future interests are alienable, descendible, and devisable in the same manner as possessory estates and interests”

in 1976, the interest in the american red cross in blackacre could be best described as?


void executory interest.

executory interests are subject to RAP. if it is not certain that their interest will vest or fail within 21 years from the end of the lives in being at the time of the creation of the interest.

RESULT: red cross interest is stricken from the conveyance and the grantor will have a possibility of reverter.

any time a future interest fails and the grantor has not conveyed an alternative future interest, the future interest remains in the grantor and grantor’s heirs.


a car owner left her car with the mechanic to have repair work done.

after completing the repairs, the mechanic took the car out for a test drive and was involved in an accident that caused damages to the plaintiff.

plaintiff sued the car owner and the mechanic jointly for damages arising from the accident.

state statute that owner of a car is liable for the injuries to a 3rd party caused by the negligent driving of any person with or without the driver’s consent.

the car owner filed a cross claim to recover from the mechanic the amount of any payment the owner may be required to pay the plaintiff.

the trier of fact has determined that the acident was caused solely by the negligent driving on the mechanic’s part and the plaintiff’s damages were $100K.

in this action, the proper outcome will be that…


the plaintiff should have judgment for $100K against the car owner and the mechanic jointly and the car owner should have judgment against the mechanic for any amount collected from the car owner by the plaintiff.

vicarious liability- P can collect from either the mechanic (due to his negligence) or the car owner (theory of vicarious liability).

BUT since the court found that the mechanic was 100% liable then the car owner would be entitled to indemnification.


a new business enterprise about to commence the manufacture of clothing entered into a written agreement to purchase all of its monthly requirements of a certain elasticized fabric for a period of 3 years from a fabric company at a specified unit price and agreed delivery and payment terms.

the contract included that the partys can not assign the contract and that the payments coming due were to be paid to a creditor.

the business enterprise by written notice to the fabirc comapny, terminated the agreement for the purchase of the elasticized fabric because market conditions had, forced the new business enterprise out of the clothing manufacturing business.

in an immediate suit by the finance company against the new business for total breach, which of the following woudl be useful in the new business enterprise’s defense?


the new business enterprise ceased in good faith to have any further requirements for elasticized fabric.

a party’s obligation under a requirements contract subject to the UCC are measured by good faith.

A shutdown by a requirements buyer due to lack of orders or market conditions meets the good faith standard.


Plaintiff is from State A, sues motorcyclist from State V. the plaintiff properly filed suit in state court located in eastern district of state A and seeks 100K in damages.

negligent act took place in Western District of State A.

the motorcylist files for removal in eastern district of state A.

is removal proper?


Yes because the state court in which the original lawsuit was filed was located in eastern district of state a.

the federal removal statute specifies that any civil action brought in a state court may be removed by the defendant to the district court of the US for the district and division embracing the place where such action is pending


A car manufacturer that is incorporated in Country A advertises and sells cars around the world.

The manufacturer advertises and sells cars in the US in state N.

A driver from State N brought suit against the manufacturer in the federal district court in state N.

His car was purchased in Country C.

The manufacturer timely filed a motion to dismiss in the federal district court in state N for lack of personal jurisdiction.

The state N long arm statute authorizes the assertion of the jurisdiction over the manufacturer.

should the court grant the manufacturer’s motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction?


Yes, the drivers claim is unrelated to the manufacturer’s purposeful availing activities in State N.

the driver’s claim is unrelated to the manufacturer’s activity in state N.

not enough if D has minimum contacts in the jurisdiction must be tied to the case!!


A construction company contracted with a warehouse owner to construct for 500K a warehouse and an access driveway at highway level.

the construction company began work and noticed that there was a massive rock that needed to be excavated and removed.

the contruction company decided to proceed anyway and instead created a large steep in the driveway.

it will cost the warehouse owner 30K to fix the error.

the construction company was only paid 470K, refuses to fix their error and sues the warehouse for their remaining balance.

if the construction company sues the warehouse owner for monetary relief, what is the maximum amount that the construction company is entitled to recover?


nothing because the warehouse owner is entitled to damages for the cost of correcting the driveway.

when the builder breaches a construction contract by improperly performing, the owner is ordinarily entitled to the cost of fixing the defects.

if the builder breaches after performance has begun, the owner will be entitled to the cost of completing the project PLUS reasonable compensation for any delay in the performance.


A retailer of guns in a state received on June 1 the following signed letter from a gun-wholesaler in another state: we have just obtained 100 of the assault rifles you inquired about and can supply them for $250 each. We can guarantee shipment no later than August 1.

June 10 the wholesaler sold and delivered the same rifles to another merchant for $300.

June 11, the retailer mailed a letter rejecting the offer.
Juen 14, retailer mailed a letter accepting the offer.

June 9, the federal statute makes the interstate sale of assault rifles punishable as a crime.

as between the retailer and the wholesaler, which of the following is an accurate statement?


if a contract was formed, it is voidable because of mutual mistake
if a contract was formed, it is unenforceable because of supervening impracticability.

mutual mistake is when the contract is based upon a mistake made by both parties.

there are 3 requirements:
the mistake must concern a basic assumption on which the contract was made.
the mistake must have a material effect on the agreed exchange of performances
the party seeking avoidance did not assume the risk of the mistake

when performance becomes impracticable: extreme and unreasonable difficulty and/or expense and
its non-occurrance was a basic assumption of the parties when they entered into the contract.

courts will allow a party to avoid performance where subjective impossibility is found.


the owner of land located in state A transfers title of the land.

the buyer who lives in state B, subsequently files. a diversity suit in the federal district court of State A to cancel the deed, alleging that the transfer was due to fraud committed in state B.

what choice of law rules should the forum court applye?


state A’s choice of law rules because that is where the property is located.

where there is a conflict of laws as to a real property issue, the choice of law rules of the situs will be followed.

the law governing the property dispute is dependent upon and varies with the location of the property, for purposes of the conflicting laws.


D parked his bank courier truck illegally too close to the street intersection.

the plaintiff driving the car at an excessive speed skidded into D’s truck.

P has brought an action against the defendant to recover damages for his loss resulting from the accident.

the jury determined both parties were negligent, but that the defendant was less negligent than the plaintiff. the jurisdiction follows a pure comparative negligence rule.

in this action, the plaintiff should recover?


his entire loss, reduced by a percentage that reflects the negligence attributed to the plaintiff.

in a pure comparative, the plaintiff may recover his full amount of damages, less the portion attributed to his own negligence.


a landowner contracted to sell a tract of land to a painter by general warranty deed.

at closing the landowner gave the painter a quitclaim deed without covenants of title.

the painter later attempted to sell the land to a purchaser, who refused to perform because the landowner had conveyed an easement for a highway across the land before the painter bought the property.

the painter sued the landowner for damages. which of the following arguments will most likely succeed in the landowner’s defense?


the painters cause of action must be based on the deed and not on the contract.

when 2 parties contract for the purchase and sale of a plot of land, the seller is generally required to provide marketable title at the closing and to deliver the deed to the buyer who, will then accept it.

once the buyer accepts the deed, the sale of contract merges into the deed, and any contract provisions that were not memorialized in that deed are destroyed.


an importer filed a valid diversity lawsuit against a merchant in state A federal court, seeking to recover damages for breach of the contract.

the merchant argued that the contract was invalid on grounds of incapacity and that the importer would not have been entitled to damages under the contract.

the judge told the jury to deliver a verdict.

the judge instructed the jury to answer:
was there a valid contract
did the merchant breach the contract
was the importer entitled to damages.

the jury answered no to the first and yes to the last 2 and then returned a verdict in favor of the importer but awarded him no damages.

given the jury’s inconsistent verdict, which of the following is true?


the court may order a new trial.

the court has the option to direct the jury to further consider its answers and verdict or order a new trial.


A chemist from state A brought suit from state B in federal court.

when it came for the final pretrial conference, the biologist lead attorney was ill and unable to attend.

the lead attorney asked his associate to attend.

at the conference the judge asked the associate to stipulate to certain facts that were relevant to the case. the associate responded that they did not have sufficient knowledge of the case or authority to make those commitments.

may the trial judge sanction the associate?


Yes, the trial judge may sanction the associate if the trial judge believes that the associate acted in bad faith at the conference or came to the conference substantially unprepared.

FRCP16 requires attorneys attending pre-trial conferences to be prepared and authorized to make stipulations and admissions regarding issues reasonably anticipated for discussion at the conference. This also allows for the imposition of sanctions when attorneys come “substantially unprepared” to the conference or act in bad faith.


a newspaper printed an article that stated that a famous and popular restaurant was closing because kitchen employees have told them that the general manager embezzled funds.

the general manager sued the newspaper on a libel action. the parties stipulated that the plaintiff never embezzled any funds from the kitchen. they also stipulated that the plaintiff is well known among many people in the community because of his job with kitchen.

the case went to trial before the jury.

the defendant’s motion for a directed verdict in its favor, made at the close of evidence should be granted if….


record contains no evidence that the defendant was negligent as to the truth or falsity of the charge of embezzlement.

if libel involves a public figure or a matter of public concern the plaintiff must also prove falsity and fault.

defamatory language on the part of the defendant
that the defamatory language was of or concerning the plaintiff
the publication of the defamatory language by the defendant to a third person
damage to the reputation of the plaintiff.

public figure or involves a matter of public concern– p must also show falsity and fault by D


Nov 1, an accountant and a lawyer contracted for the sale by the accountant to the lawyer of the law books the accountant had inherited.

the lawyer agreed to pay 10K when delivered on Dec 1.

Nov 10, the lawyer recieved a signed letter from the accountant that stated “ i have decided to dispose of the book stacks containing the law books you have alreayd purchased. let me know by Nov 15”

on nov 14, the lawyer responded they will take the stacks.

Assume on Nov 12, the accountant told the lawyer that he had decided not to part with the stacks.

will this communication operate as a legallt effective revocation of his offer to deliver the stacks?


yes becasue the accountant was not a merchant.

UCC firm offer rule, allows an offer by a merchant in a signed writing that assures it will remain open to be considered irrevocable.


absent consideration that would create an option, the offer was revocable at any time before acceptance.


balleriena as the representative of a class of dancers and musicians brought a class action agaisnt her former employer.

the class was not predominated with common questions of law or fact.

the class sought injunctive relief that was appropriate for the group as a whole.

the judge found in favor of the defendant.

a violinist is now bringing suit agaisnt D asserting the same legal claim and the same injunctive relief.

D argues the violinist was part of the class and moves to dismiss the case.

the violinist had no knowledge of the previous case.

how is the court likely to rule?


dismiss the violinist’s lawsuit because they are bound by the judgment from the class action.

class actions that do not concern a common question, all members of the class will be bound by the judgment rendered in class action lawsuits even when a class member did not receive notice of the suit.