prep-css Flashcards
What is the purpose of CSS?
To style and design the layout of web pages
Describe the syntax of a CSS rule-set.
Selector and declarations (properties and values)
H1 {color:blue; font-style:italic}
What CSS properties make up the box model?
Content, padding, border, margins
Which CSS property pushes boxes away from each other?
Which CSS property pushes box content away from its border?
What are some characteristics of block?
It starts on a new line and it takes up the entire width
What are some characteristics of inline?
It displays in the same line, and height and width values will have no effect on it
What are some characteristics of inline-block?
Inline-block is formatted like an inline element, so it does not start on a new line, however it also is in a block container so you can change the width and height