Prep Flashcards
Summarize the report
LKH faces the challenge of staffing stores
Currently, their naïve approach is not optimal
New model can balance workload demand and supply and reduce hours by 12.5 %
Needs to be a link to financial measures and accurate objective function
What are typical elements or challenges of workforce scheduling not discussed in your report?
Employee preferences on working times and days
Worker skills
Demand arrival patterns
Can you elaborate on the set-cover mathematical approach?
Can you elaborate on what is meant by “simultaneously optimizing workload allocation and shift scheduling”?
The model can adjust supply of workers and demand of workers
Your RQ is “what are the implications…” – what do you find the implications to be?
Potential for reduction of hours
Need for discussing business rules
What do you mean by the report being a “proof-of-concept study”?
Focus is on investigating if the model is applicable and if it makes sense rather than to develop a final model
Why do you choose to do optimization instead of simulation?
The model should provide the optimal plan for multiple stores and days, hence it needs to be super quick
The aim for optimality rather than what-ifs make optimization preferable
LKH does not have accurate data on customer arrivals and waiting times making it impossible to derive any distribution for simulation
If you had to do simulation, what would such study look like?
Using the customer arrival distribution and service times to derive a realized service level, costs, and revenue given some shift-plan configuration
Could be applied alongside optimization to first optimize the schedule, then simulate the effects, and re-optimize until satisfactory
What do you mean by stating that the “the problem constitutes a subset of the general workforce-scheduling problem” on p. 3?
I only consider the planning of shift schedule
I do not consider the forecasting and workload estimation prior or the worker-to-shift-allocation after the shift-scheduling
Can you explain how the problem could be solved using heuristics and why could that be necessary?
It can help to ease the computational burden if not practical to solve for optimality
Metaheuristics such as simulated annealing, tabu search or genetic algorithms could be used
Neighborhood structures could be to extend/shorten a shift, move a shift x hour or add a short shift
Why have you focused on only a single store and day?
This enables a more in-depth focus rather than focusing broadly
Also, the aim of the report does not require multiple stores
What implications do you expect it to have that focus is narrowed to a single store and day?
Before generalizing, further studies will be needed
Do you consider your findings strong?
Given the report’s aim, yes, since the finding merits further investigation and proves that the concept is valid
However, there are too many uncertainties to conclude that LKH will actually realize savings
o SMs involvement is not accounted for
o Financial impact is not considered
o Balancing rules between FTE and PTE might be incorrect
Do you see any issues with your data collection methods?
LKH data is strong
Using IM sources weakens the validity and therefore further validation by LKH is needed
What are some of the nuances that are not considered due to the report’s delimitation and what would it take to integrate them?
Accurate shift-type generation – requires new algorithm
Heterogeneity of workers – requires reformulating the model
Financial impact – requires new objective
SMs adjustment outside the model – requires looking at the implemented schedules
Service levels – requires data on arrivals, waiting times and simulation approach
Stochasticity of demand – requires simulation or SAA approach and data on demand patters
What would it take to integrate the relationship between demand and workload of flexible tasks into the model?
Nothing since this would solely be expressed by the input parameter expressing the workload for each flexible task
What do you mean by “the findings of the report relate solely to the optimized schedules prior to SM-adjustments”?
The suggest shift-schedules are not necessarily implemented in the stores due to SMs adjustments.
One can therefore not infer that the final schedule is better than the current.
Do you expect LKH to implement the solution?
At some point, yes.
The potential is too great to ignore, and they are early on their journey
What prevents LKH from implementing the solution?
Involvement of SMs that need to understand that they should not over-adjust
Mathematical technicality that is too difficult to comprehend from a business perspective
How can further studies assess the realized impact of the new model better than what you are able to do?
By having SMs using the new schedules for a while in selected stores and then check the realized benefits compared to what they have previously done for similar days
Are you measuring the realized impact here?
No, since the SMs adjustments are not consider
Also, the lack of financial impact makes it difficult to assess whether the shift schedules are in fact better
Is it necessary to have the SMs involved in the process?
Currently, yes due to lack of master data
In the future, their role can be smaller
However, they are always needed for accountability and ownership towards the stores
How does the objective function cope with breaks?
A break will have a 0 in the a_ij matrix column and thus the objective value is not incremented when employees are having a break
Would you expect your findings to hold after SMs have adjusted and assigned names to shifts?
Currently, no since they will likely over-adjust due to their inherent overstaffing bias
In the future, I would hope that LKH manages the SMs’ behavior such that they will trust the suggested plans
Do you see any potential issues of operating the stores with a high worker utilization?
The store becomes more vulnerable towards queues due to poor forecasting
Employees might feel more stress and thereby lower productivity and satisfaction
How can your model ensure that the worker utilization is not too high such that queues forms?
The new model optimizes as much as allowed by the constraints and input parameters and therefore a too high worker utilization must arise from either not being correct.
A too high worker utilization requires LKH to analysis if they set aside enough time for flexible tasks or if the input parameters indicating this should be increased.
What are the potential implications of assuming deterministic demand and how could you lift this assumption?
The model does not consider timing of arriving customers and therefore neglect queuing
It does not consider service levels and perceives all arriving customers are being serviced
One could do simulation study to take this into account
Another approach is SAA which requires generating multiple forecasts based on historical forecast errors to determine the optimal shift schedule across various potential customer scenarios
What are the implications of the homogeneity of workers and how could you lift this assumption?
It allows for an easier modeling and solution process
Negative: It might result in a plan where the SM must adjust since he knows the differences in skills The SM adjustment might be worse than if the model had taken the heterogeneity into account It is required since worker allocation happens after the optimization You could, however, partition the workforce further by making more sets where each had different characteristics and productivity. The a_ij-matrix could then differ so that it had values between 0 and 1 indicating the productivity (new workers might be 0.5): PTE: New, under introduction Learning Self-sufficient FTE: New, under introduction Learning Self-sufficient Leader
What would you need to change in the MP to account for worker heterogeneity?
Sets for each type to allow for balancing
A_ij matrix for each type expressing working times and productivity
Decision variable for each type
Constraint for balancing the use of types perhaps
Why do you have two sets for employees?
It allows for easily balancing of using FTEs and PTEs
Since workers are homogenous by assumption, the model does differentiate between short, PTE shifts and long, FTE shifts and thus it is necessary to impose some balancing constraint
Had workers been heterogenous and had salaries been incorporated, one did not necessarily have to do this since the model would by itself make the right trade-off between salary cost and productivity.
Why do you have a planning horizon of the entire day?
Store’s opening hours differ and thus workload can be place differently throughout the day
Setting m = 48 allows for neglecting the store opening hours as a model input and makes for a generalizable model across days and stores
Since the model is cost minimizing it will not use unnecessary shifts anyways and it is therefore not necessary to narrow the set
Would you still have a set I of m = 48 if you did profit maximization?
There will be no potential revenue to earn and no workload to cover, hence the model should not introduce unnecessary shifts anyhow
Can you explain your objective function?
Counts the numbers of 1’s in the columns of the a_ij matrix where x_j > 0
It sums the entire coverage of the store in periods
How many hours is a period?
Thereby, it expresses the total number of hours planned for a store
How is the current and new approach different from a mathematical stance?
The f_ki is currently fixed, however it is suggested as a decision variable here
The coverage-constraints allows for optimizing both sides of the equality sign
Would it ever make sense to allow understaffing?
If looking at profitability rather than cost, then it could make sense to understaff the store in periods where the loss of sales would not exceed the cost of an additional shift
I impose a strict limit – it could make sense to allow for some degree of understaffing in single periods as employees might be able to slightly increase productivity of a single period
Explain how constraints 1 enable simultaneous optimization?
The model can adjust supply of workforce by adding shifts through the x-decision variables or adjust the demand of workforce by adjusting the f_ki-decision variable which will impact θ_i and thereby δ_i.
What do you mean by “for this to hold, f_ki cannot take negative values” on p. 16?
Constraints 2 could be satisfied by allocating a negative amount of workload in one period and then a positive amount in another.
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it can only be positive to prevent netting out.
Is it realistic that flexible tasks such as food production does not happen after 10:00?
One could expect some workload after 10:00 in the stores
However, it is their current business rule
Why is it necessary to balance FTE and PTE shifts here, and how could you otherwise do this?
The model will prefer using many PTE shifts since these are shorter and provides greater agility
One way is to introduce the heterogeneity of workers into the model by specifying that while PTE shifts are shorter and less costly, the workers are also less productive.
It will, however, still be likely that balancing is necessary since the shift-schedule must comply with the workforce composition of each store.
What do you mean by “the generation of a_ij matrices require a non-trivial algorithm” on p. 17?
The coverage profiles in the matrices’ columns depend on the stores’ opening hours, time of year, and day of week.
Also, some stores have different rules regarding shift lengths and such that other due to their physical location (e.g., Central Station in CPH).
Explain why the new model is working better
It increases the utilization of workers by balancing demand and supply of workforce
It moves workload to avoid peaks in workforce-demand, which flattens the staffing-requirement profile and allows for fewer shifts.
Why does the new model result if decrease worker utilization for some periods?
The transfer of workload will sometimes cause less workload in certain periods to even out other periods
It is therefore important to look at the overall picture since the model cannot achieve improvement in each period
Why do you think that there is an issue with operationalizing the new schedule?
The model is free to allocate no time for CC or FP early on
If SMs sees this, then they might question if their employees are not meant to produce sandwiches until 09:00 for instance
This might cause an over-adjustment of the schedule
How can the issues of the new model be address?
1) Accept that a free model is best and that the time windows must be changed then
(2) Imposing a lower-bound for f_ki ensure that a minimum amount of time is set aside
What are the downsides of the research design?
Findings are not generalizable
The findings merit further investigations of other stores and days
What other objectives could there be?
Profit maximization rather than cost reduction
Service levels
Employee satisfaction
How would you change into profit maximization instead?
Partitioning employees into sets of salary levels
Estimate revenue per customer served figures
Define a minimum service level that the model must achieve
Why does minimizing hours not minimize cost?
The cost of an hour is not the same as assumed here
Requires lifting the assumption of heterogeneity
What is the risk of cost focus?
Model will reduce supply of workers causing high utilization
High utilization might cause queues when large influxes of customers happen which leads to loss of sales
Some buffer might be preferred to deal with large influxes and to keep employees happy
What is the problem of not considering demand congestion?
When not considering this, the model does not acknowledge that customers do not arrive in a steady flow
Peaks of demand within periods will likely encourage LKH to staff more people to cope with the peaks.
The trade-off between serving peaks and having idle time is not considered.
If you had all the time in the world, what would you do to improve the model?
Have employee master data on productivity, salary, desired working times
Integrate the worker-to-shift assignment into the model
Integrate the salary and revenue into the model to maximize the financial impact
Reduce the SMs’ roles to only validating the plan rather than making it