Preoperative Assesment - ASA classification, Preop Assessment, Bloods, Imaging, Medication Management, Fasting Flashcards
ASA classification - I
Normal healthy patient
Non smoker
No/mininal alcohol use
ASA classification - II
Mild systemic disease without substansive functional limitations
Current smoker
Social alcohol drinker
Controlled DM, HTN, mild lung disease
ASA classification - III
Severe systemic disease with substantive functional limitations
1+ moderate/severe diseases
-poorly controlled DM, HTN, COPD
-Morbid obesity BMI 40+
-active hepatitis
-alcohol dependence/abuse
-implanted pacemaker, moderate reduction of ejection fraction
-ESRF with regular dialysis
-MI, CVAs 3months+ ago
ASA classification - IV
Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
-MI, CVA within last 3months
-ongoing cardiac ischemia, valve dysfunction
-severe reduction of ejection fraction
-sepsis, DIC, ARD
-ESKF without regular dialysis
ASA classification - V
Moribund patient not expected to survive without the operation
Ruptured abdominal/thoracic aneurysm
Massive trauma
Intracranial bleed with mass effect
Ischemic bowel in the face of significant cardiac pathology or multiple organ dysfunction
ASA classification - VI
Brain dead whose organs are being removed for donor purposes
Preoperative assesment
-history - purpose and areas to cover
Assess fitness for surgery
Anticipate difficulties/requirements and plan for these
SurgHx, AnaestheticHx
-current medications, doses, timings
-allergies, reactions
-medications that need to be stopped - OCPs, AC, AP
-smoking, drinking
-mobility, ADLs
General examination - overall wellness
-anemia, jaundice, cyanosis
Auscultate lungs and heart - assess for undetected resp problems
-assess for undetected murmurs which may need intervention
Preop bloods and imaging
Establish a baseline to allow for post-op assessment and monitoring
FBC - identify low RBC,PLT to assess bleeding risk
-if anemic and likely to have significant blood loss, may have pre-op Fe or transfuions
G&S, X - especially in emergencies or procedures likely to cause significant blood loss
Coagulation - assess bleeding risk
U&E -baseline renal function, creatinine, electrolytes
LFTs if
-gallbladder or liver surgery
-RUQ pain, jaundice, known hepatic dysfunction
-Hx of alcohol abuse
Urinedip if
-emergency presentation of abdo/pelvic pain
-any surgery in diabetics
-women of childbearing age with abdominal symptoms or if they need radiography
Pregnancy test!
Lung function testing
-assess for any issues with ventilation
-Cardiac or CVD Hx
-cardiovascular surgery
-Resp symptoms, signs, Hx
-risk factors for TB, thyroid enlargement, malignancy
Imaging based on procedure
Medications to stop/adjust before surgery
Diabetic drugs
Management of OCP
Stop 4 weeks before major or limb surgery
Restart 2 weeks after surgery or full ambulation
Management of AP and AC
AP - stop 7-14 days before surgery
Restart 24hrs after surgery
Warfarin stopped 3-5 days before, replaced with heparin
Heparin stopped 6-12 hours before
Restart warfarin 12-24 hours after
Management of steroids
Continued or increased if concerns over Addisonian crisis
Importance of managing diabetes during surgery
Undetected hypoglycemia under GA
Increased risk of wound and respiratory infections
Increased risk of post-op AKI
Increased LOS
Insulin management
-Lantus, Levemir (once daily)
-Novomix, Humulin (twice daily biphasic or ultra long acting)
But as would be effective during preop period, should reduce dose
Lantus, Levemir (once daily
Day before - reduce dose by 20%
AM or PM surgery - reduce dose by 20%
Novomix, Humulin (twice daily biphasic, ultra long acting)
Day before - no change
AM or PM surgery - 1/2 morning dose, full PM dose
Metformin management
Rationale - don’t directly affect BMs but increased doses when dehydration lead to increased lactic acidosis risk, especially if eGFR is U60
Day before - normal
AM or PM surgery
-OD or BD => normal
-TDS => omit lunchtime dose
Avoid if missing more than 1 meal or risk of AKI
Sulphonylurea management
Rationale - oral hypoglycemics are risky when NBM
Day before - normal
AM surgery
-OD => omit
-BD => omit AM dose
PM surgery
-OD => omit
-BD => omit AM and PM
DPP4inh and GLP analogue management
Rationale - don’t directly affect BMs
Day before - normal
AM or PM surgery - normal
Fasting times
Non clear liquids, foods - 6hrs before
Clear fluids - 2hrs before
Drugs not to stop before surgery
Anti-Parkinson meds
CCB (but not ACEi, ARBs)
Preparing for blood loss
-chance of transfusion and action needed
-example of operation
Unlikely - G+S
-simple hysterectomy
-elective lower segment CS
-lap chole
Likely - Cross match 2U
-salpingectomy for ruptured ectopic
Definite - Cross match 4-6U
-total gastrectomy
-elective AAA repair
Management of surgical diabetic patients if
-major surgery
-poorly controlled diabetes
Major surgery - long fasting period omitting 1+ meal
Poorly controlled