Prenatal Exposure to Drugs Flashcards
Addiction Definition
a primary chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, & related circuitry
Components of Addiction
Inability to abstain, impaired behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of problems resulting from it, Dysfunctional Emotional Response
Family & Addiction
History in grandparents & other family
Lack of access to resources & support
Domestic violence
Abusive behavior (physical, emotional, sexual)
Mental health issues in mother and other family members
Extensiveness of Problem
3 million 12 year olds and up used illicit drugs for the first time in 2010
8100 people a day used illicit drugs for the first time in 2010
Average age of initiation was 19.1 years
Whatever age they start using is their mental age until they get clean
Pregnancy & Illicit Drug Use
6% of pregnant women ages 15-44 reported non-medical use of prescription type psychotherapeutic drugs in the past year
4.5% of pregnant women used illicit drugs the month before delivery
Types of drugs: 4.4% pain relievers, 2% tranquilizers, 1.3% stimulants, .8% methamphetamines, .3% sedatives
Crack/cocaine most common followed by meth then marijuana
Most common age is 15-17 yo, least common is 26-44 yo
Generalized disorder characterized by central nervous system hyper-irritability, gastro-intestinal dysfunction, respiratory distress and vague autonomic symptoms
Occurs due to exposure in-utero to licit or illicit drugs of abuse or from postnatal iatrogenic effects
Opioids (ex. Methadone, codeine, oxycodone, heroin) most common drugs from which infants withdraw
Exposure to opiates can lead to it in 60-90% of infants (up to 60% require pharmacologic tx)
Opioid withdrawal is 1 of few disorders that can be treated
Actual disorder in which they are addicted
Can be prenatally exposed w/o having it
Neonatal withdrawal usually occurs 48-72 hours after birth, sometimes it’s after 2 to 4 wks (& then it’s too late to test mom)
Sx’s most severe may last up to 6-12 months (sweating, tremors, etc.)
General Risks Associated with Prenatal Exposure to Drugs
SIDS, IUGR (intrauterine growth retardation), pre-term labor & delivery, learning disabilities
Infant Red-Flags of When to Screen for NAS
Prematurity, unexplained IUGR, neurobehavioral abnormalities, atypical CVAs, myocardial infarctions, NEC (necrotizing entercolitis-part of bowel dies)
Mother Red-Flags of When to Screen for NAS
Lack of prenatal care, unexplained fetal demise, placental abruption, severe mood swings, CVAs, myocardial infarctions, repeated spontaneous abortions
Preterm infants less than 30 wks. gestation have a _____ risk of drug withdrawal than infants born later
Lower: less exposure & because CNS is under-developed
How do we test Prenatal Drug Exposure?
Urine drug screening (only recent exposure: high false negative), meconium drug testing (4-5 months; more accurate), Umbilical cord toxicology screening (not as accurate as meconium but still used), hair testing (for several months)
Presentation of NAS differs based on 3 primary factors:
Type (not amount) of drug abused
Time between last use by mother & delivery
Maternal / infant metabolism & excretion
Other factors may impact how infant presents
Signs & Sx’s of NAS
Neurological excitability
Gastrointestinal dysfunction
Autonomic signs
Neurological excitability
tremor, high-pitched crying, exaggerated reflexes, sneezing, yawning, difficulty getting to sleep
2-11% with opioid withdrawal also have seizures
Gastrointestinal dysfunction
poor feeding, vomit & diarrhea, uncoordinated suck, dehydration
Autonomic Signs
(sweating, etc.), nasal stuffiness, temp instability, fever, modeling
Feeding the Infant with NAS
Poor feeding, uncoordinated suck, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, poor weight gain
Managing poor feeding in infant with NAS
Low lactose, soy, or elemental formula (helps with feeding intolerance & cramping)
Mylicon (avoid use of sucrose)
Managing environment: decrease extraneous noise, consistency, dim lighting
Managing GERD in infants with NAS
Elevating head of bed
Thickening feedings (though research doesn’t support use of thickened liquid as reliable for managing reflux; no longer indicated in literature, but can work for some)
Increase frequency/reduce volume of feeding