Prenatal Diagnosis Flashcards
goals of prenatal diagnosis
- provide info to parents about testing options
- detect anaomalies/disorders
- counsel/support
- fetal therapy if available
noninvasive screens
- maternal serum
- sequencing of cell-free DNA in maternal plasma
- prenatal ultrasound
- fetal MRI
Invasive Diagnostics
- chorionic villus smapling CVS
- amniocentesis
- cordocentesis
- fetal biopsy
- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis PGD
first trimester tests/screens
- ultrasound
- NT, serum screen
second trimester test
- 2nd serum
- amniocentesis
- fetal anomaly scan
tests arent done after second trimester…
because a decision of whether the baby is to be kept or not needs to happen within a certain time frame (legally)
first screening question
how old are you?
indications for invasive prenatal diagnosis
- maternal age 35 or older at time of delivery
- major anomoly on ultrasound
- abnormal maternal serum
- positive cell free DNA
- fmaily history of single gene disorder/chromosomal
- maternal anxiety
screening for fetal down syndrome
- measure placental proteins
- nunchal translucency screening
- offer invasive test
nuchal translucency
- normal fluid filled space between back of fetal neck and overlying skin
- increased in fetuses with: down syndrome, turner syndrome, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, triploidy
maternal serum screening
-what must be known
- measurement of proteins produced by the fetus or placenta
- calculated relative to population standards
- mom and gest age must be known as well as race, diabetes, and smoking
benefits of CVS
- cells are what so you can do what
- preferable to…
- does not detect…
- done at 11 weeks, restoring privacy to reproductive decision
- mitotically active cells = rapid karyotype
- tissue obtained is preferable for DNA analysis
- mosaic trisomy detected identifying fetuses risk for uniparental disomy
- does not detect mosaicism in the fetus itself
risk of cVS
- elevated risk of fetal loss
- slightly elevated risk of maternal infection
- limb malformation syndrome
- confined placental mosaicism in 1% of cases
- amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein not assayed (not info on neural tube defects
- cell arise from
- timeline
- associated birth defects
- type of analysis used
- risk
- mosaicism
- cells from amniotic fluid arise from fetal mouth and urniary bladder and amnios
- prefered at 15-17 weeks
- early amniocentesis associated with fetal club foot
- FISH analysis of non-dividing cells permits rapid diagnosis of aneuploidy
- risk of miscarriage 1/200 to1/600
- mosaicism in placenta not detected
fetal cell-free DNA
- found where
- origin
- used for
- surprisingly high amounts of fetal DNA circulate in the blood of pregnant women
- origin of fetal DNA is in the placenta
- in 2011 started to be used as an advanced screen for fetal aneuploidy: trisomy 13, 18, 21; screening for sex chromosome anomalies, providing info on fetal sex
NIPT is safer for…
- high risk women
- less than 0.1% of trisomy 21 are missed (false neg)
- 95% of women do not have aneuploidy detected
Limitations of NIPT
- finite amount of fetal DNA
- may not be detectable in overweight women as the concentration will be lower
- less reliable in twin pregnancies
- will not detect open neural tube defects such as spina bifida
ultrasound findings in down syndrome
-increased sandal gap
benefit of 2D ultrasound to 3D 4D and HD
- can see internal anomalies using 2D ultrasound
- higher can can see exterior changes easily
preimplantation genetic diagnosis
- the process of screening the embryos for genetic abnormalities prior to transferring to the uterus
- requires the use of IVF
- may also require intrcytoplasmic sperm injections
- embryo biopsy on 3rd day
- FISH or PCR analysis of single blastomere
- comparable to success rate of natural pregnancy
- expensive 12k-18k per cycle
clinical apps for PGD
- single gene diagnosis by PCR
- familial chromosome rearrangement by FISH
- fetal sex selection, only if it is at a high risk for certain genetic conditions (x-linked)
controversial issues with PGD
- pre disposition for adult onset disorders
- aneuploidy screening by FISH
- sex selection
- creation of HLS matched stem cell donors