prenatal continued Flashcards
cardio changes (5)
- inc in blood volume 50% above prepregnant levels (total 1500 ml)
- inc in cardiac output, inc venous return, incr heart rate
- slight decline in bp until mid-preg when return to pre-preg levels
- inc of 450 ml rbc and 1000ml plasma vol > RBC leading to hemodilution/physiologic anemia (fatigue, paleness)
- inc in iron demands, fibrin and plasma fibrinogen levels, some clotting factors, leading to hypercoagulable state (after pt delivers, risk for blood clots, bed rest)
- peripheral vasodilation from progesterone, slight dec in bp
resp changes (3)
- breathing more diaphragmatic than abdominal due to increase in diaphragmatic excursion, chest circumference, and tidal vol. (diaphragm moves upward)
- incr in oxygen consumption
- congestion secondary to increased vascularity
- congestion can cause nose bleeds
- need to assess breathing
renal/urinary system changes (4)
- dilation of renal pelvis, elongation, widening, and increase in curve of ureters
- inc in length and wt of kidneys
- inc in GFR, inc urine flow and volume
- inc in kidney activity with the person lying down, this is greater for preg women. Later in preg, greater increase lying on side because pressure is off inf vena cava, more blood, and more urine
- at night need to use restroom more. if there is pressure on the inf vena cava GFR dec occluding blood flow)
musculoskeletal system changes (5)
-softening and stretching of ligaments holding sacroiliac joints and pubis symphysis
-postural changes: inc swayback and upper spine extenstion
-forward shifting of center of gravity
-inc in lumbosacral curve (lordosis), compensatory curve in cervicodorsal area
-waddle gait
(pain in back could be pre-term labor or bc of posture change)
skin system (7)
-hyperpigmentation, mask of pregnancy that 70% get (facial melasma, more prevalent in hispanic, and asian, doesn’t always fade)
-linea negra (usually fades, results from estrogen, progesterone, melatonin)
-striae gravidarum
-varicosities: uterine pressure on veins dec venous return, from standing, use stockings to prevent dec venous return)
-vascular spiders: tiny blood vessels
-palmar erythema
-decline in hair growth, inc in nail growth
(dec skin marks with moisturizer, mineral oil, sunscreen, vit e)
endocrine system (5)
- thyroid gland: slight enlargement, increased activity, incr in BMR, can’t feel nodules
- pit gland enlargement, dec in Thyroid Stim Hormone, GH. inhibition of FSH & LH (bc releases hormones/target organs that inhibit its own release) incr in prolactin production (only released when placenta is out and progesterone dec so lactation can start), Melanocyte SH, gradual inc in oxytocin with fetal maturation (rel by post pit, for contractions)
- adrenal glands: incr in cortisol and aldosterone secretion
- prostaglandin secretion: softening of cervix, smooth muscle contraction, endogenous/local hormone, play a role in initiate or maintain labor
- placental secretion: hCG, hPL, relaxin (makes rib cage movable when preg) progesterone, estrogen (table 11.3)
nutrition (3)
-direct of nutritional intake on fetal well-being and birth outcome
-need for vitamin and mineral supplement daily
-dietary recommendations: incr in protein, iron, folate, and cal (11.5)
:use of usda food gyidemyplate (11.5)
:avoidance of some fish due to mercury content
maternal wt gain (3)
-healthy wt bmi: 25-35 ib
:1st trimester: 3.5-5 ib
-bmi 25: 15-25 ib
:1st trimester : 2 ib
:2nd & 3rd trimesters: 2/3 ib/week
-needs to be consistent, slow, gradual, steady
-bad if theres both too much and too little wt bc baby is growing wrong
nutrition promotion
- client education (11.1)
- special considerations: cultural variations, lactose intolerance, vegetarian, pica (caused by nut. deficiencies, chemical imbalance, iron def.)
emotional responses (5)
- ambivalence
- introversion: world becomes internalized
- acceptance
- mood swings
- changes in body image
maternal role (4)
- ensuring safe passage throughout pregnancy and birth
- seeking acceptance of infant by others
- seeking aceptance of self in maternal role to infant (binding in)
- learning to give of oneself (11.4)
pregnancy and sexuality (4)
- numerous changes, possibly stressing sexual relationship
- changes in sexual desire with each trimester
- sexual health link to self-image
- sex is good as long as there are no complications with preg
- libido inc in 2nd 3rd trimester
- sperm can help in late preg for dilation
nursing management: prenatal care and dx testing (6)
-amniocentesis: sample amniotic fluid to do DNA tests for baby, use ultrasound to find out where in abdomen is a pocket of amniotic fluid
:16-18 wk
:risks-miscarraige, stick the baby, introduce foreign material, injury to body
-biophysical profile
-chorionic villus sampling (cvs): remove sample of fetal tissue
:10-13 wk, still within time to do abortion, genetic screen except for neural tube defects,
: same risks as amnio
-natural childbirth
-perinatal education
-preconception care
calculating EDB/EDD/EDC (5)
-date of LNMP
-calculation of estimation or expected date of birth, delivery, confinement
-nagele’s rule: first day of LNMP
:subtract 3 mo
:add 7 days
:add 1 yr
-gestational or birth calculator or wheel (12.3)
-ultrasound is best method of dating a pregnancy
physical exam
-head to toe
:head and neck
:abdomen (including fundal ht if approp)
pelvic exam (3)
- exam of external and internal genitalia
- bimanual exam: one hand inside, one outside
- pelvic shape: gynecoid (50%), android (male-like), anthropoid (ape-like), platypelloid (flat, most probs, need c-section)
- pelvymity: x-ray to see pelvis, but harmful to baby
lab tests (9)
- urinalysis
- cbc
- blood typing
- rh factor: if neg and baby is pos then attack baby’s blood which could be death, damage to baby
- rubella titer
- hep b surface antigen
- HIV, VDRL, RPR testing
- cervical smears
- ultrasound
initial prenatal visit (6)
- assessment
- interviews, physical exam, lab test
- nursing dx
- goals
- implementation
- evaluation
health hx (6)
-setting, confidentiality, nurse-pt rln, creating a comfortable environment
-leep language simple
-complete info
-includes: demo data
-family/med hx
:screen-infection, genetic hx, menstrual hx
-previous and present preg hx
infection screening (6)
-measles and chickenpox
-group beta strep hx: overgrowth of bact in woman’s body (perenium, rectum) no prob for mom
: if pos give antibiotics (Amp, PCN) right away during labor
: do culture during 32-36 wk for GBS test
genetic screening (3)
- id of inherited dz or disorders
- chart genetic disorders
- failure to id these risks can have devastating consequences