Prenatal Care Flashcards
During the first month of pregnancy, such episodes are likely the consequences of
Blastocyst implantation
Should generally prompt evaluation for an abnormal pregnancy
First trimester bleeding
Lower reproductive tract changes
Vaginal mucosa appears dark bluish, red and congested
Chadwick sign
Lower reproductive tract changes
Softening of the vaginal portion of the cervix from increased vascularization
Goodell sign
Lower reproductive tract changes
Softening in the consistency of the uterus
Hegar sign
Lower reproductive tract changes
When uterine body and cervix can easily be flexed against one another
McDonald sign
Lower reproductive tract changes
As symetrical softened enlargement of the uterine corner caused by placental development
Piskacek sign
Lower reproductive tract changes
May cause similar softening
Estrogen progestin contraceptives
Associated with pregnancy affects the consistency and microscopic appearance of cervical mucus
Increase in progesterone secretion
Typically seen in the mid portion of the menstrual cycle, makes pregnancy unlikely
Fernlike pattern
Uterine changes
During bimanual examination
It feels doughy or elastic
Uterine changes
Marked that the cervix and uterine body seem to be separate organs
Isthmic softening
Uterine changes
Uterine body is almost globular, with an average diameter of 8cm.
By 12 weeks gestation
Uterine changes
A soft blowing sound that is synchronous with maternal pulse
Uterine soufflé
Uterine changes
A sharp, whistling sound that is synchronous with the fetal pulse
Funic soufflé
Uterine changes
It is produced by the passage of blood through the dilated uterine vessels and is heard most distinctly near the lower portion of the uterus
Uterine soufflé
Uterine changes
Rush of blood through the umbilical arteries and may not be heard consistently
Funic soufflé
Breast and skin changes
Less obvious in
Breast and skin changes
Maybe absent during pregnancy and may also be seen in women taking
Estrogen containing contraceptives
Fetal movements
Maternal perception of fetal movement depends on factors such as
Parity and habitus
Fetal movements
Perceive between
16 and 18 weeks of gestation
Fetal movements
Primigravida may not appreciate fetal movement until
20 weeks
Pregnancy test
Basis of endocrine assays of pregnancy
Pregnancy test
Alpha sub unit of HCG is identical to
Pregnancy test
HCG prevents involution of the corpus luteum, which is the principal site of progesterone formation during
First 6 weeks of pregnancy
Pregnancy test
Produce HCG amounts that increase during first T
Pregnancy test
HCG can be detected in maternal serum or urine
8-9 days after ovulation
Pregnancy test
Doubling time of HCG