Prenancy Notes Flashcards
HELP SYNDROME WHAt is it when do you see it?
What is a pregnant woman with 140/90 greater Bp and a protein greater then 3 on dip.
Help syndrome
Hemolysis elevated liver function test. low platelets Seen it n sever preeclampsia Bp greater 140/90 indicates a sever preeclampsia
Tx e for Preeclampsia
- Delivery
2. Magsulfat ( monitor to prevent toxicity)
Toxic sign of mg sulfate
Loss of deep tendon reflex
Treatment for eclampsia
Delivery ASAP !
Polyhyramnios is caused by
Anything that causes you not to swallow amniotic fluid .
Trachea esophagus fistula duadenap atrasia.
Is caused by what and what is it
Low amniotic fluid caused my renal dysgenic and anything not able to puss it out preeclampsia the or placental insufficient
Endometriosis what is it
Eso mitral Gladis located out side the uterus. Can show Fallopian tube back flow
Places located are Fallopian tube intestine ouch of Douglass
Can show chocolate cysti!!! Appearing
Leiomyoma can be seen is
African American woman
Responsive to estorbenlarher during pregnancy. Are stained with actin
Leiomyosacroma is what
A leiomyoma that changes to malignant form stained with desmin and show necrotic areas.
Corpus lutium cyst is where ?
Bilatera and overium cosiste unilateral
Leuprolide what is it and what is the side effects
GRH anologe used in Pisa tule fashion to induce labor increases fsh and lH
When used continuous ly it inhibits fsh and LH
SE hot flsh Nd nausea
What is finisterid
Mechanism of action use and
Side effects
A Alfa reductase inhibiter
Treatment for bPH
And make pattern bold ness
Causes gynecologist
MRCHInisim of action
Use and
Competitive testosterone inhibiter
Used with lueprolide to decrease androgens and testosterone
Blacks testosterone receptor and is a postassion spades used to treat hirsutism in OCS
Se gynomastia amenorrhea Nd hyperkalemia
Slideniafil tadafil and verdaddafil
Increase CGMP By inhibiting its breakdown by phosphodiastera5 causeing smooth muscle cell relaxation and vascular ire increasing blood flood to penis
Used for eractide distinction and Raynaldo syndrome
se headache hot flash and can be life threatening with oxytocin.