Prelims (PMLS 1) Flashcards
a lab personnel that is responsible in assisting doctors who administer radiopharmaceutical medication
nuclear medical technologist
ASCP was founded on what year
during the spanish colonial time a hospital was established by the franciscan in 1578 that caters poor and lepers
san lazaro hospital
he is known as the founder of pathology
he is published a publication entitled “the demand for and training of laboratory technician”
John Kolmer
all of the ff laws or rules that guides clinical laboratory scientist to demonstrate professionalism are listed below except for one
PD 1434
he prepared a 6th month formal syllabus for the training program of laboratory workers
Dr. Sta Ana
this committee is tasked to prepare and administer written licensure exam for graduates who are qualified to take the exam
this can aid you in becoming less emotionally reactive to the stressors you face or altering the way you experience these situations, so they impact you differently
emotion-focused coping
this committee evaluates and monitors the institutions that offers BSMT program
Not all codes that are put forward by societies or groups are moral codes in the descriptive sense of morality, and not all codes that would be accepted by all moral agents are moral codes in the normative sense of morality
likes to achieve but less focused on competitiveness and more on enjoying the journey
type B behavior
this is also known as the blood banking act of 1956
lab personnel responsible for determining toxic substances on blood, body fluids and other body tissues
this theory hold that morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture, whether an action is right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced
ethical relativism
who invented the first electrocardiograph
William Einthoven
lab personnel that is responsible for ensuring safe blood transfusion
medical technologist
an intern needs to render how many hours of duty per semester
an MTLE examinee that got 74 percent GWA can apply as a
medical technician
the first stethoscope was invented in year
it aims to eliminate sources of stress or work with the stressors themselves
problem-focused coping
an individual’s ability to relax does not affect productivity
medical laboratories were organized during mid 1800s to 1900s by
who invented the first microscope
Antoine van Leewenhoeck
participating in the barangay youth programs can bolster this aspect of health
which of the ff state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
which of the ff statements is correct
three units of lecture hour is equivalent to three hours
he worked out in the structure of hemoglobin
hans fischer
licensed medical technologist may work in the ff areas except for one
aeronautics laboratory
the first graduate of medical technology program in PUC
Dr. Jesse Umali
spirituality refers to our intellect, emotions, fears, passions, and creativity
drinker respirator was invented in the year
in what year that the UP college of public health opened its certificate in public health program
virtue ethics is pioneered by which of the ff person
Aristotle and McIntyre
which of the ff are consequentialist ethics proponents who also supported ethical utilitarinism/classical approach
bentham and mill
these ancient human qualities are the very same qualities that allow modern humans to survive through time
resilience and adaptability
BUN test is a test used to evaluate what organ
which of the ff statements is INCORRECT
to pass the exam an examinee must have no rating above 50 percent in any major courses
cardiac catheterization and angiography were invented in the year
a sense of control of one’s life and autonomy can help boost this aspect of health