Prelims Flashcards
The number of subsets of a set with n elements is 2ⁿ
Number of Subset
It is a well-defined and an unordered collection/aggregate of objects of any kind; the objects are referred to as elements or members of the set.
Set Define
It is the set that contains all elements relevant to a particular discussion or problem
Universal Set
The number of proper subsets of a set with n elements is 2ⁿ – 1
Number of proper subsets
The reverse of the implication.
It is a proposition constructed by combining one (1) or more existing propositions.
Compound Proposition
Logically correct propositions cannot affirm and deny the same thing
Laws of Non-Contradiction
It is a way of visually representing sets of items or numbers by using their logical relationships to decide how they should be grouped together.
Venn Diagram
A version of a disjunction that does not allow both propositions to be true simultaneously.
(XOR) Exclusive or
It is any statement that is always false regardless of the truth values of the parts.
Combines proposition using the keyword or. The combined will be true if one of the propositions is true.
It is a chart to keep track of all the possibilities in the proposition
Truth Table
It is any statement that is neither a tautology or a contradiction.
The number of elements in a set is NOT COUNTABLE.
Infinite Set
Defined as a statement to be proved, explained, or discussed. It is a declarative sentence that is either false or true (NOT both)
The number of elements in a set is COUNTABLE.
Finite Set
Combines propositions using the keyword not. It states the opposite of the proposition
It states that the two (2) given sets are identical, if and only if they contain EXACTLY THE SAME elements.
Set Equality
The first proposition is called the _________ and the second proposition is the _________
Antecedent, Consequences
It is any statement that is TRUE regardless of the truth values of the constituent parts
The combined propositions are formed as if-then statements
Combines propositions using the keyword and. Would only be true if both initial propositions are true.
A statement combining a conditional statement with its converse.
It is a subset that is not equal to the set it belongs to
Proper Subset
It is the idea that every proposition must be either true or false, not both and not neither.
Laws of Excluded Middle
The propositions are negated.
It is the notion that things must be, of course, identical with themselves
Laws of identity
It is a set contained in a larger set or in an equal set.
The propositions are negated and interchanged