Prelims Flashcards
it allows a facility with limited resources and personnel to monitor the basic components of the imaging process at a low cost through the use of simple, inexpensive tools and minimal staff time
quality control
it is a program designed by management to assure quality of a product or service
quality assurance
it involves specific actions designed to keep measurable aspects of the process involved in manufacturing a product or providing a service within specified limits
quality control
All medical facilities using x-ray equipment, from a simple intraoral dental unit to an image intensified special procedures system, will benefit from adopting a ________ ______
quality assurance
It is essential that one person at a given facility, the ______ _________, be in charge of maintaining the QA program and be allotted the time, equipment, and space necessary to carry out the duties that are required
QA coordinator
the facility’s __ _________ may choose to assign specific duties to other personnel but should maintain oversight and realize that consistency is compromised when several people share the responsibility of carrying out these tasks
QA coordinator
they must ensure all the tasks are performed in a timely manner regardless of assigned staff availability
QA coordinator
daily tests should take about __ minutes to perform and should be done prior to the first patient image of the day
5 minutes
monthly tests will add an additional __ minutes to the daily tests
10 minutes
quarterly tests will take about __ minutes to perform
45 minutes
the semiannual test for darkroom fog should take no more than _ minutes to perform and analyze
5 minutes
the annual tests will probably take _ to _ hours to perform
1 to 2 hours
its objective is to assure that the anode and other components of the x-ray machine do not experience shock and stress due to a sudden and excessive head load, which would shorten the useful life of the x-ray tube
x-ray tube warm up
its objective is to determine if the processor is working optimally
processor QC (sensitometer)
its objective is to keep the darkroom clean and processing optimized
daily and weekly darkroom QC
its objective is to assure the radiographic system is operating consistently
system constancy test
its objective is to assure that all components of the radiographic x-ray system indicator lights, displays and mechanical locks and detents are working properly and that the mechanical rigidity and stability of the equipment is optimum
radiographic system visual checklist
its objective is to ensure viewboxes are clean and light levels are kept consistent throughout
its objective is to identify ways to minimize patient exposure and reduce costs by addressing higher than normal repeat rates
repeat analysis
its objective is to assure film and chemistry quality is maintained and inventory is rotated on a first in, first out basis
film and chemical storage
its objective is to identify and minimize artifacts that may obscure clinical findings on the radiographs
artifact evaluation
its objective is to assure that screens and cassettes are free of dust and dirt particles that may degrade image quality
intensifying screen cleaning procedure
its objective is to determine and minimize the amount of darkroom fog
darkroom integrity/fog test
darkroom integrity also called as __ ______
fog test
its objective is to assure that optimum contact is maintained between the screen and film in each cassette
screen film contact test
its objective is to assure that the light field accurately defines the x-ray field
collimation tests
its objective is to assure that the source to image distance is indicated accurately
source to image distance indication
its objective is to assure that the positive beam limitation device or automatic collimation system is operating properly
automatic collimation accuracy
its objective is to assure that the lead aprons, gloves, gonadal shield and thyroid collars provide optimal protection when positioned appropriately
lead apron, glove, gonadal and thyroid shield integrity check
its objective is to assure that the fluoroscopic unit is functioning properly
fluoroscopy image quality check
its objective is to assure that the fluoroscopic unit is functioning properly
fluoroscopic system high contrast resolution and patient exposure
its objective is to assure that the fluoroscopic unit is functioning properly
fluoroscopy system visual checklist
it is objective is to assure the audible indicator for the high level control (HLC) is functioning properly, if HLC is available
fluoroscopic high level control test
it is reprinted from the 1998 ACR Barium Enema Quality Control Manual with permission of the American College of Radiology, Reston, Virginia
processor quality control
5 required equipment for processor quality control
control chart
non mercury thermometer
a protective covering of gelatin that enclosed the emulsion
topcoat/protective coating
topcoat is made up of _______
its purpose is to prevent damage to sensitive emulsion layer
it protects the emulsion from scratches, pressure and contamination
topcoat/protective coating
it is the heart of the radiographic film and it is the active layer
size of emulsion
3-5 μm
emulsion is made up of _____ and ______
silver halide crystal and gelatin
it is the recording medium and is the active ingredient of the emulsion
silver halide crystal
size of silver halide crystal
1 to 1.5 μm
it is the mechanical binder that holds the silver halide crystal uniformly dispersed in place
it is clear and sufficiently porous
a thin coating located between the emulsion and base that simply adheres the base to the emulsion
adhesive layer
it allows emulsion and base to maintain proper contact and integrity
adhesive layer
it is the foundation or framework of the film and it is composed of polyester
size of polyester
150 to 300 μm
it purpose is to provide a rigid structure onto which the emulsion can be coated
characteristics of a good film base:
dimensional stability
superior physical stability
blue tint
3 characteristics of x-ray film
film speed
film latitude
film contrast
spectral sensitivity
it is the speed point and is the degree to which the emulsion is sensitive to x-rays or to light
film speed
two primary factors that affect the speed point:
the number of SHC
the size of SHC
it is the margin of errors in technical factors that the film allows that will still produce an acceptable range of densities
film latitude
it is the inherent characteristics of the film emulsion that allows a moderate or acceptable range of densities to be recorded
film latitude
it is the inherent ability to record minute differences in densities across the film ability of the radiographic film to provide a certain level of image contrast
film contrast
3 types of spectral sensitivity
3 general types of x-ray film
screen type film
direct exposure film
single emulsion film
it occurs when light forms an angle affecting a spot in the emulsion and travels through the other side striking a spot not exactly corresponding to the opposite layer, producing an effect similar to penumbra
parallax effect
the most widely used radiographic film, general choice for diagnostic radiology and is made to be used
screen type film
it is a film designed for use without the need of an IS, also erroneously called a non-screen film
direct exposure film
it has emulsion coated on one side of the base only, no parallax effect
single emulsion film
blue sensitive
sensitive to wavelength <550nm
globular grains
calcium tungstate phosphor
insensitive to red, orange and yellow
monochromatic film
green sensitive
sensitive to wavelength <620nm
tabular grains
rare earth phosphor
insensitive to red
orthochromatic film