PRELIMS Flashcards
Acute pancreatitis
Fat necrosis
- Hyperplastic cells may not become cancer cells as long as the process
remains controlled. - Unrestrained proliferation of cells with genetic mutation
leads to cancer
First statement is true, second statement is false
Atrophied brain due to atherosclerosis
Alzhemier’s disease
Neither; defective apaoptosis and increased cell survival, increased apoptosis and excessive cell death
Myocardial infarction
Coagulative necrosis
building muscles of bodybuilders
Deposition if immune complexes
Fibrinoid necrosis
- Morphological and structural changes in tissues exhibits the signs and
symptoms of the disease. - Clinical manifestation of the disease always
exhibits the characteristics of the disease.
both statements are true
Gastric Washing/BrushingThe patient should fast for 12 hours prior to the
lavage procedure, but should drink water on the morning of the test.
- When the stress is eliminated, the cell can recover to its original state
without having suffered any harmful consequences. - If the limits of the
adaptive responses are exceeded, cell injury may takes place.
Both statements are true
breast during lactation
The cell is swelling, plasma membrane exhibits blebs, there are myelin figures
and there is increase eosinophilia accompanied by an inflammatory reaction.
Necrotic cell
which of the following may be a stimuli to hyperplasia
Increase amount of this hormone may induce hyperplasia of the endometrial
glands leading to abnormal menstrual bleeding?
For Pap Smear - Endocervical Sample, specimen should be collected
(preferably) two weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period and
definitely not during menstruation
The stimulus of hypertrophy in the heart is usually due to
chronic hemodynamic overload
Heart wall thickening due to hypertension
What language is the word pathology derived from?
Most forms of pathologic hyperplasia are caused by:
Excess of growth factors or hormones that stimulate target cells.
Proteins stored in skeletal muscles may be used as source of energy such
seen in marasmus, would cause the skeletal muscles to atrophy
Inadequate nutrition