prelims Flashcards
deals with the application of ethico-moral and legal conecpts and prinicples in the issues that affect the practice of health
the area of right and wrong in the theory and practice of human behaviour
if the action is right=
moral and ethical
if the action is wrong=
immoral and unecthical
if no morality (nonmoral)=
neither moral and ethical; neither right or wrong
- knowledge, deliberation, and freedom
- done with knowledge and full consent of the will
human acts
devoid of knowledge, deliberation and freedom
acts of human
absence of knowledge in an individual who is supposed to know it
can be overcome by exerting some effort
vincible ignorance
can hardly be removed even if one were to exert extra effort to overcome it
invincible ignorance
a practical and normative science based on reason which studies human acts and provided norms for its goodness and badness
parameter of determining right or wrong; provides norms and standards
a practical and normative science based on reason which studies human acts and provides norms for its goodness and badness
a normative science that can be applied to human action; establishes norms or standards for the direction and regulation of human actions
practical science
establish norms and standards for the direction and regulation of human action
normative science