Preliminary Title Flashcards
curative statutes
… provided no impairment of vested right
exceptions for prospectivity; when retroactivity of law is allowed.
when EXPRESSLY provided doesn’t impair vested rights curative/remedial… provided doesn’t impair vested rights law is PROCEDURAL (e.g. prescribing form of pleadings)… may apply to existing cause of action/PENding action, PENAL statute (e.g. lesser penalty) when favorable to accused who’s NOT a habitual delinquent… even though serving sentence
example of mandatory law
impugning legitimacy of a child
rights that CANNOT be waived
those vested with public interest preferential rights of tenants under CA 539
publication of a LAW
publication: full or nothing at all indispensable law presumed valid requirement for ignorantia legis; conclusive, constructive knowledge
laws that need to be published
charter of a city naming of a place exempting a person from requirements or prohibitions
GR: Prospectivity
xpn: EPC
provides for it expressly curative/remedial law procedural penal… favorable to accused, not habitual delinquent, and not expressly made inapplicable to pending actions or existing causes of action
Waiver of Rights
GR: PUWEDE XPN: Pag may public interest at stake, like rights in land reform vested with public interest, i.e. social justice
general repleal
Not an EXPRESS repeal
because it does not mention specific provisions or laws to replace repeal.
General repeal is only for IMPLIED, irreconcilable conflicts. Pwedeng part ang repealed. Pero pag lahat ng provisions dependent talaga with each other, the others must fall with them: void.
If clear, apply. If in doubt…
aids: ordinary meaning “upon its face,” the ordinary meaning understod by those who ratified it and not the framer’s intention. Framer’s intention last resort. FAVORED CONSTRUTION: self-executing mandatory prospective harmonious whole
national territory
overt act
proximate cause
full publication
there’s rights–waivable and obligations
compliance… good. butwhat happends in non-compliance–ineffective ba ang law?
doesn’t mean law no longer effective.
Law beocmes ineffective only through
struck down by courts
Preliminary Title
Main Diagram
preliminary title
foreign law…
prove as fact.
Once proven, it’s LAW.
Ignorantia legis doesn’t excuse
when is retroactuve law llowed bylaw
publication in full or no publication at all
publication of ordinances
duty of courts
Judicial legislation
in case of silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the law…
preliminary title diagram
who is BORN?
foreign law must be proven as fact