Preliminary Date Exam Flashcards
The completion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem
516 BC
The fall of Babylon to Persia, leading to the release of the Jews from captivity
539 BC
The return of Nehemiah; Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt in 52 days
444 BC
The death of Artaxerxes, king of Persia; Old Testament period ends
424 BC
Persian Empire conquered by Alexander (the Great) of Macedon
331 BC
Battle of Paneas; Ptolemaic Greeks lose control of Judea to Seleucid Greeks
198 BC
Reign of Seleucid king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes
175-164 BC
Fight for Jewish independence begins under Judas Maccabeus
166 BC
Judea becomes subject to Rome
63 BC
Herod the Great becomes King of Judea
40/37 BC
Battle of Acitum; Roman Republic ends, Empire Era begins
31 BC
Herod begins remodeling Temple in Jerusalem
19 BC
Pontus Pilate becomes procurator of Judea
AD 26
Crucifixion of Christ
AD 33, April 3 (Friday)
Stoning of Stephen
AD 35