Prelim Flashcards
Different views on history
Cyclical (Fatalist)
History just keeps repeating itself – it’s not going anywhere – it’s not heading for a conclusion of any kind; or rather there are many conclusions and then it begins all over again.
Cyclical view believers
Mayans, Aztecs, Hindus, Buddhists – most eastern religions
History, because of purely natural forces, is evolving. The theory of evolution rests on the belief that random forces can create improvements in animals, man, and also the world.
a system of thought based entirely on Evolutionary view
Free will is an illusion. All (every single detail) is determined by God or some kind of supreme power or creative force. There is no chance or free will. Rather every event that is to come is completely inevitable.
Albert Einstein’s view and some other classical scientists
This is the basic Judeo-Christian view. Like all great stories, history has a beginning, a middle, and an end. It has a climax (the cross and resurrection) and is being drawn toward a particular conclusion (the return of Christ)by an author-Creator.
protagonist and antagonist of providential view
is the genuine gift of God to his creatures, but God is so huge, intelligent, and powerful, that He is able to shape the outcome according to His purposes while incorporating our authentically free decisions into His plans.
Free will
Branches of History
Archaeology Art History Chronology Cultural History History of Science Economic History Environmental History Futurology History Painting Military History Naval History Paleography Political History Psychohistory Social History World History
History and Political Science
History is very helpful to politics because the political aspect is a part of the whole range of activity recorded by historian and knowledge of history would enable the politicians to know the politics better and play their role effectively
“History without political science has no___ and political science without history has no ___.”
History and Economics
Activities of man in society are very closely related with the economic matters. Economic history of any period is important and its understanding is absolutely essential for the proper understanding of history of any period.
History and Sociology
Sociology is helping history to study ‘social dynamics’ which is a study not of society at rest but constantly in social change and development social processes and social causation are giving a new perspective to history.
History and Ethics
History uses Ethics to understand the ethical principle of the time which influenced the conduct of the people in the past.
History and Geography
Geography is one of the eyes of history the other eye being chronology. Time and space factors give history its correct perspective.
Names of the Philippines through time
Ma-i Las Islas de San Lazaro Las Islas de Poniente Ilhas Do Oriente Republica Filipina Las Islas Filipinas Philippine Islands Philippines
According to the ___________________ written around __________ during the ______ dynasty, there was a group of islands found in __________ called ______. The islands groups were later invaded and renamed and identified by the Spanish to be the island of ________.
Zhao Rugua's Zhufan zhi 1225 AD Song southern South China Sea Ma-i Mindoro
This was further proved by ____________ in his 1882 book, ________________ that Ma-i, which means __________ was the Chinese local name of present-day Mindoro.
Ferdinand Blumentritt
Versuch einer Ethnographie der Philippinen (An Attempt to the Study of Ethnography of the Philippines)
“country of the Blacks”
On the other hand, historians claimed that Ma-i was not an island, but all the south of South Sea islands groups and ______________ and in constant contact with the China Government as early as the_________and earlier.
Manila itself, which was known to be the Chinese settlements
9th century CE
Named by_________ in _____ when he reached the islands of _______ in the island of_______ on the feast day of Saint Lazarus of _______.
Answer: Islas de San Lazaro (San Lorenzo's Islands) Ferdinand Magellan 1521 Homonhon Samar Bethany
Named by __________in _____ to Samar and ___, honoring the Prince of _______, the then Philip II of Spain.
Answer: Las Islas Filipinas (Philippine Islands belonging to Philip)
Ruy López de Villalobos
Another name from Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 when he learned that the Las islas de San Lázaro also included ______ and Leyte islands.
However, various sources claimed that Magellan was not the one who renamed the area, but his ______ instead. The name came from the fact that the islands were reached from Spain en route approaching the___ part of the globe.
Conversely, the _______ called the archipelago Ilhas do oriente (Islands to the East) because they approached the islands from the _____ of Portugal in late ____s.
During the Philippine Revolution, the state officially called itself ____________, now referred to as the ________________.
“República Filipina”
First Philippine Republic
__________ colonial authorities referred to the Philippines as the ____________, a direct translation of the original Spanish.
United States
“Philippine Islands”
It was during the_________ that the name “Philippines” began to appear, a name that was officially adopted.
American Period
Philippine Geography:
Archipelago of: Land Area: Coastline: Location: Borders:
7107 islands 300,000 sq km 36,289 km (5th longest) between 116° 40', and 126° 34' E longitude and 4° 40' and 21° 10' N latitude. Bashi Chanel (N) Sulu Sea / Celebes Sea (S) Philippine Sea (E) South China Sea / West Philippine Sea (W)
Climate of the Philippines
The Philippines has a tropical maritime climate that is usually hot and humid.
3 Seasons:
Summer (March-May)
Rainy Season ( June- Nov)
Cool Dry Season (Dec-Feb)
The Philippines is considered as one of the _____ country in the world.
Has many____ species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater, and invertebrates.
Regarded as one of the_________ in the world (biologically richest but has the most threatened ecosystems).
biodiversity hotspots
Critically Endangered Species
Visayan Wrinkled Hornbill Philippine crocodile Philippine Cockatoo Hairy-tailed cloud rat Tamaraw
The country ‘s six major crops
rice corn sugarcane tobacco coconut abaca
Before the age of exploration people believed:
Earth is flat; Sea monsters exists (e.g., Kraken); Europe is the center of the world; Boiling sea exists in the south; The world is small.
New Sea Routes were explored because:
Wealth for country Wealth for explorer To avoid Arab controlled trade routes Spread Christianity Inspired by the spirit of Renaissance and The Travels of Marco Polo
clinker-built, square and lateen sails, rudders
Portuguese caravels
(north star), Quadrant (sun), cross-staff (horizon) all found latitude.
for direction:
for speed:
for depth:
log and line
lead and line
a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds
(developed by native inhabitants of Central and South America) made available after America was discovered. Used aboard ships by sailors to enable comfort and maximize available space
A Portuguese explorer who organised the Spanish expedition to the East Indies from 1519 to 1522, resulting in the first circumnavigation of the Earth.
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan was selected by ________ of Spain to search for a westward route to the______ (the “Spice Islands”).
He would be made governor of all new lands discovered and ___ of the profits.
King Charles I
Maluku Islands
5 vessels that accompanied Ferdinand Magellan
Trinity Concepcion Victoria San Antonio Santiago
Ferdinand Magellan headed south through the Atlantic Ocean to ________, passing through the _______________ into a body of water he named the __________ (the modern Pacific Ocean).
Strait of Magellan
“peaceful sea”
Date of Discovery of Philippines
March 16, 1521
Where Ferdinand Magellan landed on
Homonhon Island
Ruler of Limasawa
Raja Kolambu
Date of first mass
March 31, 1521
Date of conversion of first 800 Christian Filipinos (men of Raja Kulambo)
April 14, 1521
Ruler of Mactan in the Visayas.
was the first warrior-chief in Asia to defy and defeat an imperial European power.
soldiers and explorers of the Spanish Empire
a system of fighting using the arnis movement used by Lapu-Lapu’s men
a native style of unarmed fighting characterized by locking and pinning techniques.
first triumph of an Asian people against a European power
Battle of Mactan
First Governor General of Philippines
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
when Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was first appointed
Legazpi sent an expedition to Manila led by
Martin de Goiti
Date Spaniards arrived Luzon
May 8, 1570
ruler of Manila
friendship with him won by Goiti
Rajah Suliman
First Filipino metallurgist.
He devised the cannon using a mold of clay and wax which was used by Rajah Suliman to protect Manila against the invading Spanish troops.
Panday Pira
were unsuccessful in defending Tondo and other settlements in Manila against the Spanish troops headed by Martin de Goiti.
Rajah Suliman (Muslim), Rajah Matanda (Hindu), and Lakan Dula (Taoist)
capital proclaimed by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
name given by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi to Manila
“Insigne y Siempre Leal Ciudad” which means “distinguished and ever loyal city”.
ancient pit stop