Prelim Flashcards
Embryo Use
earliest stage of develpoment
status of the embryo
what is the embryos position regarding how much of human it is
moral issue
three areas on specification
therapeutic, research and reproductive
reproductive IVF
what is IVF
medical procedure to help people with fertility issues to make a baby.
IVF stands for in virto fertlization
3 moral issues surrounding embryos and reproductive use
frozen embryos:
what should happen to unused embryos. Some people think it’s wrong to freeze embryos because they believe it treats embryos like objects.
A common moral issue is whether it is right or wrong to end a pregnancy, especially in the early stages when the embryo is very small.
Surrogacy is when a woman carries a baby for another person or couple. The moral issue is whether this is fair or can lead to exploitation
whats the therapeutic use of embryos
The therapeutic use of embryos refers to using embryos in medical research or treatment to help improve human health
3 moral issues surrounding embryos and theraputic use
What should happen to unused embryos?
should embryos be used for research?
Is it right to create embryos for research or treatment?
what is reserch use of embryos? the two examples
genetic profiling
3 moral issues surrounding embryo use and research
some worry that embryos might be treated as tools for scientific gain
destroying or manipulating embryos
embryos are living beings and should be treated with respect,
4 christian uses why theyre against embryo use
sanctity of life
respect for gods creation
god made man in his own image
thou shall not murder
give a quote to back up christian views
‘your bodies are the temple of the holy spirit’
3 reasons why humanists support embryo use
humanists support embryo use because it can help people, is based on logical thinking, and allows people to make their own choices.
3 reasons why utilitarianisms support embryo use
Many will say that use of embryos is acceptable provided that it will maximise happiness for the greatest number of people
help people with diseases, and therefore bring more happiness to society.
If it helps a lot of people, then it might be seen as the right choice.
3 reasons why peter singer supports embryo use
Singer argues that embryos, especially in the early stages of development, do not have the same moral status as fully developed humans.
embryos dont have personhood