Prelim Flashcards
Mobilizing the idle savings of public. They employ their own as well as borrowed resources for setting up their enterprises. Such type of entrepreneurial activities leads to value addition and creation of wealth, which is very essential for the industrial and economic development of country
Promotes capital formation
Entrepreneurs provide immediate large scale employment opportunities to the unemployed which is a chronic problem of underdeveloped nations
Creates large-scale employment opportunities
Entrepreneurs help to remove regional disparities to setting up of industries in less developed and backward areas
Promotes balanced regional develpment
Economic power is the natural outcome of industrial and business activity. Industrial development normally leads leads visitation concentration of economic power in the hands of a few individuals which results in the growth of monopolies
Reduces concentration of economic power
It stimulates equitable redistribution of wealth and income in the interest of the country to more people and geographic areas, thus giving benefit to a larger sections of the society.
Wealth creation and distribution
Entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for opportunities
Increasing gross national product and per capita income
Increase in the standard of living of the people is a characteristics feature of economic development of the country
Improvement in standard of living
Entrepreneurs help in promoting a country’s export-trade, which is an important ingredient of economic development.
Promote country’s export trade
Entrepreneurs like to work with an environment of change and try to maximize profits by innovation.
Induces backward and forward linkages
Entrepreneurs act as a catalytic agent for change which results in chain reaction.
Facilitates overall development
Two imporatnt economic factors that hinder our growth as a nation
- Poverty
- Population explosion
The following factors are contributory determinants to our slow growth in economic development as a nation
- The Filipino Values and Culture
- Income opportunity in the countryside is still subsistence in nature
- The failure to develop better system of education
- Availability of needed capital
Probided the necessary funds for the development of entrepreneurs in the countryside.
Granting exemptions from any and all government rules and regulations and other incentive and benefits and for other purposes.
If you are determined to run your own business, you must concentrate on your work either as a producer or a seller. The success of your business depends on how much time and effort you will soend on it.
Hard working
You must have a strong faith in your ability despite the problems that you will encounter along the way
once a person enters in a line of business, you must understand that you are in a non-stop contract that en entrepreneur should understand. It may take several years to build up a business to a reasonable standard. The goal for most succesful business people is to build a secure job and stable income for themselves based on their own ability.
when you enter into the world of business, obviously, you are looking for income because you know that this will be your bread and butter not only for you but also for your family. Therefore, you must see to it the business can generate income. Another plan of action is to expand your own business through the use of your generated income.
an entrepreneur is forward looking. you have an advanced preparation for your business. You set a long-term goal for the activities that are needed, an extensive preparation for the production process and procedures that you need to go through to acquire, human and non-human resources
Differences in opinion and judgement. Your opponent can be a part of the rejection on what you intend to do for your endeavor. As an entrepreneur, you must be firm, syrong willed, and stick or follow your own belief.
Learn from you mistakes
copes with failure
you must be concerned to know how well you are doing and keep track of your performance. You must obtain useful feedback and advice from others.
responds to feedback or open to feedback
a successful entrepreneur takes the initiative. You must put yourself in a position where you personally are resoonsible for the failure or success of your business.
take the initiative
take time to listen to the advice, suggestions, and recommendations of fellow entrepreneurs. It will help your business grow.
willing to listen
the capability for exploiting successfully innovative ideas in a commercially competitive market
a people who manage business with the intention of expanding that business by applying some form of innovation and with the leadership and managerial capacity for achieving their goals, generally in the fact of strong competition from other firms, large and small.
two vital roles in the economy
- to introduce new ideas
- to energize business processes
the term entrepreneur, is derives from the French word
entre (between), pendre (to take)
wealth of nations
Adam Smith, 1776
first appearance of entrepeneur
an Irishman living in France, suggested in 1756
Richard Cantillon
was someone prepared to bear uncertainty in engaging in risky arbitrage, buying goods and services at a certain (fixed) price in one market to be sold elsewhere or at another time for uncertain future prices, usually in other market.
Austrian economist, who has had a seminal influence on entrepreneurship, as well as innivation, placed the entrepreneur at the center of his theory of economic development.
Joseph Schumpeter
He defined entrepreneur-simply as someone who acts as an agent of change by bringing into existence a “new combination of the means of production”
New combinations include
process, product and organizational innovations.
earning cannot give financial security, saving mostly does.
saving always does not guarantee financial security, but wealth does.
saving and wealth
avenues of investments
-Savings account
-Fixed deposits
-Commodities-Precious Metals, agricultural commodities etc.
-Real estate
-Direct equity and Equity Mutual Funds
Two villains for wealth creation
the portion of the business that belongs to the shareholder
has pricing power and produces high return on invested money
unique product makes a franchise business
comoetition curtails pricing power and hence generally low return on invested money.
Me too product makes a commodity business
antidotes to a commodity business
low-cost producer
exceptional manager
mind-set for value investing
-stock is not a piece of paper, but an ownership stake in a business
-owner’s perspective
-have a long-term vie
-Stay within your circle of competence
-do the ground work well
-think in terms of probabilities
Main motivation for entrepreneurs to overcome the barriers of economic pressure and uncertainty
a desire to do well, not so much for the sake of social recognition or prestige, but to attain an inner feeling of personal accomplishment
collection of people working together to achieve common purpose.
a collection of peoole working together to achieve a common purpose in relation to their organization’s mission, vision, goals, and objectives, sharing a common organizational culture
Business organization
a __________ business owner is someone who conducts a trade or business with the intent of making a profit. The __________ individual may conduct the business on a full-time basis or as a part-time venture.
Self-employed business owner
two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing profits among themselves.
who invest in the partnership, participate in the day-to-day operations and are liable for debts and lawsuits of the partnership
general partners
who invest in the partnership but who have no participation in day-to-day operations and who are not usually considered to have liability
limited partners
an association of two or more persons that carry on as the co-owners of a business in order to generate a profit. Equal voice and liability
general partnership
formed by two or more persons, having one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. Has no voice in active management
limited partnership
partners will receive the same beneficial taxation provided by a general partnership, and will also be shielded from the debts, and liabilities of the business. In addition, they will be protected from the actions of other partners
limited liability partnership
is an artificial being created by law, having the right of succession and powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence
a corporation formed to engage in commercial activity for a profit. Another name for this type is a “for-profit” corporation.
Business Corporation
a corporation whose income is taxed through the corporation rather than its shareholdet
C corporation
any corporation whose stock is freely traded and is held by only a few shareholders who are often within the same family
close corporation
a corporation in which the majority of stock is held by one individual or firm
controlled corporation
a corporation primarily organized for the purpose of providing services and profits to its members rather than for a corporate profit
cooperative corporation
a corporation that is registered in one state, but is also “authorized to do business” in one or more different states.
foreign corporation
a corporation organized for some purpose other than making a profit.
non-profit corporation
a corporation founded by and composed of private individuals principally for a nonpublic purpose, such as manufacturing, banking, and railroad corporations
private corporations
a cotporation that provides services of a type that requires a professional license.
professional corporation
a corporation whose shares are traded to and among the general public
public corporation
a corporation whose income is taxed through its shareholders rather than the corporation itself
S corporation
founder of Jollibee fopds corporation
Tony Tan Caktion
founder of Nbs
Soccorro Ramos
The jeepney king
Leonardo Sarao
this involves developing and using logical, step-by-step plans to reach the goals, or offering evaluation alternatives, monitoring progress, and switching to successful strategies for the goal you want to achieve
Set your own standards
pursue your vision to be a successful entrepreneur, you should know how to handle unusual events that may happen in the business which include problems in managing the workers, problems on the delivery of goods and services, and the problems on demand and production. You must be patient in dealing with these uncertainties
Copes with uncertainty
you should know that in your business, personal needs, and attachment to your friends, families, and relatives are set aside. You must separate the money for your business from the amount that you need to spend for personal obligations and lifestyles
successful business people base their work on strengths. Use your manual skills, knowledge in creating products or services, knowledge in trade and industry, ability to make and use of a wide network of contacts to build your business
Builds on strengths
an entrepreneur must build a good reputation, possess the courage to do the right thing, do what you say, walk your talk, be loyal, and be fair in dealing with the subordinatea and customers
Reliable and has integrity
risk sometimes cannot be anticipated. When misfortunes happen, consider these as challenges and work them out and set good alternatives. Risks may result to loss of your business or even bankruptcy
The Filipino Values and Culture
- Love for imported products
- Our values of BAHALA NA
- Our Crab Mentality
- The Value of Time
- Our Values of Hiya
- Fiesta and Social Occassions