PRELIM 1 Flashcards
storage - place
- fossil sites where there is exceptional preservation; numerous + well preserved fossils
Burgess Shale
- famous Lagerstatten from the Cambrian
Absolute dating
radioactive decay to get age:
- after 1 half-life; 50 % daughter, 50% parent
- 2 half-life: 75% daughter, 25% parent
-3 : 87.5 daughter, 12.5 parent
*can only date igneous rock b/c daughter isotope is at 0% in molten rock
Relative dating
dating a layer relative to other dates
Geological time scale
- age of earth: 4.6 bya
- 1st life: 3.7 bya
- Cambrian explosion : 540 mya
- End of paleozoic: 250 mya
- end of mesozoic/start cenozoic: 65 mya
- anthropocene: 10 kya
dates found w radioacarbon dating
the youngest layers are the ones laying on top
Lateral continuity
layers continue laterally over distances
- each layer is deposited at the same time & is the same layer even if eroded
Original horizontality
layers are deposited horizontally and maybe be deformed later
- movement of continental plates
- layers that are vertical/non-horizontal were originally horizontal
geological layers/ intrusions that cut across other layers are younger than layers that its crossing
Index fossils
- fossils in a distinct rock layer/short lived
- geographically widespread to help identify layers in different locations
can be used for stratigraphic correlation
Carbon dating
effective range 100 - 100k
5,730 yr half-life
Uranium lead dating
- effective dating range 10 million - 4.6 billion?
K- Ar dating
half life 1.3 billion yrs
- effective for 100k - 4.6 billion years
Precambrian & phenazoic era
all of the eras starting from the cambrian on
remains, traces, impressions of once living organisms
most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks
Conditions that impede fossilization
- predators and scavengers
- bacterial decay
- dissolution in water
- physical disturbance
Conditions that promote fossilization
- rapid burial:
- protection from physical disturbance
- anaerobic environments
sedimentary rocks
formed from deposition of sediments falling to the bottom of body of water
what gets preserved
- teeth, bone, and chitinous exoskeletons or calcium carbonate shells
- plants: seeds, pollen, leaves, wood, rarely flowers
- bacteria, microbial mats; stromatolites formed from biofilms of cyanobacteria that trap sediment
types of preservation
- skeletal + other body elements are the most informative
- per mineralization/petrification: minerals are deposited in tiny holes within bones or wood, replacing organism and making stone structure
- impression fossils: made from a carbonaceous film imprint
cladogram: shows branching order and topology only
phylogram: branch lengths reflect the amount of evolutionary change
chronogram: cladogram where branch lengths are calibrated to real time
a clade: organism and all its descendants
an organism and all its descendants
- most recent common ancestor to all the taxa
an ancestor and a group of taxa but not all of its descendants are included
has no shared traits with other taxa - represents the ancestral state
character state (ancestral, derived)
ancestral state:
derived state:
when similar characteristics are not due to common ancestry
convergent evolution
contribute to homoplasy
evolutionary reversal
DNA reversal? that contribute to homoplasy
molecular clocks ?
index case
transmits the disease to a few other recipients
LUCA traits
- dna/rna
- mechanism to replicate dna
- shared biochem pathways / ATP
- codons for amino acids
- plasma membrane
- unicellular
- no membrane bound nucleus
- lack mitochondria
- parasites
- lack ATP and molecular machinery for replication
model organisms
- e. coli
- arabidopsis thaliana
- saccharomyces cerevisae
- drosophila melanogaster
- mus musculus/ mice
- c. elegans
unicellular, bacteria + archaea. not a monophyly
- reproduce by binary fission not mitosis
- capable of forming biofilms
Examples: staphylococcus, bacillus anthrax, cyanobacteria, ( lyme disease, chlamydia), e. coli, yersinia pests, vibrio cholerae, salmonella, archaea, halophile archaea
- no membrane bound nucleus or organelles
- ether linked lipids in membrane
- no peptidoglycan in cell walls
- extremophiles: ex, methanogen found in deep sea hypothermal vents
- halophiles
rocks that formed from biofilms of cyanobacteria trapping layers of sediment
- oldest stromatolites found in Greenland, dated 3.7 by a
- membrane bound organelles
- all eukarya have mitochondria
proteobacteria organisms
e. coli, vibrio cholera, salmonella, yersinia pestis(bubonic plague)
- mitochondria via endosymbiosis
- peptidoglycan in cell walls
- gram positive have more peptidoglycan
- gram neg. less
binary fission
DNA is replicated and parent cell is divided into two identical daughter cells.
horizontal gene transfer
exchange of genetic material between prokaryotes without reproduction
example: bacterial strain can transfer antibiotic resistance to other strains to fight a medicine
round, spherical
rod shaped bacteria
- bacillus anthracis
spiral, filaments that run along long axis
- ex; lyme disease, syphilis
photoautotroph - photosynthesize to make glucose
- were absorbed by endosymbiosis: chloroplast
sister taxa
- spiral shaped, Lyme Disease (?)
- chalmydia = STD, obligate parasites
eukaryote evolution
- loss of firm cell wall/flexible membrane for larger cells
- infolding to inc SA:V
- cytoskeleton - microtubules
- internal membranes with ribosomes
- infolding also = creation of nucleus
- flagellum
- mitochondria & chloroplasts
primary endosymbiosis
incomplete phagocytosis of a bacterium
- primary = phagocytosis of cyanobacteria/proteobacteria
- endosymbionts for mutualistic relationship w host
- synapomorphy for all plants
- green algae, red algae, glaucophytes,
land plants
- green algae, red algae, glaucophytes,
some eukaryotes absorbed another one that had a chloroplast; secondary endosymbiosis
- single event of primary endosymbiosis is the synapomorphy for plants
- secondary endosymbiosis of green algae
- “protist”
Secondary endosymbiosis of red algae?
ancestor of stramenophile and ciliates
tertiary endosymbiosis of a ‘protist’ that had secondary endosymbiosis
- not a monophyly
- Eukarya that aren’t animal, fungi, plants
- alveolates, stramenopiles, excavates, amoebozoans, opistokonts
dinoflagellates, ciliates, paramecium, plasmodium (carries malaria)
- unicellular with sacs (alveoli) beneath cell membrane
- secondary endosymbiosis; red algae
alveolates, paramecium
- unicellular
- covered in cilia aka short flagella to move
- 2 flagella; equatorial and longitudinal groove
- tertiary endosymbiosis
- are endosymbionts of coral (coral = quaternary endosymbiosis)
- source of red tide blooms
- flow-agitated bioluminescence
alveolate, malaria
- unicellular parasites
- vestigial chloroplasts
- complex of proteins at apical prominence used to attach and penetrate host
- 2 unequal flagella; one has tubular hairs
- brown algae, diatoms
- secondary endosymbiosis of red algae
brown algae
- large multicellular
- secondary endosymbiosis of red algae
- secondary endosymbiosis of red algae
- unicellular
- secondarily lost double flagella
deposit silica in their cell membranes
euglenids, Giardia, Trypanosoma
- reduced or lost mitochondria
- intestinal parasite
- degenerate mitochondria; energy from host
- mitochondria and a single flagellum
- chloroplast through secondary of green algae
- free living/parasite
- single/large mitochondria
- sleeping sickness, chagas disease, leishmaniasis
amoeba, slime molds
- lobe-shaped pseudopods
- move via cytoplasmic streaming
- unicellular
- double membrane; original from proteobacteria, second from invagination
- own circular DNA
retain peptidoglycan in cell wall of chloroplasts from initial cyanobacteria
- unicellular
- reproduce asexually
red algae
uni or multicellular
- photosynthesize short wavelength/red pigment
- chlorophyll a
- lack peptidoglycan
green plants
“green algae” + land plants
- chlorophyll b and starch
- chlorophyll b = more range of wavelengths to be able to absorbed
“green algae”
sister to land plants
land plants
protected embryos and waxy cuticle
alternation of generations
occurs in all land plants
- sporophyte = diploid; gametophyte = haploid
diploid zygote –> multicell. diploid sporophyte –(meiosis)–> haploid spores –> multicell. haploid gametophyte –> mature to haploid gametes = sperm & egg
- two haploid gametes fuse through fertilization to produce diploid zygote again
non-vascular plants
mosses, liverworts, hornworts
dominant gametophyte generation
sporophyte is dependent on gametophyte for nutrition
moss/non-vascular life-cycle
dom. generation = gametophyte
sperm reaches female gamete by swimming in water
zygote –> diploid sporophyte (sporophyte nutritionally dependent) –> produces spores –> spores dispersed by wind
vascular plants
fern + lycophytes + seed plants
sporophytes (diploid) dominant
vascular tissue: xylem + phloem
seed plants
gymno- + angiosperms
in angiosperms; seed is surrounded by an ovary that ripens into fruit
seed plant life-cycle
female spore –> female gametophyte which produces egg –> structure w/ egg + fem. gametophyte = ovule
ovule attached to sporophyte cone
male spores –> male gametophyte = pollen grain–> pollen tube to deliver sperm to egg
fertilization happens inside ovule
fertilize ovules inside ovaries
- male gametophyte grows pollen tube to reach the egg inside ovule inside ovary; seeds are enclosed and mature inside ovary
double fertilization
- one sperm fertilizes the egg
- second sperm fuses w two nuclei to form endosperm tissue that feeds nutrition
challenges faced by land transition
- desiccation = cuticle
- physical support
-mvt of fluids/nutrients = vascular tissue - protection of gametes/embryo = seed
- inc uv radiation = chlorophyll b
fungi, choanaflagellates, and animals united by single posterior flagellum
MRCA fungi & animals
was unicellular and had a single posterior flagellum
- present groups have lost flagellum or its only present in certain stages (e.g sperm and chytrid fungal spore)
synapomorphy = chitin in cell wall and absorptive heterotrophy
- hyphae (mass of hyphae = mycelium) from fungus body and allows organic material/organelle exchange
carry out external digestion
absorptive heterotrophy
secrete enzyme which digest organism materials and nutrients can be absorbed into hyphae
- saprophages = feed on dead matter (decomposer)
- others may be parasitic
- reduced mitochondria, polar tube
- small, unicellular parasites, infect via polar tube
- pathogens
- flagellated gametes used to swim in water
- amphibian killer fungus
- saprobic
arbuscular mycorrhizae
- form mycorrhizae with plants
- mutualistic. relationship; fungus get photosynthate and plant gets inc. surface area for soil nutrient acquisition
ascomyota and basidiomycota
fungi and club fungi
- unique stage in sexual reproduction and they have septate hyphae
- part of its life-cycle has 2+ nuclei; genetic distinction between 2+ mating types (?)
- hyphae divided into compartments by the septa meaning they can control cytoplasm, organelle, and nutrient movement
- produce spores in the ascus
- sac or cup fungi
spores released from the ascus as the tip of the ascus bursts under pressure
morels, truffles, yeasts, molds and lichens
important taxa: saccharmoyces cerevisae = model organism; brewer’s yeast
symbiont with a fungus + green algae +/or cyanobacterium living together
spores produced externally on a basidium
- this looks like a club = club fungi
- spores are released passively by falling off
rusts, smuts, mushrooms, brackets
rusts and smuts = pathogens of plants
brackets = on sides of live or dead trees