Prejudice: Realistic conflict theory Flashcards
Evaluate realistic conflict theory
In stage 2, where intergroup comp created, only 1 group could win the prizes (negative interdependence), outcome = violence and ^prejudice
Tajfel show prejudice arises from perceiving someone as ‘not like me’. Boys = treat others diff due to group membership alone, prejudice = self worth
> Prejudice/discrimination. Suggests intergroup relations enhanced through superordinate goals
What is intergroup competition (Sherif)?
- When 2+ groups striving for same goal, prejudice/hostility intensify
What is negative interdependence
- 2 groups both seeking to achieve goal important for both, only 1 can reach goal (real conflict of interests)
What is meant by limited resources and what does this result in?
- Comp for scarce materials (food, territory) or symbolic resources (power/authority)
- Highest lvls of P+D
What is positive interdependence (Sherif)?
- Neither group can reach it’s goal unless the other reaches theirs
What does negative interdependence result in?
- Intergroup relations deteriorate
- Interactions w members of opposing group = antagonistic/hostile, own members = ^cooperative
What are superordinate goals?
- Goals only achieved through intergroup cooperation
How does RCT have scientific status and the benefit of this?
- Falsifiable, testable hypothesis
- ^Credibility to explanation of prejudice