prehhistoric medicne Flashcards
medical treatments?
evil spirits
herbs and spices
what did people die from?
life expectancy?
farmers life expectancy?
how did constantly moving location help with life expectancy?
lessens the chance of catching a disease/inflection
who would a person go to if they needed natural medical treatment?
family, normally the mother who would have learnt herbal remedies from her mother.
what did people think caused illnesses?
how did they prevent evil spirts from getting in?
evil spirits
they would wear a charm round their necks given to them by the medicine man.
why was farmers life expectancy longer?
because they were kept fit but doing hard labour but suffered severely form osteoarthritis.
how were broken bones dealt with?
mug and twigs.
how was cold and coughs treated?
by inhaling water vapour of crushed tea-tree leaves.
how was cuts treated?
by coating them with herbs and plants.
why did the natural remedies have such an impact on people?
because they had antiseptics in the plant which fights infection.
how was fevers treated?
by bathing in tea-tree.