preguntas exámenes Flashcards


Explain what would happen to the passive movement of Na+ ions in these cases:

a) There is a depolarization but the membrane potential is still negative
b) The action potential reaches its maximum peak and the cell voltage is positive


Explain what would happen to the passive movement of Na+ ions in these cases:
a) There is a depolarization but the membrane potential is still negative

When there is a stimulus and Na+ ionic channels open, they will depolarize the membrane. However, if this stimulus is not high enough to open voltage dependent Na+ ionic channels, the influx of Na+ will stop at a certain moment, as its would be a local potential (filled action potential). However, if the threshold is reached, Na+ voltage dependent ionic channels will open and the depolarization in form of action potential could happen. So therefore, it depended on the threshold that the influx of Na+ ionic channels continue or not. Depending on the negativity of the membrane, it will be more excitable or not and therefore an action potential is more or less likely to happen.

b) The action potential reaches its maximum peak and the cell voltage is positive

Na+ ionic channels (voltage-dependent) would close, as at this positive voltage, they are inactivated. Also, at the same time, K+ ionic channels open, so the depolarization stops and now hyperpolarization will happen.

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Explain the differences between an action potential and a local potential, according also if the axon is myelinated or not.


A local potential is a failed action potential. This happens when the stimuli is not high enough to reach the threshold voltage, which in deed is the voltage needed to trigger an action potential because all the mechanisms start at this point. An action potential will be triggered without exception when that threshold is reached, as it is the voltage in which Na+ ionic channels open and can depolarize totally the membrane. In the case of myelinated axons, the action potential travels by saltatory conduction as myelin works as a perfect insulator. The current or ion for created in myelinated axons is so effective, that ions don’t get lost along the way. However, in unmyelinated axons, some ions can be lost and therefore, the possibility that the voltage is not the correct to trigger more action potentials is higher.

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Neurotransmitters (fill in a table with neurotransmitter, type of receptor, pathway and effect):
- alpha 1
- 5 HT 1
- D2

  • alpha 1: adrenaline and noradrenaline; metabotropic, posphatases; IP3 pathway, Ca2+ release
  • NMDA: glutamate; ionotropic,mostly Ca2+, but also Na+; slow depolarization, slow influx Ca2+
  • 5 HT 1: serotonin; ionotropic (Na+, K+ and Ca2+); depolarization
  • D2: dopamine; metabotropic, adenylate cyclase; inhibitory, inhibit a.c., decrease cAMP
  • GABA A: GABA; inotropic, Cl-; inhibitory, hyperpolarization
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In muscle contraction, what is a tetanus and an incomplete tetanus.


Tetanus is a event that only can happen in skeletal and smooth muscle, not in cardiac muscle cells (at they have a really long refractory period). To understand this event, we need to explain first of all what summation of waves is. Muscle cells are excitable cells, that when an action potential a contraction can happen. Action potentials can not happen at the same time, as they have refractory periods. Unlike this, contraction can we added up, as there is no need to relax before another contraction happens. Therefore, the frequency of actions potentials can make contractions to be separated in time, or not. When there is no relaxation, or a not completed relaxation, another contraction can happen. When the frenzy of action potentials is high and between two contraction there is a little relaxation, we call this incomplete tetanus. A complete tetanus is reached when the action potentials reach their maximum frequency so that between contraction there is no relaxation. Just after some myofilaments contract, other are also stimulate and also contracted.

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Mechanisms of regulation in the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis


The hypothalamus and hypophysis axis is the main point in which the endocrine and nervous system interconnect between each other. The communication between each other is mainly mediated by releasing hormones secreated in the hypothalamus and received in the anterior pituitary gland (in the case of the posterior pituitary gland, the stimuli an electrical signal as the axon of the heron originated in the hypothalamus ends up in this gland). This axis has a very complex regulation. Mostly all af the hormones secreted in an organism can create cycle events, as positive or negative feedback mechanisms, that can inhibit or activate the axis to stop or potentiate (respectively)

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Definition of positive and negative feedback. Examples.


A feedback system is a biological cycle of events where a condition or stimulus is monitorized and sent to the control center to create a response, which may amplify or inhibit the initial stimulus or the system itself. In a positive feedback, the response increases the original stimulus, whereas in a negative feed-back system, the response is inverse to the original stimulus.
An example of positive feedback is blood clotting. When some platelets are activated, more molecules and chemicals are released into the blood, and consequently, more platelets are activated. This is a cascade reaction in which the effect of one condition (in this case, the effect of one platelet trying to stop the bleeding), activates other adjacent platelets.
As example of negative feedback system is the effect of insulin. The stimulus is the high levels of glucose after a food intake. When these blood levels are monitorized in the organisms, insulin is secreted by the pancreas as a response to lower the glucose levels in blood.

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Differences between the contraction of the skeletal muscle and smooth muscle


From one side, the skeletal muscle is a completely voluntary movement (without taking into consideration reflexes), whereas the smooth muscle contraction is totally involuntary. This is due to their nervous innervation. While the skeletal muscle is inverted by the somatic PNS, the smooth muscle is innervated by the autonomic or vegetative PNS. Secondly, the shape and organization of the singles cells are completely different. Smooth muscle cells or myofibers are large and striated, as they have myofibrils inside with miofilaments arranged in sarcomeres. However, myofilaments are not arranged in myofibrils nor sarcomeres in the smooth muscle, so only the skeletal muscles has a striated appearance. Another difference is that in skeletal muscle cells, we find T-tublues, whereas in the smooth muscle cells we find invaginations of the membrane called caveolaes. Both of them increase the surface of the membrane as to allow the excitability. Also, the endoplasmic reticulum is different between these to type of cells. In the skeletal muscle the RE is really big and contains a lot of Calcium. However in the smooth muscle, the RE is smaller and therefore, Ca2+ is mainly taken from the extracellular fluid. Finally, thin myofilament in the skeletal muscle have a regulatory protein called troponin, which is where calcium binds to move the tropomyosin and therefore Strat the contraction cycle. An important difference is that smooth muscle cells (thin filaments) do not have troponin. As a consequence, the tropomyosin (which needs to be moved to Strat the contraction cycle) is not displaced by calcium, but calcium attached to calmodulin.

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Brief explanation about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system: neurotransmitters, receptors and length of the pre and post ganglionic neurons


The autonomic nervous system is part of the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system. It is the efferent division of involuntary responses. The sympathetic and parasympathetic have antagonistic responses. From one side, the sympathetic nervous sytem activates the fight or flight response during a danger or need to survival, whereas the parasympathetic nervous system responses are related to a calmed and relaxed state.
Both have a preganglionic and postganglionic neurons, and in both cases, the synapse between these are by acetylcholine and its inotropic nicotinic receptor that depolarizes the postsynaptic neuron. The main difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sytem is the length of the neurons and the neurotransmitter released by the postganglionic neuron.
In the case of the sympathetic nervous system, ganglia are located in every spinal cord level, so the postganglionar neuron has normally the same or bigger length that the preganglionar. The main neurotransmitter released by the second neurons is noradrenaline, which activates alfa (1 and 2) or beta (1 and 2) receptors in smooth muscles and glands. However, there is an exception in the case of sweat glands, which have muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine. There is also an exception for the adrenal medulla.
In the case of the parasympathetic nervous system, the neurotransmitter released is always acetylcholine and the receptor is a muscarinic receptor from smooth muscle and glands. In this case, the ganglia are really close to the target organ, or are even in the wall of the organ itself. That is because this part of the vegetative NS has only preganglionic neurons in the brain stem (some in the sacral plexus), and they are very long. They travel through the body until they reach the ganglia, which are normally close to the innervated target cell.

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Definition of the membrane resting potential and explain what mechanisms maintain it.


The membrane resting potential is the point of electrochemical equilibrium between the intercellular and extra cellular fluid, in which the first is more negative than the second one. At this point, a cell is able to maintain a more negative interior in relation to the exterior thanks to some mechanisms. It is called resting potential at it referees to the state of no excitation of a cell. In fact, when a cell is excitated by an action potential, the resting potential must be reestablished as to try to excitate another time that membrane.
The resting membrane potential is mainly determined by the permeability of the membrane for K+ and Na+ ions. The equilibrium is reached although concentrations are not equal. At this point, the membrane prevents the flow of ions in favor of their gradient although they are not equally concentrated in both sides of the membrane due to the electric potential that maintain it like this.
The diffusion potential is the chemical gradient. Ions will tend to move by simple diffusion in favour of gradient (from more to less concentrated). The potential or electric gradient is capable of preventing the further movement of ions cross the membrane. K+ is much more abundant inside the cell, so if ionic channels open, there will be an important outflux of these ions. However, this process can be stoped. As K+ go out the cell, the interior is be aiming more and more negative, and the ECF more and more positive. The negative charges inside the cell will prevent more positives charges going outside the cell, and also, so many positive charges outside will repell positive charges coming from inside.

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Explain the different types of nervous cells and their functions


Nervous cells are not only neurons. We find also other types. Neurons however are the main nervous cells and are in charge of conducting the actions potentials and generate and receive action potentials.
In the centra, nervous system, apart from neurons, we also find other types of cells. For example astrocytes are highly important in the protection of the CNS. They create the blood brain barrier, which is a key point in the protection of the CNS environment as they create a barrier around blood vessels, as to prevent toxic and damaging substances to affect neurons. These are called podocytes (they have a like feet surrounding blood vessels), but we also find other types such us ependymal astrocytes. Other types of nervous cells are oligodendocytes, which create myelin sheets around the axons of the CNS neurons. Finally, microglial cells are phagocytes that are key for the defence of the CNS. They phagocyte whatever not normal substance that could harm the CNS.
In the peripheral nervous system we find another type of glial cells, a part from neurons. For example, satellite cells wrap the somas of neurons that are in the ganglia. Finally, Schwann cells are individual cells that surround the axons in the PNS and create the myelin sheets to increase the speed thanks to the saltatory conductance.

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How is the action potential generated in a neuron without myelin? Which are the main differences with myelinated neurons?


Dendrites are prolongations of the soma of a neuron, where the stimulus is received. If this stimulus depolarizes enough the membrane, the positive charges will reach (traveling trough the soma) the axonic cone, which is the staring point of the action potential that travels through the axon. If the voltage reaches the threshold in this part, the action potential will be transmitted to the whole axon until the axon terminal. In a unmyelinaed neuron, the depolarization of an specific part of the membrane, will create adjacent parts of the membrane to depolarize as well. In this type of conduction (continuous conduction), the action potential happens in all the membrane, in every single ionic channel that is in the path. Unlike this, in myelinated neurons the conduction is much more rapid as not all the parts of the axon are stimulated, but only those that are able to create an action potential because they are in contact with the extracellular fluid. This is called saltatory conduction and happens thanks to cells that create a myelin sheet around the axon. Myelin is a very insulating, so prevents ion flow in the area it covers. In these places, ions from outside and inside are not able to cross the membrane and therefore action potentials are not able to be created. The fact that this insulator created action potentials to be faster is because they also leave some spaces without myelin, called Ranvier nodes. These are unmyelinated ring in the axons that allow the influx or exilic of ions through the membrane. When an action potential happens, the positive ions that will trigger it though all the axon will pass vastly through the insulated areas until the Ranvier nodes, making a saltatory conduction that is much more efficient.

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What is the adaptation of a receptor? How many types are there?


A sensory receptor is a cell, tissue or gland, capable of receiving signals and creating action potentials that travel through the afferent nervous system until the CNS where it will be monitorizadme and a response will be made. They adaptation means that, although the stimulus is still existing at the same strength, the electric signals that are sent to the CNS are in decline. Phasic cells can adapt, while tonic receptors do never adapt (for example pain receptors).

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Main differences between the autonomic and somatic nervous system.


Both are part of the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system, and therefore, send responses. The main difference between these systems are the consciousness of the acts or responses. While the somatic nervous system is completely voluntary (with the exception of reflexes), the autonomic nervous system, also called vegetative, is completely involuntary. Also, this last one, is divided into other 2 system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which antagonistic responses, as the first one prepares the body for action and for fight or flight responses, and the second one is in charge or relaxing and calming the body.
Other important differences between these two system is their composition. The somatic nervous system is composed by single motor neurons, that release acetylcholine into the neuromuscular junction to active the skeletal muscles. On the other hand, the autonomic nervous system is composed by 2 neurons, the pre and postganglionic. As the name says, ganglia can be found in the VNS (vegetative ns) and the synapse between these neurons is always mediated by acetylcholine. However, the synapse between the postganglionic neuron and the innervated tissue can be mediated by acetylcholine or noradrenaline.

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Describe the fluid compartments in the body.


The body is mostly made up by water. In fact, the 70% in male and the 65% in women of the weight correspond to water. Water trough the body is distributed through compartments. 2/3 parts of that total water corresponds to intracellular fluid (inside cells), and the rest, 1/3 in extracellular fluid (outside cells but in the internal environment). This ECF can be plasma or interstitial fluid, which are respectively 20% and 80%.

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Difference between local and action potential.


Not every stimulus is able to create an action potential. A threshold needs to be reached as to trigger an action potential and this is due to the presence of voltage dependent ionic channels. When a stimulus depolarizes a membrane, a minimum voltage is requiere to open the voltage dependent ionic channels responsible for creating what we know as an action potential. These are Na+ ionic channels, which open only at the threshold.Once they are opened, the following steps are inevitable. We know that it is an action potential when there is a refractory period and the adjacent parts of the membrane depolarize as well- However, in a local potential, the depolarization only happens in that unique part of the membrane. The stimulus created that some positive charges entered the cell, but the depolarized voltage was not enough to open the voltage dependen Na+ ionic channels that continue the depolarization. It is local as it does not reach the threshold.

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Communication between the hypothalamus and the hypophysis.


The hypothalamus hypophysis is the main point in which the endocrine and nervous system relate between each other. In fact, these two systems are high regulated and interconnected. We can find this axis inside the brain. The hypothalamus is made exclusively of neurons, while we can divide the hypophysis in the anterior and posterior pituitary gland with different types of cells. These pituitary glands are high vascularized, as they act as endocrine (or neuroendocrine) glans that secrete hormones into the blood. Most of the body hormones are controlled and regulate thanks to these hormones.
The posterior pituitary gland is made up by axons from the neurons that have theirs somas in the hypothalamus. Therefore, the connection between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary gland is continuos. The somas of the neurons are in the hypothalamus, and the stimuli they receive is used to secrete hormones through their axons which and up in the posterior pituitary gland. These neuroendocrine neurons secrete for example oxytocin or ADH.
The hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland have a different communication, in this case, by hormones secreted to the blood network connecting them. The neuroendocrine neurons are located exclusively in the hypothalamus, and when a stimuli is received, they secrete stimulating hormones to the blood. These hormones reach the cells in the anterior pituitary gland and are stimulated to create other hormones. The anterior pituitary gland (made up by secretory cells, not neurons) secretes many different hormones (FH, FDH, TSH, ACTH, etc) into the blood.


Active transport mechanisms.


Active transport is the transport of substances through the membrane agains gradient. Pumps are responsible for this and hydrolyze ATP as to obtain the required energy to allow this transport agains gradient. This is the primary active transport mechanisms. We also find a secondary active transport.
In this case, two molecules are transport at the same time. They can be done in the same direction (contransport) or in different directions (counter transport). In both cases, the transport of one molecules in favor of its gradient is used to move another molecules against its gradient. Normally, one of the molecules is Na+.


Muscle shaking, incomplete and complete tetanus.


Muscle fibers (cells) are normally grouped into motor units. These are a groups of cells that are innervated by the same axon terminal (and therefore a unique neuron). Depending on the intensity of the stimuli, more or less fibers will be excited. A muscle shake is when all the fibers of that neuron are stimulated as the action potential reaches all of them.
One interesting characteristic of the muscle contraction is that contraction can be summated, unlike action potentials that need a refractory period before initiating another one. The summation depends on directly the frequency of the action potentials. When two action potentials are separated in time and the first contraction had time to finish the relaxation, both contraction are also separated in time. However, when the frequency of the action potentials increases, an unfinished contraction can be another time produced before relaxing. This is called as summation waves.
In an incomplete tetanus, the frequency is high and contraction sum up, but between the previous contraction and the following one, there is a little time where the contraction seemed to Strat relaxation. So therefore, in an incomplete tetanus, the relaxation where interrupted by new contractions as new action potentials stimulated the contraction of other fibers that weren’t contracting before.
In a complete tetanus, the frequency is so high, that just after a contraction began, a new action potential simulated other fibers that also contracted, so the muscle is not able to relax in any moment. There is a point in which all the fibers are contracted and during a period of time, a generalized contraction is maintained. Only when there are not more ACh vesicles to continue the stimulation of these neuromuscular junctions (synaptic fatigue) can the contraction finish and the muscle is able to relax.


Explain the differences corresponding to the energy consumption by the cell during action potential in myelinated and non-myelinated axons.


All action potentials have a refractory period, in which no other action potential can be triggered as the resting membrane potential need to be reestablished as to trigger a second one. One mechanism that reestablishes the action pontential is the Na+K+ pump, which catalyzes ATP, and therefore, consumes energy. In myelinated axons, the conduction of the action potential is saltatory, so the action potential is only triggered in the Ranvier nodes where there is contact with the ECF. Only in those zones of the membrane will the cell change the membrane potential, so only in those zones will the pumps requiere energy to reestablish the resting potential. Unlike, in unmyelinated axons the conduction is continuos and all the adjacent zones of a cell will trigger the action potential. Every single area of the membrane will be consuming energy, as all the zones need to reestablish the resting potential.


Explain the different types of communication between the hypothalamus and the hypophysis. Give some examples.


The endocrine and nervous system are highly interconnected, and they meet I the hypothalamus-hypophysis axis, located in the brain. The hypothalamus is exclusively created by neuroendocrine neurons, while the hypophysis can be divided into the posterior and anterior pituitary gland. While the first one is made up by the axons of the neuroendocrine neurons that originated in the hypothalamus, the second one (anterior pituitary gland) is considered a gland created exclusively by endocrine cells, not nervous cells. These cells are stimulated by neurotransmitters released by the neuroendocrine cells in the hypothalamus.
In the case of the posterior pituitary gland, the information reaches the hypothalamus and this is stimulated. The neuron axon reaches the hypophysis, where there it will release to the blood the effector hormones, for example oxytocin. In the case of the anterior pituitary gland, when the hypothalamus is stimulated, the neuron releases to the blood (capillaries that interconnect the hypothalamus and hypophysis) some “releasing hormones” that will stimulate the anterior gland
and this will secrete to the blood the final hormone such as endorphins or GH. (en docu june 2020 hay foto explicativa)


Explain the CB receptors: localization, types, effects and their effect.


CB receptors are receptors related to non-canonical neurotransmitter, called endocannabinoids. Some examples are anandamide or 2-AG. All these receptors are metabotropic receptors that inhibit the enzyme adenylate cyclase, so they decrease the amount of cAMP. There are to types of CB receptors. CB1 are located in the brain, and CB2 are located in inmune cells. The neurotransmitters are synthesized in the postsynaptic neurons, so these receptors can be located presynaptically (retrograde synapse), in the same neuron (autocrine) or in other type of cells (paracrine synapse). They are inhibitory receptors that increase the neuronal activity as they can inhibit the release of GABA or glutamate. As a consequence, they can alter the LTP and LTD, and therefore memory and learning.


Explain the following concepts: internal and external environment, intracellular and extracellular space.


The external environment refers to the exterior of the organism, while the organism could be considered as the internal environment itself. They are separated by biological barriers or tissues such as the skin or mucosa. The internal environments needs to obtain nutrients and for example oxygen from the external environment.
The internal environment is made up by the intracellular and extracellular spaces, which are mostly fluids. A organisms is mainly made up by cells, and their interior is considered the intracellular space. However, they are surrounded by other fluids and structures, and this is considered the extracellular space.


Explain what membrane channels are.


The cell membrane has numerous integral proteins that go from the outer to the inner space. Some types are channels, which ara normally protein complexes that create a hole or channel, as for substrates to go through, normally ions. They are related to the membrane transport or with cell communication. These ionic channels can be gated or not and they always have an electric effect on cells.
In the case of non-gated ionic channels, these are also called leak channels, where ions can go trough it freely. They are normally opened and allow the efflux or influx of ions and are related to the maintenance of the resting membrane potential. In the case of gated ionic channels, these are channels that are normally closed, and stimuli needs to happen as to simulate and open this channels. There are many forms of gating mechanisms, and also we can divide these ionic channels depending on how are they stimulated or opened. The different types are: voltage- dependent, mechanical stress-dependent and ligand-dependent. Depending on their affinity to an ion, the effect on the cell will be different. Some of them (Ca2+, Na+) will depolarize the cell and increase its excitability, while others (Cl- or K+) will hyperpolarize it and will decrease its excitability.


Glutamate - glutamine cycle


Glutamate and glutamine are very important amino acids in the organism. They have important functions in the detoxification (transport of ammonium and synthesis of urea), but are also related to synapses. They are precursor of neurotransmitters or them themselves. From glutamate we can create glutamine, thanks to glutaminases. Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter form the brain. Also GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter from the brain, and it is synthesized from glutamate by GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase).


Differences between the three types of muscle tissue


There are 3 types of muscle tissues. These are skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle cells. Skeletal and cardiac muscle have very similar characteristic, as their myofilaments are organized in sarcomeres, unlike in the smooth muscle cells. However, only the skeletal muscle cells have a voluntary contraction, as cardiac and smooth muscle contract involuntarily. We can find the skeletal muscle tissue in those muscles connected to bones and skin, the cells have a striated appearance. The cardiac muscle is only found in the heart and seems striped. They have n specific auto rhythm thanks to pacemaker ionic channels. The smooth muscle covers hollow organs, such us the gastrointestinal tract, and as we said, has no sarcomeres, so it is not striated.


Sinus node action potential


Only 1% of the total number of cardiac cells are pacemaker or automatic cells, which create the auto-rhythm of the heart, and triggers it trough the rest of contractile cardiac cells. The sinus node is made up by some of these pacemaker cells, that thanks to pacemaker ionic channels, do not need
constant nervous stimuli as to generate the heart pumping. These cells
have pacemaker ionic channels that are always opened. These ionic channels allow a slow influx of Na+ into the cell, so that at a certain time (always the same, this is y a auto-rhythm is created) the threshold is reached and the action potential that triggers the contraction is created. (hay una gráfica en jan 2020)


Homeostasis and feedback mechanisms. Give examples.


Homeostasis is the maintenance of the constant values of the internal environment thanks to some physiological processes and mechanisms. For example, maintaining the sugar blood levels or the correct amount of hormones in response to some stimuli. All organisms have control systems as to maintain this. These control systems involve feedback mechanisms, in which a stimuli is received and integrated in the organism, and a response is consequently produced. These responses can create a cycle of events that is why they are called feedback mechanisms, which can be positive or negative.
In positive feed-back mechanisms the response, the stimuli effect is increased. For example, in action potentials, when the threshold is reached, ionic channels are opened and the depolarization causes adjacent areas of the membrane to depolarize as well. This is a positive feedback-mechanisms as the influx of positive ions may Crete more ionic channels to open. Sometimes this can be a vicious cycle and be even non physiological.
In negative feed-back mechanisms, the response decreases the stimuli effect. For example, when the ovary releases sexual hormones (strongest and progesterone), this hormones act as the response to a physiological mechanism. When these hormones are found in blood, they act inhibiting the hypothalamus and hypophysis, as not to send relating hormones to releases these hormones. This is a negative feed-back mechanism.
(esquemita jan 2019)


Muscle contraction cycle


Muscle fibers (or cells) have inside myofilament, made up by
myosin and actin filament that interact between each other and generate a contraction. Calcium and ATP is needed to generate movement. Actin filament are bound to some regulatory proteins (troponin and tropomyosin) which, when they interact with calcium, this complex is translocated and actin binding sites to myosin is exposed to the outside. So myosin in this moment, hydrolyzes ATP and its heads reorient. In this moment, actin and myosin are able to bind, creating cross-inks between each other, that when they rotate, they shorten the sarcomeres and generate the contraction. When calcium is not longer available, actin is inactivated and tropomyosin hides again the myosin binding sites of actin. No more cross-linking are created so relaxation takes place.


Action potential in the heart


Only 1% of cardiac muscle cells are the ones involved in the self-excitability and conduction of the heart contraction action potential. These are the automatic cells with self-excitability thanks to pacemaker ionic channels. These channels are Na+ channels that are continuously opened, but allow a slow influx of Na+. When an action potential finishes, these ionic channels will start another time to function. Na+ will depolarize slowly the membrane of these automatic cells, until there is a point that the threshold is reached and the normal action potential takes place. When this action potential happens, the adjacent cells are also stimulated, but they reach different parts of the heart at different times so that we can obtain the systoles and diastole at different times.


Where do the SNP and SNC act.


The nervous system is composed by the central and peripheral nervous system. The CNS is in charge of integrating stimuli and generation their correct response. Is the main part of the NS where information is integrated and coordinated (thanks to the integration systems). The
peripheral nervous systems, unlike the CNS, is not in
charge of creating responses, but only sending stimuli to
the CNS by afferent nerves, and sending responses to the
target cells or organs by efferent nerves.
The PNS is therefore divided into afferent and efferent NS. From this second one, we can distinguish other divisions: the somatic NS (of voluntary responses) and the automatic or vegetative NS (of involuntary responses). This last one is also dived in sympathetic and parasympathetic NS, with antagonist responses.
(tablita en jan 2019)


Explain what are positive and negative feedback mechanisms. Give examples.


Feed-back mechanisms are cyclic systems in which a stimuli is integrated in a control center, which creates a response, that can inhibit or maximize the effect of the stimuli. Respectively, these are negative and positive feedback.
In a negative feed-back system, the effect of the stimuli is inhibited by the response to it. For example, the hypothalamus sends some releasing hormones to the anterior pituitary gland, which also will send some releasing hormones to the thyroid gland. This last gland will create the response, which are T3 and T4 hormones. These hormones, once released, inhibit the further creation of releasing hormones by the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland.
On the other hand, in positive feedback mechanisms, the response maximizes the effect of the stimuli. For example, the apoptosis control by caspases. When one caspase is activated, this can active further procaspases and create more caspases. And this cycle continues, and this is why it is also called a cascade of events.


Differences between the contraction in smooth and skeletal muscle.


• Skeletal muscle fibers are striated as their myofilaments are organized in sarcomeres. However, in the smooth muscles, there are not sarcomeres. Myofilaments are arranged in an helicoidal way around the cell, so when contraction happens, they seem to squeeze the cell.
• Another difference is the obtaining and use of Ca2+. While the skeletal muscle need Ca2+ to contract and this is mainly taken up from the RE, in the smooth muscle, what is needed to allow the contraction is calmodulin bound to calcium, and calcium is mainly taken from the ECF as the RE is poor in Ca+.
• Taking into consideration the type of contraction we can also see some differences. From one side, skeletal muscles cells are innervated individually. Each motor unit has a determined number of myofibers, but depending on the intensity of the stimuli, a bigger or smaller number of cells will be depolarized, and therefore, will contract. As a difference, in the smooth muscle, cells are highly interconnected. Gap junctions and desmosomes between adjacent cells allow them to work as a functional unit, as the depolarization is transmitted by gas junctions, and desmosomes transmit the mechanical force.


Neurotransmitters (receptors and length of the neurons in the autonomic PNS)


One of the efferent division of the PNS is the autonomic or vegetative nervous system, which controls involuntary responses. The main characteristic is that these PNS is made up by 2 neurons, the pre and postganglionar neuron that make synapse in ganglia, and this is always mediated by acetylcholine and nicotinic receptors. We can divide the autonomic NS in sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system with antagonistic responses:
• The sympathetic NS is in charge of “flight or fight responses”, when the organism need to be activated for action. In this case, preganglionar neurons originate in every single spinal level, and this is normally a short neuron, as ganglia are located near them. The longest neuron is the postganglionar, that reaches the organs and tissues. The main neurotransmitter is noradrenaline. In the surface of smooth muscle and glands we find alpha and betta receptors for this nt. The only exception is sweat glands, which only have sympathetic innervation and is mediaated by ACh and muscarinic receptors. Also, the adrenal medulla is directly innervated by the preganglionar neuron (there is no ganglia) as this tissue creates itself adrenaline and noradrenaline.
• The parasympathetic nervous system is related to relaxing responses and has also 2 neurons, however the main difference is that ganglia are further away, normally, near the innervated tissue or even in its way. For this reason, the preganglionar neuron is much more longer than the postganglionar. Also, these are only originated in the brain (some of the in the sacral plexus), so some of them travel from the brain unit the organ. The last difference is that the last synapse (postganglionic neuron and innervated tissue) is mediated by ACh and muscarinic receptors.


What is the membrane potential. Which are the mechanisms that produce them.


The membrane potential is the difference in charges between both sides of the cell membrane (ECF and ICF). Although the interior of the cell is much more negative, this is the resting membrane potential of every single cell and is maintained by the electrochemical equilibrium. If we only took into consideration the chemical gradient or diffusion potential, K+ would tend to exit the cell (as it is much more concentrated inside). However, this is maintained like this thanks to the membrane potential or electrical gradient. No more K+ will tend to go outside as Na+ is really concentrated outside, and if K+ exited the cell, the interior would be more negative than usual and the exterior much more positive. Negative charges will stop the efflux of positive charges outside.


Functions of the different types of nervous cells


Nervous cells are not only neurons, but also glial cells. Neurons are the ones responsible for the synapses, and glial cells are responsible for many other important functions related to the neuronal activity. We can fin different types of glial cells, and they are divided depending on if they are found in the CNS or PNS:
In the PNS we find
• Satellite cells –> they wary neuronal bodies (somas) in ganglia, to protect them.
• Schwann cells –> they create the myelin sheets for saltatory conduction. They wrap around axons.
In the CNS we find
• Oligodedrocytes –> they have the same function as Schwann cells, as they have some prolongations that
surround axons with myelin for saltatory conduction.
• Astrocytes –> these have a very important function in protection. They create the blood brain barrier and also
are essential for the maintenance of the environment where neurons live, and therefore their homeostasis. In some cases, they are also related to the degradation of neurotransmitters (they have degradative enzymes such as MAO or COMT). Some examples are ependymal cells or podocytes.
• Microglia –> these are defensive cells that act as macrophages


Complete with nurotransmitter, type of receptor, can it be found in the presynatic cell?, pathway and effect
- alpha 2

  • alpha 2: adrernaline and noradrenaline; metabotropic (adenylate cyclase); yes; inhibits ac, baja AMP, baja Ca2+

-GABA: GABA; A (ionotropic, Cl- channel) y B (metabotropic, K+ and Ca2+ channel); no; opens Cl- channel (hyperpolarization, inhibitory)

-CB1: endocannabinoids (anandamide y 2-AG); metabotropic (adeylate cyclase); yes; inhibits ac (baja cAMP)

-NMDA: glutamate; ionotropic (mostly Ca2+, but also Na+); no; opens Ca2+ channels excitatory, depolarization (slow)

-D2: dopamine; metabotropic (adenylate cyclase); no; inhibitory, inhibits ac, baja cAMP