preguntas de intrevista Flashcards
what’s your name?
como se llama
how old are you?
cuantos anos tiene?
where do you live?
en donde vive?
what do you do?
a que se dedica?
are you married/single/divorced?
cual es su estado civil?
have you finished school?
completo la escuela? el colegio? la univresidad?
tell me, what can I help you with?
cuenteme, en que le puedo ayudar?
what happened?
que le sucedio
what other symptoms do you have?
cuales otros sintomas tiene?
how long have you had ____?
desde hace cuante tiene ___?
what is the pain like?
como es el dolor?
can you show me where it hurts?
podria senalar donde le duele?
characteristics of pain (list)
quemante, punzante, opresivo, desgarrador, ardoroso, sordo, pulsatil, penetrante
does the pain move?
el dolor se meuve para algun lado o se quedo fijo?
has the pain changed?
ha cambiado el dolor?
has it gotten better/worse?
Ha disminuido? ha aumentado
is it worse at a certain time of day?
es mas intenso en algun momento del dia?
on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the least painful and 10 being the most painful - how much does it hurt?
en una escala des 1 al 10, siendo 1 lo menos doloroso y 10 lo mas dolorose - cuanto le duele?
have you had a fever?
ha tenido fiebre?
have you measured your temperature?
ha medido la temperatura?
how high was your temperature?
cuantos grados de temperatura tenia?
is the temperature higher at a certain time of day?
la temperatura es mas alta en algun momento del dia?
for how long have you had a fever?
desde hace cuanto tiene fiebre
have you had a cough?
ha tenido tos?
how long have you had a cough?
desde hace cuanto tiene tos?
is the cough dry or wet?
la tos es seca o con flemas?
what color are the secretions?
de que color son las flemas?
is there a lot or little secretions?
son muchas o pocas flemas?
is the cough worse during a certain part of the day?
aumenta la tos en algun momento del dia?
have you vomited?
ha tenido vomitos?
how much vomiting?
cuantos vomitos ha tenido?
what color is the vomit?
de que color es el vomito?
is the vomit just after you eat?
el vomito es justo despues de comer?
have you vomited blood?
ha vomitado sangre?
is the vomit projectile?
el vomito es en projectil?
have you had headache?
ha tenido dolor de cabeza?
which part of your head hurts worst?
en que parte de la cabeza le duele mas?
can you show me where it hurts most?
podria senalar donde le duele mas?