Preguntas Cap.5 Y 6 Y 7 Flashcards
A) permiten que los linfocitos B y T reconozcan bacterias y las destruyan.
B) son ricos en cisteína
C) son reconocidos por PRRs del sistema inmune innato.
D) inducen la secreción de interferones.
Double stranded RNA-dependant protein kinase mediates the action of:
Type I interferons
The alternative complement pathway is iniciated by:
Cell surface constituents that are recognized as foreign to the host.
Los anticuerpos (inmunoglobulinas):
A) son sintetizadas y secretadas por células B y T.
B) se unen a diferentes epitopos simultaneamente.
C) etiquetan antigenos para destrucción o eliminación.
The classical pathway of the complement begins:
Activation of C1
The classical pathway of the complement functions to:
Facilitate destruction of molecules
In humans MHC class II are expressed by:
B cells, dendritic cells, macrophages
Moléculas involucradas en procesos de migración leucocitaria
Which of the following molecules is expressed by a mature T cell that functions as a helper T cell?
T- cell receptors, when coexpressed with CD8 molecules, are restricted to recognizing and binding peptide fragments associated with:
MHC class I molecules
B lymphocytes synthesize and express inmunoglobulin:
A) containing multiple epitopes specifities
B) in cytoplasmic phagosomes
C)on their cell membrane surface
The primary lymphoid organs are those in which:
Lymphocytes undergo their inicial differentiation
Which of the following molecules is expressed on the surface of mature CD4 cells?
A) CD3
B) CD8
C) CD19
A) CD3
The white pulp of the spleen is enriched with:
Plasma cells secreting inmunoglobulin