Prego Flashcards
Spontaneous abortion
i. Miscarriage
ii. Passage of tissue before the 20th week of gestation
iii. USUALLY in the first trimester, between 8-12 weeks gestation
Ectopic pregnancy
i. First trimester
ii. Fertilized egg implants anywhere but the uterus
iii. Usually the fallopian tubes
iv. Egg starts to grow and develop, rupturing the fallopian tubes
v. Leads to intense lower quadrant abd pain, can lead to internal bleeding and shock
Placenta previa
i. 3rd trimester emergency
ii. Placenta implants itself over the cervix
iii. Noted by lots of vaginal bleeding with no pain
Abruptio placenta
i. 3rd trimester emergency
ii. Many causes, from hypertension to trauma
iii. Placenta prematurely tears away from the uterine wall
iv. High mortality to both mom and baby
v. Noted by lots of pain, and little to no external bleeding
vi. No bleeding due to infants head covering cervix
Ruptured Uterus
i. 3rd trimester
ii. Spontaneous or traumatic rupture of uterine wall
iii. Releases fetus into abd cavity
Preeclampsia / Eclampsia
i. 3rd trimester
ii. Characterized by hypertension and swelling of the extremities
iii. Preeclampsia turns into eclampsia when the mother has seizures
iv. Pregnancy related seizures have a high mortality rate for both mom and baby
Supine Hypertensive Syndrome
i. 2nd and 3rd trimester
ii. The uterus and growing fetus compress the inferior vena cava when the mom lays flat on her back
iii. Leads to hypotension when mom lays supine
iv. Always prop a pillow or similar under the patient’s right side to ensure the fetus does not compress the inferior vena cava
Gravida vs para
i. How many pregnancies
b. Para
i. How many deliveries past 20 weeks gestation
The 3 stages of labor
Stages of labor
a. Stage one
i. Dilation phase
ii. From beginning of true labor until full dilation of the cervix
iii. Braxton hicks contractions – false labor
b. Stage two
i. Expulsion phase
ii. From full dilation of the cervix until baby is born
iii. Look for nuchal cord – cord wrapped around baby’s neck
c. Stage three
i. Placental phase
ii. From delivery of the baby until delivery of the placenta
Breech birth
i. Legs or butt presenting first
ii. Allow delivery to happen
iii. If the head gets stuck, after 2 minutes, may insert gloved hand into birth canal to make an airway for the baby
i. Baby had a bowel movement in the amniotic sac
ii. When water breaks, fluid is greenish or brown
iii. Tells you that the baby was in distress at one time
Post partum hemorrhage
a. Any bleeding over 500cc after baby is born
b. Place mom on high flow O2
c. Massage fundus
d. Baby to breast
Apgar- appearance
1. Blue body – 0
2. Pink body, blue extremities – 1
3. Pink all over – 2
Apgar- pulse
1. No pulse – 0
2. Pulse <100 – 1
3. Pulse >100 – 2
Apgar- grimace
1. No reflex activity – 0
2. Some grimacing – 1
3. Crying, sneezing, etc – 2