Pregnancy failure/problems Flashcards
What would you do if you don’t find a embryonic heartbeat on US?
The other embryos need to be examined
If all are failing need to try to identify cause:
* Look for evidence of uterine disease with ultrasound (CEH) may need to repeat after pregnancy loss
* Consider clinical history for possible pathogen exposure
* Collect serological sample for storing and later repeat to look for elevated titre eg CHV, Brucella canis
* Collect blood to look for evidence of other infectious causes
* Plan to collect samples of discharge for PCR
* Plan to collect any expulsed material (here likely to be resorption but in an abortion collect and store chilled all material)
* Plan to support the dam
* Plan for actions to be taken at the next oestrus if there is abnormal uterine environment
why does Mating-induced endometritis occur?
there is no cervical barrier during oestrus (the cervix is open)
What are the top two bacterial and viral casues of pregnancy loss inthe bitch?
viral - canine herpes virus
Bacterial - Brucella canis (if has a travel history/imported)
Define these words:
Conception failure,
Conception failure - not getting pregnant
Resorption – loss of the embryo
Abortion – loss and expulsion of the fetus
Stillbirths – expulsion of term but dead fetus
why does Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH) contribute to conception failure?
what is the treatment?
contributes to: Mating-induced endometritis and
Abnormal uterine environment
Mating-induced endometritis which does not resolve and persists into the (pregnant) luteal phase may result in pregnancy failure
These dogs resorb the entire litter in the early luteal phase
(the cysts obstruct the clearing of the uterus)
Some of these bitches respond to post-mating antibiotic
(5 days of potentiated amoxicillin starting on the last day of mating)
Challenges with this relate to breeder misunderstanding of antibiotic use, and inappropriate antimicrobial stewardship.
Should only be considered in properly diagnosed cases of CEH.
What species develop mating induced endometritis?
mare, bitch, sow
no mucous plug and ejaculate deposited in the uterus during collitis
- Bacteria are rapidly cleared by immune response and uterine contractions:
- If there is an abnormal uterus or a poor uterine response this may allow commensal bacteria to persist -> Endometritis (also called mating-induced endometritis, or post-coital endometritis)
What would you do to investigate resopbtion/abortion in bitches?
Most cases should be examined assuming an infectious cause
* Send unfrozen fetus and membranes for investigation
* Collect swabs of discharge for PCR
* Collect serum to evaluate rising Antibody Titre
What is canine herpes virus?
how is it transmitted?
how is it prevented?
what does it cause in neonates?
- A known venereal pathogen causing vesicular lesions in the genital tract of dogs and bitches
- In bitches it may cause resorption, abortion, stillbirths; depending upon when infection occurs
- re-activates during periods of stress
- Infection can be venereally or via the respiratory tract
- A vaccine (Eurican Herpes) is available for bitches and is given twice during pregnancy to protect that litter
Neonates (< 3 weeks old):
* acutely fatal disease
* sudden death
* haemorrhage
* vomiting/diarrhoea
* weight loss and failure to suck (“fading puppy”)
* constant complaining
* neurological signs
* ocular disorders
what are the non-infectous causes of resopbtion and abortion?
- Abnormal uterine environment (as previously described)
- Fetal abnormalities (likely based on other species but not well investigated in dogs)
- Low progesterone (GSD breeds)
- However progesterone will decline after pregnancy loss, so is the fall of progesterone cause or effect this cause or effect?
- If you use progestogens you may
- increase the incidence of pyometra
- result foetal abnormalities
- impair or delay parturition
- Careful use of oral progesterone (altrenogest) is used in some cases (cabnn cause maculanised puppies, problems with parturition)
what are the infectous causes of respobtion in the bitch and queen?
how should you investigate these?
* Canine herpes virus
* venereal pathogen
* viral recrudescence at subsequent pregnancies
* Brucella canis - important in most countries and now in the UK
* Canine parvovirus
* Canine adenovirus
* Canine distemper virus
* Feline leukaemia virus
* Feline herpes virus
* Feline panleucopenia virus
* Feline infectious peritonitis virus
* Chlamydia psittaci
* Toxoplasma gondii
Send unfrozen aborted fetus and membranes for investigation
what are the non-infectious causes of resopbtion and abotion in the queen?
Abnormal uterine environment
Fetal abnormalities
Low progesterone
what iss the treatment and precautions to be taken with resoption and abortion?
* Isolation from other dogs
* Systemic antimicrobial preparations (for secondary infection)
* Ecbolic agents (oxytocin) to aid expulsion
* General / specific nursing care (see next slide)
Remember this could be Brucella Canis which is a zoonotic disease
General / specific nursing care
Expulsed material is likely to be small so obstructive dystocia not likely
However expulsion may take some time
The bitch may be / or become debilitated
Intravenous fluids may be required
If a subsequent metritis develops then more intensive supportive care will be required
Thoughts needed for nursing care to encourage eating etc
NB Owners may want you to try to stop an abortion however this is not likely to be successful and if the ongoing abortion is infectious in nature it is not a good idea to give progesterone to close the cervix