Pregnancy complications Flashcards
What is ectopic pregnancy
A pregnancy that implants outside the uterine cavity. May occur in ovary, cervix, outside fallopian tube, abdominal wall, bowel. Most common site is ampulla (70%) then isthmus (12%) them fimbria (11%)
What is the danger with ectopic pregnancy?
Rupture, rapid hemorrhage, shock and death
RFs of ectopic pregnancy
- Prior ectopic, the stronges risk
- hx of STI or PID
- Previous tubal surgery
- Prior pelvic or abdominal surgery resulting in adhesions
- endometriosis
- current use of exogenous hormones
- IVF and other assisted reproduction
- DES-exposed pat w congenital abnormalities
- Congenital abnormalities
- Smoking
dx of ectopic pregnancy
- Hx: unilateral/lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleed
- PE: adnexal mass, tender uterus small for GA, bleed from cervix
- Labs: bhCG low for GA, drop in Hct
- US: adnexal mass or extrauterine pregnancy, IUP remember about multiple gestation, intraabdominal fluid,
how to tx edtopic pregnancy?
- Unstable: IV fluids, blood, vasopressors, Exploratory laparotomy to stop bleed and remove pregnancy
- If stable w rupture: exploratory laparoscopy, evacuate hemoperitoneum, coagulate bleed and resect. Resection: salpingostomy, salpingectomy, cornual resection.
- Unruptured: Surgery as above, medically w methotrexate for smal fetus without heartbeat
What is definition of SAB
Spontaneous abortion is a pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks gestation. Happen to about 15-25% of pregnancies.
Abortus definition
Fetus lost before 20w or less than 500g
Complete abortion
Complete expulsion of all POC (products of conception) before 20w
Incomplete abortion
Partial expulsion of some but not all POC before 20w
Inevitable abortion
No expulsion of products, but vaginal bleed and dilatation of the cervix such that a viable pregnancy is unlikely
Threatened abortion
Any vaginal bleed before 20w without dilatation of cervix or expulsion of any POC
Miseed abortion
Death of the embryo or fetus before 20w w complete retention of all POC
What is the most common cause of 1st tm SAB
Abnormal chromosomes from errors in maternal gametogenesis. Autosomal trisomy is most common abnoraml chromosome.
What are causes of SAB in 1st tm
- Chromosomal abn
- Infection
- Maternal anatomic defect
- immunologic factors
- environmental exposures
- endocrine factors
- idiopathic
sx of SAB
- Bleed from vagina
- Cramping
- Abdominal pain
- Decreased sx of pregnancy
dx of SAB
- Quantitative hcg
- CBC, blood type, antibody screen
- US to assess fetal viability and placental bleed
tx of SAB
Stabilize. Send tissue to pathology. Incomplete: surgery of medical admin of prostaglandins. W threatened: placed on pelvic rest.
What are the associated causes of 2nd tm abortions
Infection , maternal cervical or uterine anatomic defects, maternal systemic disease, exposure to fetotoxic agents, and trauma. PTL and incompetent cervix.
What are often tx in 2nd tm missed or incomplete abortion
What is difference btw D&C and D&E?
Depends on age of fetus, , D&E is in second tm
What is cervical insufficiency
Incompetent cervix present with painless dilatation of the cervix, often in 2nd and 3rd tm. Common other findings are infection, vaginal discharge and rupture of membranes, short term cramping or contracting. Leading to advancing cervical dilation or pressure in vagina with chorionic and amniotic sac bulging out.
What are rfs to cervical insufficiency?
Surgery, trauma is most common cause. Dvs D&C, LEEP or cervical conization. DEs exposure w congenital abnormality.
Dx of cervical insufficiency
Often found on routine US
Tx of cervical insufficiency
- If previable: expectant and elective termination. Placement of emergent cerclage, McDonalds (cervical-vaginal) or Shirodkar(internal os)
- Viable: betamethasone , tocolysis
What to do if cervical insufficiency was dx at previous pregnancy?
Elective cerclage usually at 12-14wg. Maintained until 36-38w. If fail, transabdominal cerglage, during laparotomy at internal os. Elective or at 12-14w. They need c-section.
What are the etiologies of recurrent SAB
- Antiphospholipid syndrome 15%
- Chromosonal abn
- Maternal systemic disease
- maternal anatomic defect
- infection
- Luteal phase defect
dx testing w recurrent abortions
- Karyotype from parents and POC. Array complete genome hybridization for chr. abnormalities.
- Hysterosalpingogram.
- Test hypothyroidism, DM, APAsd, hypercoagulability and SLE. (lupus anticoagulant, factor V leiden, G2021A mutation, ANA, anticardiolipin antibody, Russel viper venom, antithrombin3, protein S & C. )
- Serum progesteron in luteal phase
- Cultures of vagina, cervix and endometrium
What are ass w elevated AFP
Open fetal cavities as NTD, gastrochisis osv
Which medications are ass w teratology?
ACEi, Androgens, AT2 blockers, carbamazepine, cumarins, cyclophosphamide, DES, isotretinoin, lithium (Ebstein), misoprostol, valproate(NTD)
What is placenta previa ?
Placenta lies in lower segment of uterus. Normally the placenta migrates upward during the course of pregnancy.
What are the types of placenta previa
- Marginal: at lower segment but not at cervical os
- Partial: Partially covers cervical os
- Complete: completely covers os
What are RF of placenta previa?
- Previous placenta previa
- Multiple gestation
- Prior c-section and uterine surgery
- Multiparity
- Erythroblastosis
- Smoking
- Increasing maternal age
What are the presentation of placenta previa?
Painless bleed, dx on US
What are complications of placenta previa?
- Malpresentation
- Vasa previa
- Congenital anomalies
What are the names of abnormal placentation ?
Complications of placenta previa in the presence of previous uterine scar
- Placenta accreta: villi invade beyond Nitabuchs layer and into the deep layers of the decidua basalis. (superficial myometrium)
- Increta: Villi partially invade into myometrium
- Percreta: Completely through myometrium and occasionally to serosa or beyond bladder