pregnancy at risk Flashcards
1st trimester preg disorders
hyperemesis gravidarum
early preg bld’g disorders (spontaneous abortion, ectopic preg, gestational trophoblastic disease)
hyperemesis gravidarum
persistent uncontrollable vomitting usually occurs at the beginning of preg but can last the duration
may be related to increased estrogen/hcg; vit B deficiency; hyperthyroidism; psych fxrs
dx by 5% weight loss, ketonuria, dehydration
mgmt of hyperemesis
B6, anti-emetics
tpn, iv hydration (hospital)
care of hyperemesis
weight mgmt
spontaneous abortion classified as
loss prior to 20 weeks
most occur within first 12 wks
risk fxr for spontaneous abortion
maternal infection
inadeq. progesterone production
pre-existing cond. (DM, lupus)
fetal abnormalities
characteristics of spontaneous abortion
threatened - spotting, cramping (long duration, high prob)
inevitable - spotting, cramping, ROM, cerv. dilation
incomplete - bld, cramp, dilation - passage of tissue
complete - passage of product of conception, no further trt needed
missed - fetus expired, labor not begun
recurrent - 3+ preg
ectopic preg risk fxrs
ovulation inducing drugs
hx of ectopic preg
manifest of ectopic preg
abd pain
dark blood
referred shoulder pain
trt of ectopic preg
surgical removal
trt w/methotrexate
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease aka/is
Hydatidiform mole or Molar pregnancy
complete mole = no fetus
partial mole = some fetal parts
resembles cluster of grapes (proliferation of chronic villi)
manifest of GTD
uterine size greater than gestational age
dark red bld’g
n/v & cramping
trt for GTD
immed evac of mole
oxytocin to promote involution
monitor HcG levels
no preg. for 1yr
care for pt. w/GTD
prevent hemorrhage/infection
pain mgmt
emotional status/support
late preg bld’g disorders
placenta previa
placenta abruptio
placenta previa characterized by
complete or partial covering of cervix by the placenta painless bright red bld'g 3 types (low lying or marginal, partial, complete)
placenta previa risk fxrs
smoking/drug use
hx of previa
maternal age
uterine surgery
mgmt of placenta previa
delivery via c-section
abruptio placentae
premature separation of placenta from uterine wall
painful bleeding
manifest of abruptio placentae
board like abdomen abnormal FHR fetal death uterine hyperactivity may be concealed or apparent; marginal, partial or complete
3 grades for abruptio placentae
grade 1 - 10-20% separation
grade 2 - 20-50% separation
grade 3 - >50% separation
risk fxr for abruptio placentae
maternal htn short cord drug use/smoking hx abd. trauma
mgmt of abruptio placentae
condition of fetus
cardiovascular of mom
immed delivery w/fetal compromise/excessive bld’g
late preg bld’g care
status of fetus & mom
immed delivery w/fetal compromise, excessive bld’g or maternal compromise
nursing dx for late preg bld’g
risk for injury/infection
ineffective tissue perfusion
perinatal infections
infections having devastating affect on fetus/min on mom
fxrs governing affects of perinatal infections
gestational age
trt options
specific organism
route of transmission - vertical=across placenta- horizontal=through breast-feeding
perinatal infections maternal risks
premature labor