pregnancy a&p Flashcards
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) produced by
trophoblastic cells of developing placenta
hCG present in…
bloodurine (test-dependent, can be detected as soon as 7 days after conception)
hCG peaks
around 9-10 weeks until placenta is fully functioning (hCG levels then drop)
higher than expected hCG
multiple gestations
lower than expected hCG
sign of problematic pregnancy
morning sickness
- presumptive evidence- nausea, vomiting- begins 2-6 weeks after conception- 50% of women- more common in Western women
why bladder irritability? (as presumptive evidence)
enlarging uterus pressing on bladder- usually worse 1st trimester- 2nd trimester: bladder moves up/out of pelvis- 3rd = baby pressing on bladder
why fatigue? (as presumptive evidence)
increased hormones
Goodell sign
- probable evidence- softening of cervix
Chadwick sign
- probable evidence- cervix with bluish color
Hegar sign
- probable evidence- softening lower uterine segment (uterine isthmus)
Braxton Hicks contractions
- probable evidence- painless tightening of uterus
- probable evidence- passive movement of unengaged fetus- like pushing on a beach ball, bouncing around
pregnant woman
number of pregnancies reaching 20 weeks gestation
Early term
37&0/7 weeks - 38&6/7 weeks
39&0/7 weeks - 40&6/7 weeks
Late Term
41&0/7 weeks - 41&6/7
42&0/7 weeks+