Pregnancy Flashcards
Fertilized egg journey
Fertilized egg moves through fallopian tube over 2 days
At day 3 it reaches the uterus
Cell division cont for another 2-3 days before implantation
At day 6 the cell mass is called blastocyst and implantation begins
By day 10 post fertilization: blastocyst is implanted under the endometrial surface and receive nutrition from maternal blood
— 3weeks after fertilization it’s called an embryo
* hcg is detected 8-9 days after ovulation in maternal urine
**embryonic stage is from week 2 until week 8 post fertilization
*** after week 8 it’s called a Fetus until delivery ~40weeks
Most body structures are formed during embryonic stage and cont to mature and grow in the fetal period
Week2-8 embryonic stage; forming of body structures
Week 8-40 fetal period; maturation and growth of structures
Gravidity, parity
Gravidity: number of times that woman has been pregnant
Parity; number of pregnancies exceeding 20 weeks of gestation a) term b) preterm c) abortion d) number of living children
How to calculate delivery date?
Add 7 days to the first day of last menstrual period
And subtract 3 months
For ex if the first day of last menstrual period was 7/5
We add 7 then 14/5 and subtract 3 months, thus due date is 14/2
Gestational age
Is the age of embryo/ fetus since the first day of last menstrual period ( 2 weeks before fertilization)
Early symptoms of pregnancy
Is fatigue and increase frequency of urination
Followed by nausea and vomiting after first- second missed menstrual period
N& v resolve at 14-16 weeks of gestation
Fetal movement can be felt at?
Week 14-20 (3.5 to 5 months)
Pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy
Maternal plasma volume, cardiac output, GFR all increase by 30-50% , thus lowering the conc of renally excreted drugs , altering the vd
Albumin conc is decreased ( due to dilution and edema) thus increase vd of albumin bound drugs
At the same time the kidneys and liver are highly active in pregnancy thus eliminate the unbound drugs; thus the net change in conc is minimal
Hepatic perfusion is increased; more extraction of drugs
Activity of metabolic enzymes; vary: some increase (cyp450,3A4, 2C9) and some decrease (1A2)
** N&V and delayed gastric emptying affect the absorption of drugs
—HCL secretion Varies, But gastric is increased thus more acidic media which may affect absorption of drugs
Drugs that Transfer through placenta properties;
1.molecular weight < 500 dalton readily cross the placenta
While 600-1000 da cross more slowly
>1000 dalton don’t cross like insulin & heparin
2. Lipophilic drugs (opioids, antibiotic) cross the placenta more than hydrophilic
3. Protein binding; we should avoid highly protein bound drugs because the conc of maternal albumin is decreased while the fetus albumin increases; thus highly pb drugs may transfer to the fetus
4.fetal ph is slightly more acidic than maternal ph; so weak basic tend to pass the placenta and be ionized in fetal circulation and will be trapped there ; so we should avoid basic drugs (basic antibiotics for ex)
So Avoid low mwt, highly Lipophilic, highly protein bound, basic drugs in pregnancy
Teratogenicity & fetus age
In the first 2 weeks the Teratogen result in all or none Phenomenon; we either loss the embryo or no effect happens
The embryonic stage (week2-8) in which organogenesis occur: exposure to a teratogen result in structural anomalies
After week 8 in fetal stage; exposure to a teratogen result in growth retardation, CNS abnormalities or death
Example of Teratogenic meds during organogenesis stage
Chemotherapy (methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, sex hormones (androgens, progestational drugs , lithium , retinoids, thalidomide, some anti epileptic drugs & coumarin derivatives
Ex phenobarbital cause teratogenicity in 1st trimester & bleeding in third trimester
Danasol androgenic medication that cause male like characteristics in female fetus
Sulfonamides cause hemolysis in fetus
Example of teratogenic drugs during 2nd and 3rd trimester
NSAIDS, tetracycline derivatives
NSAIDs cause premature closure in the ductus arterioles
Neural tube defects
Are caused by use of certain anti epileptic drugs, & by obesity and other factors
Folic acid 0,4-.8 mg supplements in woman at reproductive age reduce NTD
*alcohol is associated with birth defects
Constipation in pregnancy
Start with dietary fiber intake,fluids.sits of baths , moderate physical activity
2. Laxatives, supplemental fibers, stool softeners can be used
A) Bulk forming laxatives (psyllium , polymethylcellulose, polycarbophil) are safe as they aren’t absorbed
B) osmotic laxatives (polyethylene glycol, laculose, sorbitol) are safe with PEG preferred agent
C) stimulant senna and bisacodyl are also used (bisacodyl for short term only)
D) Castor oil and mineral oil are contraindicated because they stimulate contractions and impair absorption of fat soluble vitamins.
E) magnesium and sodium should be avoided due to electrolyte imbalance effect.
Hemorrhoids in pregnancy
Topical anesthetic, skin protectants, astringents ( ex witch hazel ) can be used for anal irritation and pain
Hydrocortisone may be reduce inflammation and pruritis.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD in pregnancy
Lifestyle and dietary modifications; small frequent meals, avoid alcohol and tobacco, avoid eating before bedtime, elevation of head of the bed
- Antacids ( mg, Al, Ca, preparations or sucralfate are acceptable however; sodium bicarbonate, mg trisilicate, large AL doses should be avoided; electrolyte imbalance
- H2 blockers ; ranitidine and cimetidine in women unresponsive to lifestyle changes and antacids
- Ppi; omeprazole is reserved for women unresponsive to h2 blockers bcz more clinical data is available for h2 blockers
Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
Begin between 4-6 weeks and resolve within 16-20
Ifestyle; eat small frequent, bland meals, avoid fatty and spicy meals
Pressure at acupressupoint p6 on the volatile aspect of the wrist
Ginger is effective
Medications may be used; pyridoxine vitb6 alone or in combination with doxylamine
Or antihistamine-1 agents+ phenothiazines can also be sued as first line but cause sedation
2nd line is metoclopramide (due to extra pyramidal effects dystopia and sedation
Ondansetron : conflicted data
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Unrelenting vomiting causing weight loss >5% of pre-pregnancy weight , dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and ketonuria
May be treated with corticosteroids but after first trimester due to risk of oral clefts
Overt diabetes readings
If A1C > 6.5
Or fasting bg >126
Or 2 hrs after giving OGTT > 200
Or random > 200 in pt with hyperglycemic crisis or classic hyperglycemia symptoms
In which trimester GDM occur?When we should screen for gestational dm?
It mainly develops in the second and third trimester
And overt dm should be excluded in the first prenatal visit, to be sure if in 2nd trimester dm developed its gestational dm not overt
— screening for GDM should occur at week 24-28 using one step 75 g OCTT or 2 steps 50 g 1 hr glucose challenge test followed by 100 g, 3 hr OGTT
Diagnosis for GDM
in one step test we give 75 g OGTT if one of the following readings was found, then it’s GDM
Fasting bg >92<
1 hr bg > 180
2 hrs > 153
Or in two step test we give 50 g OGTT if the reading after 1 hr was > 130 we proceed to step 2 And give 100 g OGTT IF two or more of the following readings was met, the. It’s GDM FATSONG > 95 1 hr > 180 2 hrs > 155 3 hrs > 140
Treatment of GDM
Lifestyle modification, exercise, bg monitoring 4 times daily
If didn’t work; initiate drug therapy
Drug therapy insulin > metformin > glyburide
Both metformin and glyburide cross the placenta
Screen with 2 hr OGTT 6 weeks postpartum is recommended for all women with GDM
Glycemic control goal during pregnancy
Fasting <95
1 hr postprandial <140
2 hr postprandial <120
Htn disorders of pregnancy
Chronic HTN ( developed before 20 weeks of gestation , or preexisting htn )
Preeclampsia ( htn + proteinuria)
Htn superimposed by preeclampsia
Gestational HTN ( htn without proteinuria developed after 20 weeks of gestation
Bp reading to diagnose HTN and proteinuria readings
> 140/90 is mild non severe HTN
160/110 is severe HTN
we start treatment in >= 160/105
If no end organ damage and bp is less than 160 and d bp is less than 105 tx is not suggested
Goal of tx is to maintain bp between 120-160 mmHg and d bp between 80 and 105
Preeclampsia definition, complications, diagnosis
Multisystem syndrome that complicate pregnancy; renal failure, maternal morbidity/mortality, preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction
High bp and proteinuria >300 mg /24 hrs
Or protein / cr >300
If no proteinuria, severe preeclampsia may include thrombocytopenia, srCr >1.1 or double the baseline, elevated Liver transaminases at least twice the upper limit or cerebral or visual symptoms
High and moderate risk factors for preeclampsia and prophylaxis for these pts
History of preeclampsia in prior pregnancy, dm , chronic HTN, renal disease, anti phospholipid antibodies, underlying medical condition
Other moderate risks; null parity,multiple gestation, obesity b,I >35 , family history, maternal age > 40 , black ethnicity
low dose aspirin 60-81 beginning between 12-28 weeks in women with one high risk factor or 2 moderate factors reduce the incidence of severe preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction
Supplementation with vitamin D and calcium is recommended to decrease the risk of preeclampsia