Preflight 1 Flashcards
Before Exterior Inspection
1) Ensure all locking pins are removed from doors and hatches.
2) Ensure Defensive System Safety Pins are installed.
3) Check 781s and ensure all airplane switches are in their normal shutdown positions.
4) Ensure Fuel Vents are Free of Obstructions
5) Must be done before any electrical power is supplied.
Exterior Inspection
1) The exterior structure of the plane
2) Radiation hazard Exists at the SPEAR Pods during operation and BIT Check.
3) Radiation hazard exists at the mid high and low band transmit antennas during transmit mode.
4) Avoid DF antennas while transmitting.
5) Start the Walk Around in a clockwise manner starting at crew entrance door.
6) Pilot can wave the inspection if high winds, slippery or other hazardous conditions.
Before Starting Engines Checklist
1) Check Set Oxygen System, Flight Publications individual lights and clocks prior to initiating checklist.
2) Pilot and Copilot will set HOT MIC TALK< LISTEN ON
3) Quick Don oxygen mask system is the primary use equipment unless dictated otherwise.
4) Suction Boost Pumps - if inoperative can damage engine driven hydraulic pump
Starting Engines Checklist
1) Normal Start Sequence 3, 4, 2, 1.
2) if a malfunction exists - expect to hear “STOP START” followed by a description.
3) During Start engine should accelerate smoothly and continuously.
If you see a Prop Low Oil Light during Engine Start?
1) Place Condition to Ground Stop
3) Do not move condition level from position until engine rotation has stopped.
4) Follow Starting engine start limits.
How fast should the Engine stabilize on speed?
1) In 60 seconds or less
2) If Low density altitude or high temperature 28 deg C or in high altitude - its 70 seconds.
3) Whenever you engage the starter … its the same as holding it for 60 seconds.
NO Engine Rotation
1) You have 5 seconds
2) Stop Start
3) Ground Idle - Ground Stop - Release Starter
Ignition by when?
1) 35% RPM
2) Motor Engine until 25% RPM
1) Engine does not accelerate smoothly to ground idle RPM
2) Rapid Increase in TIT is indicated
1) Stalled Start
3) Ground Idle and Ground Stop
4) Motor Engine until 25% RPM
5) Wait for TIT to drop below 200 before starting and follow starter limits
Start Sequence
1) RPM Indication
2) Fuel Flow
3) Ignition
4) Oil Pressure
5) Hydraulic Pressure
6) Parallel
7) Starter
8) Series
9) Peak TIT
1) RPM means what?
2) Fuel Flow means what?
3) Ignition means what?
1) An indication on RPM instrument
2) Indication of Fuel Flow towards 300 PPH. Note: If enrichment is on then fuel flow will spike above 300 PPH then rapidly decrease to 300 PPH.
3) Should Immediately follow fuel flow and occur by 35%
1) Oil Pressure Mans what?
2) Hydraulic Pressure menas what?
3) Parallel Means what?
1) Positive Oil Pressure (Both engine and gearbox) must be indicated by 35% RPM
2) Should be observed after observation of oil pressure. Must have a positive indication by engine on speed. Normal 30 seconds after on speed.
3) Indicated by secondary fuel pump pressure light on by 65% RPM.
1) Starter Means what?
2) Series Means what?
3) Peak TIT means what?
1) Release the engine ground start switch at 60% RPM.
2) Indicated by secondary fuel pump pressure light going out. Also oby drop in TIT at 65%
3) Observe max tit rise - disregard overshoot at 94%.
Before Taxi
1) If you can’t check your navaids or Instruments its ok… as long as they are all checked prior to BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST.
2) Recommended that Oil Cooler augmentation off during operations with all 4 in Low Speed Ground Idle.
3) Do not downspeed engines when taxi speed, wind or combination of two exceeds 30 Knots.
4) 20 knots is max speed for taxi on hard surfaces.
5) If stopped in the turn - record in 781. If stopped taxi 5 feet forward to re-align the main gear.
6) in 30 knot winds at 90 degrees - nose wheel steering can overcome crosswinds.
7) In 60 knot winds at 90 degrees - nose wheel steering, rudder, aileron, differential power and differential braking can overcome crosswinds.
Reverse Taxi
1) Make sure the area is clear
2) Make sure you only reverse Symmetrical
3) Oil temp is critical during reverse taxi - make sure to monitor.
4) Taxi airplane forward 5 feet to re-align the main landing gear.