Prefixes & Suffixes Flashcards
-ALGIA (diagnostic)
Ex: neuralgia (nerve pain)
-DYNIA (diagnostic)
Ex: gastrodynia (pain in the stomach)
-EMIA (diagnostic)
Blood condition
Ex: leukemia (cancer of white blood cells)
-IA (diagnostic)
Condition, disease
Ex: polyuria (excessive urination)
-LEPSY (diagnostic)
Seizure or attack
Ex: epilepsy (disease of the nervous system marked by seizures)
-MALACIA (diagnostic)
Ex: chondromalacia (softening of the cartilage)
-MEGALY (diagnostic)
Ex: cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart)
-OMA (diagnostic)
Tumor, mass
Ex: sarcoma (cancerous tumor of connective tissue)
-OSIS (diagnostic)
Abnormal condition
Ex: dermatomycosis (fungal skin infection)
-PATHY (diagnostic)
Ex: myopathy (disease of muscle tissue)
-PENIA (diagnostic)
Ex: leukopenia (deficient number of white blood cells)
-PLEGIA (diagnostic)
Ex: quadriplegia (paralysis of all four limbs)
-SCLEROSIS (diagnostic)
Ex: arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
-RRHAGE (diagnostic)
Bursting forth
Ex: hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)
-RRHEA (diagnostic)
Flow, discharge
Ex: menorrhea (normal menstrual flow)
-RRHEXIS (diagnostic)
Breaking open
Ex: cardiorrhexis (rupture of the heart)
-IC, -ICAL (adjectival)
Characteristic of/pertaining to
Ex: hypothermic (person suffers from low body temperature)
Ex: nephric (pertaining to the kidney)
Can function as both NOUNS and ADJECTIVES
Ex: one can have an epileptic (adj) seizure and also be an epileptic (noun)
Body or particle
Ex: plasmid (specialized ring of DNA) or chromatid (part of a chromosome strand)
-INE (adjectival)
Relating/pertaining to
Ex: equine (pertaining to, characteristic of, or derived from the horse)
Also means “chemical substance”
I.e. Many chemicals and medications also end with it
-IAC and -IAN
Relating to
Ex: cardiac (relating to the heart) and avian (relating to birds)
** not every suffix with -IA in it denotes a disease**
Chemically it describes “salt or ester of an acid with a name ending in -OUS”
Ex: nitrate is “a salt or ester of nitrous acid”
Biologically it describes ”segment of a body part”
Ex: dendrite is “characteristic of apart of a nerve cell”
Most -ITIC words do NOT derive from -ITE, they derive from -ITIS
-ITIS (diagnostic)
Ex: laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx)
Adjective form = -ITIC (as in arthritic) means “characterized by inflammation” only when it comes from-ITIS
Incredibly common in medical terminology
** other than arthritic, the adjective form of -ITIS isn’t common, but BEWARE OF CONFUSING IT WITH WORDS THAT DERIVE FROM -ITE**
-PNEA (diagnostic)
Ex: apnea (temporary cessation of breathing)
This suffix only refers to a body process (breathing)
depends on a prefix like A- or DYS- to supply diagnosis
Is a diagnostic suffix
What are diagnostic suffixes?
Suffixes that tell us that something about the body is not the way that it’s supposed to be
May indicate an abundance or deficiency ora presence or an absence