Prefixes Flashcards
What does the Greek prefix “A” mean?
Not, no. Examples are: Asocial, anarchy
What does the Latin prefix “A” mean?
away from. Examples: Against, alone
What does the Latin prefix “AB” mean?
form; away form. Examples are abnormal, absent.
What does the Latin prefix “AD” mean?
Toward, Examples: Advantage, adapt.
What does the Latin prefix “ALTER” mean?
Another, Examples: Alteration, alternative.
What does the Greek prefix “AMPHI” mean?
Around, both, Examples: Amphitheater, amphibian.
What does the Greek prefix “ANA” mean?
up, Examples: Anaconda, analogue.
What does the Latin prefix “ANTE” mean?
Before, Examples: Anteroom, antebellum.
What does the Greek prefix “ANTI” mean?
Against, Examples: Antisocial, antibacterial.
What does the Latin prefix “CIRCUM” mean?
Around, Examples: Circumference, circumstance.
What does the Latin prefix “CO” mean?
with, together, Examples: Coincide, cooperate.
What does the Latin prefix “CON” mean?
with, together, Examples: Connect. conversation.
What does the Latin prefix “CONTRA” mean?
Against, Examples: Contrary, contradiction.
What does the Latin prefix “DE” mean?
down, down from, Examples: Decent, decompose.
What does the Greek prefix “DIA” mean?
through, Examples: Diabetes, dialect.
What does the LAtin prefix “DIS” mean?
apart, away from, Examples, Disappear, distant.
What does the Greek prefix “DYS” mean?
bad, Examples: Dyslexia, Dystrophy
What does the Latin prefix “E” mean?
out of, Examples: Exit, erase.
What does the Greek prefix “EC” mean?
outside, Examples: Ecology, ecosystem.
What does the Greek prefix “EM” mean?
in, within, Examples: Emerge, embargo.
What does the Greek prefix “EN” mean?
in within, Examples: Engulf, entangled.
What does the Greek prefix “EPI” mean?
upon, Examples: Epicycle, epic.
What does the Latin prefix “EX” mean?
out of, away from, Examples: Expand, express.
What does the Greek prefix “HYPER” mean?
over, Examples: Hypernym, hypersonic.
What does the Latin prefix “IN” mean?
in, into, on, against, not, Examples: Induce, intolerant.
What does the Latin prefix “INTRO mean?
inside, Examples: Introduction, introvert.
What does the Latin prefix “OB” mean?
against, Examples: Obstacle, observe.
What does the Latin prefix “OMNI” mean?
every, all Examples: Omniscient, Omnipotent
What does the Latin prefix “PER” mean?
through, Examples: Pervade, perforation
What does the Greek prefix “PERI” mean?
around, Examples: Perimeter, period.
What does the Latin prefix “POST” mean?
after, Examples, Postoperative, postdate.
What does the Latin prefix “PRE” mean?
before, Examples: Precede, precaution.
What does the Latin prefix “RE” mean?
back, again, Examples: Restore, react.
What does the Latin prefix “RETRO” mean?
backwards, Examples: Retroject, retrospect.
What does the Latin prefix “SUB” mean?
beneath, Examples: Subway, subhuman.
What does the Latin prefix “SUPER, SUR” mean?
Above, Examples: Surface, superhuman.
What does the Greek prefix “SYM” mean?
With, together, Examples: symbiosis, symmetry
What does the Greek prefix “SYN” mean?
With, together Examples: synchrony, syncarpous.
What does the Latin prefix “TRANS” mean?
Across, Examples: transform, transgress.
What does the Greek prefix “TELE” mean?
Distant, Examples: Television, telescope.