Prefixes Flashcards
What does the Latin prefix A mean?
Away from Ex. Against , aloneness
What does the Latin prefix AB mean
From , away from Ex.abnormal ,absent
What does the Greek prefix A mean
Not , no Ex.asocial , anarchy
What does the Latin prefix AD mean
Toward Ex. Advance ,addition
What does the Latin prefix ALTER mean
Another Ex.alter ego ,alternate
What does the Greek prefix AMPHI mean
Around both Ex.amphibian, amphitheater
What does Greek prefix ANA mean
Up Ex.anabaptism(capitalized)anabasis(marching up)
What does the Latin prefix ANTE mean
Before Ex. Antebellum ,antimeridiem
What does the Greek prefix Anti mean
Against Ex. Anti-American ,antiabortion
What does the latin prefix Circum mean
Around Ex. Circumambient ,circumfrance
What does the Latin prefix CO mean
With together Ex. Cooperate, coexist
What does the Latin prefix Contra mean
Against Ex. Contrary ,contraband
What does the Latin prefix DE mean
Down down from Ex. Deacidify, depressed
What does the Greek prefix DIA mean
Through Ex. Dialect dialogue
What does the Latin prefix DIS mean
Apart away from Ex. Disappear disagree
What does the Greek prefix DYS mean
Bad Ex. Dysfunction dysentery