Prefixes Flashcards
What does the Latin prefix “A” mean?
Away from.
Examples: Against, Alone
What does the Latin prefix “AB” mean?
From; Away from
Examples: Abnormal, absent
What does the Greek prefix “A” mean?
Not, No
Examples: Asocial, anarchy
What does the Latin prefix “AD” mean?
Examples:Advertisement, Address, Advance
What does the Latin prefix “ALTER” mean?
Examples: Alternate, Alternative, Alteration
What does the Greek prefix “AMPHI” mean?
Around, Both
Examples: Amphitheater, Amphibian
What does the Greek prefix “ANA” mean?
Examples:Analysis, Anabasis
What does the Latin prefix “ANTE” mean?
Examples:Antechamber, Antecedent
What does the Greek prefix “ANTI” mean?
Examples: Anti-war, Anticlimax
What does the Latin prefix “CIRCUM” mean?
Examples:Circumference, Circumnavigate
What does the Latin prefix “CO” mean?
With, Together
Examples: Coauthor, Cowriter, Cooperate
What does the Latin prefix “CON” mean?
With, Together
Examples: Conjugate, Conjoined, Connect, Convention, Conference
What does the Latin prefix “CONTRA” mean?
Examples: Contradiction, Contraband, Contrast
What does the Latin prefix “DE” mean?
Down, Down from
Examples: Descend, Descender, Deplete, Decline, Demote
What does the Greek prefix “DIA” mean?
Examples: Diagonal, Diameter
What does the Latin prefix “DIS” mean?
Apart, Away from
Examples: Dishearten, Discontent, Dishonest
What does the Greek prefix “DYS” mean?
Example: Dysfunction, Dyspepsia (Indigestion), Dysentry
What does the Latin prefix “E” mean?
Out of
Example: Eloquent, Eject, Eternal, Erase, Emit
What does the Greek prefix “EC” mean?
Example:Ecosystem, Ecology, Eccentric
What does the Greek prefix “EM” mean?
In, within
Examples: Emphasis, Emblaze, Embark, Embed
What does the Greek prefix “EN” mean?
In, Within
Examples: Encased, Encapsulate, Enclosed, Enter, Engaged
What does the Greek prefix “EPI” mean?
Examples: Epidermis, Epidemic, Epicenter
What does the Latin prefix “EX” mean?
Out of, Away from
Examples: Exclude, Except, Exit, Extinct
What does the Greek prefix “HYPER” mean?
Examples: Hyperbole, Hypercritical
What does the Latin prefix “IN” mean?
In, Into, On, Against, Not
Examples: Inside, Inbreathe, Invite, Inspect
What does the Latin prefix “INTRO” mean?
Examples: Introvert, Introversion, Introject
What does the Latin prefix “OB” mean?
Examples: Obdurate, Obscene, Object
What does the Latin prefix “OMNI” mean?
Every, All
Examples: Omnivore, Omnidirectional
What does the Latin prefix “PER” mean?
Examples: Perforate, Percolate, Persuasive
What does the Greek prefix “PERI” mean?
Examples: Perimeter, Peripheral
What does the Latin prefix “POST” mean?
Examples: Post-Game, Postwar
What does the Latin prefix “PRE” mean?
Examples: Pre-game, Pre-Owned, Prefix, Preschool
What does the Latin prefix “RE” mean?
Back, Again
Examples: Redo, Reprint, Reverse
What does the Latin prefix “RETRO” mean?
Examples: Retroactive, Retrospect
What does the Latin prefix “SUB” mean?
Example:Subtle, Subterranean, Subway, Submerge
What does the Latin prefix “SUPER, SUR” mean?
Examples: Superb, Supernormal, SuperNatural
Surpass, Surmount, Surreal
What does the Greek prefix “SYM” mean?
With, Together
Examples: Symphony, Symbol, Symmetry
What does the Greek prefix “SYN” mean?
With, Together
Examples: Synagogue, Synthesis
What does the Latin prefix “TRANS” mean?
Examples: Trans-Antlantic, Transfer, Transit
What does the Greek prefix “TELE” mean?
Examples: Telephone, Telescope, Telegram, Teleport