Prefixes Flashcards
What does the Latin prefix “A” mean?
Away from. Examples: against, alone
What does the Latin prefix “AB” mean?
From; away from. Examples are abnormal, absent.
What does the Greek prefix “A” mean?
not, no. Examples: asocial, anarchy
What does the Latin prefix “AD” mean?
Toward. Example: advance, adjunct
What does the Latin prefix “ALTER” mean?
another. Examples: Alternate, alternative
What does the Greek prefix “AMPHI” mean?
Around, both. Example: Amphitheater, amphibious
What does the Greek prefix “ANA” mean?
up. Example: anabasis, analogy
What does the Latin prefix “ANTE” mean?
before. Examples: antedate, anterior
What does the Greek prefix “ANTI” mean?
Against. Examples: Antidote, antisocial
What does the Latin prefix “CIRCUM” mean?
around. Examples: Circumference, Circumstance
What does the Latin prefix “CO” mean?
with, together. Examples: Collaborate, compute
What does the Latin prefix “CON” mean?
with, together. Examples: Construct, Connect
What does the Latin prefix “CONTRA” mean?
against. Examples: Contradict, Contraband
What does the Latin prefix “DE” mean?
down, down from. Examples: Demoted, Decline
What does the Greek prefix “DIA” mean?
Through. Examples: Diagnosis, Diameter
What does the Latin prefix “DIS” mean?
apart, away from. Example: Disconnected, Disperse
What does the Greek prefix “DYS” mean?
bad. Examples: Dysfunction, Dyslexia
What does the Latin prefix “E” mean?
out of. Examples: Empty, Evacuate
What does the Greek prefix “EC” mean?
outside. Examples: Ecology, Economies
What does the Greek prefix “EM” mean?
in, within. Examples: Emerge, Embark
What does the Greek prefix “EN” mean?
in, within. Examples: Entering, Entangle
What does the Greek prefix “EPI” mean?
upon. Examples: Epidural, Epidermis
What does the Latin prefix “EX” mean?
out of, away from. Examples: Expelled, Exit
What does the Greek prefix “HYPER” mean?
over. Examples: Hyperactive, Hyperthyroid
What does the Latin prefix “IN” mean?
in, into, on, against, not. Examples: Involved, Interior
What does the Latin prefix “Intro” mean?
inside. Examples: Introvert, introduction
What does the Latin prefix “OB” mean?
against. Examples: Obdurate, Objection
What does the Latin prefix “OMNI” mean?
every, all. Examples: Omnipresent, Omnivorous
What does the Latin prefix “PER” mean?
through. Examples: Persuation, Perfection
What does the Greek prefix “PERI” mean?
around. Examples: Perimeter, Peripheral
What does the Latin prefix “POST” mean?
after. Examples: Postseason, Postpone
What does the Latin prefix “PRE” mean?
before. Examples: Precede, Previous
What does the Latin prefix “RE” mean?
back, again. Examples: Reverse, Repeat
What does the Latin prefix “RETRO” mean?
backwards. Examples: Retrospect, Retrograde
What does the Latin prefix “SUB” mean?
beneath. Examples: Submerge, Subsoil
What does the Latin prefix “SUPER , SUR” mean?
above. Examples: Supernatural, Superb, surreal
What does the Greek prefix “SYM” mean?
with, together. Examples: Symmetry, Symbolic
What does the Greek prefix “SYN” mean?
with, together. Examples: Synonym, Synagogue
What does the Latin prefix “TRANS” mean?
across. Examples: Transportation, Translate
What does the Greek prefix “TELE” mean?
distance. Examples: Telegram, Telephone