字首PREFIX-A, B Flashcards
adown=of down朝下
afresh=of fresh重新地=anew
akin=of kin
aback=on back=backwards abed=in bed ablaze=in a blaze着火,发光的 aboard=on board abroad=on broad afar=on far遥远地 afloat=on float漂浮的 afoot=on foot徒步地 aground=on ground搁浅的 ahead=on head=in front alive=in life aloof=on loof远离,躲开 asleep=in sleep away=on way
abide居留,遵守,等待 alight由车或马上下来 alike aloud大声地 amaze arise arouse ashamed athirst渴望的 await awake
a=ad=to, at, for
abandon=at one's disposal abase=to base(lower) abate=to bate(beat) abridge=to bridge(short) achieve=to come to a head, to chieve(chief) amass=to mass ameliorate=to melior(better)+ate(动词结尾) amenable=to menable amount=to mount avenge=to venge avenue=to venue(to come) avow=to vow(to call) cf. avouch, advocate
a=ab=from, away
avert=away to turn
avocation=away from vocation
a=ex=out, extremely
abash=extremely bash(to express astonishment)使羞愧,使脸红
amend=out mend
avoid=out void(to empty)避免,宣布无效
a=negative=not, without
abyss=without byss(bottom) achromatic=without chromat+ic cf.chromatic颜色的,色彩的 amazon=without mazon(breast)魁梧女子 amnesty=not mnesty(to remember) 大赦,特赦 cf.amnesia健忘症 amoral apathy=without feeling漠不关心 aphasia=without phas+ia(病名词尾)失语症 asylum=without syl(right of seizure)+um(地名词尾) asymmetry atheism=without the(god)+ism(主义学说词尾) atom=not to cut/divide atypical
ab=from, away, from, off
abaxial=away ax+ial远轴的 abdicate=from dicate(to proclaim)让位,辞职,放弃权利 abduce=away duce(to lead)使外旋 abduct=away to lead绑架,诱拐 abject=away to throw卑鄙,可怜 abnormal abominate=away omin(omen)+ate痛恨,厌恶 abortion=away from to grow(orient) abrade=away/to scrape摩擦,折磨 abrupt=off rupt(to break)唐突的,突然破碎 cf. rupturable absolve=away solve(to loosen解开)免罪,赦免 absorb=off to suck up abuse=from to use abscess=away cess(to go)脓疮,溃疡(离身体而去) abscond=away scond(conceal)潜逃,逃亡(隐藏起来) abstain=from to hold戒绝,抽身 abstract=from tract(to draw) abstruse=away to thrust难解的 abundant丰富的 advance avaunt=from aunt(before)
ad,ac=to, at, for(表示方向,变化,完成,附加,增加,开始)
abbreviate=to brevi+ate accede=to cede(go, come)允诺,同意,就职 accelerate=to celer+ate accept=to take acclimate=to climate使适应 accomplice=to com(together)+plice(to fold)从犯,同谋者 accost=to cost(rib) accumulate=to cumulate accustom=to custom acknowledge=to know承认 acquire=to quire(seek)获得 cf.inquire, require
alone=quite by oneself
ambi=on both sides, about, around
ambidextrous=both dexter(the right hand)-ous, cf.dexter右侧的, dexterity灵敏, dexterous灵敏的 ambient=around ient(go)周围的(绕行) ambiguous=driving about含糊的,不明确的 ambition=about to go, cf.ambire到处走动=渴望权势 ambivalent=both strong犹疑不决的
amphi=on both sides, around
amphitheater=round theater圆形剧场
an-negative-not, without
[变化型]a-, an-
an(a)emia=without blood贫血症
an(a)esthetic=not aesthetic(perceptive) 麻醉的,麻醉剂,cf.aesthetic审美的
anarchy=without arch(ruler) cf. monarch君主
anecdote=not given(dote) out(ec)=轶事
ambrosia=not brosia(moral)
ana=upon, on, up
anabaptist=one who baptizes again
analogy=upon logy(statement)相似,类似
antecedent=before ced(to go)+ent在先的,先行词
antedate=to date before提前的日期,较~先发生或存在
antediluvian=before diluvia(flood) 洪水时代以前的,太古的
antemeridian=before noon=ante meri(middle)+dian(day)上午的,cf. postmeridian
antenuptial=before nuptial(wedding)婚前的
anticipate=to take before the time=beforehand cipate(to take)预期,希望
anterior=more in front前面的 cf.posterior