Activates in central precocious puberty
HPG axis
Age to diagnose precocious puberty
Boy 8
Girls 9
How common central precocious puberty to girls than boys
10 folds
LH lvl most reliable findings for CPP
0.3 IU/L
What is peripheral PP?
Hormonal influence outside HPG
Elevated estradiol lvl in low LH indicates what?
Estrogen secreting tumor
Mutiple cafe au lait spots and fibrous dyplasia in bones indicates what?
McCune- Albright syndrome or neurofibromatosis
safely prevents premature fusion of growth plates
thereby preserving height potential
GNRH analogues (leuprolide )
PE finding(diff diagnosis): abdominal pain
gondala malignancy
PE finding(diff diagnosis): assymetric testis
gonadal tumor
PE finding(diff diagnosis): cafe au lait spot
McCune-albright syndrome and neurofibromatosis
PE finding(diff diagnosis): enlarged thyroid
PE finding(diff diagnosis): head trauma
Central precocious puberty
PE finding(diff diagnosis): radiation therapy
Central precocious puberty
PE finding(diff diagnosis): virilization in girls
androgen secreting tumor
absence of breast dev by 13 yo
delayed puberty
absence of testicular growth at least 4ml or 2.5cm lenght
delayed puberty
most common cause of delayed puberty
constitutional delay of growth
gonadal insufficiency with elevated FSH and LH
hypergonadotropic HYPOgonadism
gonadal insufficiency with LOW FSH and LH
hypergonadotropic HYPERgonadism
delayed puberty treament for boys
testosterone cypionate or enanthate
dosage of testosterone cypionate or enanthate
50 to 100 mg intramuscularly per month
delayed puberty treament for girls
overnight transdermal estradiol
overnight transdermal estradiol dosage
treatment for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with CELIAC DISEASE
gluten free diet
other term for central precocious puberty
gonadotropin dependent/ true precocious puberty
CPP(isosexual, contrasexual)?
other term for peripheral precocious puberty
gonadotropin independent/ precocious pseudopuberty
PPP(isosexual, contrasexual)?
can be isosexual and contrasexual
90% of girls are idiopathic
result from early activation of HPG axis
serum estradiol are low(PPP or CPP?)
LH undetectable in prebuerts(PPP or CPP?)
obtained during SLEEP has greater diagnostic power
particularly helpful in boys with CPP
administration of gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH stimulation test) or a GnRH agonist (leuprolide stimulation test)
LH respond to
GnRH test
In girls with sexual precocity,
nocturnal LH secretion and LH response to GnRH or GnRH agonist (High/low?)
proves central nature of sexual precocity
estradiol lvl of >50pg/ml