PREAMBLE Flashcards
We the people of the united states
self government, not rule by a king
self government, not rule by a king
We the people of the united states
in Order to form a more perfect union
a better union of states than before
a better union of states than before
in Order to form a more perfect union
establish justice
create a fair legal system
create a fair legal system
establish justice
insure domestic tranquility
keep things peaceful within the country
keep things peaceful within the country
insure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
join together to defend against attacks
join together to defend against attacks
provide for the common defense
promote the general welfare
help support peoples well being
help support peoples well being
promote the general welfare
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
make sure that freedom and liberty is around today and for our descendants
make sure that freedom and liberty is around today and for our descendants
and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
do ordain and establish this constitution for the usa
the people have created and agreed to follow this new plan of government
the people have created and agreed to follow this new plan of government
do ordain and establish this constitution for the usa