Pre-War - Opposition - Key Facts Flashcards
Number of engineers tried at the Shakhty Show Trial
Number of engineers executed at the Shakhty Show Trial
Name of the show trial that accused industrialists of sabotage
Industrial Party Show Trial
Name of the show trial where British specialists were found guilty of wrecking
Metro-Vickers Show Trial
Number of people the gulags housed in 1934
1 million
Name of the informal group that had debated Stalin’s removal
Old Bolsheviks
Name of the person that led the Ryutin Platform
Martemyan Kyutin
Percentage of the Party branded as Ryutinites
Number of negative votes Stalin recieved at the 17th Party Congress
Number of people arrested during the Kirov Affair
6,500 including Zinoviev and Kamenev
Number of Party members expelled as anti-Leninist
Number of people found gulity in the Zinoviev and Kamenev show trial
16 with 160 accomplacies
Number of the high command that were executed
512 out of 767
Number of people on the ‘anti-Soviet’ arrest list
Number of cases reviewed at the end of the Great Purges
1.5 Million
Number of cases that were quashed at the end of the Great Purges
Number of Party members executed