Pre-Trial, Trial, Trial Preparations Flashcards
On what grounds may a pleading be struck out
- It is vexatious, scandalous or embarrassing
- It is an abuse of court process
- It disclosures no reasonable cause of action or defence
In Abuja when may a pleading be struck out
By Court at any stage of the proceedings.
ORDER 15 RULE 18(1)
In Lagos when may a pleading be struck out
By a judge at the Case management conference
What other actions besides from striking out may a Court take towards pleadings that fall under grounds of striking out
- Court may grant leave to amend pleadings
- Court may enter judgement for the plaintiff or defendant
- Court may make any other orders as it thinks fit
What is Demurrer?
It is an Old English Common Law Procedure where a party challenges the proceedings of the opposing party on a point of law. The defendant challenging cannot file a statement of defence as only challenging the facts in the statement of claim as insufficient to sustain a claim for relief.
This has been abolished an replaced with ‘proceedings in lieu of demurrer’.
What are proceedings in lieu of demurrer?
This replaced the old English Common Law Procedure of Demurrer. The new rules state that a party wanting to challenge the pleadings of the opposing party, can raise any point of law in his pleadings after which they may file a preliminary objection or a motion on notice.
CAVEAT - there are exceptions
Methods for bringing an application in proceedings in lieu of demurrer?
1) A motion on notice, affidavit, written address (when challenging on mixed facts and law) OR
2) A preliminary objection (when challenging on points of law alone)
Exceptions to proceedings in lieu of demurrer
Proceedings in lieu of demurrer will not apply in the issue of Substantive JURISDICTION, as that can be raised at any time.
The defendant can raise a preliminary objection without first filing a statement of defence if he contends that:
- The party who contends lacks locus standi
- Conditions precedent to the institution of an action were not fulfilled
- Action is statue barred
- Defendant claims immunity
- The writ and pleadings disclose no reasonable cause of action.
What are interrogatories (discovery of fact)
This is an extensive questioning of the opposing party in writing to obtain certain facts necessary to establish the party’s claim or defence but which the opposing party has exclusive knowledge/possession of
What is Discovery on oath of documents (inspection of documents & notice to produce) ?
A party may request in writing from the other party for discovery of documents when they need a document that is in custody or possession of the other party and which are relating to any matter in question in the case.
Procedure for delivering interrogatories
In Lagos, form for serving interrogatories must be Form 19. No need to file a motion
In Abuja, you file with Form 21 and leave of court must be sought by a motion on notice supported by affidavit and written address
Order 28 rule 1 – 3 Abuja
Order 26 rule 1-3 Lagos
When should interrogatories be delivered?
In Lagos & Abuja, within 7 days of close of pleadings
Order 28 rule 1 – 2 Abuja
Order 26 rule 1-2 Lagos
How and when are interrogatories answered in Lagos?
Within 7 days of the interrogatories being served on you.
Answer is by way of Affidavit. The affidavit would be in form 20
2 copies of the affidavit delivered to the Registrar
Order 26 rule 5-6 Lagos
How and when are interrogatories answered in Abuja?
Within 7 days of the interrogatories being served on you.
Answer is by way of Affidavit. The affidavit would be in form 22.
2 copies of the affidavit delivered to the Registrar
Order 28 rule 5-6 Abuja
When should the request for Discovery of documents be served?
In Lagos & Abuja, within 7 days of close of pleadings
Order 26 rule 8 Lagos;
Order 28 rule 8 Abuja
What is the consequence of failure to obey an order for interrogatories or discovery in Lagos
The party will be guilty of attachment (contempt of court) and this could mean prison
Where a Legal Practitioner has been served with interrogatories and fails notify his client, the LP would also be guilty of attachment
Order 26 rule 11 & 12 Lagos
What is the consequence of failure to obey an order for interrogatories or discovery in Abuja
Party can be guilty of cost and the lawyer will also be guilty of cost.
Order 28 rule 11 & 12 Abuja
Procedure for requesting discovery of documents in Lagos and Abuja?
In writing requesting any other party to make a discovery of documents on oath.
No formal application or leave of court is required
Order 26 rule 8 Lagos;
Order 28 rule 8 Abuja
How and when is the discovery answered in Abuja?
On oath within 7 days of the request or within such other time as the court may allow and it shall be dealt with at the Pre-trial Conference.
I.e. Answer by Affidavit in form 23 and Office copies of documents requested for must be attached to the affidavit.
Order 28 rule 8 Abuja
How and when is the discovery answered in Abuja?
On oath within 7 days of the request or within such other time as the court may allow and it shall be dealt with at the Case management Conference.
I.e. Answer by Affidavit in Form 21 and Office copies of documents requested for must be attached to the affidavit.
Order 26 rule 8 Lagos
What is notice to admit
An admission of the truth of the whole or part of the case of the opposing party
Order 19 Lagos & 20 Abuja allow any party 7 days before the first case management conference (Lagos) or Pre-trial Conference (Abuja) to serve a notice to admit facts or docs in writing to the other party and the party on whom the notice is served must file a response either admitting or not admitting within 4 days after service of the notice on him. Failure to admit will mean he is deemed to have admitted.
What is the effect of facts admitted in notice to admit?
Judgement may be entered in respect of admissions
Order 19 Lagos & 20 Abuja
What is settlement of issues
This is the procedure whereby the parties along with the court ascertain what the material questions in controversy are and settle it in form of issues for determination at trial
Order 27 Rule 1 Lagos;
Order 27 Rule 1 - 3 Abuja
When are parties required to define and file their issues in controversy for settlement of issues?
Within 7 days of the close of pleadings to the Registrar
Order 27 Rule 1 Lagos;
Order 27 Rule 1 - 3 Abuja
What happens if one party fails to comply with the process of settlement of issues?
Court will set the matter down for hearing with the issues set down by the other party
Order 27 Rule 1 Lagos;
Order 27 Rule 1 - 3 Abuja
What happens where parties differ in their issues in controversy for settlement of issues?
The Pre-trial judge or Case Management judge may settle the issues
Order 27 Rule 1 Lagos;
Order 27 Rule 1 - 3 Abuja
What court does a judge have the power to transfer a matter to
Any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction.
When can order for transfer of action be made?
- Lack of jurisdiction
- Conflict of interest or bias of the Judge
- Where a law provides (there are some statutes that state that matters commenced in some courts should be terminated immediately and taken to other court e.g. failed bank tribunal, BOVID act)
What happens when a matter is transferred?
The matter will start de novo and it will be deemed that the matter was properly filed in that court
Order 37 rule 1 Lagos;
Order 41 rule 1 Abuja 2018
What is consolidation of actions?
It means that two or more separate or distinct actions are now joined together to be tried together at the same time
When can order for consolidation be made?
- Same issues and
- Issues can be properly tried & determined at the same time (the parties may not necessarily be the same).
Order 37 rule 1 Lagos 2012; Order 41 rule 7 Abuja.
What is the Mode of application for consolidation?
Motion on notice supported by affidavit and written address
Order 43 rule 1 & 3 Abuja; Order 39 r 1&3 Lagos
What is the purpose of consolidation
1) To save time and cost
2) To ensure that the matter is dealt with expeditiously,
3) It helps to avoid multiplicity of actions.
See DIAB NASR v Complete Home Enterprises (Nig) ltd (1977) 5 SC p.1
What is Deconsolidation of actions
Where the court consolidates actions and finds out that it is no longer convenient to take all the matters together for example may be due to a counter claim.
An application to deconsolidate is brought by any party by motion on notice supported by affidavit and written address.
Can the court deconsolidate actions?
The law gives a trial Judge, or Judge whom consolidated cases are brought the nod to rescind an order of consolidation if the interest of justice dictates.
Attah v Nnacho (1965)
When do you apply for CMC notice in Lagos?
The claimant shall apply for CMC notice within 14 days of the close of pleadings.
Order 25 Lagos
When do you apply for Pre-trial notice in Abuja?
The claimant shall apply for Pre-trial notice within 7 days of the close of pleadings
Order 27 Abuja
What forms are CMC notices are issued with?
Form 17 accompanied with CMC information sheet in Form 18
Order 25 Lagos
What forms are Pre-trial notices are issued with?
Form 19 accompanied with Pre-trial information sheet in Form 20
Order 27 Abuja
When shall a CMC conclude and what does the judge do upon this?
Within 3 months of its commencement unless extended by the judge.
The judge shall issue a report upon conclusion of the conference
Order 25 Lagos
When shall the pre-trial conference conclude and what does the judge do upon this?
Within 30 days of its commencement unless extended by the judge
The judge shall issue a report upon conclusion of the conference
Order 27 Abuja
What happens where the claimant fails to apply for CMC/ pre-trial conference
The defendant may apply himself or he may apply for an order to dismiss the action
Order 25 Lagos; Order 27 Abuja
What happens if a party to fails to attend the CMC/ pre-trial conference or is uncooperative with the process?
- If the erring party is the claimant, the judge shall dismiss the claim
- If the defendant, the judge shall enter judgement against them
Order 25 Lagos; Order 27 Abuja
Can judgement given as a result of the party’s default be set aside?
Where a default judgement has been given under the CMC it can be set aside upon an application made within 7 days of the judgement
Order 25 Lagos; Order 27 Abuja