pre-school Flashcards
Identify 4 characteristics indicating readiness for Kindergarten.
Picks up after themselves, gets along without either parent for short periods, is less afraid, listens and follows directions, speaks in correct and complete sentences.
Identify 4 characteristics of the preschooler and death.
Egocentric thinking; think magically which causes them to feel guilty, shameful, and to sense punishment; interpret separation from parents as punishment for bad behavior; view dying as temporary since they have no concept of time – the dead person may still have attributes of the living (sleeping).
Identify Piaget’s cognitive theory of development.
Identify Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development.
Initiative vs guilt
What type of play does the toddler engage in?
Associative play – group play in similar or identical activities but without rigid organization or rules. Imitative, imaginative, and dramatic play. Mutual play; imaginary friends.
What type of discipline should parents utilize?
Use consistent disciplinary actions; try using time outs (1 minute per age); let the child know when time out is over.
Identify 3 health promotion concepts for the preschooler.
Use of helmets and other protective equipment; locking cabinets doors where cleaners or other toxic substances are stored; not leaving unattended when near water or in bathtubs; keeping firearms safely locked up; stranger danger; working smoke detectors in the home; use of sunscreen; thermostats turned down on hot water heaters; avoid lead exposure; plants should be kept out of reach; emergency phone numbers (poison control, physician, etc) should be kept near the phone; medications should be kept in child-proof containers.
What are three tips for ensuring childhood health and nutrition?
Schedule regular mealtimes; allow the child to participate in planning, preparation, serving and cleaning up of meals; maintain variety in diet; have nutritional snacks readily available; prepare mildly flavored single-food dishes; make sure child eats breakfast; encourage physical activity.
Identify 5 motor skills the preschooler develops.
Dresses without help; builds towers of blocks; copies circles and lines; uses scissors; strings large beads; throws a ball overhand; alternates feet on steps; hops on one foot; skips (age 5); develops hand dominance; employs the sandbox, water play, blocks, crayons, clay, and finger paints; jumps rope.
Identify 5 cognitive skills the preschooler develops.
Body image and differences; causality; time; letters; numbers; colors.
Why is dental care important for the preschooler?
The eruption of the deciduous teeth is complete and dental care is essential to preserve these temporary teeth and to teach good dental health habits.
Why is saying, “That was a bad thing to do” better than saying, “You were bad.”?
Preschoolers believe in the power of words and accept their meaning literally. Calling them bad means they are a bad person. Saying what they did was bad calls attention to their behavior rather than them as a person.
How does Kohlberg’s theory of moral development describe the behavior of the preschooler?
Young children’s development of moral judgment is at a basic level. They are beginning to understand behaviors in terms of what is socially acceptable. They are beginning to conform behavior based on reward and punishment.
What is the rate of growth of the preschooler?
Gain about 4.5-6.5 pounds/year and about 2-3 inches/year.
What is the reason for an increased number of infections in the pre-school years?
Attendance at day care or nursery school increases the child’s contact with peers and the incidence of infection.